Exemplo n.º 1
def fixStackTraces(inputFilename, isZipped, opener):
    # This append() call is needed to make the import statements work when this
    # script is installed as a symlink.

    bpsyms = os.environ.get("BREAKPAD_SYMBOLS_PATH", None)
    sysname = platform.system()
    if bpsyms and os.path.exists(bpsyms):
        import fix_stack_using_bpsyms as fixModule

        fix = lambda line: fixModule.fixSymbols(line, bpsyms)
    elif sysname == "Linux":
        import fix_linux_stack as fixModule

        fix = lambda line: fixModule.fixSymbols(line)
    elif sysname == "Darwin":
        import fix_macosx_stack as fixModule

        fix = lambda line: fixModule.fixSymbols(line)
        fix = None  # there is no fix script for Windows

    if fix:
        # Fix stacks, writing output to a temporary file, and then
        # overwrite the original file.
        tmpFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

        # If the input is gzipped, then the output (written initially to
        # |tmpFile|) should be gzipped as well.
        # And we want to set its pre-gzipped filename to '' rather than the
        # name of the temporary file, so that programs like the Unix 'file'
        # utility don't say that it was called 'tmp6ozTxE' (or something like
        # that) before it was zipped. So that explains the |filename=''|
        # parameter.
        # But setting the filename like that clobbers |tmpFile.name|, so we
        # must get that now in order to move |tmpFile| at the end.
        tmpFilename = tmpFile.name
        if isZipped:
            tmpFile = gzip.GzipFile(filename="", fileobj=tmpFile)

        with opener(inputFilename, "rb") as inputFile:
            for line in inputFile:


        shutil.move(tmpFilename, inputFilename)
Exemplo n.º 2
def fixStackTraces(inputFilename, isZipped, opener):
    # This append() call is needed to make the import statements work when this
    # script is installed as a symlink.

    bpsyms = os.environ.get('BREAKPAD_SYMBOLS_PATH', None)
    sysname = platform.system()
    if bpsyms and os.path.exists(bpsyms):
        import fix_stack_using_bpsyms as fixModule
        fix = lambda line: fixModule.fixSymbols(line, bpsyms)
    elif sysname == 'Linux':
        import fix_linux_stack as fixModule
        fix = lambda line: fixModule.fixSymbols(line)
    elif sysname == 'Darwin':
        import fix_macosx_stack as fixModule
        fix = lambda line: fixModule.fixSymbols(line)
        fix = None  # there is no fix script for Windows

    if fix:
        # Fix stacks, writing output to a temporary file, and then
        # overwrite the original file.
        tmpFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)

        # If the input is gzipped, then the output (written initially to
        # |tmpFile|) should be gzipped as well.
        # And we want to set its pre-gzipped filename to '' rather than the
        # name of the temporary file, so that programs like the Unix 'file'
        # utility don't say that it was called 'tmp6ozTxE' (or something like
        # that) before it was zipped. So that explains the |filename=''|
        # parameter.
        # But setting the filename like that clobbers |tmpFile.name|, so we
        # must get that now in order to move |tmpFile| at the end.
        tmpFilename = tmpFile.name
        if isZipped:
            tmpFile = gzip.GzipFile(filename='', fileobj=tmpFile)

        with opener(inputFilename, 'rb') as inputFile:
            for line in inputFile:


        shutil.move(tmpFilename, inputFilename)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def fixSymbol(address):
   addr = ((int(address, 0) - self.start + self.offset) & ~1) - 1
   # the 'x' in '0x' must be lower case, all others must be upper case
   addr_str =  "0x{:X}".format(addr)
   libname = os.path.basename(self.host_name)
   line = "[" + libname + " +" + addr_str + "]"
   symbol = fixSymbols(line, self.bp_symbols_path)
   if symbol == line:
     return "??"
   if symbol[-1] == "\n":
     symbol = symbol[:-1]
   return symbol.split()[0] + " (in " + self.target_name + ")"
def test_fix_Symbols_missing_symbol():
    line = '#01: foobar[{:s}foo.{:s} +0xfc258]\n'
    result = '#01: foo.{:s} + 0xfc258\n'
    if platform.system() == "Windows":
        line = line.format('C:\\application\\firefox\\', 'dll')
        result = result.format('dll')
        line = line.format('/home/firerox/', 'so', '')
        result = result.format('so')

    output = fixSymbols(line, '.')
    assert output == result
Exemplo n.º 5
 def fixSymbol(address):
   addr = fixupAddress(self, address)
   # the 'x' in '0x' must be lower case, all others must be upper case
   addr_str =  formatAddress(addr)
   libname = os.path.basename(self.host_name)
   line = "[" + libname + " +" + addr_str + "]"
   symbol = fixSymbols(line, self.symbols_path)
   if symbol == line:
     return "??"
   if symbol[-1] == "\n":
     symbol = symbol[:-1]
   # Absolute source path ends up in a long string,
   # take only the source file with line number.
   # When the symbol is resolved with source path,
   # the symbol format is:
   #   <function-name> [<source-path>:<line>]
   match = symbol_path_matcher.match(symbol)
   if match:
     symbol, source_path = match.group(1, 2)
     source_file = os.path.basename(source_path)
     symbol += " @ " + source_file
   return symbol + " (in " + self.target_name + ")"
Exemplo n.º 6
 def fixSymbol(address):
   addr = fixupAddress(self, address)
   # the 'x' in '0x' must be lower case, all others must be upper case
   addr_str =  formatAddress(addr)
   libname = os.path.basename(self.host_name)
   line = "[" + libname + " +" + addr_str + "]"
   symbol = fixSymbols(line, self.symbols_path)
   if symbol == line:
     return "??"
   if symbol[-1] == "\n":
     symbol = symbol[:-1]
   # Absolute source path ends up in a long string,
   # take only the source file with line number.
   # When the symbol is resolved with source path,
   # the symbol format is:
   #   <function-name> [<source-path>:<line>]
   match = symbol_path_matcher.match(symbol)
   if match:
     symbol, source_path = match.group(1, 2)
     source_file = os.path.basename(source_path)
     symbol += " @ " + source_file
   return symbol + " (in " + self.target_name + ")"
Exemplo n.º 7
 def fix(line):
     return fixModule.fixSymbols(line)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def waitForFinish(self, proc, utilityPath, timeout, maxTime, startTime, debuggerInfo, symbolsPath):
        """ Look for timeout or crashes and return the status after the process terminates """
        stackFixerFunction = None
        didTimeout = False
        hitMaxTime = False
        if proc.stdout is None:
            self.log.info("TEST-INFO: Not logging stdout or stderr due to debugger connection")
            logsource = proc.stdout

            if self.IS_DEBUG_BUILD and symbolsPath and os.path.exists(symbolsPath):
                # Run each line through a function in fix_stack_using_bpsyms.py (uses breakpad symbol files)
                # This method is preferred for Tinderbox builds, since native symbols may have been stripped.
                sys.path.insert(0, utilityPath)
                import fix_stack_using_bpsyms as stackFixerModule

                stackFixerFunction = lambda line: stackFixerModule.fixSymbols(line, symbolsPath)
                del sys.path[0]
            elif self.IS_DEBUG_BUILD and self.IS_MAC:
                # Run each line through a function in fix_macosx_stack.py (uses atos)
                sys.path.insert(0, utilityPath)
                import fix_macosx_stack as stackFixerModule

                stackFixerFunction = lambda line: stackFixerModule.fixSymbols(line)
                del sys.path[0]
            elif self.IS_DEBUG_BUILD and self.IS_LINUX:
                # Run each line through a function in fix_linux_stack.py (uses addr2line)
                # This method is preferred for developer machines, so we don't have to run "make buildsymbols".
                sys.path.insert(0, utilityPath)
                import fix_linux_stack as stackFixerModule

                stackFixerFunction = lambda line: stackFixerModule.fixSymbols(line)
                del sys.path[0]

            # With metro browser runs this script launches the metro test harness which launches the browser.
            # The metro test harness hands back the real browser process id via log output which we need to
            # pick up on and parse out. This variable tracks the real browser process id if we find it.
            browserProcessId = -1

            (line, didTimeout) = self.readWithTimeout(logsource, timeout)
            while line != "" and not didTimeout:
                if stackFixerFunction:
                    line = stackFixerFunction(line)
                self.log.info(line.rstrip().decode("UTF-8", "ignore"))
                if "TEST-START" in line and "|" in line:
                    self.lastTestSeen = line.split("|")[1].strip()
                if not debuggerInfo and "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL" in line and "Test timed out" in line:

                (line, didTimeout) = self.readWithTimeout(logsource, timeout)

                if not hitMaxTime and maxTime and datetime.now() - startTime > timedelta(seconds=maxTime):
                    # Kill the application.
                    hitMaxTime = True
                        "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application ran for longer than allowed maximum time of %d seconds",
                    self.killAndGetStack(proc.pid, utilityPath, debuggerInfo)
            if didTimeout:
                if line:
                    self.log.info(line.rstrip().decode("UTF-8", "ignore"))
                    "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | application timed out after %d seconds with no output",
                if browserProcessId == -1:
                    browserProcessId = proc.pid
                self.killAndGetStack(browserProcessId, utilityPath, debuggerInfo)

        status = proc.wait()
        automationutils.printstatus(status, "Main app process")
        if status == 0:
            self.lastTestSeen = "Main app process exited normally"
        if status != 0 and not didTimeout and not hitMaxTime:
            self.log.info("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | Exited with code %d during test run", self.lastTestSeen, status)
        return status
Exemplo n.º 9
        def fix(line): return fixModule.fixSymbols(line, jsonEscape=True)

Exemplo n.º 10
        def fix(line): return fixModule.fixSymbols(line, jsonEscape=True)

    elif sysname == 'Darwin':
Exemplo n.º 11
 def fix(line):
     return fixModule.fixSymbols(line, bpsyms, jsonEscape=True)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def fix(line):
     return fixModule.fixSymbols(line, jsonMode=True)
Exemplo n.º 13
     def fix(line): return fixModule.fixSymbols(line)
 elif sysname == 'Darwin':
Exemplo n.º 14
     def fix(line): return fixModule.fixSymbols(line, bpsyms)
 elif sysname == 'Linux':
def test_fixSymbols_non_stack_line():
    line = 'foobar\n'
    res = fixSymbols(line, '.')
    assert res == line