def test_with_failing_command(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Handle the case where a command returns non-zero exit status """ executable_factory('nd-my-command', '#!/bin/bash\nexit 1') with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert 'my-command <help not found>' in message
def test_with_command_with_empty_help(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Handle the case where help returns empty string """ executable_factory('nd-my-command', make_help_command('')) with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert 'my-command <help not found>' in message
def test_with_namespace(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Running help on a namespace shows help for each command in the namespace """ executable_factory('nd-my-namespace~my-command', make_help_command('my help message')) with readout() as message: help.main(['nd', 'my-namespace']) assert 'my-namespace my-command my help message' in message
def test_parses_nonargparse_generated_help(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Print help for all commands parses descriptions from generic commands' --help """ executable_factory('nd-my-command', make_help_command('my help message')) with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert 'my-command my help message' in message
def test_calls_commands_with_help_flag(self, executable_factory, readout, run_as_child): """ Print help for all commands parses descriptions from generic commands' --help """ executable_factory('nd-my-command', '#!/bin/echo') with readout() as message: run_as_child(help.main, ['nd', 'my-command']) assert '--help' in message
def test_slow_help_is_skipped(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Skip printing help info for a slow help """ executable_factory('nd-my-command', '#!/usr/bin/env bash\nsleep 10\necho my help message') with readout() as message: with mock.patch.object(help, 'HELP_TIMEOUT', 0): help.main(['nd']) assert 'my-command <help not found>' in message
def test_with_no_args(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Running help without a command or namespace prints help of commands on path """ executable_factory('nd-my-namespace~my-command', make_help_command('my help message')) with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert 'Showing help for all' in message assert 'my-namespace my-command my help message' in message
def test_excludes_completion_commands(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Doesn't report autocompletion scripts """ executable_factory('nd-my-command') executable_factory('nd-my-command.completion') executable_factory('') with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert 'my-command' in message assert 'my-command.completion' not in message
def test_excluded_command(self, executable_factory, monkeypatch, readout): """ Help returns an error when applied to excluded commands. """ monkeypatch.setenv('BUCKLE_HELP_OPTS_ND', '-X nd-my-excluded-command') executable_factory('nd-my-included-command') executable_factory('nd-my-excluded-command', '#!/bin/echo\nFAIL') with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert 'my-included-command' in message assert 'my-excluded-command' not in message
def test_parses_argparse_generated_help(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Print help for all commands parses argparse's description from its generated help """ executable_factory('nd-my-command', make_help_command("""\ usage: ... my help message"""), dedent=False) with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert 'my-command my help message' in message
def test_dot_commands_run_only_once(self, executable_factory, monkeypatch, readout): """ Handle the dot command appearing multiple times on path by running it only once """ tmp_path = executable_factory( '', '#!/bin/bash\necho my dot command output') monkeypatch.setenv('PATH', tmp_path, prepend=':') with readout() as output: self.command.run_dot_commands([], '', []) assert output == 'my dot command output\n'
def test_child_dot_commands_do_not_run(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Dot commands in child namespaces do not get called """ executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho parent dot command output') executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho child dot command output') with readout() as output: self.command.run_dot_commands([], '', []) assert output == 'parent dot command output\n'
def test_dot_commands_run_alphabetically(self, executable_factory, readout): """ All dot commands for the given namespace should run in alphabetical order """ executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho dot command C output') executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho dot command A output') executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho dot command B output') with readout() as output: self.command.run_dot_commands([], '', []) assert output == 'dot command A output\ndot command B output\ndot command C output\n'
def test_runs_with_passed_command_and_args(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Dot Commands are called with the called command and its args """ executable_factory( '', """\ #!/bin/bash echo $1 echo $2 echo $3""") with readout() as output: self.command.run_dot_commands(['my-namespace'], 'my-command', ['arg1', 'arg2']) assert output == 'my-namespace my-command\narg1\narg2\n'
def test_dot_commands_disabled_option(self, disable_clock_check, disable_update, executable_factory, readout, run_as_child): """ Ignore dot commands before the given command if option is set in toolbelt """ executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho my dot command output') executable_factory('nd-my-command', '#!/bin/bash\necho my command output') with readout() as output: run_as_child(base.main, ['buckle', '--skip-dot-commands', 'my-command']) assert output == 'my command output\n'
def test_without_columns_envvar(self, executable_factory, monkeypatch, readout): """ Running help on a namespace shows help for each command in the namespace """ monkeypatch.delenv('COLUMNS') with mock.patch.object(os, 'popen') as popen: = '30 40' executable_factory('nd-my-command', make_help_command('my really really really long help message')) with readout() as message: help.main(['nd']) assert '...' in message popen.assert_called_with('stty size', 'r')
def test_dot_commands_run_in_order_of_namespace(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Dot commands in parent namespaces run before its children """ executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho parent dot command output') executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho child dot command output') executable_factory('', '#!/bin/bash\necho grandchild dot command output') with readout() as output: self.command.run_dot_commands(['my-namespace', 'subnamespace'], '', []) assert output == ( 'parent dot command output\nchild dot command output\n' 'grandchild dot command output\n')
def test_output_is_sorted_alphabetically_by_namespace(self, executable_factory, readout): """ Help returns an error when applied to excluded commands. """ executable_factory('nd-my-a-command') executable_factory('nd-my-z-command') executable_factory('nd-my-a-namespace~my-command') executable_factory('nd-my-namespace~my-subnamespace~my-command') executable_factory('nd-my-z-namespace~my-command') with readout() as output: help.main(['nd']) message = str(output) assert (message.index('my-a-command') < message.index('my-z-command') < message.index('my-a-namespace my-command') < message.index('my-namespace my-subnamespace my-command') < message.index('my-z-namespace my-command'))