Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_get(self):
     aliases = ['GuntersSpacePage', 'SETIInstitute']
     url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/GuntersSpacePage/posts?' + FBStore.generate_token()
     response = urllib.urlopen(url)
     response = json.loads(response.read())
     if 'error' not in response.keys():
         print response
         print spot_urls(response['data'][0]['message'])
         print response['error']['message'], response['error']['type']
Exemplo n.º 2
    def store_fb_post(cls, alias, obj):
        Store a FB post, and its links
        :param obj: a post as a dict from the FB API
        from flankers.tools import spot_urls

        if 'message' in obj.keys():
            title = obj['id'].split('_')[1]
            url = 'https://www.facebook.com/' + alias + '/posts/' + title
            if cls.query().filter(cls.url == url).count() == 0:
                published = str(obj['created_time'][0:19])
                published = time.strptime(published, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                published = datetime(*published[:6])
                # store id > title, created_time > published, message > abstract

                abstract = obj['message'].replace('\n', '')
                abstract = " ".join(abstract.strip().split())

                w = WebResource(url=url, title=title, abstract=abstract, published=published,
                                type_of='fb', in_graph=False)
                k = w.put()
                print "fb post stored"

                spotted = spot_urls(obj['message'])
                if spotted:
                    for s in spotted:
                        if cls.query().filter(cls.url == s).count() == 0:
                            # store contained link as child
                            l = WebResource(url=s, published=published, parent=k, title='', abstract='', type_of='link')
                            print "link stored"
                return w