Exemplo n.º 1
def run():

    # not really working
    #sys.stdout = open( "output/%s.stdout" % mpi.rank, "w" )
    #sys.stderr = open( "output/%s.stderr" % mpi.rank, "w" )

    #debugFile.openfile("output/%s" % mpi.rank, "w") # of = open( "output/%s" % mpi.rank, "w" )
    #debugFile.write("%s\n"% sys.argv )

    global tileConfig
    print "args:", sys.argv

    #streamProtocol = StreamProtocols.FLX_H261
    streamProtocol = StreamProtocols.CELERITAS_TCP_RAW

    # Parse options:
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config",
                     help="Specify a tiled display config file.")
    parser.add_option("", "--loadAllMovieTiles", action="store_true",
        dest="loadAllMovieTiles", default=False,
        help="Have all tiles load all movie tiles so movie can be dragged around.")
    parser.add_option("", "--allowFrameSkip", action="store_false",
        dest="allowFrameSkip", default=True,
        help="Allow movies to skip frames (automatic with --loadAllTiles).")
    parser.add_option("--stream", action="append", dest="stream",
                     help="Specify a stream to receive.")
    parser.add_option("--groupedStream", action="append", dest="groupedStream",
                     help="Specify a stream to receive.")
    parser.add_option("--hostnames", dest="hostnames",
                     help="Force list of hostnames/confignames.  mpi id used to index the list.")
    parser.add_option("--streamColsRows", dest="streamColsRows", 
                     help="Specify columns and rows for streams (in one/each network location).")
    parser.add_option("--streamGroupsColsRows", dest="streamGroupsColsRows", 
                     help="Specify columns and rows for network locations.")
    parser.add_option("--scale", dest="movieScale", 
                     help="Specify scale for movie playback.")
    parser.add_option("--sequence", action="append", dest="sequences", 
                     help="Specify sequence of movies. (comma separated)")
    parser.add_option("--plant", dest="plant", action="store_true",
                     help="Plant a stream so it can't move (allows streaming optimizations).")
    parser.add_option("--streamSize", action="append", dest="streamSize",
                     help="Specify a stream size.")
    parser.add_option("--pos", action="append", dest="positions",
                     help="Specify an object position.")
    parser.add_option("--layout", action="append", dest="layouts",
                     help="Specify layout of objects.")
    parser.add_option("--movieLayout", action="append", dest="movieLayouts",
                     help="Specify layout of tiles in a movie.")
    parser.add_option("--inputhost", dest="inputHost",
                     help="Airstream server hostname.")
    parser.add_option("--inputport", dest="inputPort",
                     help="Airstream server port.")
    #parser.add_option("--streamRects", action="append", dest="streamRects",
    #                       default=None,
    #                 help="Specify streamRects.")

    options, sysArgs = parser.parse_args()

    if options.allowFrameSkip or options.loadAllMovieTiles:
        allowFrameSkip = True
    movieScale = None
    if options.movieScale != None:
        movieScale = options.movieScale.split("x")[:2]
        if len(movieScale) < 2:
            raise Exception("--scale option should be in this format: --scale=2.0x2.0")
        movieScale = float(movieScale[0]), float(movieScale[1])

    movieSequences = []

    if options.sequences != None:
        for sequence in options.sequences:
            paths = sequence.split(",")

    if options.streamColsRows != None:
        options.streamColsRows = options.streamColsRows.split("x")
        options.streamColsRows = [ int(i) for i in options.streamColsRows ]
        if len(options.streamColsRows) < 2:
            raise Exception("--streamColsRows needs to be in the format \"3x2\"")
        #print "COLS ROWS:", options.streamColsRows, type(options.streamColsRows[0])

    if options.streamGroupsColsRows != None:
        options.streamGroupsColsRows = options.streamGroupsColsRows.split("x")
        options.streamGroupsColsRows = [ int(i) for i in options.streamGroupsColsRows ]
        if len(options.streamGroupsColsRows) < 2:
            raise Exception("--streamGroupsColsRows needs to be in the format \"3x2\"")

    if options.streamSize != None:
        tmp = []
        for pair in options.streamSize:
            if len(pair.split("x")) != 2:
                raise Exception("--streamSize needs to be in the format \"600x400\" or \"600x400\",\"500x300\"")
            x,y = pair.split("x")
            tmp.append( (int(x),int(y)) )
        options.streamSize = tmp

    if options.positions != None:
        tmp = []
        for p in options.positions: 
            if len(p.split("x")) != 2:
                raise Exception("--pos needs to be in the format \"100x200\" or \"200x300\",\"100x300\"")
            x,y = p.split("x")
            tmp.append( (int(x),int(y)) )
        options.positions = tmp
    global gPositionsIndex
    gPositionsIndex = 0

    if (gFlxStreamingSupported and not gCeleritasStreamingSupported):
        options.streamSizes = [(352,288)]  # H.261 for now.

    print dir(options), type(options), options.__class__
    if hasattr(options, "config") and getattr(options, "config"):
        from configLoader import LoadConfigPy
        tileConfig = LoadConfigPy(getattr(options,"config"))
        raise Exception("Please specify the config file on the cmd-line with -c")
        # Older method:
        #if mpi.procs == 2:
        #    tileConfig = CreateLocal2TestConfig()
        #    tileConfig = CreateLocalTestConfig()
        # SaveConfig(tileConfig, "amConfigTmp.txt")
        # tileConfig = LoadConfig("amConfigTmp.txt") # important to load from file so all nodes have the same tileIds.

    setupLocalConfig(tileConfig, options) 
    print gethostname(), machineDesc.hostname, localRects, absoluteRects
    #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024), Rect(1280,0, 1280,1024)]
    #rects = [Rect(0,0,1280,1024)]

    if len(localWindows) == 0:
        os.environ["DISPLAY"] = ":0.0"
        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "0,0"
        #windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320
        #windowWidth = 3840 # 1280# 320
        windowWidth = 2560 # 1280# 320
        windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280
        #windowWidth = 1280 # 1280# 320
        #windowHeight = 1024 # 1024 # 280
        print "POSA:", os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS']
        # There is currently only one "localWindow" per process.
        #   All tiles are within the same localWindow. We can get get
        #   this window simply from any tile's config for a machine.
        os.environ["DISPLAY"] = localWindows[0].getDisplayStr()
        print "Local windows offset:", localWindows[0].getOffset()
        os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = "%s,%s" % (localWindows[0].getOffset())
        print "POS:", os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS']
        windowWidth = localWindows[0].rect.width
        windowHeight = localWindows[0].rect.height

    # print gethostname(), mpi.rank, "DISPLAY SIZE:", windowWidth, windowHeight

    fullRightBoundary = fullRect.width

    #imageFilename = sys.argv[1]

    app = App(windowWidth, windowHeight)

    # app state contains a few things such as the exitFlag that 
    #    will be synced from the master state.
    app.state.exitNextFrame = False

    visualsManager = VisualsManager()

    ### Setup Renderers
    renderers = []
    for i in range(len(localRects)):
        displayRect  = localRects[i]
        if i == 0:
            renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True, firstRenderer=True)
            #renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.9, .4, .4), clearDepth=False))
            renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.0, .0, .0), clearDepth=False))
            renderer = glRenderer2D(multipleRenderers=True)
            #renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.4, .9, .4), clearDepth=False))
            renderer.addFrameSetupObj(ScreenClearer(color=(.0, .0, .0), clearDepth=False))


    for i in range(len(localRects)):
        print "SETTING RECT:", localRects[i]
        renderers[i].init(app.width, app.height, viewportRect=localRects[i])


    #box = glBox()
    masterObjects = []
    objectsListList = [] # first object in each tuple on master node is source for all others

    #for i in range(len(renderers)):
    def CreateObj(imageFilename, imagePos=(2000,500), obj=None, scale=None, objDesc=None, gridColsRows=None, netGridColsRows=None, plant=False):
      if None == objDesc:
        objDesc = ObjDesc(ObjType.UNSPECIFIED)
      boxes = []
      for i in range(len(renderers)):
        absRect = absoluteRects[i]
        locRect = localRects[i]
        renderer = renderers[i]
        if obj == None:
            if objDesc.type == ObjType.STREAM:
                #box = CreateTileDisplayStreamObject(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), pos=imagePos, absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=True, scale=scale)
                box = CreateGroupTileDisplayStreamObject(imageFilename, objDesc, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), pos=imagePos, absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=True, scale=scale, gridColsRows=gridColsRows)
            elif objDesc.type == ObjType.GROUPED_STREAM:
                    box = CreateMultiNetGroupTileDisplayStreamObject(imageFilename, objDesc, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), pos=imagePos, absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=True, scale=scale, gridColsRows=gridColsRows, netGridColsRows=netGridColsRows, plant=plant )
            elif objDesc.type == ObjType.TILED_MOVIE_WITH_LAYOUT:
                    box = CreateTiledMovieObjectFromLayout(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), pos=imagePos, absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect, loadAllMovieTiles=options.loadAllMovieTiles, scale=scale, allowFrameSkip=allowFrameSkip)
                    import traceback
            else: # objDesc.type.UNSPECIFIED
                #box = glTxtrBox(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), imagePos=imagePos, absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=True)
                box = CreateTileDisplayObject(imageFilename, screenRect=Rect(0,0,locRect.width, locRect.height), pos=imagePos, absRect= absRect, fullRect=fullRect, blend=True, loadAllMovieTiles=options.loadAllMovieTiles, scale=scale, allowFrameSkip=allowFrameSkip)
            box = obj

        # to scale, change the geometry and the txtr coords: imageSize and
        #box.imageSize = (box.imageSize[0]*2, box.imageSize[1]*2)


        #box.easyTexture.setOffset( (absRect.x % float(box.easyTexture.getWidth())) / box.easyTexture.getWidth(),
        #                           (absRect.y % float(box.easyTexture.getHeight())) / box.easyTexture.getHeight() )

        # box.easyTexture.setWidth( float(locRect.width) / float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) )

        #zoom = (0.5,1)
        #box.easyTexture.setZoom(zoom[0], zoom[1])
        #box.easyTexture.setOffset(absRect.x * zoom[0] ,absRect.y * zoom[1])
        #box.easyTexture.setZoom(float(box.easyTexture.getWidth()) / localRect.width,
        #                        float(box.easyTexture.getHeight()) / localRect.height )
        # scale offset back by zoom   (offset is between 0 and 1)
        #box.easyTexture.setOffset( float(rect.x) / fullRect.width * box.easyTexture.getWidth(),
        #                           float(rect.y) / fullRect.height * box.easyTexture.getHeight())

        app.addDynamicObject(box, addToRenderer=False)

        if i == 0 and mpi.rank == 0:

      if objDesc.type==ObjType.STREAM: # setup network reception for one machine
          if StreamProtocols.FLX_H261 == streamProtocol:
              from streamView import StreamView, StartStreamViewLoop, StreamState
          elif StreamProtocols.CELERITAS_TCP_RAW == streamProtocol:
              from streamViewCeleritas import StreamView, StartStreamViewLoop, StreamState
              raise Exception("Unhandled stream format: %s" % streamProtocol)
          numStreamStates = boxes[0].getNumStreams()
          streamStateList = []
          for i in range(numStreamStates):
              streamState = StreamState()
              streamState.printInterval = 0 # disable extra prints for now
          def nop(nameList):
          #streamStateList = [streamState]
          address = imageFilename

          if StreamProtocols.FLX_H261 == streamProtocol:
              StartStreamViewLoop(address, streamStateList, [ x.reorder for x in boxes ])  #call reorder on each group stream obj
          else: # CELERITAS_RAW_TCP for now
              address, streamPort = address.split("/")
              streamPort = int(streamPort)
              StartStreamViewLoop(address, streamPort, objDesc.streamWidth, objDesc.streamHeight, streamStateList, [ x.reorder for x in boxes ])  #call reorder on each group stream obj
          for box in boxes:  # add the gui objects for each display on the machine.
      elif objDesc.type==ObjType.GROUPED_STREAM: # setup network reception for one machine
          if StreamProtocols.FLX_H261 == streamProtocol:
              from streamView import StreamView, StartStreamViewLoop, StreamState
          elif StreamProtocols.CELERITAS_TCP_RAW == streamProtocol:
              from streamViewCeleritas import StreamView, StartStreamViewLoop, StreamState
              raise Exception("Unhandled stream format: %s" % streamProtocol)
          # Want to avoid creating duplicate streamStates for the same address
          #   keep a dict of address -> streamState
          print "ADDRESS:", imageFilename
          addressStateDict = {}  # address: streamStateList
          addressReorderCallbacks = {}  # address: [callbacks]
          for box in boxes:  # add the gui objects for each display on the machine.
              for child in box.getChildren(): #box is a GroupObject holding GroupTiledStreamObject
                  # creating stream states for children
                  if isinstance(child, GroupTiledStreamObject):
                      numStreamStatesForChild = child.getNumStreams() # num streams per net conn.
                      if child.address not in addressStateDict:
                          streamStateList = []
                          for i in range(numStreamStatesForChild):
                              streamState = StreamState()
                              streamState.printInterval = 0 # disable extra prints for now
                          def nop(nameList):
                          # store streamStateList for network address
                          addressStateDict[child.address] = streamStateList
                          if child.address not in addressReorderCallbacks:
                              addressReorderCallbacks[child.address] = []
                          streamStateList = addressStateDict[child.address]

                      # store reorder callback for this object
                  #    pass # Null placeholder object, don't setup a stream
          #for address,streamStateList in addressStateDict.items():
          for address in imageFilename:  # import to iterate through addresses in this order
              if address in addressStateDict:
                  streamStateList = addressStateDict[address]
                  reorderCallbacks = addressReorderCallbacks[address]
                  print "***** STARTING:|%s|"% address, type(address)
                  #time.sleep(0.1) # FIXME, intead, need add a "ready" callback from 
                                  # pyRTP once thread is setup.
                  address, streamPort = address.split("/")
                  streamPort = int(streamPort)
                  StartStreamViewLoop(address, streamPort, objDesc.streamWidth, objDesc.streamHeight, streamStateList, reorderCallbacks)  #call reorder on each group stream obj

          for box in boxes:
              for child in box.getChildren():
                  if isinstance(child, GroupTiledStreamObject):
                      streamStateList = addressStateDict[child.address]

      print "CREATED OBJS:", len(boxes), boxes

      return boxes

    obj = CreateObj(imageFilename, (0,0))
    obj = CreateObj("/home/eolson/public_html/vl3/20071116/B/Screenshot-VL3 Application-B0250.png", imagePos=(3200,400))
    obj = CreateObj("/home/eolson/public_html/vl3/20071116/A/Screenshot-VL3 Application-600.png", imagePos=(800,1700))
    obj = CreateObj("/home/eolson/public_html/vl3/20070123/vl3_20070123_142002.png", imagePos=(100,800))
    obj = CreateObj("/home/eolson/public_html/vl3/20061109/vl3_20061109_161226.png", imagePos=(4500,2000))
    obj = CreateObj("/home/eolson/public_html/vl3/20080402paper/vl3_nodes.png", imagePos=(0,0))
    obj = CreateObj("/home/eolson/am-macs/data/pic8.png", imagePos=(4200,0))
    #obj = CreateObj("/home/eolson/am-macs/data/trim.png", imagePos=(4200,0))

    #imageDir = '/homes/turam/tiledDisplayImages'
    #imageDir = '/homes/eolson/am-macs/data/images'
    #defaultImageDir = '/homes/eolson/am-macs/data/largeImages'
    defaultImageDir = '/homes/eolson/data/largeImages'
    #imageDir = '/home/eolson/am-macs/data/kuhlmann'

    # let command line arg override the image path.
    #if len(sys.argv) > 1 and os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): #  and os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]):
    #    imageDir = sys.argv[1]
    if len(sysArgs) > 0 and os.path.exists(sysArgs[0]): #  and os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]):
        imageDir = sysArgs[0]

    if options.stream == None and options.groupedStream == None and imageDir == None:
        imageDir = defaultImageDir  # make sure we try to show something on the screen.

    print "image path to load:", imageDir

    def IsValidDataType(path):
        recognizedExtensions = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "tga", "gif", "rgb", "rgba", "sgi", "mpg", "mp4", "mov", "vob", "ogv", "avi", "tdmovie"]
        extension = (path.split(".")[-1]).lower()

        if extension in recognizedExtensions and not path.startswith("._"):
            return True
            return False

    def loadImageOrMovie(objPath, pos=None):
        if None == objPath:
            return None
        thisObjScale = movieScale
        if "NOAA_TEST.tdmovie" in objPath: # FIXME, add per object scale options
            thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        elif "HeadHeartLiver2.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [1.2, 1.2]
        elif "jai-head2.mp4" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [3.0, 3.0]
        elif "FOAM.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [1.8, 1.8]
        #elif "NEW_DWARF.tdmovie" in objPath:
        #    thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        #elif "VORTICITY.tdmovie" in objPath:
        #    thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        elif "FUZZY.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        #elif "FISCHER.tdmovie" in objPath:
        #    thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        #elif "DWARF.tdmovie" in objPath:
        #    thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        elif "BGL.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        elif "enzo-b4096_2.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [1.4, 1.4]
        elif "Enzo-4096-Evo-res4096x2304.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [1.4, 1.4]
        elif "Enzo-4096-SC09-res4096x2304.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [1.3, 1.3]
        elif "fischer_movie01.tdmovie" in objPath:
            thisObjScale = [1.0, 1.0]
            #if None == options.positions:
            #    options.positions = [ (0, -1000) ]
        elif "FISCHER_MOVIE01" in objPath:
            if None == options.positions:
                options.positions = [ (0, -100) ]
        #elif "enzo-b4096" in objPath:
        #    thisObjScale = [2.0, 2.0]
        if objPath != None and os.path.exists(objPath):
            if IsValidDataType(objPath):  # some data types are directories
                print "Creating Obj:", objPath
                #if None == pos:
                #    pos = (0,30)
                if IsTiledMoviePath(objPath):
                    movieDims = GetTiledMoviePathDims(objPath)
                    # center obj since there's only one
                    if thisObjScale != None:
                        #pos = [2500 + fullRect.width / 2 - movieDims[0] / 2 * movieScale[0], fullRect.height / 2  - movieDims[1] / 2 * movieScale[1]]
                        if None == pos:
                            pos = [fullRect.width / 2. - movieDims[0] / 2. * thisObjScale[0], fullRect.height / 2.  - movieDims[1] / 2. * thisObjScale[1]]
                            print "Pos is not None, not recentering movie"
                        if None == pos:
                            pos = [fullRect.width / 2. - movieDims[0] / 2., fullRect.height / 2. - movieDims[1] / 2.]
                    print "Recentered Movie position is:", pos, "movieDims:", movieDims, "full display rect:", fullRect
                elif IsImagePath(objPath):
                    f = Image.open(objPath)
                    imageDims = f.size
                    if None == pos:
                        pos = [fullRect.width / 2 - imageDims[0] / 2, fullRect.height / 2 - imageDims[1] / 2]
                print "SCALE !!!", thisObjScale
                obj = CreateObj(objPath, imagePos=pos, scale=thisObjScale)
                if obj != None:
                print "Path is not to a single data file/data item"
                if os.path.isdir(objPath):
                    imageList = os.listdir(objPath)
                else: # just one image
                    imageList = [objPath]
                    objPath = ""
                print "File List:", imageList
                j = 0
                for i in imageList:
                    extension = i.split(".")[-1]
                    # just guesses so far
                    #if extension.lower() in ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "tif", "tiff", "tga", "gif", "rgb", "rgba", "sgi", "mpg", "mp4", "mov", "vob", "ogv"] and not i.startswith("._"):
                    if IsValidDataType(i):
                        #obj = CreateObj(os.path.join(objPath,i), imagePos=(3000-j*300,2000-j*200))
                        pos = (100+j*220,30+j*0)
                        fullPath = os.path.join(objPath, i)
                        if IsTiledMoviePath(fullPath):
                            movieDims = GetTiledMoviePathDims(fullPath)
                            # center tiled movies for now
                            pos = [fullRect.width / 2 - movieDims[0] / 2, fullRect.height / 2 - movieDims[1] / 2]
                        print "Creating Obj:", fullPath
                        obj = CreateObj(fullPath, imagePos=pos, scale=thisObjScale)
                        #obj = CreateObj(os.path.join(objPath,i), imagePos=(0+j*220,0+j*0))
                        if obj != None:
                            j += 1
                        print "skipping file (unhandled extension):", i

            return obj

    def loadMovieSequence(moviePaths):
        if len(movieSequence) > 1:
            sequenceObj = MovieSequence()
            sequenceObj = None

        for moviePath in movieSequence:
            obj = loadImageOrMovie(moviePath)
            if None != sequenceObj:
                numLoops = 1
                if "NOAA_TEST.tdmovie" in moviePath:
                    numLoops = 5
                sequenceObj.append(obj, numLoops)
        if None != sequenceObj:
            return sequenceObj

    def loadLayout(layoutPath):
       layoutEntries = ReadLayout(layoutPath)  
       for entry in layoutEntries:
           loadImageOrMovie(entry.path, pos=entry.pos)

    def getNextPosition():
        global gPositionsIndex
        if None != options.positions and gPositionsIndex < len(options.positions):
            tmpPos = options.positions[gPositionsIndex]
            return tmpPos
        return None

    # load movie layout if specified
    if options.movieLayouts != None:
        thisObjScale = movieScale
        for movieLayout in options.movieLayouts:
            pos = getNextPosition()
            obj = CreateObj(movieLayout, imagePos=pos, scale=thisObjScale, objDesc=ObjectDescription(ObjType.TILED_MOVIE_WITH_LAYOUT))
            if obj != None:

    # load layout if specified
    if options.layouts != None:
        for layout in options.layouts:

    # load image path if specified (different from default)
    if imageDir != defaultImageDir:
        loadImageOrMovie(imageDir, getNextPosition())
    elif 0 == len(movieSequences) and None == options.layouts and None == options.movieLayouts:  # or load default if no extra options 
                                    #   were specified.
        loadImageOrMovie(imageDir, getNextPosition()) # default

    if len(movieSequences) > 0:  # load sequences from --sequence
        for movieSequence in movieSequences:
            sequenceObj = loadMovieSequence(movieSequence)
            app.addDynamicObject(sequenceObj, addToRenderer=False)

    #print "******************", options.stream
    if options.stream != None:
        if not gStreamingSupported:
            raise Exception("Error using --stream.  Streaming not supported.  Make sure StreamView could be imported.")
            address = options.stream[0]
            if len(options.stream) > 1:
                print "WARNING: So far we only handle one stream address. (multiple stream address handling coming soon)"
            #from streamView import StreamView, StartStreamViewLoop
            #streamView = StreamView()
            #obj = CreateObj(None, imagePos=(0, 0), obj=streamView)
            pos = [fullRect.width / 2, fullRect.height / 2 ]
            print "*********POS:", pos, "from:", fullRect
            streamWidth = options.streamSize[0][0]
            streamHeight = options.streamSize[0][1]
            vflip=False # works for RAW
            if StreamProtocols.FLX_H261 == streamProtocol:
            streamDesc = objDesc=StreamObjDescription(streamProtocol, (streamWidth,streamHeight), vflip=vflip )
            obj = CreateObj(address, imagePos=pos, objDesc=streamDesc, scale=movieScale, gridColsRows=options.streamColsRows)
            if obj != None:

        except Exception, e: