Exemplo n.º 1
 def customizePFCHS(self, process):
     # need to allow unscheduled processes otherwise reclustering function will fail
     process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
     from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import addFlashggPFCHSJets
     from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import maxJetCollections
     for vtx in range(0, maxJetCollections):
                             label='' + str(vtx))
 def customizePFCHS(self,process):    
     # need to allow unscheduled processes otherwise reclustering function will fail
     process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
         allowUnscheduled = cms.untracked.bool(True)
     from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import addFlashggPFCHSJets
     from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import maxJetCollections
     for vtx in range(0,maxJetCollections):
         addFlashggPFCHSJets (process = process,
                              vertexIndex =vtx,
                              doQGTagging = True,
                              label = '' + str(vtx))
Exemplo n.º 3
 def customizePFCHS(self,process):    
     # need to allow unscheduled processes otherwise reclustering function will fail
     if not hasattr(process,"options"):
         process.options = cms.untracked.PSet()
     process.options.allowUnscheduled = cms.untracked.bool(True)
     from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import addFlashggPFCHSJets
     from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import maxJetCollections
     for vtx in range(0,maxJetCollections):
         addFlashggPFCHSJets (process = process,
                              DeepJet = self.metaConditions['DeepJet'],
                              isData=(self.processType == "data"),
                              vertexIndex =vtx,
                              #doQGTagging = True,
                              label = '' + str(vtx))
# need to allow unscheduled processes otherwise reclustering function will fail
# this is because of the jet clustering tool, and we have to live with it for now.
process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
    allowUnscheduled = cms.untracked.bool(True)
# import function which takes care of reclustering the jets using legacy vertex		
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import addFlashggPFCHSJets 
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import addFlashggPuppiJets
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import maxJetCollections
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import PuppiJetCollectionVInputTag, JetCollectionVInputTag
# call the function, it takes care of everything else.

for vtx in range(0,maxJetCollections):
    addFlashggPFCHSJets (process = process,
                         vertexIndex =vtx,
                         doQGTagging = False,
                         label = '' + str(vtx))    
    addFlashggPuppiJets (process     = process,
                         vertexIndex = vtx,
                         debug       = False,
                         label = '' + str(vtx))

# run a standard puppi with the default seeting
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggExtraJets_cfi import addStandardPuppiJets
                     label = '',
                     debug = True)

from flashgg.Taggers.flashggTags_cff       import UnpackedJetCollectionVInputTag   
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggExtraJets_cfi import StandardPUPIJetVInputTag
Exemplo n.º 5
process.TFileService = cms.Service(
    "TFileService", fileName=cms.string("JetValidationTestQCD.root"))

# need to allow unscheduled processes otherwise reclustering function will fail
# this is because of the jet clustering tool, and we have to live with it for now.
process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(allowUnscheduled=cms.untracked.bool(True))
# import function which takes care of reclustering the jets using legacy vertex
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import addFlashggPFCHSJets
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import addFlashggPuppiJets
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import maxJetCollections
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggJets_cfi import PuppiJetCollectionVInputTag, JetCollectionVInputTag
# call the function, it takes care of everything else.

for vtx in range(0, maxJetCollections):
                        label='' + str(vtx))
                        label='' + str(vtx))

# run a standard puppi with the default seeting
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggExtraJets_cfi import addStandardPuppiJets
addStandardPuppiJets(process, label='', debug=True)

from flashgg.Taggers.flashggTags_cff import UnpackedJetCollectionVInputTag
from flashgg.MicroAOD.flashggExtraJets_cfi import StandardPUPIJetVInputTag

process.flashggJetTreeMakerPFCHS = cms.EDAnalyzer(