Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, server, port):
     self.http_header = {
         "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
         "User-Agent": "DockerRegistryUI",
         "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
         "Accept": "text/plain"
     self.jsonde = json.JSONDecoder()
     self.jsonen = json.JSONEncoder()
     self.server = server
     self.port = port
Exemplo n.º 2
def output_json(namespace=None, repository=None):
    if repository is not None: _query = namespace + '/' + repository
    _uri = '/v1/repositories/' + _query + '/tags'
    _ancestry = {}
    _ancestry['tableheader'] = 'Ancestry'
    _ancestry['data'] = registry.act(uri=_uri)
    _tree_json = _ancestry['data']
    _d = {'name':_query}
    _c = []
    for k, v in _tree_json.iteritems():
        _c.append({'name':k, 'children':[{'name':v}]})
    _d['children'] = _c
    _data = json.JSONEncoder().encode(_d)
    return add_http_header(_data,'Content-Type', 'application/json')
Exemplo n.º 3
def trak_api(url, params={}, dev=False):
    username = get_setting_value('trakt_username')
    password = hashlib.sha1(get_setting_value('trakt_password')).hexdigest()

    params = json.JSONEncoder().encode(params)
    request = urllib2.Request(url, params)
    base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace(
        '\n', '')
    request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)

    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    response = response.read()
    response = json.JSONDecoder().decode(response)

    if dev:
        print url
        print json.dumps(response, sort_keys=True, indent=4)

    return response
Exemplo n.º 4
    def response_obj(self, request, D, version_hint=JSONRPC_VERSION_DEFAULT):
        version = version_hint
        response = self.empty_response(version=version)
        apply_version = {
            '2.0': self.apply_version_2_0,
            '1.1': self.apply_version_1_1,
            '1.0': self.apply_version_1_0

                # determine if an object is iterable?
            except TypeError as e:
                raise InvalidRequestError(
                    getattr(e, 'message',
                            e.args[0] if len(e.args) > 0 else None))

            # version: validate
            if 'jsonrpc' in D:
                if text_type(D['jsonrpc']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version {0} not supported.'.format(
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response[
                    'jsonrpc'] = text_type(D['jsonrpc'])
            elif 'version' in D:
                if text_type(D['version']) not in apply_version:
                    raise InvalidRequestError(
                        'JSON-RPC version {0} not supported.'.format(
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = response[
                    'version'] = text_type(D['version'])
                version = request.jsonrpc_version = JSONRPC_VERSION_DEFAULT

            # params: An Array or Object, that holds the actual parameter values
            # for the invocation of the procedure. Can be omitted if empty.
            if 'params' not in D or not D['params']:
                D['params'] = []
            if 'method' not in D or 'params' not in D:
                raise InvalidParamsError(
                    'Request requires str:"method" and list:"params"')
            if D['method'] not in self.urls:
                raise MethodNotFoundError('Method not found. Available methods: {0}' \

            method = self.urls[text_type(D['method'])]
            if getattr(method, 'json_validate', False):
                validate_params(method, D)

            if 'id' in D and D['id'] is not None:  # regular request
                response['id'] = D['id']
                if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                    response.pop('error', None)
            else:  # notification
                return None, 204

            R = apply_version[version](method, D['params'])

            if 'id' not in D or ('id' in D
                                 and D['id'] is None):  # notification
                return None, 204

            if isinstance(R, Response):
                if R.status_code == 200:
                    return R, R.status_code
                if R.status_code == 401:
                    raise InvalidCredentialsError(R.status)
                raise OtherError(R.status, R.status_code)

                # New in Flask version 0.10.
                encoder = current_app.json_encoder()
            except AttributeError:
                encoder = json.JSONEncoder()

            # type of `R` should be one of these or...
            if not sum([isinstance(R, e) for e in \
                    string_types + integer_types + \
                    (float, complex, dict, list, tuple, set, frozenset, NoneType, bool)]):
                    rs = encoder.default(
                        R)  # ...or something this thing supports
                except TypeError as exc:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Return type not supported, for {0!r}'.format(R))

            response['result'] = R
            status = 200
        except Error as e:
            response['error'] = e.json_rpc_format
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                response.pop('result', None)
            status = e.status
        except HTTPException as e:
            other_error = OtherError(e)
            response['error'] = other_error.json_rpc_format
            response['error']['code'] = e.code
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                response.pop('result', None)
            status = e.code
        except Exception as e:
            other_error = OtherError(e)
            response['error'] = other_error.json_rpc_format
            status = other_error.status
            if version in ('1.1', '2.0'):
                response.pop('result', None)

        # Exactly one of result or error MUST be specified. It's not
        # allowed to specify both or none.
        if version in ('1.1', '2.0') and 'result' in response:
            response.pop('error', None)

        return response, status
Exemplo n.º 5
from flask import current_app, request, abort, json, make_response
from flask.views import MethodView
import time

from api.app import db, redis_connection
from api.user import user_id_from_ip, user_not_banned
from api.database import fetch_query_string, rowify

encoder = json.JSONEncoder(indent=2, sort_keys=True)

DAY = 24 * 60 * 60

class PlayerRanksView(MethodView):

    decorators = [user_not_banned]

    def get(self):
        ip = request.headers.get("X-Real-IP")
        user = current_app.secure_cookie.get(u"user") or user_id_from_ip(ip)
        if user != None:
            user = int(user)
        args = {}
        if request.args:
        count = args.get("count")
        if count == None:
Exemplo n.º 6
 def get_db_insert_str(self):
     encoder = json.JSONEncoder()
     return f"""
Exemplo n.º 7
def index():
    posts = Post.query().order(Post.date).fetch()
    return render_template('index.html', posts=\
            dict(post.to_dict(), id=post.key.urlsafe()) for post in posts]))
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_earthquakes():
	earthquakes = query_db()
	result = json.JSONEncoder().encode(earthquakes)
	return result
Exemplo n.º 9
# BEGIN Flask Config

APP = Flask(__name__)

# Limit overall size to 1 mb
APP.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 1 * 1024 * 1024

API = Api(APP,
          description='Eloqua Webhook Integration API',
          terms='Apache License',


# END Flask Config

# BEGIN Blueprint Registration

APP.register_blueprint(APP_V1, url_prefix='/api/v1')

# END Blueprint Registration