Exemplo n.º 1
    def add_years_to_movies(self, movies):
        """Get year for each movie dict in movies list,
           if movie not already in database.

           Netflix show year is recent not first air year,
           so can't  use in tmdb search
        logging.info('getting year for movies if not in database')
        movies = [dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in movies])]
        logging.info('unique movies count: {}'.format(len(movies)))

        count = 0
        for i, movie in enumerate(movies):
            if 'link' in movie.keys() and not flaskapp.db_lookup_via_link(
                sleep(randint(10, 15))
                    count += 1
                    year = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(
                    movie['year'] = year
                    logging.info('Media #{}, YEAR LOOKUP #{}: {}'.format(
                        i, count, movie))
        return movies
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_netflix_year(medias):
    """Get netflix year on movie page if record not already in database"""
    # netflix show year is recent not first air year, cant use in tmdb search
    medias = [dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in medias])]
    logging.info('unique medias in get_netflix_year(): {}'.format(len(medias)))

    # use browser, no need to sign in
    driver2 = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_log_path='log/phantomjs.log')
    driver2.implicitly_wait(10)  # seconds
    driver2.set_window_size(1920, 1080)

    count = 0
    for i, media in enumerate(medias):
        if count >= 190:
            logging.error('Exiting get_netflix_year early via counter')
        if 'link' in media.keys():
            if not flaskapp.db_lookup_via_link(media['link']):
                time.sleep(float(random.randrange(20000, 30000, 1)) / 1000)
                try:  # only for new media not in database
                    count += 1
                    soup = BeautifulSoup(driver2.page_source, 'html.parser')
                    year = soup.find('span', 'year').text
                    media['year'] = year
                    logging.info('Media #{} YEAR LOOKUP #{}: {}'.format(
                        i, count, media))
    return medias
Exemplo n.º 3
    def add_years_to_movies(self, movies):
        """Get year for each movie dict in movies list,
           if movie not already in database
        logging.info('getting year for movies if not in database')
        for m in movies:
            if not flaskapp.db_lookup_via_link(m['link']):
                sleep(randint(5, 10))
                texts = self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body").text
                texts = texts.split('\n')

                years = [t for t in texts if re.search(r'^\d{4}.+min$', t)]
                if len(years) > 0:
                    m['year'] = years[0][:4]
                logging.info('year lookup: {}: {}'.format(
                    m['title'], m.get('year', '')))
        return movies
Exemplo n.º 4
def lookup_and_write_medias(medias, mtype, source):
    # get unique: list of dict into list of tuples, set, back to dict
    logging.info('len(medias) before take unique: {}'.format(len(medias)))
    medias = [dict(t) for t in set([tuple(d.items()) for d in medias])]
    logging.info('len(medias) after take unique: {}'.format(len(medias)))

    for m in medias:
        source_to_write = dict(source)

        # if media link exists, set source link, try link db lookup / update
        if 'link' in m.keys():
            source_to_write['link'] = m['link']
            full_media = flaskapp.db_lookup_via_link(m['link'])
            if full_media:
                # logging.info(u'db media link found: {}'.format(m['title']))
                flaskapp.update_media_with_source(full_media, source_to_write)

        # link url was not in database, therefore do themoviedb search
        year = m.get('year', '')
        results = flaskapp.themoviedb_search(m['title'], mtype, year=year)

        # exit iteration if search not complete or no results
        if 'total_results' not in results:
            logging.error(u'tmdb search not complete for {}: {} {}'.format(
                mtype, m['title'], year))
        if results['total_results'] < 1:
            logging.warning(u'tmdb 0 results for {}: {} {}'.format(
                mtype, m['title'], year))
            # empty media for db write, prevent re-searching
            full_media = dict()
            full_media['title'] = m['title']
            full_media['mtype'] = mtype
            full_media['year'] = year
            full_media['id'] = m['link']
            full_media['sources'] = []
            # assume top result is best match and use it
            full_media = results['results'][0]

            # append data so dict can be saved to database
            full_media['mtype'] = mtype
            full_media['sources'] = []
            if mtype == 'movie':
                full_media['year'] = full_media['release_date'][:4]
                full_media['title'] = full_media['name']
                full_media['year'] = full_media['first_air_date'][:4]
            # logging.info(u'tmdb found {}: {}'.format(mtype, full_media['title']))

            # check if titles are not exact match, in future may not append these
            if not flaskapp.doTitlesMatch(m['title'], full_media['title']):
                logging.warning(u'not exact titles: {} | {}'.format(
                    m['title'], full_media['title']))

        # write db media if new

        # update db media with source
        flaskapp.update_media_with_source(full_media, source_to_write)
Exemplo n.º 5
def search_hbo():
    driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(service_log_path='log/phantomjs.log')
    driver.implicitly_wait(10)  # seconds
    driver.set_window_size(1920, 15000)

    base_url = 'https://play.hbogo.com'
    source = {'name': 'hbo', 'display_name': 'HBO', 'link': base_url}
    pages = [{
        'url': '/movies',
        'mtype': 'movie'
    }, {
        'url': '/series',
        'mtype': 'show'
    }, {
        'url': '/documentaries',
        'mtype': 'movie'

    for page in pages:
        logging.info('HBO SEARCH OF ' + page['url'])
        driver.get(base_url + page['url'])
        driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, 10000);")

        # get all boxes with media image and text
        boxes = driver.find_elements_by_xpath(
            "//a[@class='default class2 class4']")
        logging.info(u'num of media boxes found: {}'.format(len(boxes)))

        # create list of titles and links, replacing newline
        medias = []
        for i, b in enumerate(boxes):
            title = b.text.replace('\n', ' ')
            medias += [{'title': title, 'link': b.get_attribute('href')}]

        # remove non-media, TODO make not catch false positives
        medias = [m for m in medias if not m['title'].isupper()]

        # get year if not already in database
        logging.info('getting year for all media not in database')
        for m in medias:
            if page['mtype'] == 'movie' and not flaskapp.db_lookup_via_link(
                time.sleep(float(random.randrange(5000, 10000, 1)) / 1000)
                texts = driver.find_element_by_tag_name("body").text
                texts = texts.split('\n')

                years = [t for t in texts if re.search('^\d{4}.+min$', t)]
                if len(years) > 0:
                    m['year'] = years[0][:4]
                logging.info('year lookup: {}: {}'.format(
                    m['title'], m.get('year', '')))

        lookup_and_write_medias(medias, mtype=page['mtype'], source=source)


    # remove any sources not just updated: media this provider no longer has