def __init__(self, desired_tilt): '''Constructor''' super(TiltHeadState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed']) if not rospy.has_param("behavior/joint_controllers_name"): Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/joint_controllers_name at the parameter server") return controller_namespace = rospy.get_param("behavior/joint_controllers_name") # self._configs['flor']['same'] = { # 20: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+0.00], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'}, # max -40 degrees # 21: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [-40.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'}, # 22: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [-20.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'}, # 23: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+20.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'}, # 24: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+40.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'}, # 25: {'joint_name': 'neck_ry', 'joint_values': [+60.0], 'controller': 'neck_traj_controller'} # max +60 degrees # } self._action_topic = "/" + controller_namespace + \ "/neck_traj_controller" + "/follow_joint_trajectory" self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: FollowJointTrajectoryAction}) # Convert desired position to radians self._desired_tilt = math.radians(desired_tilt) self._failed = False
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False self._done = False # Create footstep planner request strafing = self._direction == PatternParameters.STRAFE_LEFT or self._direction == PatternParameters.STRAFE_RIGHT pattern_parameters = PatternParameters() pattern_parameters.mode = self._direction pattern_parameters.step_distance_forward = self._step_distance_forward if not strafing else 0.0 # will it ignore? pattern_parameters.step_distance_sideward = self._step_distance_sideward if strafing else 0.0 # will it ignore? pattern_parameters.close_step = True step_distance = pattern_parameters.step_distance_sideward if strafing else pattern_parameters.step_distance_forward pattern_parameters.steps = int(round(userdata.distance / step_distance)) request = StepPlanRequest() request.parameter_set_name = String('drc_step_no_collision') request.header = Header(frame_id = '/world', stamp = request.planning_mode = StepPlanRequest.PLANNING_MODE_PATTERN request.pattern_parameters = pattern_parameters action_goal = StepPlanRequestGoal(plan_request = request) try: self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Was unable to create footstep pattern for wide stance:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def on_enter(self, userdata): '''Upon entering, create a neck trajectory and send the action goal.''' self._failed = False # Create neck point neck_point = JointTrajectoryPoint() neck_point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0) neck_point.positions.append(self._desired_tilt) # Create neck trajectory neck_trajectory = JointTrajectory() neck_trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.2) neck_trajectory.joint_names = ['neck_ry'] neck_trajectory.points.append(neck_point) # Create action goal action_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal(trajectory = neck_trajectory) # execute the motion try: self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send neck trajectory goal:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def __init__(self, direction): ''' Constructor ''' super(FootstepPlanRelativeState, self).__init__(outcomes=['planned', 'failed'], input_keys=['distance'], output_keys=['plan_header']) if not rospy.has_param("behavior/step_distance_forward"): Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/step_distance_forward at the parameter server") return if not rospy.has_param("behavior/step_distance_sideward"): Logger.logerr("Need to specify parameter behavior/step_distance_sideward at the parameter server") return self._step_distance_forward = rospy.get_param("behavior/step_distance_forward") self._step_distance_sideward = rospy.get_param("behavior/step_distance_sideward") self._action_topic = '/vigir/footstep_manager/step_plan_request' self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: StepPlanRequestAction}) self._done = False self._failed = False self._direction = direction
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._sampling_failed = False self._planning_failed = False self._control_failed = False self._success = False action_goal = ArgoCombinedPlanGoal() = deepcopy(userdata.object_pose) type_map = { 'dial_gauge': ObjectTypes.DIAL_GAUGE, 'level_gauge': ObjectTypes.LEVEL_GAUGE, 'valve': ObjectTypes.VALVE, 'hotspot': ObjectTypes.HOTSPOT, 'pipes' : ObjectTypes.PIPES, 'victim' : ObjectTypes.VICTIM } object_type = type_map.get(userdata.object_type, ObjectTypes.UNKNOWN) q = [,,, ] q = tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q, self._rot) = Quaternion(*q) = userdata.object_id action_goal.object_type.val = object_type action_goal.action_type.val = ActionCodes.SAMPLE_MOVE_ARM Logger.loginfo('Position arm to look at %s object' % str(userdata.object_type)) try: self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send move group goal for arm motion:\n%s' % str(e)) self._control_failed = True
def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._planning_failed: return 'planning_failed' if self._control_failed: return 'control_failed' if self._success: return 'reached' if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic): result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic) if result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.CONTROL_FAILED: Logger.logwarn('Control failed for move action of group: %s (error code: %s)' % (self._move_group, str(result.error_code))) self._control_failed = True return 'control_failed' elif result.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: Logger.logwarn('Move action failed with result error code: %s' % str(result.error_code)) self._planning_failed = True return 'planning_failed' else: self._success = True return 'reached'
def on_enter(self, userdata): """On enter, create and send the follow joint trajectory action goal.""" self._failed = False current_config = userdata.current_config # Get the index of the joint whose value will be replaced index_of_joint = current_config["joint_names"].index(self._joint_name) # Replace the old joint value with the target_config's one new_values = current_config["joint_values"] new_values[index_of_joint] = self._joint_value # Create trajectory point out of the revised joint values point = JointTrajectoryPoint(positions=new_values, time_from_start=rospy.Duration.from_sec(self._time)) # Create trajectory message trajectory = JointTrajectory(joint_names=current_config["joint_names"], points=[point]) action_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal(trajectory=trajectory) # execute the motion try: self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn("Failed to send trajectory action goal:\n%s" % str(e)) self._failed = True
def on_exit(self, userdata): # Make sure that the action is not running when leaving this state. # A situation where the action would still be active is for example when the operator manually triggers an outcome. if not self._client.has_result(self._topic): self._client.cancel(self._topic) Logger.loginfo('Cancelled active action goal.')
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._startTime = self._failed = False self._reached = False goal_id = GoalID() = 'abcd' goal_id.stamp = action_goal = MoveBaseGoal() action_goal.target_pose = userdata.waypoint action_goal.speed = userdata.speed if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "": action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world" try: self._move_client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) resp = self.set_tolerance(goal_id, 0.2, 1.55) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send motion request to waypoint (%(x).3f, %(y).3f):\n%(err)s' % { 'err': str(e), 'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x, 'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y }) self._failed = True Logger.loginfo('Driving to next waypoint')
def combine_plans(self, plans): output_dict = {} try: left_arm = plans[0] right_arm = plans[1] left_leg = plans[2] right_leg = plans[3] torso = plans[4] #hacky_dict_combination = lambda p: dict({'left_arm': p[0]}, **{'right_arm': p[1]}) # Logger.loginfo('SystemIdentificationTestsSM:combine_plans: plans="%s"' % str(plans)) if left_arm is not None: output_dict['left_arm'] = left_arm.joint_trajectory if right_arm is not None: output_dict['right_arm'] = right_arm.joint_trajectory if left_leg is not None: output_dict['left_leg'] = left_leg.joint_trajectory if right_leg is not None: output_dict['right_leg'] = right_leg.joint_trajectory if torso is not None: output_dict['torso'] = torso.joint_trajectory except Exception as e: Logger.loginfo('SystemIdentificationTestsSM:combine_plans: Error "%s"' % (str(e))) return output_dict
def on_enter(self, userdata): # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work. # As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key. # This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key. # Create the goal. tweet = SendTweetGoal() tweet.text = userdata.tweet_text if len(userdata.tweet_text) > 140: tweet.text = '#LAMoR15 #ECMR15 I just told a too looong joke, stupid tweet length!' tweet.with_photo = True img = cv2.imread(userdata.picture_path) bridge = CvBridge() image_message = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(img, encoding="bgr8") = image_message try: self._client.send_goal(self._topic, tweet) except Exception as e: # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors. # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI. Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the TweetPictureState command:\n%s' % str(e)) self._error = True
def on_enter(self, userdata): speedValue = self._dynrec.get_configuration(timeout = 0.5) if speedValue is not None: self._defaultspeed = speedValue['speed'] self._dynrec.update_configuration({'speed':userdata.speed}) self._succeeded = False self._failed = False action_goal = MoveBaseGoal() action_goal.exploration = True action_goal.speed = userdata.speed if action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id == "": action_goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "world" try: if self._move_client.is_active(self._action_topic): self._move_client.cancel(self._action_topic) self._move_client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to start Exploration' % { 'err': str(e), 'x': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.x, 'y': userdata.waypoint.pose.position.y }) self._failed = True
def set_back_rotation(self, input_keys): affordance = input_keys[0] back_rotation = input_keys[1] degrees = math.copysign(back_rotation, affordance.displacement) affordance.displacement = math.radians(degrees) Logger.loginfo("Turning back %.1f degrees" % degrees) return affordance
def __init__(self, config_name, srdf_file, move_group = "", robot_name = ""): ''' Constructor ''' super(GetJointsFromSrdfState, self).__init__(outcomes=['retrieved', 'file_error'], output_keys=['joint_values']) self._config_name = config_name self._move_group = move_group self._robot_name = robot_name # Check existence of SRDF file to reduce risk of runtime failure. # Anyways, values will only be read during runtime to allow modifications. self._srdf_path = None try: rp = RosPack() pkg_name = srdf_file.split('/')[0] self._srdf_path = os.path.join(rp.get_path(pkg_name), '/'.join(srdf_file.split('/')[1:])) if not os.path.isfile(self._srdf_path): raise IOError('File "%s" does not exist!' % self._srdf_path) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Unable to find given SRDF file: %s\n%s' % (srdf_file, str(e))) self._file_error = False self._srdf = None
def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if not self._connected: return 'no_connection' if self._received: return 'received' if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic): result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic) if result.result_code != BehaviorInputResult.RESULT_OK: = None return 'aborted' else: try: response_data = pickle.loads( #print 'Input request response:', response_data = response_data # If this was a template ID request, log that template ID: if self._request == BehaviorInputGoal.SELECTED_OBJECT_ID: Logger.loginfo('Received template ID: %d' % int(response_data)) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Was unable to load provided data:\n%s' % str(e)) = None return 'data_error' self._received = True return 'received'
def _version_callback(self, msg): vui = self._parse_version( vex = self._parse_version(BehaviorLauncher.MIN_VERSION) if vui < vex: Logger.logwarn('FlexBE App needs to be updated!\n' \ + 'Require at least version %s, but have %s\n' % (BehaviorLauncher.MIN_VERSION, \ + 'You can update the app by dropping the file flexbe_behavior_engine/FlexBE.crx onto the Chrome extension page.')
def __init__(self, config_name, move_group="", duration=1.0, wait_for_execution=True, action_topic='/execute_kinematic_path', robot_name=""): ''' Constructor ''' super(SrdfStateToMoveitExecute, self).__init__( outcomes=['reached', 'request_failed', 'moveit_failed', 'param_error']) self._config_name = config_name self._robot_name = robot_name self._move_group = move_group self._duration = duration self._wait_for_execution = wait_for_execution self._action_topic = action_topic self._client = ProxyServiceCaller({self._action_topic: ExecuteKnownTrajectory}) # self._action_topic = action_topic # self._client = ProxyActionServer({self._action_topic: ExecuteTrajectoryAction}) self._request_failed = False self._moveit_failed = False self._success = False self._srdf_param = None if rospy.has_param("/robot_description_semantic"): self._srdf_param = rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic") else: Logger.logerror('Unable to get parameter: /robot_description_semantic') self._param_error = False self._srdf = None self._response = None
def on_enter(self, userdata): """Upon entering the state""" try: self._pub.publish(self._topic, OCSLogging(run=self._command, no_video=self._no_video, no_bags=self._no_bags, experiment_name=userdata.experiment_name, description=userdata.description)) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Could not send video logging command:\n %s' % str(e))
def __init__(self, controllers = ["left_arm_traj_controller", "right_arm_traj_controller"]): '''Constructor''' super(ExecuteTrajectoryBothArmsState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'], input_keys = ['trajectories']) self._controllers = controllers self._controllers = ["left_arm_traj_controller", "right_arm_traj_controller"] if not(controllers) else controllers self._client = ProxyActionClient() self._client_topics = dict() self._active_topics = list() for controller in self._controllers: if "left_arm" in controller: action_topic_left = "/trajectory_controllers/" + controller + "/follow_joint_trajectory" self._client.setupClient(action_topic_left, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._client_topics['left_arm'] = action_topic_left elif "right_arm" in controller: action_topic_right = "/trajectory_controllers/" + controller + "/follow_joint_trajectory" self._client.setupClient(action_topic_right, FollowJointTrajectoryAction) self._client_topics['right_arm'] = action_topic_right else: Logger.logwarn('The controller is neither a left nor a right arm trajectory controller!? %s' % str(controller)) self._failed = False
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._param_error = False self._planning_failed = False self._control_failed = False self._success = False #Parameter check if self._srdf_param is None: self._param_error = True return try: self._srdf = ET.fromstring(self._srdf_param) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Unable to parse given SRDF parameter: /robot_description_semantic') self._param_error = True if not self._param_error: robot = None for r in self._srdf.iter('robot'): if self._robot_name == '' or self._robot_name == r.attrib['name']: robot = r break if robot is None: Logger.logwarn('Did not find robot name in SRDF: %s' % self._robot_name) return 'param_error' config = None for c in robot.iter('group_state'): if (self._move_group == '' or self._move_group == c.attrib['group']) \ and c.attrib['name'] == self._config_name: config = c self._move_group = c.attrib['group'] #Set move group name in case it was not defined break if config is None: Logger.logwarn('Did not find config name in SRDF: %s' % self._config_name) return 'param_error' try: self._joint_config = [float(j.attrib['value']) for j in config.iter('joint')] self._joint_names = [str(j.attrib['name']) for j in config.iter('joint')] except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Unable to parse joint values from SRDF:\n%s' % str(e)) return 'param_error' #Action Initialization action_goal = MoveGroupGoal() action_goal.request.group_name = self._move_group goal_constraints = Constraints() for i in range(len(self._joint_names)): goal_constraints.joint_constraints.append(JointConstraint(joint_name=self._joint_names[i], position=self._joint_config[i])) action_goal.request.goal_constraints.append(goal_constraints) try: self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group: %s\n%s' % (self._move_group, str(e))) self._planning_failed = True
def __init__(self, config_name, move_group="", action_topic = '/move_group', robot_name=""): ''' Constructor ''' super(SrdfStateToMoveit, self).__init__(outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed', 'param_error']) self._config_name = config_name self._move_group = move_group self._robot_name = robot_name self._action_topic = action_topic self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction}) self._planning_failed = False self._control_failed = False self._success = False self._srdf_param = None if rospy.has_param("/robot_description_semantic"): self._srdf_param = rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic") else: Logger.logerror('Unable to get parameter: /robot_description_semantic') self._param_error = False self._srdf = None
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False planning_group = "" joint_values = [] if userdata.side == 'left' and self._target_pose in self._poses[self._robot]['left'].keys(): planning_group = self._poses[self._robot]['left'][self._target_pose]['group'] joint_values = self._poses[self._robot]['left'][self._target_pose]['joints'] elif userdata.side == 'right' and self._target_pose in self._poses[self._robot]['right'].keys(): planning_group = self._poses[self._robot]['right'][self._target_pose]['group'] joint_values = self._poses[self._robot]['right'][self._target_pose]['joints'] elif self._target_pose in self._poses[self._robot]['same'].keys(): planning_group = self._poses[self._robot]['same'][self._target_pose]['group'] joint_values = self._poses[self._robot]['same'][self._target_pose]['joints'] else: Logger.logwarn('Specified target pose %d is not specified for %s side' % (self._target_pose, userdata.side)) self._failed = True return # create the motion goal self._client.new_goal(planning_group) self._client.add_joint_values(joint_values) self._client.set_velocity_scaling(self._vel_scaling) self._client.set_collision_avoidance(self._ignore_collisions) self._client.add_link_padding(link_paddings = self._link_paddings) #dict if self._is_cartesian: self._client.set_cartesian_motion() # execute the motion try: self._client.start_execution() except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Was unable to execute move group request:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def execute(self, userdata): # execute all active states for name, state in self._states.items(): if self._returned_outcomes.has_key(name): continue outcome = None if isinstance(state, smach.StateMachine): rmp_ud = smach.Remapper( userdata, state.get_registered_input_keys(), state.get_registered_output_keys(), {key: name + '_' + key for key in state.get_registered_input_keys() + state.get_registered_output_keys()}) state.userdata.merge(rmp_ud, rmp_ud.keys(), dict()) with state._state_transitioning_lock: outcome = state._update_once() else: outcome = state.execute(smach.Remapper( userdata, state.get_registered_input_keys(), state.get_registered_output_keys(), {key: name + '_' + key for key in state.get_registered_input_keys() + state.get_registered_output_keys()})) if outcome is not None and outcome != "loopback": Logger.loginfo("Concurrency: %s > %s" % (name, outcome)) self._returned_outcomes[name] = outcome # determine outcome for element in self._outcome_mapping: state_outcome = element['outcome'] mapping = element['condition'] if all(name in self._returned_outcomes and self._returned_outcomes[name] is outcome for name, outcome in mapping.items()): return state_outcome
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False request = GetCartesianPathRequest() request.group_name = self._move_group request.avoid_collisions = not self._ignore_collisions request.max_step = 0.05 request.header = userdata.eef_pose.header request.waypoints.append(userdata.eef_pose.pose) now = try: self._tf.waitForTransform('base_link', 'gripper_cam_link', now, rospy.Duration(1)) (p,q) = self._tf.lookupTransform('gripper_cam_link', 'base_link', now) c = OrientationConstraint() c.header.frame_id = 'base_link' c.header.stamp = now c.link_name = 'gripper_cam_link' c.orientation.x = q[0] c.orientation.y = q[1] c.orientation.z = q[2] c.orientation.w = q[3] c.weight = 1 c.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1 c.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1 c.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 0.1 #request.path_constraints.orientation_constraints.append(c) self._result =, request) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Exception while calculating path:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def execute(self, userdata): if self._failed or self._srv_result is None: return 'failed' if self._done: return 'done' if self._not_available: return 'not_available' try: choices = self._srv_result.template_type_information.stand_poses Logger.loginfo("There are %d stand pose choices and want to select entry %d" % (len(choices), userdata.preference)) if len(choices) <= userdata.preference: self._not_available = True return 'not_available' userdata.stand_pose = choices[userdata.preference].pose except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to retrieve pose information from service result:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True return 'failed' self._done = True return 'done'
def __init__(self): self._sub = rospy.Subscriber("flexbe/request_behavior", BehaviorRequest, self._callback) self._version_sub = rospy.Subscriber("flexbe/ui_version", String, self._version_callback) self._pub = rospy.Publisher("flexbe/start_behavior", BehaviorSelection, queue_size=100) self._status_pub = rospy.Publisher("flexbe/status", BEStatus, queue_size=100) self._mirror_pub = rospy.Publisher("flexbe/mirror/structure", ContainerStructure, queue_size=100) self._rp = RosPack() self._behavior_lib = dict() Logger.initialize() behaviors_package = "flexbe_behaviors" if rospy.has_param("behaviors_package"): behaviors_package = rospy.get_param("behaviors_package") else: rospy.loginfo("Using default behaviors package: %s" % behaviors_package) manifest_folder = os.path.join(self._rp.get_path(behaviors_package), 'behaviors/') file_entries = [os.path.join(manifest_folder, filename) for filename in os.listdir(manifest_folder) if not filename.startswith('#')] manifests = sorted([xmlpath for xmlpath in file_entries if not os.path.isdir(xmlpath)]) for i in range(len(manifests)): m = ET.parse(manifests[i]).getroot() e = m.find("executable") self._behavior_lib[i] = { "name": m.get("name"), "package": e.get("package_path").split(".")[0], "file": e.get("package_path").split(".")[1], "class": e.get("class") } rospy.loginfo("%d behaviors available, ready for start request." % len(self._behavior_lib.items()))
def on_enter(self, userdata): ''' Sending plan request with wide stance mode ''' self._failed = False self._done = False pattern_parameters = PatternParameters() pattern_parameters.steps = 4 pattern_parameters.mode = PatternParameters.FEET_REALIGN_ON_CENTER pattern_parameters.close_step = True pattern_parameters.extra_seperation = False request = StepPlanRequest() request.parameter_set_name = String('drc_step_no_collision') request.header = Header(frame_id = '/world', stamp = request.planning_mode = StepPlanRequest.PLANNING_MODE_PATTERN request.pattern_parameters = pattern_parameters action_goal = StepPlanRequestGoal(plan_request = request) try: self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, action_goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Was unable to create footstep pattern for wide stance:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def set_retract_distance(self, affordance): '''Sets the displacement of the "insert" affordance to a negative number.''' retract_distance = -abs(self._insert_distance) # negative number means retract affordance.displacement = retract_distance Logger.loginfo("Will be retracting by %d centimeters" % (retract_distance*100)) return affordance
def on_enter(self, userdata): try: self._srv_result =, GetTemplateStateAndTypeInfoRequest(userdata.template_id, 0)) # We don't care about the hand side except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send service call:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def set_push_distance(self, affordance): '''Sets the displacement of the "insert" affordance to a positive number.''' push_distance = +abs(self._push_distance) affordance.displacement = push_distance Logger.loginfo("Will be retracting by %d centimeters" % (push_distance*100)) return affordance
def execute(self, userdata): if self._bumper_sub.has_msg(self._bumper_topic): sensor = self._bumper_sub.get_last_msg(self._bumper_topic) self._bumper_sub.remove_last_msg(self._bumper_topic) if sensor.state > 0: Logger.logwarn('Bumper %d contact' % (sensor.bumper)) self._return = 'bumper' if self._cliff_sub.has_msg(self._cliff_topic): sensor = self._cliff_sub.get_last_msg(self._cliff_topic) self._cliff_sub.remove_last_msg(self._cliff_topic) if sensor.state > 0: Logger.logwarn('Cliff alert') self._return = 'cliff' return self._return
def check_plan(self, pose, orientation=False): action_goal = make_default_action_goal(self, pose, orientation) action_goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True action_goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True action_goal.planning_options.plan_only = True try: self._client.send_goal(action_goal) self._client.wait_for_result() res = self._client.get_result() print(res.error_code.val, self.planning_frame) if res.error_code.val < 1: return False else: return True except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send action goal for group: %s\n%s' % (self._move_group, str(e)))
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False # create the motion goal self._client.new_goal(self._planning_group) self._client.add_joint_values(userdata.target_joint_config) # execute the motion try: Logger.loginfo("Moving %s to: %s" % (self._planning_group, ", ".join( map(str, userdata.target_joint_config)))) self._client.start_execution() except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Was unable to execute move group request:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def execute(self, userdata): if self._failed: return 'failed' if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic): result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic) if result: if result.error_code == FollowJointTrajectoryResult.SUCCESSFUL: return 'done' else: Logger.logwarn('Joint trajectory request failed to execute (%d). Reason: %s' % (result.error_code, result.error_string)) self._failed = True return 'failed' else: Logger.logwarn('Wait for result returned True even though the result is %s' % str(result)) self._failed = True return 'failed'
def execute(self, userdata): # While this state is active, check if the action has been finished and evaluate the result. # Check if the client failed to send the goal. if self._error: return 'failed' # Check if the action has been finished if self._client.has_result(self._topic): result = self._client.get_result(self._topic) # Set output keys userdata.outcome = { 'origin': 'get_path', 'outcome': result.outcome } userdata.path = result.path # Send result log Logger.loginfo(result.message) # Based on the result, decide which outcome to trigger. if result.outcome == GetPathResult.SUCCESS: return 'succeeded' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.FAILURE: return 'failed' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.NO_PATH_FOUND: return 'failed' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.INVALID_GOAL: return 'failed' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.INVALID_PLUGIN: return 'aborted' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.INVALID_START: return 'aborted' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.EMPTY_PATH: return 'aborted' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.INTERNAL_ERROR: return 'aborted' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.NOT_INITIALIZED: return 'aborted' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.PAT_EXCEEDED: return 'failed' elif result.outcome == GetPathResult.STOPPED: return 'aborted' else: return 'aborted'
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' = None Logger.initialize() smach.set_loggers( rospy.logdebug, # hide SMACH transition log spamming rospy.logwarn, rospy.logdebug, rospy.logerr) #ProxyPublisher._simulate_delay = True #ProxySubscriberCached._simulate_delay = True # prepare temp folder rp = rospkg.RosPack() self._tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() sys.path.append(self._tmp_folder) rospy.on_shutdown(self._cleanup_tempdir) # prepare manifest folder access self._behavior_lib = BehaviorLibrary() self._pub = ProxyPublisher() self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached() self.status_topic = 'flexbe/status' self.feedback_topic = 'flexbe/command_feedback' self._pub.createPublisher(self.status_topic, BEStatus, _latch=True) self._pub.createPublisher(self.feedback_topic, CommandFeedback) # listen for new behavior to start self._running = False self._switching = False self._sub.subscribe('flexbe/start_behavior', BehaviorSelection, self._behavior_callback) # heartbeat self._pub.createPublisher('flexbe/heartbeat', Empty) self._execute_heartbeat() rospy.sleep(0.5) # wait for publishers etc to really be set up self._pub.publish(self.status_topic, BEStatus(code=BEStatus.READY)) rospy.loginfo('\033[92m--- Behavior Engine ready! ---\033[0m')
def _convert_input_data(self, keys, values): result = dict() for k, v in zip(keys, values): # action call has empty string as default, not a valid input key if k == '': continue try: result[k] = self._convert_dict(cast(v)) except ValueError: # unquoted strings will raise a ValueError, so leave it as string in this case result[k] = str(v) except SyntaxError as se: Logger.loginfo( 'Unable to parse input value for key "%s", assuming string:\n%s\n%s' % (k, str(v), str(se))) result[k] = str(v) return result
def execute(self, userdata): '''Execute this state''' if self._subscriber.has_msg(self._topic): msg = self._subscriber.get_last_msg(self._topic) # in case you want to make sure the same message is not processed twice: self._subscriber.remove_last_msg(self._topic) if not msg.found: return 'success' self.calculate_error(msg) Logger.loghint(self._error_result) for key in self._keys: # check tolerance if self._tolerance < abs(self._error_result[key]): userdata.output_value = self._error_result return 'unacceptable'
def on_enter(self, userdata): # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken. # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state. # Get transform between camera and robot1_base while True: rospy.sleep(0.1) try: target_pose = self._tf_buffer.transform(userdata.pose, "world") break except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr( "ComputeGraspState::on_enter - Failed to transform to world" ) continue # the grasp pose is defined as being located on top of the box target_pose.pose.position.z += self._offset + 0.0 # rotate the object pose 180 degrees around - now works with -90??? #q_orig = [target_pose.pose.orientation.x, target_pose.pose.orientation.y, target_pose.pose.orientation.z, target_pose.pose.orientation.w] q_orig = [0, 0, 0, 1] q_rot = quaternion_from_euler(self._rotation, 0, 0) res_q = quaternion_multiply(q_rot, q_orig) target_pose.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(*res_q) # use ik service to compute joint_values self._srv_req = GetPositionIKRequest() self._srv_req.ik_request.group_name = self._group self._srv_req.ik_request.robot_state.joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message( self._group + '/joint_states', sensor_msgs.msg.JointState) self._srv_req.ik_request.ik_link_name = self._tool_link # TODO: this needs to be a parameter self._srv_req.ik_request.pose_stamped = target_pose self._srv_req.ik_request.avoid_collisions = False self._srv_req.ik_request.attempts = 500 try: self._srv_result =, self._srv_req) self._failed = False except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Could not call IK: ' + str(e)) self._failed = True
def execute(self, userdata): if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() return 'preempted' request = GetTaskRequest() # before userdata.task_details_task_id request.task_id = 'victim_0_autonomous' try: response =, request).task except Exception, e: Logger.loginfo('[behavior_get_closer] Could not get task:' + str(e)) rospy.sleep(0.5) return 'waiting'
def on_enter(self, userdata): # Update self.current_pose. whole_body = self.robot.get('whole_body') self.current_pose = whole_body.get_end_effector_pose(ref_frame_id='map') target_poses = [poses for poses in userdata.target_poses.items()] #target_poses = userdata.target_poses category = userdata.category # failed_objects = userdata.failed_objects # collections = {"known": self.known_dict.keys(), "unknown": self.unknown_list} candidates = [category] print("category: ", candidates) target_pose = [pose for pose in target_poses if pose[0] in candidates] print("target: ", target_pose) # target_pose = [pose for pose in target_pose if not pose[0] in [object for object, value in failed_objects.items() if value is True]] if target_pose != []: print('target_pose:', target_pose) distance_array = np.array([]) for pose in target_pose: distance = \ math.sqrt(pow((pose[1].position.x - self.current_pose.pos.x), 2) \ + pow((pose[1].position.y - self.current_pose.pos.y), 2) \ + pow((pose[1].position.z - self.current_pose.pos.z), 2)) distance_array = np.append(distance_array, distance) distance_index = np.argsort(distance_array) self.selected_pose_grasp = copy.deepcopy(target_pose[distance_index[0]][1]) self.selected_object_name = target_pose[distance_index[0]][0] self.selected_object_status = 'Success!' fix_orientation =self.quaternion_from_position(self.current_pose.pos, self.selected_pose_grasp.position) self.selected_pose_grasp.orientation.x, self.selected_pose_grasp.orientation.y, \ self.selected_pose_grasp.orientation.z, self.selected_pose_grasp.orientation.w = fix_orientation print("grasp: ", self.selected_pose_grasp) print("name: ", self.selected_object_name) # if self.check_plan(pose = self.selected_pose_grasp, orientation=True) == False: # self.selected_pose_approach = None # self.selected_pose_grasp = None # self.selected_object_status = 'fail_plan' print('object_name: ', self.selected_object_name) print('object_status: ', self.selected_object_status) else: Logger.logwarn('detect result is empty') self.selected_pose_grasp = None self.selected_object_name = None self.selected_object_status = 'not_detect'
def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self.return_code is not None: # Return any previously assigned return code if we are in pause userdata.status_text = self.status_text return self.return_code if self.client.has_result(self.current_action_topic): result = self.client.get_result(self.current_action_topic) if (result.valid): self.return_code = 'valid' self.status_text = 'checked robot state is valid' else: self.return_code = 'invalid' self.status_text = 'checked robot state is not valid! number of contacts = %d' % ( len(result.contacts)) Logger.loginfo(self.status_text) userdata.status_text = self.status_text return self.return_code elif self.client.get_state( self.current_action_topic) == GoalStatus.ABORTED: self.status_text = "StateValidation - %s request aborted by state validation action server\n %s" % (, self.action_client.get_goal_status_text( self.current_action_topic)) self.return_code = 'failed' Logger.logerr(self.status_text) userdata.status_text = self.status_text return self.return_code elif self.client.get_state( self.current_action_topic) == GoalStatus.REJECTED: # No result returned is returned for this action, so go by the client state userdata.valid = self.valid self.status_text = "StateValidation - %s request rejected by state validation action server" % (, self.action_client.get_goal_status_text( self.current_action_topic)) self.return_code = 'failed' Logger.logerr(self.status_text) userdata.status_text = self.status_text return self.return_code elif self.timeout_target is not None and ) > self.timeout_target: self.status_text = "StateValidation - timeout waiting for %s to state validation (%f > %f (%f))" % (,, self.timeout_target.to_sec(), self.timeout_duration.to_sec()) self.return_code = 'failed' Logger.logerr(self.status_text) userdata.status_text = self.status_text return self.return_code
def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False planning_group = "" joint_values = [] if userdata.side == 'left' and self._target_pose in self._poses[ self._robot]['left'].keys(): planning_group = self._poses[self._robot]['left'][ self._target_pose]['group'] joint_values = self._poses[self._robot]['left'][ self._target_pose]['joints'] elif userdata.side == 'right' and self._target_pose in self._poses[ self._robot]['right'].keys(): planning_group = self._poses[self._robot]['right'][ self._target_pose]['group'] joint_values = self._poses[self._robot]['right'][ self._target_pose]['joints'] elif self._target_pose in self._poses[self._robot]['same'].keys(): planning_group = self._poses[self._robot]['same'][ self._target_pose]['group'] joint_values = self._poses[self._robot]['same'][ self._target_pose]['joints'] else: Logger.logwarn( 'Specified target pose %d is not specified for %s side' % (self._target_pose, userdata.side)) self._failed = True return # create the motion goal self._client.new_goal(planning_group) self._client.add_joint_values(joint_values) self._client.set_velocity_scaling(self._vel_scaling) self._client.set_collision_avoidance(self._ignore_collisions) self._client.add_link_padding(link_paddings=self._link_paddings) #dict if self._is_cartesian: self._client.set_cartesian_motion() # execute the motion try: self._client.start_execution() except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Was unable to execute move group request:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def on_enter(self, userdata): self.save_file = userdata.load_file if self.tidy_order == []: try: dict2string_obj_inf = [] for k, v in userdata.detect_objects.items(): pose_txt = str(v.position.x)+","+ \ str(v.position.y)+","+ \ str(v.position.z) feature = "" for f in userdata.detect_objects_feature[k]: feature += str(f) + "," # rospy.loginfo("\n\n"+str(feature)+str(len(feature))+"\n\n") dict2string_obj_inf.append(k) dict2string_obj_inf.append(pose_txt) dict2string_obj_inf.append(feature) #print"SpaCoTyPlanning debug: "+str(dict2string_obj_inf) req = self.em_spacoty_tidy_greedy(dict2string_obj_inf, self.save_file) except rospy.ServiceException, e: rospy.loginfo("[Service spacoty/client] call failed: %s", e) if req.done == True: request_result = req.tidy_object_order_and_pose self.low_obj_prob = req.low_obj_prob #tidy_order = [] # string to dict self.s2d = {} for i in xrange(len(request_result)): if i % 2 == 0: p = Pose() p_and_o = request_result[i + 1].split(",") p.position.x = float(p_and_o[0]) p.position.y = float(p_and_o[1]) p.position.z = float(p_and_o[2]) #p.orientation.w = 1.0 self.s2d.update({request_result[i]: p}) self.tidy_order.append(request_result[i]) str_nm = "[" for i, nm in enumerate(self.tidy_order): str_nm += " " + str(i) + ": " + nm str_nm += "]" Logger.loginfo("Plan: " + str_nm)
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' super(GetJointNamesFromMoveGroupState, self).__init__(outcomes=['retrieved', 'param_error'], input_keys=['robot_name', 'selected_move_group'], output_keys=['move_group', 'joint_names']) self.moveit_client = None try: self.moveit_client = ProxyMoveItClient(None) except Exception as e: Logger.logerr( " %s - exception on initialization of ProxyMoveItClient \n%s" % (, str(e))) self.return_code = None
def on_enter(self, userdata): # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work. # Create the goal. goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.tolerance = self._tolerance goal.target_pose = userdata.target_pose goal.planner = self._planner goal.controller = self._controller goal.recovery_behaviors = self._recovery_behaviors # Send the goal. self._error = False # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed try: self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send goal:\n%s' % str(e)) self._error = True
def execute(self, userdata): '''Execute this state''' print("age: " +str(userdata.age)) print("gender: " +str(userdata.gender)) Logger.logwarn("age: " +str(userdata.age)) Logger.logwarn("gender: " +str(userdata.gender)) print("talking now") if(userdata.age>40 and userdata.gender=="Male"): os.system("python3 {}catkin_ws/src/robot_voice/src/ {}".format(home,str(7))) if(userdata.age<40 and userdata.gender=="Male"): os.system("python3 {}catkin_ws/src/robot_voice/src/ {}".format(home,str(8))) if(userdata.gender=="Female"): os.system("python3 {}catkin_ws/src/robot_voice/src/ {}".format(home,str(9))) return self._outcome
def execute(self, userdata): """Wait for action result and return outcome accordingly""" if self._arrived: return 'arrived' if self._failed: return 'failed' if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic): status = self._client.get_state(self._action_topic) if status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self._arrived = True return 'arrived' elif status in [GoalStatus.PREEMPTED, GoalStatus.REJECTED, GoalStatus.RECALLED, GoalStatus.ABORTED]: Logger.logwarn('Navigation failed: %s' % str(status)) self._failed = True return 'failed'
def calc_pose(self, input_list): pose = input_list[0] sdv = input_list[1] out_pose = PoseStamped() out_pose.pose.position.x = pose.pose.position.x + random.gauss( self.waypoint_distance, sdv) out_pose.pose.position.y = pose.pose.position.y + random.gauss(0, sdv) out_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(w=1) out_pose.header = Header(frame_id="world") print out_pose Logger.loginfo( "Calculated new positon (%s/%s)." % (str(out_pose.pose.position.x), str(out_pose.pose.position.y))) return out_pose
def execute(self, userdata): if self.result: return self.result if self.waitForExecution: curState = diff = compareStates(curState, self.endState) print("diff=" + str(diff)) if diff < self.tol or self.timeout + rospy.Duration( self.watchdog) < self.count += 1 if self.count > 3: Logger.loginfo('Target reached :)') return "done" else: self.count = 0 else: return "done"
def __init__(self, topic='/do_adaption'): super(HandoverAdaptionReset, self).__init__(outcomes=['succeeded', 'error']) self._topic = topic self._command = 0 self._reality_damp = 0.5 self._fixed_orientation = False self._terminate = True self._client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(self._topic, DoAdaptionAction) Logger.loginfo('Waiting for adaption server ...') self._client.wait_for_server() Logger.loginfo('found adaption server!') self._error = False
def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._failed: return 'failed' if self._reached: return 'reached' if self._client.has_result(self._action_topic): result = self._client.get_result(self._action_topic) if result.result == 1: self._reached = True return 'reached' else: self._failed = True Logger.logwarn('Failed to reach waypoint!') return 'failed'
def calc_rotation_angle(self, affordance): '''Calculates the angle for the next planning step''' if ( self._state_machine.userdata.move_to_poses ): new_rotation_angle = math.radians(self.angle_increment_deg) self.total_displacement += new_rotation_angle else: new_rotation_angle = affordance.displacement + math.radians(self.angle_increment_deg) self.total_displacement = new_rotation_angle self._state_machine.userdata.current_target_angle_deg = self._state_machine.userdata.current_target_angle_deg + self.angle_increment_deg while ( self._state_machine.userdata.current_target_angle_deg >= 360 ): self._state_machine.userdata.current_target_angle_deg = self._state_machine.userdata.current_target_angle_deg - 360; affordance.displacement = new_rotation_angle Logger.loginfo("Next rotation step: %f degrees (%f increment from current position)" % (self._state_machine.userdata.current_target_angle_deg, math.degrees(new_rotation_angle))) return affordance
def on_exit(self, userdata): self.cmd_pub.linear.x = 0.0, self.cmd_pub) self.cmd_status = RobotStatus() self.cmd_status.currentTask = '' self.cmd_status.currentBehaviorStatus = '' self.cmd_status.lastTask = '' self.cmd_status.lastTaskResult = '' self.cmd_status.nextTask = '' self.cmd_status.allActions = [] self.cmd_status.indexCurrent = -1 self.cmd_status.actionResults = [] self.cmd_status.batteryCapacity = 0.0 self.cmd_status.batteryVoltage = 0.0 self.cmd_status.listen = False Logger.loginfo("Drive FWD ENDED!")
def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._param_error: return 'param_error' if self._request_failed: return 'request_failed' if self._response.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: Logger.logwarn('Move action failed with result error code: %s' % str(self._response.error_code)) self._moveit_failed = True return 'moveit_failed' else: Logger.loginfo('Move action succeeded: %s' % str(self._response.error_code)) self._success = True return 'reached'
def setGoal(self, pose): rospy.wait_for_service('/move_base/clear_costmaps') serv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/move_base/clear_costmaps', Empty) serv() goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.pose = pose goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = "base_link" # goal.target_pose.header.stamp.secs = 5.0 # Send the action goal for execution try: self._client.send_goal(self._action_topic, goal) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn("Unable to send navigation action goal:\n%s" % str(e)) self._failed = True
def on_enter(self, userdata): # When entering this state, we send the action goal once to let the robot start its work. # As documented above, we get the specification of which dishwasher to use as input key. # This enables a previous state to make this decision during runtime and provide the ID as its own output key. # Create the goal. # Send the goal. self._error = False # make sure to reset the error state since a previous state execution might have failed try: self._client.send_goal(self._topic, goal) except Exception as e: # Since a state failure not necessarily causes a behavior failure, it is recommended to only print warnings, not errors. # Using a linebreak before appending the error log enables the operator to collapse details in the GUI. Logger.logwarn('Failed to send the move command:\n%s' % str(e)) self._error = True
def execute(self, userdata): if self._active: """Wait for action result and return outcome accordingly""" self.Entity = None # Get the entity's object in the latest detections if self._sub.has_msg(self.entities_topic): message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self.entities_topic) for entity in message.entities: if entity.ID == userdata.ID: self.Entity = entity print("entity found: "+str(entity.ID)) # If entity is defined, get the direction to it if self.Entity: if ( == "person"): if ( != ""): self.Entity.position.z += self.Entity.face.boundingBox.Center.z-0.1 else: self.Entity.position.z += 1.6 ms = Float64() serv = rospy.ServiceProxy('/get_direction', get_direction) self.service.point = self.Entity.position resp = serv(self.service) # Publish to both Yaw and Pitch controllers = min(max(-resp.pitch, -0), 1) self.pubp.publish(ms) = min(max(resp.yaw, -1.2), 1.2) self.puby.publish(ms) return else: Logger.logwarn("simulation mode: let's assume I'm looking at something") return ms = Float64() = 0.3 self.pubp.publish(ms) = 0 self.puby.publish(ms) return "failed"
def on_start(self): self._return = None # Clear completion flag # Wait for odometry message while (not self._odom_sub.has_msg(self._odom_topic)): Logger.logwarn('Waiting for odometry message from the robot ') rospy.sleep(0.05) while (not self._odom_sub.has_msg(self._odom_topic)): Logger.logwarn( 'Waiting for odometry message to become available from the robot ' ) rospy.sleep(0.25) self._last_odom = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._odom_topic) self._odom_frame = self._last_odom.header.frame_id #Logger.loginfo(' odometry frame id <%s>' % (self._odom_frame)) # Update the target transformation self._target.header.stamp = self._last_odom.header.stamp while (self.transformOdom(self._target) is None): Logger.logwarn( 'Waiting for tf transformations to odometry frame to become available from the robot ' ) rospy.sleep(0.25) self._target.header.stamp = while (self.transformMap(self._last_odom) is None): Logger.logwarn( 'Waiting for tf transformations to map frame become available from the robot ' ) rospy.sleep(0.25) self._last_odom = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._odom_topic) self._current_position = self.transformMap(self._last_odom) # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken. if (self._marker_pub): self._marker.action = Marker.ADD self._marker.color.a = 1.0 # Set alpha otherwise the marker is invisible self._marker.color.r = 0.0 self._marker.color.g = 0.0 self._marker.color.b = 1.0 # Indicate this target is planned self._marker_pub.publish(self._marker_topic, self._marker) self._marker_pub.publish(self._marker_topic, self._reference_marker) self._marker_pub.publish(self._marker_topic, self._local_target_marker) self._marker.action = Marker.MODIFY self._reference_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY self._reference_marker.color.a = 1.0 # Set alpha so it will become visible on next publish self._local_target_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY self._local_target_marker.color.a = 1.0 # Set alpha so it will become visible on next publish
def __init__(self, timeout=5.0, enter_wait_duration=0.0, action_topic=None): ''' Constructor ''' super(JointValuesToMoveItPlanState, self).__init__(outcomes=[ 'planned', 'failed', 'topics_unavailable', 'param_error' ], input_keys=[ 'action_topic', 'move_group', 'joint_names', 'joint_values' ], output_keys=['joint_trajectory']) self.timeout_duration = rospy.Duration(timeout) self.enter_wait_duration = enter_wait_duration self.given_action_topic = action_topic self.moveit_client = None self.action_client = None self.return_code = None self.move_group = None self.joint_names = None self.joint_values = None try: self.moveit_client = ProxyMoveItClient(None) if (self.given_action_topic is not None) and (len(self.given_action_topic) > 0): # If topic is defined, set the client up on startup self.moveit_client.setup_action_client( self.given_action_topic, "MoveGroupAction", self.enter_wait_duration) else: self.given_action_topic = None # override empty string except Exception as e: Logger.logerr(" Exception on initialization of %s\n %s" % (, str(e))) self.current_action_topic = self.given_action_topic