Exemplo n.º 1
    def initialize(self):
        if self.instance is not None:
            # We already initialized
        # Create plugin instance
        self.instance = self.plugin_class()
        self.instance.plugin_info = self  # give plugin easy access to its own info
        self.instance.log = logging.getLogger(getattr(self.instance, "LOGGER_NAME", None) or self.name)
        if hasattr(self.instance, 'schema'):
            self.schema = self.instance.schema
        elif hasattr(self.instance, 'validator'):
            self.schema = self.instance.validator().schema()
            # TODO: I think plugins without schemas should not be allowed in config, maybe rethink this
            self.schema = {}

        if self.schema is not None:
            location = '/schema/plugin/%s' % self.name
            self.schema['id'] = location
            config_schema.register_schema(location, self.schema)

Exemplo n.º 2
    def initialize(self):
        if self.instance is not None:
            # We already initialized
        # Create plugin instance
        self.instance = self.plugin_class()
        self.instance.plugin_info = self  # give plugin easy access to its own info
        self.instance.log = logging.getLogger(getattr(self.instance, "LOGGER_NAME", None) or self.name)
        if hasattr(self.instance, 'schema'):
            self.schema = self.instance.schema
        elif hasattr(self.instance, 'validator'):
            self.schema = self.instance.validator().schema()
            # TODO: I think plugins without schemas should not be allowed in config, maybe rethink this
            self.schema = {}

        if self.schema is not None:
            location = '/schema/plugin/%s' % self.name
            self.schema['id'] = location
            config_schema.register_schema(location, self.schema)

Exemplo n.º 3
    def initialize(self) -> None:
        if self.instance is not None:
            # We already initialized
        # Create plugin instance
        self.instance = self.plugin_class()
        self.instance.plugin_info = self  # give plugin easy access to its own info
        self.instance.logger = logger.bind(
            name=getattr(self.instance, "LOGGER_NAME", None) or self.name)
        if hasattr(self.instance, 'schema'):
            self.schema = self.instance.schema
        elif hasattr(self.instance, 'validator'):
            self.schema = self.instance.validator().schema()
            # TODO: I think plugins without schemas should not be allowed in config, maybe rethink this
            self.schema = {}

        if self.schema is not None:
            self.schema_id = f'/schema/plugin/{self.name}'
            config_schema.register_schema(self.schema_id, self.schema)

Exemplo n.º 4
def register_config():
    register_config_key('schedules', main_schema)
    register_schema('/schema/config/schedule', schedule_schema)
Exemplo n.º 5
def register_config():
    register_config_key('schedules', main_schema)
    register_schema('/schema/config/schedule', schedule_schema)
Exemplo n.º 6
        if min_api is not None and plugin.api_ver < min_api:
            return False
        return True
    return ifilter(matches, plugins.itervalues())

def plugin_schemas(**kwargs):
    """Create a dict schema that matches plugins specified by `kwargs`"""
    return {'type': 'object',
            'properties': dict((p.name, {'$ref': p.schema['id']}) for p in get_plugins(**kwargs)),
            'additionalProperties': False,
            'error_additionalProperties': '{{message}} Only known plugin names are valid keys.',
            'patternProperties': {'^_': {'title': 'Disabled Plugin'}}}

config_schema.register_schema('/schema/plugins', plugin_schemas)

def get_plugins_by_phase(phase):
    .. deprecated:: 1.0.3328
       Use :func:`get_plugins` instead

    Return an iterator over all plugins that hook :phase:
    warnings.warn('Deprecated API', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    if not phase in phase_methods:
        raise Exception('Unknown phase %s' % phase)
    return get_plugins(phase=phase)

Exemplo n.º 7
def register_config():
    register_config_key("schedules", main_schema)
    register_schema("/schema/config/schedule", schedule_schema)
Exemplo n.º 8
        dict((p.name, {
            '$ref': p.schema['id']
        }) for p in get_plugins(**kwargs)),
        '{{message}} Only known plugin names are valid keys.',
        'patternProperties': {
            '^_': {
                'title': 'Disabled Plugin'

config_schema.register_schema('/schema/plugins', plugin_schemas)

def get_plugins_by_phase(phase):
    .. deprecated:: 1.0.3328
       Use :func:`get_plugins` instead

    Return an iterator over all plugins that hook :phase:
    warnings.warn('Deprecated API', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
    if not phase in phase_methods:
        raise Exception('Unknown phase %s' % phase)
    return get_plugins(phase=phase)

Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, plugin_class, name=None, groups=None, builtin=False, debug=False, api_ver=1,
                 contexts=None, category=None):
        Register a plugin.

        :param plugin_class: The plugin factory.
        :param string name: Name of the plugin (if not given, default to factory class name in underscore form).
        :param list groups: Groups this plugin belongs to.
        :param bool builtin: Auto-activated?
        :param bool debug: True if plugin is for debugging purposes.
        :param int api_ver: Signature of callback hooks (1=task; 2=task,config).
        :param list contexts: List of where this plugin is configurable. Can be 'task', 'root', or None
        :param string category: The type of plugin. Can be one of the task phases.
            Defaults to the package name containing the plugin.

        if groups is None:
            groups = []
        if name is None:
            # Convention is to take camel-case class name and rewrite it to an underscore form,
            # e.g. 'PluginName' to 'plugin_name'
            name = re.sub('[A-Z]+', lambda i: '_' + i.group(0).lower(), plugin_class.__name__).lstrip('_')
        if contexts is None:
            contexts = ['task']
        elif isinstance(contexts, basestring):
            contexts = [contexts]
        if category is None and plugin_class.__module__.startswith('flexget.plugins'):
            # By default look at the containing package of the plugin.
            category = plugin_class.__module__.split('.')[-2]

        # Set basic info attributes
        self.api_ver = api_ver
        self.name = name
        self.groups = groups
        self.builtin = builtin
        self.debug = debug
        self.contexts = contexts
        self.category = category
        self.phase_handlers = {}

        # Create plugin instance
        self.plugin_class = plugin_class
        self.instance = self.plugin_class()
        self.instance.plugin_info = self  # give plugin easy access to its own info
        self.instance.log = logging.getLogger(getattr(self.instance, "LOGGER_NAME", None) or self.name)

        if hasattr(self.instance, 'schema'):
            self.schema = self.instance.schema
        elif hasattr(self.instance, 'validator'):
            self.schema = self.instance.validator().schema()
            # TODO: I think plugins without schemas should not be allowed in config, maybe rethink this
            self.schema = {}

        if self.schema is not None:
            location = '/schema/plugin/%s' % self.name
            self.schema['id'] = location
            config_schema.register_schema(location, self.schema)

        if self.name in plugins:
            PluginInfo.dupe_counter += 1
            log.critical('Error while registering plugin %s. %s' %
                         (self.name, ('A plugin with the name %s is already registered' % self.name)))
            plugins[self.name] = self
Exemplo n.º 10
from flexget import config_schema
from flexget.event import fire_event
from flexget.utils.tools import pid_exists

log = logging.getLogger('manager')

Base = declarative_base()
Session = sessionmaker()
manager = None
DB_CLEANUP_INTERVAL = timedelta(days=7)

# Validator that handles root structure of config.
_root_config_schema = {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False}
# TODO: Is /schema/root this the best place for this?
config_schema.register_schema('/schema/root', _root_config_schema)

def register_config_key(key, schema, required=False):
    """ Registers a valid root level key for the config.

    :param string key:
      Name of the root level key being registered.
    :param dict schema:
      Schema for the key.
    :param bool required:
      Specify whether this is a mandatory key.
    _root_config_schema.setdefault('properties', {})[key] = schema
    if required:
        _root_config_schema.setdefault('required', []).append(key)
Exemplo n.º 11
from sqlalchemy.pool import SingletonThreadPool

from flexget.event import fire_event
from flexget import config_schema

log = logging.getLogger('manager')

Base = declarative_base()
Session = sessionmaker()
manager = None
DB_CLEANUP_INTERVAL = timedelta(days=7)

# Validator that handles root structure of config.
_root_config_schema = {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False}
# TODO: Is /schema/root this the best place for this?
config_schema.register_schema('/schema/root', _root_config_schema)

def register_config_key(key, schema, required=False):
    """ Registers a valid root level key for the config.

    :param string key:
      Name of the root level key being registered.
    :param dict schema:
      Schema for the key.
    :param bool required:
      Specify whether this is a mandatory key.
    _root_config_schema.setdefault('properties', {})[key] = schema
    if required:
        _root_config_schema.setdefault('required', []).append(key)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, plugin_class, name=None, groups=None, builtin=False, debug=False, api_ver=1,
                 contexts=None, category=None):
        Register a plugin.

        :param plugin_class: The plugin factory.
        :param string name: Name of the plugin (if not given, default to factory class name in underscore form).
        :param list groups: Groups this plugin belongs to.
        :param bool builtin: Auto-activated?
        :param bool debug: True if plugin is for debugging purposes.
        :param int api_ver: Signature of callback hooks (1=task; 2=task,config).
        :param list contexts: List of where this plugin is configurable. Can be 'task', 'root', or None
        :param string category: The type of plugin. Can be one of the task phases.
            Defaults to the package name containing the plugin.

        if groups is None:
            groups = []
        if name is None:
            # Convention is to take camel-case class name and rewrite it to an underscore form,
            # e.g. 'PluginName' to 'plugin_name'
            name = re.sub('[A-Z]+', lambda i: '_' + i.group(0).lower(), plugin_class.__name__).lstrip('_')
        if contexts is None:
            contexts = ['task']
        elif isinstance(contexts, basestring):
            contexts = [contexts]
        if category is None:
            # By default look at the containing package of the plugin.
            category = plugin_class.__module__.split('.')[-2]

        # Set basic info attributes
        self.api_ver = api_ver
        self.name = name
        self.groups = groups
        self.builtin = builtin
        self.debug = debug
        self.contexts = contexts
        self.category = category
        self.phase_handlers = {}

        # Create plugin instance
        self.plugin_class = plugin_class
        self.instance = self.plugin_class()
        self.instance.plugin_info = self  # give plugin easy access to its own info
        self.instance.log = logging.getLogger(getattr(self.instance, "LOGGER_NAME", None) or self.name)

        if hasattr(self.instance, 'schema'):
            self.schema = self.instance.schema
        elif hasattr(self.instance, 'validator'):
            self.schema = self.instance.validator().schema()
            # TODO: I think plugins without schemas should not be allowed in config, maybe rethink this
            self.schema = {}

        if self.schema is not None:
            config_schema.register_schema('/schema/plugin/%s' % self.name, self.schema)

        if self.name in plugins:
            PluginInfo.dupe_counter += 1
            log.critical('Error while registering plugin %s. %s' %
                         (self.name, ('A plugin with the name %s is already registered' % self.name)))
            plugins[self.name] = self