Exemplo n.º 1
class ModflowChd(Package):
    MODFLOW Constant Head Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, recarrays, or dictionary of

        Each chd cell is defined through definition of
        layer (int), row (int), column (int), shead (float), ehead (float)
        shead is the head at the start of the stress period, and ehead is the
        head at the end of the stress period.
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead]
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead]
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead]

        Note that if the number of lists is smaller than the number of stress
        periods, then the last list of chds will apply until the end of the
        simulation. Full details of all options to specify stress_period_data
        can be found in the flopy3 boundaries Notebook in the basic
        subdirectory of the examples directory.

    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'chd')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 24).

    mxactc : int
        Maximum number of chds for all stress periods.  This is calculated
        automatically by FloPy based on the information in


    See Also

    Parameters are supported in Flopy only when reading in existing models.
    Parameter values are converted to native values in Flopy and the
    connection to "parameters" is thus nonexistent.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcd = [[[2, 3, 4, 10., 10.1]]]  #this chd will be applied to all
    >>>                                  #stress periods
    >>> chd = flopy.modflow.ModflowChd(m, stress_period_data=lrcd)

    def __init__(self,
        # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'CHD', unitnumber)
        self.url = 'chd.htm'
        self.heading = '# CHD for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'

        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

        self.np = 0

    def ncells(self):
        # Returns the  maximum number of cells that have recharge (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self):
        Write the package file.


        f_chd = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        f_chd.write(' {0:9d}\n'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact))

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfchd error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recaray that corresponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowChd.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int), ("j", np.int),
                              ("shead", np.float32), ("ehead", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("shead", np.float32),
                              ("ehead", np.float32)])
        return dtype

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function

        chd : ModflowChd object
            ModflowChd object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> wel = flopy.modflow.ModflowChd.load('test.chd', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading chd package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowChd, f, nper)
Exemplo n.º 2
class ModflowRiv(Package):
    MODFLOW River Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, or recarray of boundaries, or
        dictionary of boundaries.
        Each river cell is defined through definition of
        layer (int), row (int), column (int), stage (float), cond (float),
        rbot (float).
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]

        Note that if the number of lists is smaller than the number of stress
        periods, then the last list of rivers will apply until the end of the
        simulation. Full details of all options to specify stress_period_data
        can be found in the flopy3 boundaries Notebook in the basic
        subdirectory of the examples directory.
    dtype : custom datatype of stress_period_data.
        (default is None)
        If None the default river datatype will be applied.
    naux : int
        number of auxiliary variables
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'riv')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 18).
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).        

    mxactr : int
        Maximum number of river cells for a stress period.  This is calculated
        automatically by FloPy based on the information in


    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcd = {}
    >>> lrcd[0] = [[2, 3, 4, 15.6, 1050., -4]]  #this river boundary will be
    >>>                                         #applied to all stress periods
    >>> riv = flopy.modflow.ModflowRiv(m, stress_period_data=lrcd)


    def __init__(self, model, ipakcb=0, stress_period_data=None, dtype=None,
                 extension='riv', unitnumber=18, options=None, **kwargs):
        Package constructor.

        # Call parent init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'RIV', unitnumber)
        self.heading = '# RIV for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'
        self.url = 'riv.htm'
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written
        self.mxactr = 0
        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(structured=self.parent.structured)
        # self.stress_period_data = MfList(model, self.dtype, stress_period_data)
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def check(self, f=None, verbose=True, level=1):
        Check package data for common errors.

        f : str or file handle
            String defining file name or file handle for summary file
            of check method output. If a string is passed a file handle
            is created. If f is None, check method does not write
            results to a summary file. (default is None)
        verbose : bool
            Boolean flag used to determine if check method results are
            written to the screen.
        level : int
            Check method analysis level. If level=0, summary checks are
            performed. If level=1, full checks are performed.



        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('model.nam')
        >>> m.riv.check()

        basechk = super(ModflowRiv, self).check(verbose=False)
        chk = check(self, f=f, verbose=verbose, level=level)
        chk.summary_array = basechk.summary_array

        for per in self.stress_period_data.data.keys():
            if isinstance(self.stress_period_data.data[per], np.recarray):
                spd = self.stress_period_data.data[per]
                inds = (spd.k, spd.i, spd.j) if self.parent.structured else (spd.node)

                # check that river stage and bottom are above model cell bottoms
                # also checks for nan values
                botms = self.parent.dis.botm.array[inds]

                for elev in ['stage', 'rbot']:
                    chk.stress_period_data_values(spd, spd[elev] < botms,
                                                  error_name='{} below cell bottom'.format(elev),

                # check that river stage is above the rbot
                chk.stress_period_data_values(spd, spd['rbot'] > spd['stage'],
                                              error_name='RIV stage below rbots',
        return chk

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recarray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowRiv.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int),
                              ("j", np.int), ("stage", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32), ("rbot", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("stage", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32), ("rbot", np.float32)])

        return dtype

    def ncells(self):
        # Return the  maximum number of cells that have river
        # (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self, check=True):
        Write the package file.

        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)


        if check: # allows turning off package checks when writing files at model level
            self.check(f='{}.chk'.format(self.name[0]), verbose=self.parent.verbose, level=1)
        f_riv = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        line = '{0:10d}{1:10d}'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact, self.ipakcb)
        for opt in self.options:
            line += ' ' + str(opt)
        line += '\n'

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfriv error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None, check=True):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function
        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)

        rch : ModflowRiv object
            ModflowRiv object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> riv = flopy.modflow.ModflowRiv.load('test.riv', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading riv package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowRiv, f, nper, check=check)
Exemplo n.º 3
class ModflowWel(Package):
    MODFLOW Well Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, or recarray of boundaries, or
        dictionary of boundaries
        Each well is defined through definition of
        layer (int), row (int), column (int), flux (float).
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux]
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux]
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux]

        Note that if the number of lists is smaller than the number of stress
        periods, then the last list of wells will apply until the end of the
        simulation. Full details of all options to specify stress_period_data
        can be found in the flopy3 boundaries Notebook in the basic
        subdirectory of the examples directory
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'wel')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 11).

    mxactw : int
        Maximum number of wells for a stress period.  This is calculated
        automatically by FloPy based on the information in


    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcq = {0:[[2, 3, 4, -100.]], 1:[[2, 3, 4, -100.]]}
    >>> wel = flopy.modflow.ModflowWel(m, stress_period_data=lrcq)


    def __init__(
        self, model, ipakcb=0, stress_period_data=None, dtype=None, extension="wel", unitnumber=20, options=None
        Package constructor.

        # Call parent init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, "WEL", unitnumber)
        self.heading = "# Well file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy."
        self.url = "wel.htm"
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written
        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        self.specify = False
        for idx, opt in enumerate(options):
            if "specify" in opt:
                t = opt.strip().split()
                self.specify = True
                self.phiramp = np.float(t[1])
                self.phiramp_unit = np.int(t[2])
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(structured=self.parent.structured)
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def ncells(self):
        # Returns the  maximum number of cells that have a well
        # (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self):
        Write the package file.


        f_wel = open(self.fn_path, "w")
        f_wel.write("%s\n" % self.heading)
        line = " {0:9d} {1:9d}".format(self.stress_period_data.mxact, self.ipakcb)

        for opt in self.options:
            line += " " + str(opt)
        line += "\n"

        if self.specify and self.parent.version == "mfnwt":
            f_wel.write("SPECIFY {0:10.5g} {1:10d}\n".format(self.phiramp, self.phiramp_unit))


    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfwel error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int), ("j", np.int), ("flux", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("flux", np.float32)])
        return dtype

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recaray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowWel.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)

        d[:, :] = -1.0e10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None, check=True):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function

        wel : ModflowWel object
            ModflowWel object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> wel = flopy.modflow.ModflowWel.load('test.wel', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write("loading wel package file...\n")

        return Package.load(model, ModflowWel, f, nper, check=check)
Exemplo n.º 4
class ModflowGhb(Package):
    MODFLOW General-Head Boundary Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, recarray of boundaries or,
        dictionary of boundaries.

        Each ghb cell is defined through definition of
        layer(int), row(int), column(int), stage(float), conductance(float)
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],

        Note that if no values are specified for a certain stress period, then
        the list of boundaries for the previous stress period for which values
        were defined is used. Full details of all options to specify
        stress_period_data can be found in the flopy3boundaries Notebook in
        the basic subdirectory of the examples directory
    dtype : dtype definition
        if data type is different from default 
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'ghb')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 23).



    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcsc = {0:[2, 3, 4, 10., 100.]}  #this ghb will be applied to all
    >>>                                   #stress periods
    >>> ghb = flopy.modflow.ModflowGhb(ml, stress_period_data=lrcsc)


    def __init__(self, model, ipakcb=0, stress_period_data=None, dtype=None,
                 no_print=False, options=None, extension='ghb', unitnumber=23):
        Package constructor.

        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'GHB',
        self.heading = '# GHB for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'
        self.url = 'ghb.htm'
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written
        self.no_print = no_print
        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        if self.no_print:
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(structured=self.parent.structured)
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def ncells(self):
        Returns the  maximum number of cells that have a ghb cell
        (developped for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self, check=True):
        Write the package file.

        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)


        if check: # allows turning off package checks when writing files at model level
            self.check(f='{}.chk'.format(self.name[0]), verbose=self.parent.verbose, level=1)
        f_ghb = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        f_ghb.write('{:10d}{:10d}'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact, self.ipakcb))
        for option in self.options:
            f_ghb.write('  {}'.format(option))

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfghb error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recaray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowGhb.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int),
                              ("j", np.int), ("bhead", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("bhead", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32)])
        return dtype

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None, check=True):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function
        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)

        ghb : ModflowGhb object
            ModflowGhb object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> ghb = flopy.modflow.ModflowGhb.load('test.ghb', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading ghb package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowGhb, f, nper, check=check)
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: mfdrn.py Projeto: visr/flopy
class ModflowDrn(Package):
    MODFLOW Drain Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries or
                         recarray of boundaries or
                         dictionary of boundaries
        Each drain cell is defined through definition of
        layer(int), row(int), column(int), elevation(float), conductance(float)
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of
            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
        Note that if no values are specified for a certain stress period, then
        the list of boundaries for the previous stress period for which values
        were defined is used. Full details of all options to specify
        stress_period_data can be found in the flopy3boundaries Notebook in
        the basic subdirectory of the examples directory
    dtype : dtype definition
        if data type is different from default
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'drn')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 21).



    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcec = {0:[2, 3, 4, 10., 100.]}  #this drain will be applied to all
    >>>                                   #stress periods
    >>> drn = flopy.modflow.ModflowDrn(ml, stress_period_data=lrcec)


    def __init__(self, model, ipakcb=0, stress_period_data=None, dtype=None,
                 extension='drn', unitnumber=21, options=None, **kwargs):
        Package constructor
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'DRN',
                         unitnumber)  # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        self.heading = '# DRN for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'
        self.url = 'drn.htm'
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written

        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(structured=self.parent.structured)
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int),
                              ("j", np.int), ("elev", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("elev", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32)])
        return dtype

    def ncells(self):
        # Returns the  maximum number of cells that have drains (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        # print 'Function must be implemented properly for drn package'
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self):
        Write the package file.


        f_drn = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        # f_drn.write('%10i%10i\n' % (self.mxactd, self.idrncb))
        line = '{0:10d}{1:10d}'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact, self.ipakcb)
        for opt in self.options:
            line += ' ' + str(opt)
        line += '\n'

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfdrn error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recaray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowDrn.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function

        drn : ModflowDrn object
            ModflowDrn object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> drn = flopy.modflow.ModflowDrn.load('test.drn', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading drn package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowDrn, f, nper)
Exemplo n.º 6
class ModflowChd(Package):
    MODFLOW Constant Head Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, recarrays, or dictionary of

        Each chd cell is defined through definition of
        layer (int), row (int), column (int), shead (float), ehead (float)
        shead is the head at the start of the stress period, and ehead is the
        head at the end of the stress period.
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead]
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead]
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead],
                [lay, row, col, shead, ehead]

        Note that if the number of lists is smaller than the number of stress
        periods, then the last list of chds will apply until the end of the
        simulation. Full details of all options to specify stress_period_data
        can be found in the flopy3 boundaries Notebook in the basic
        subdirectory of the examples directory.

    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'chd')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 24).

    mxactc : int
        Maximum number of chds for all stress periods.  This is calculated
        automatically by FloPy based on the information in


    See Also

    Parameters are supported in Flopy only when reading in existing models.
    Parameter values are converted to native values in Flopy and the
    connection to "parameters" is thus nonexistent.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcd = {0:[[2, 3, 4, 10., 10.1]]}   #this chd will be applied to all
    >>>                                     #stress periods
    >>> chd = flopy.modflow.ModflowChd(m, stress_period_data=lrcd)


    def __init__(self, model, stress_period_data=None, dtype=None,
                 options=None, extension='chd', unitnumber=24, **kwargs):
        # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'CHD', unitnumber)
        self.url = 'chd.htm'
        self.heading = '# CHD for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'

        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(structured=self.parent.structured)
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        self.options = options

    def ncells(self):
        # Returns the  maximum number of cells that have recharge (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self):
        Write the package file.


        f_chd = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        f_chd.write(' {0:9d}'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact))
        for option in self.options:
            f_chd.write('  {}'.format(option))

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfchd error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recaray that corresponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowChd.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int),
                              ("j", np.int), ("shead", np.float32),
                              ("ehead", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("shead", np.float32),
                              ("ehead", np.float32)])
        return dtype

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function

        chd : ModflowChd object
            ModflowChd object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> wel = flopy.modflow.ModflowChd.load('test.chd', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading chd package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowChd, f, nper)
Exemplo n.º 7
class ModflowRiv(Package):
    MODFLOW River Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, or recarray of boundaries, or
        dictionary of boundaries.
        Each river cell is defined through definition of
        layer (int), row (int), column (int), stage (float), cond (float),
        rbot (float).
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]

        Note that if the number of lists is smaller than the number of stress
        periods, then the last list of rivers will apply until the end of the
        simulation. Full details of all options to specify stress_period_data
        can be found in the flopy3 boundaries Notebook in the basic
        subdirectory of the examples directory.
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).
    naux : int
        number of auxiliary variables
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'riv')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 18).

    mxactr : int
        Maximum number of river cells for a stress period.  This is calculated
        automatically by FloPy based on the information in


    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcd = {}
    >>> lrcd[0] = [[2, 3, 4, 15.6, 1050., -4]]  #this river boundary will be
    >>>                                         #applied to all stress periods
    >>> riv = flopy.modflow.ModflowRiv(m, stress_period_data=lrcd)

    def __init__(self,
        Package constructor.

        # Call parent init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'RIV', unitnumber)
        self.heading = '# RIV for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'
        self.url = 'riv.htm'
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written
        self.mxactr = 0
        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(
        # self.stress_period_data = MfList(model, self.dtype, stress_period_data)
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def check(self, f=None, verbose=True, level=1):
        Check package data for common errors.

        f : str or file handle
            String defining file name or file handle for summary file
            of check method output. If a string is passed a file handle
            is created. If f is None, check method does not write
            results to a summary file. (default is None)
        verbose : bool
            Boolean flag used to determine if check method results are
            written to the screen.
        level : int
            Check method analysis level. If level=0, summary checks are
            performed. If level=1, full checks are performed.



        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow.load('model.nam')
        >>> m.riv.check()

        basechk = super(ModflowRiv, self).check(verbose=False)
        chk = check(self, f=f, verbose=verbose, level=level)
        chk.summary_array = basechk.summary_array

        for per in self.stress_period_data.data.keys():
            if isinstance(self.stress_period_data.data[per], np.recarray):
                spd = self.stress_period_data.data[per]
                inds = (spd.k, spd.i,
                        spd.j) if self.parent.structured else (spd.node)

                # check that river stage and bottom are above model cell bottoms
                # also checks for nan values
                botms = self.parent.dis.botm.array[inds]

                for elev in ['stage', 'rbot']:
                        spd[elev] < botms,
                        error_name='{} below cell bottom'.format(elev),

                # check that river stage is above the rbot
                    spd['rbot'] > spd['stage'],
                    error_name='RIV stage below rbots',
        return chk

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recarray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowRiv.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int), ("j", np.int),
                              ("stage", np.float32), ("cond", np.float32),
                              ("rbot", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("stage", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32), ("rbot", np.float32)])

        return dtype

    def ncells(self):
        # Return the  maximum number of cells that have river
        # (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self, check=True):
        Write the package file.

        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)


        if check:  # allows turning off package checks when writing files at model level
        f_riv = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        line = '{0:10d}{1:10d}'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact,
        for opt in self.options:
            line += ' ' + str(opt)
        line += '\n'

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfriv error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None, check=True):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function
        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)

        rch : ModflowRiv object
            ModflowRiv object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> riv = flopy.modflow.ModflowRiv.load('test.riv', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading riv package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowRiv, f, nper, check=check)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: mfriv.py Projeto: visr/flopy
class ModflowRiv(Package):
    MODFLOW River Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries or
                         recarray of boundaries or
                         dictionary of boundaries
        Each river cell is defined through definition of
        layer (int), row (int), column (int), stage (float), cond (float),
        rbot (float).
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of
            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond, rbot]

        Note that if the number of lists is smaller than the number of stress
        periods, then the last list of rivers will apply until the end of the
        simulation. Full details of all options to specify stress_period_data
        can be found in the flopy3 boundaries Notebook in the basic
        subdirectory of the examples directory.
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).
    naux : int
        number of auxiliary variables
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'riv')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 18).

    mxactr : int
        Maximum number of river cells for a stress period.  This is calculated
        automatically by FloPy based on the information in


    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcd = {}
    >>> lrcd[0] = [[2, 3, 4, 15.6, 1050., -4]]  #this river boundary will be
    >>>                                         #applied to all stress periods
    >>> riv = flopy.modflow.ModflowRiv(m, stress_period_data=lrcd)


    def __init__(self, model, ipakcb=0, stress_period_data=None, dtype=None,
                 extension='riv', unitnumber=18, options=None, **kwargs):
        Package constructor.

        # Call parent init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'RIV', unitnumber)
        self.heading = '# RIV for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'
        self.url = 'riv.htm'
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written
        self.mxactr = 0
        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(structured=self.parent.structured)
        # self.stress_period_data = MfList(model, self.dtype, stress_period_data)
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recarray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowRiv.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int),
                              ("j", np.int), ("stage", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32), ("rbot", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("stage", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32), ("rbot", np.float32)])

        return dtype

    def ncells(self):
        # Return the  maximum number of cells that have river
        # (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self):
        Write the package file.


        f_riv = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        line = '{0:10d}{1:10d}'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact, self.ipakcb)
        for opt in self.options:
            line += ' ' + str(opt)
        line += '\n'

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfriv error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function

        rch : ModflowRiv object
            ModflowRiv object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> riv = flopy.modflow.ModflowRiv.load('test.riv', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading riv package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowRiv, f, nper)
Exemplo n.º 9
class ModflowGhb(Package):
    MODFLOW General-Head Boundary Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, recarray of boundaries or,
        dictionary of boundaries.

        Each ghb cell is defined through definition of
        layer(int), row(int), column(int), stage(float), conductance(float)
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],
                [lay, row, col, stage, cond],

        Note that if no values are specified for a certain stress period, then
        the list of boundaries for the previous stress period for which values
        were defined is used. Full details of all options to specify
        stress_period_data can be found in the flopy3boundaries Notebook in
        the basic subdirectory of the examples directory
    dtype : dtype definition
        if data type is different from default 
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'ghb')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 23).



    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> ml = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcsc = {0:[2, 3, 4, 10., 100.]}  #this ghb will be applied to all
    >>>                                   #stress periods
    >>> ghb = flopy.modflow.ModflowGhb(ml, stress_period_data=lrcsc)

    def __init__(self,
        Package constructor.

        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'GHB', unitnumber)
        self.heading = '# GHB for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'
        self.url = 'ghb.htm'
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written
        self.no_print = no_print
        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        if self.no_print:
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def ncells(self):
        Returns the  maximum number of cells that have a ghb cell
        (developped for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self, check=True):
        Write the package file.

        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)


        if check:  # allows turning off package checks when writing files at model level
        f_ghb = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        for option in self.options:
            f_ghb.write('  {}'.format(option))

    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfghb error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        # get an empty recaray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowGhb.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)
        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int), ("j", np.int),
                              ("bhead", np.float32), ("cond", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("bhead", np.float32),
                              ("cond", np.float32)])
        return dtype

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None, check=True):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function
        check : boolean
            Check package data for common errors. (default True)

        ghb : ModflowGhb object
            ModflowGhb object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> ghb = flopy.modflow.ModflowGhb.load('test.ghb', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading ghb package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowGhb, f, nper, check=check)
Exemplo n.º 10
class ModflowWel(Package):
    MODFLOW Well Package Class.

    model : model object
        The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to which
        this package will be added.
    ipakcb : int
        A flag that is used to determine if cell-by-cell budget data should be
        saved. If ipakcb is non-zero cell-by-cell budget data will be saved.
        (default is 0).
    stress_period_data : list of boundaries, or recarray of boundaries, or
        dictionary of boundaries
        Each well is defined through definition of
        layer (int), row (int), column (int), flux (float).
        The simplest form is a dictionary with a lists of boundaries for each
        stress period, where each list of boundaries itself is a list of
        boundaries. Indices of the dictionary are the numbers of the stress
        period. This gives the form of::

            stress_period_data =
            {0: [
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux]
            1:  [
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux]
                ], ...
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux],
                [lay, row, col, flux]

        Note that if the number of lists is smaller than the number of stress
        periods, then the last list of wells will apply until the end of the
        simulation. Full details of all options to specify stress_period_data
        can be found in the flopy3 boundaries Notebook in the basic
        subdirectory of the examples directory
    options : list of strings
        Package options. (default is None).
    extension : string
        Filename extension (default is 'wel')
    unitnumber : int
        File unit number (default is 11).

    mxactw : int
        Maximum number of wells for a stress period.  This is calculated
        automatically by FloPy based on the information in


    See Also

    Parameters are not supported in FloPy.


    >>> import flopy
    >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
    >>> lrcq = {0:[[2, 3, 4, -100.]], 1:[[2, 3, 4, -100.]]}
    >>> wel = flopy.modflow.ModflowWel(m, stress_period_data=lrcq)

    def __init__(self,
        Package constructor.

        # Call parent init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number
        Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'WEL', unitnumber)
        self.heading = '# Well file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.'
        self.url = 'wel.htm'
        if ipakcb != 0:
            self.ipakcb = 53
            self.ipakcb = 0  # 0: no cell by cell terms are written
        self.np = 0
        if options is None:
            options = []
        self.specify = False
        for idx, opt in enumerate(options):
            if 'specify' in opt:
                t = opt.strip().split()
                self.specify = True
                self.phiramp = np.float(t[1])
                self.phiramp_unit = np.int(t[2])
        self.options = options
        if dtype is not None:
            self.dtype = dtype
            self.dtype = self.get_default_dtype(
        self.stress_period_data = MfList(self, stress_period_data)

    def ncells(self):
        # Returns the  maximum number of cells that have a well
        # (developed for MT3DMS SSM package)
        return self.stress_period_data.mxact

    def write_file(self):
        Write the package file.


        f_wel = open(self.fn_path, 'w')
        f_wel.write('%s\n' % self.heading)
        line = (' {0:9d} {1:9d}'.format(self.stress_period_data.mxact,

        for opt in self.options:
            line += ' ' + str(opt)
        line += '\n'

        if self.specify and self.parent.version == 'mfnwt':
            f_wel.write('SPECIFY {0:10.5g} {1:10d}\n'.format(
                self.phiramp, self.phiramp_unit))


    def add_record(self, kper, index, values):
            self.stress_period_data.add_record(kper, index, values)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("mfwel error adding record to list: " + str(e))

    def get_default_dtype(structured=True):
        if structured:
            dtype = np.dtype([("k", np.int), ("i", np.int), ("j", np.int),
                              ("flux", np.float32)])
            dtype = np.dtype([("node", np.int), ("flux", np.float32)])
        return dtype

    def get_empty(ncells=0, aux_names=None, structured=True):
        #get an empty recaray that correponds to dtype
        dtype = ModflowWel.get_default_dtype(structured=structured)
        if aux_names is not None:
            dtype = Package.add_to_dtype(dtype, aux_names, np.float32)
        d = np.zeros((ncells, len(dtype)), dtype=dtype)

        d[:, :] = -1.0E+10
        return np.core.records.fromarrays(d.transpose(), dtype=dtype)

    def load(f, model, nper=None, ext_unit_dict=None, check=True):
        Load an existing package.

        f : filename or file handle
            File to load.
        model : model object
            The model object (of type :class:`flopy.modflow.mf.Modflow`) to
            which this package will be added.
        nper : int
            The number of stress periods.  If nper is None, then nper will be
            obtained from the model object. (default is None).
        ext_unit_dict : dictionary, optional
            If the arrays in the file are specified using EXTERNAL,
            or older style array control records, then `f` should be a file
            handle.  In this case ext_unit_dict is required, which can be
            constructed using the function

        wel : ModflowWel object
            ModflowWel object.


        >>> import flopy
        >>> m = flopy.modflow.Modflow()
        >>> wel = flopy.modflow.ModflowWel.load('test.wel', m)


        if model.verbose:
            sys.stdout.write('loading wel package file...\n')

        return Package.load(model, ModflowWel, f, nper, check=check)