def __init__(self, model, ncomp=None, mcomp=1, tunit='D', lunit='M', munit='KG', prsity=0.30, icbund=1, sconc=0.0, cinact=1e30, thkmin=0.01, ifmtcn=0, ifmtnp=0, ifmtrf=0, ifmtdp=0, savucn=True, nprs=0, timprs=None, obs=None,nprobs=1, chkmas=True, nprmas=1, dt0=0, mxstrn=50000, ttsmult=1.0, ttsmax=0, species_names = [], extension='btn'): Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'BTN', 31) nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.heading1 = '# BTN for MT3DMS, generated by Flopy.' self.heading2 = '#' self.mcomp = mcomp self.tunit = tunit self.lunit = lunit self.munit = munit self.cinact = cinact self.thkmin = thkmin self.ifmtcn = ifmtcn self.ifmtnp = ifmtnp self.ifmtrf = ifmtrf self.ifmtdp = ifmtdp self.savucn = savucn self.nprs = nprs self.timprs = timprs self.obs = obs self.nprobs = nprobs self.chkmas = chkmas self.nprmas = nprmas self.species_names = species_names self.prsity = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,\ prsity,name='prsity',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.icbund = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),,\ icbund,name='icbund',locat=self.unit_number[0]) # Starting concentrations #--some defense if np.isscalar(sconc) and ncomp is None: print 'setting ncomp == 1 and tiling scalar-valued sconc to nlay' sconc = [sconc] ncomp = 1 elif ncomp != len(sconc): raise Exception('BTN input error - ncomp not equal to len(sconc)') self.ncomp = ncomp self.sconc = [] for i in range(ncomp): u3d = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,sconc[i],\ name='sconc'+str(i+1),locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.sconc.append(u3d) self.dt0 = util_2d(model,(nper,),np.float32,dt0,name='dt0') self.mxstrn = util_2d(model,(nper,),,mxstrn,name='mxstrn') self.ttsmult = util_2d(model,(nper,),np.float32,ttsmult,name='ttmult') self.ttsmax = util_2d(model,(nper,),np.float32,ttsmax,name='ttsmax') self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, nlay=1, nrow=2, ncol=2, nper=1, delr=1.0, delc=1.0, laycbd=1, top=1, botm=0, perlen=1, nstp=1, tsmult=1, steady=True, itmuni=4, lenuni=2, extension='dis', unitnumber=11): Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'DIS', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'dis.htm' self.nrow = nrow self.ncol = ncol self.nlay = nlay self.nper = nper # Set values of all parameters self.heading = '# Discretization file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' #self.laycbd = self.assignarray((self.nlay,),, laycbd, name='laycbd') self.laycbd = util_2d(model,(self.nlay,),,laycbd,name='laycbd') self.laycbd[-1] = 0 # bottom layer must be zero self.delr = util_2d(model,(self.ncol,),np.float32,delr,name='delr',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.delc = util_2d(model,(self.nrow,),np.float32,delc,name='delc',locat=self.unit_number[0]) = util_2d(model,(self.nrow,self.ncol),np.float32,top,name='model_top',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.botm = util_3d(model,(self.nlay+sum(self.laycbd),self.nrow,self.ncol),np.float32,botm,'botm',locat=self.unit_number[0]) #if (not self.checklayerthickness()): # if self.parent.silent == 0: print 'Warning: Cells with zero-layer thickness encountered!' self.perlen = util_2d(model,(self.nper,),np.float32,perlen,name='perlen') self.nstp = util_2d(model,(self.nper,),,nstp,name='nstp') self.tsmult = util_2d(model,(self.nper,),np.float32,tsmult,name='tsmult') self.steady = util_2d(model,(self.nper,),np.bool,steady,name='steady') self.itmuni = itmuni self.lenuni = lenuni self.parent.add_package(self)
def __init__(self, model, laytyp=0, layavg=0, chani=1.0, layvka=0, laywet=0, ilpfcb = 53, hdry=-1E+30, iwdflg=0, wetfct=0.1, iwetit=1, ihdwet=0, \ hk=1.0, hani=1.0, vka=1.0, ss=1e-5, sy=0.15, vkcb=0.0, wetdry=-0.01, storagecoefficient=False, constantcv=False, \ thickstrt=False, nocvcorrection=False, novfc=False, extension='lpf', unitnumber=15): Package.__init__(self, model, extension, 'LPF', unitnumber) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.heading = '# LPF for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.url = 'lpf.htm' nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper # item 1 self.ilpfcb = ilpfcb # Unit number for file with cell-by-cell flow terms self.hdry = hdry # Head in cells that are converted to dry during a simulation self.nplpf = 0 # number of LPF parameters self.laytyp = util_2d(model,(nlay,),,laytyp,name='laytyp') self.layavg = util_2d(model,(nlay,),,layavg,name='layavg') self.chani = util_2d(model,(nlay,),,chani,name='chani') self.layvka = util_2d(model,(nlay,),,layvka,name='vka') self.laywet = util_2d(model,(nlay,),,laywet,name='laywet') self.wetfct = wetfct # Factor that is included in the calculation of the head when a cell is converted from dry to wet self.iwetit = iwetit # Iteration interval for attempting to wet cells self.ihdwet = ihdwet # Flag that determines which equation is used to define the initial head at cells that become wet self.options = ' ' if storagecoefficient: self.options = self.options + 'STORAGECOEFFICIENT ' if constantcv: self.options = self.options + 'CONSTANTCV ' if thickstrt: self.options = self.options + 'THICKSTRT ' if nocvcorrection: self.options = self.options + 'NOCVCORRECTION ' if novfc: self.options = self.options + 'NOVFC ' = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,hk,name='hk',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.hani = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,hk,name='hani',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.vka = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,hk,name='vka',locat=self.unit_number[0]) = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,ss,name='ss',locat=self.unit_number[0]) = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,sy,name='sy',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.vkcb = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,vkcb,name='vkcb',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.wetdry = util_3d(model,(nlay,nrow,ncol),np.float32,wetdry,name='wetdry',locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.parent.add_package(self)
def thickness(self): #self.__thickness = np.empty((self.botm.shape)) # First model layer #self.__thickness[0] = - self.botm[0] # All other layers #for l in range(1, self.nlay): # self.__thickness[l] = self.botm[l-1] - self.botm[l] thk = [] thk.append( - self.botm[0]) for k in range(1,self.nlay): thk.append(self.botm[k-1] - self.botm[k]) self.__thickness = util_3d(self.parent,(self.nlay,self.nrow,self.ncol),np.float32,thk,name='thickness') return self.__thickness
def __init__(self, model, ibound=1, strt=1.0, ixsec=False, ichflg=False, hnoflo=-999.99, extension='bas', unitnumber=13): Package.__init__( self, model, extension, 'BAS6', unitnumber ) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'bas6.htm' nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = self.parent.nrow_ncol_nlay_nper # First create arrays so that they have the correct size self.__ibound = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay), dtype='int32') # IBOUND array self.strt = np.empty((nrow, ncol, nlay)) # Starting heads # Set values of all parameters #self.__ibound = self.assignarray((nlay,nrow,ncol),, ibound, name='ibound', load=True) self.__ibound = util_3d(model, (nlay, nrow, ncol),, ibound, name='ibound', locat=self.unit_number[0]) #self.strt = self.assignarray((nlay,nrow,ncol), np.float, strt, name='strt', load=model.load) self.strt = util_3d(model, (nlay, nrow, ncol), np.float32, strt, name='strt', locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.heading = '# Basic package file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' self.options = '' # Can be either or a combination of XSECTION, CHTOCH or FREE self.ixsec = ixsec # Flag for use of cross-section option self.ichflg = ichflg # Flag for calculation of flow between constant head cells self.ifrefm = True # Free format specifier is set to True, as other packages depend on that self.hnoflo = hnoflo # Head in no-flow cells self.parent.add_package(self)
def thickness(self): #self.__thickness = np.empty((self.botm.shape)) # First model layer #self.__thickness[0] = - self.botm[0] # All other layers #for l in range(1, self.nlay): # self.__thickness[l] = self.botm[l-1] - self.botm[l] thk = [] thk.append( - self.botm[0]) for k in range(1, self.nlay): thk.append(self.botm[k - 1] - self.botm[k]) self.__thickness = util_3d(self.parent, (self.nlay, self.nrow, self.ncol), np.float32, thk, name='thickness') return self.__thickness
def __init__(self, model, nlay=1, nrow=2, ncol=2, nper=1, delr=1.0, delc=1.0, laycbd=1, top=1, botm=0, perlen=1, nstp=1, tsmult=1, steady=True, itmuni=4, lenuni=2, extension='dis', unitnumber=11): Package.__init__( self, model, extension, 'DIS', unitnumber ) # Call ancestor's init to set self.parent, extension, name and unit number self.url = 'dis.htm' self.nrow = nrow self.ncol = ncol self.nlay = nlay self.nper = nper # Set values of all parameters self.heading = '# Discretization file for MODFLOW, generated by Flopy.' #self.laycbd = self.assignarray((self.nlay,),, laycbd, name='laycbd') self.laycbd = util_2d(model, (self.nlay, ),, laycbd, name='laycbd') self.laycbd[-1] = 0 # bottom layer must be zero self.delr = util_2d(model, (self.ncol, ), np.float32, delr, name='delr', locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.delc = util_2d(model, (self.nrow, ), np.float32, delc, name='delc', locat=self.unit_number[0]) = util_2d(model, (self.nrow, self.ncol), np.float32, top, name='model_top', locat=self.unit_number[0]) self.botm = util_3d( model, (self.nlay + sum(self.laycbd), self.nrow, self.ncol), np.float32, botm, 'botm', locat=self.unit_number[0]) #if (not self.checklayerthickness()): # if self.parent.silent == 0: print 'Warning: Cells with zero-layer thickness encountered!' self.perlen = util_2d(model, (self.nper, ), np.float32, perlen, name='perlen') self.nstp = util_2d(model, (self.nper, ),, nstp, name='nstp') self.tsmult = util_2d(model, (self.nper, ), np.float32, tsmult, name='tsmult') self.steady = util_2d(model, (self.nper, ), np.bool, steady, name='steady') self.itmuni = itmuni self.lenuni = lenuni self.parent.add_package(self)
def write_file(self): nrow, ncol, nlay, nper = ModflowDis ='DIS') # Open file for writing f_btn = open(self.fn_path, 'w') f_btn.write('#{0:s}\n#{1:s}\n'.format(self.heading1,self.heading2)) f_btn.write('{0:10d}{1:10d}{2:10d}{3:10d}{4:10d}{5:10d}\n'\ .format(nlay,nrow,ncol,nper,self.ncomp,self.mcomp)) f_btn.write('{0:4s}{1:4s}{2:4s}\n'\ .format(self.tunit,self.lunit,self.munit)) if (self.parent.adv != None): f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('T')) else: f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('F')) if (self.parent.dsp != None): f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('T')) else: f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('F')) if (self.parent.ssm != None): f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('T')) else: f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('F')) if (self.parent.rct != None): f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('T')) else: f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('F')) if (self.parent.gcg != None): f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('T')) else: f_btn.write('{0:2s}'.format('F')) f_btn.write('\n') flow_package ='BCF6') if (flow_package != None): lc = util_2d(self.parent,(nlay,),,\ flow_package.laycon.get_value(),name='btn - laytype',\ locat=self.unit_number[0]) else: flow_package ='LPF') if (flow_package != None): lc = util_2d(self.parent,(nlay,),\,flow_package.laytyp.get_value(),\ name='btn - laytype',locat=self.unit_number[0]) #--need to reset lc fmtin lc.set_fmtin('(40I2)') f_btn.write(lc.string) delr = util_2d(self.parent,(ncol,),\ np.float32,ModflowDis.delr.get_value(),\ name='delr',locat=self.unit_number[0]) f_btn.write(delr.get_file_entry()) delc = util_2d(self.parent,(nrow,),np.float32,\ ModflowDis.delc.get_value(),name='delc',\ locat=self.unit_number[0]) f_btn.write(delc.get_file_entry()) top = util_2d(self.parent,(nrow,ncol),\ np.float32,,\ name='top',locat=self.unit_number[0]) f_btn.write(top.get_file_entry()) thickness = util_3d(self.parent,(nlay,nrow,ncol),\ np.float32,ModflowDis.thickness.get_value(),\ name='thickness',locat=self.unit_number[0]) f_btn.write(thickness.get_file_entry()) f_btn.write(self.prsity.get_file_entry()) f_btn.write(self.icbund.get_file_entry()) # Starting concentrations for s in range(len(self.sconc)): f_btn.write(self.sconc[s].get_file_entry()) f_btn.write('{0:10.0E}{1:10.4f}\n'\ .format(self.cinact,self.thkmin)) f_btn.write('{0:10d}{1:10d}{2:10d}{3:10d}'\ .format(self.ifmtcn,self.ifmtnp,self.ifmtrf,self.ifmtdp)) if (self.savucn == True): ss = 'T' else: ss = 'F' f_btn.write('{0:>10s}\n'.format(ss)) # NPRS if (self.timprs == None): f_btn.write('{0:10d}\n'.format(self.nprs)) else: f_btn.write('{0:10d}\n'.format(len(self.timprs))) timprs = util_2d(self.parent,(len(self.timprs),)\ ,,self.timprs,name='timprs',fmtin='(8F10.0)') f_btn.write(timprs.string) # OBS if (self.obs == None): f_btn.write('{0:10d}{1:10d}\n'.format(0,self.nprobs)) else: nobs = self.obs.shape[0] f_btn.write('{0:10d}{1:10d}\n'.format(nobs,self.nprobs)) for r in range(nobs): f_btn.write('{0:10d}{1:10d}{2:10d}\n'\ .format(self.obs[r,0],self.obs[r,1],self.obs[r,2])) # CHKMAS, NPRMAS if (self.chkmas == True): ss = 'T' else: ss = 'F' f_btn.write('{0:>10s}{1:10d}\n'.format(ss,self.nprmas)) # PERLEN, NSTP, TSMULT for t in range(nper): f_btn.write('{0:10.4g}{1:10d}{2:10f}\n'\ .format(ModflowDis.perlen[t],ModflowDis.nstp[t],\ ModflowDis.tsmult[t])) f_btn.write('{0:10f}{1:10d}{2:10f}{3:10f}\n'\ .format(self.dt0[t],self.mxstrn[t],\ self.ttsmult[t],self.ttsmax[t])) f_btn.close()
def setibound(self, value): self.__ibound = util_3d(model, (nlay, nrow, ncol),, ibound, name='ibound', locat=self.unit_number[0])
#print k_layer1_2d.get_file_entry() #--to access the array which in this case loads the array stored in 'my_perfect_k.dat' #print k_layer1_2d.array #--to access the string, returns the string representation of the array that was just loaded #print k_layer1_2d.string #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--util_3d - just a wrapper around util_2d #--just a scalar assigns the same value to all layers #--internal (constants) model_instance.external_path = None k_3d = util_3d(model_instance, (nlay, nrow, ncol), np.float32, some_k_scalar, name='k') #print k_3d.get_file_entry() #--external arrays model_instance.external_path = '.\\' k_3d = util_3d(model_instance, (nlay, nrow, ncol), np.float32, some_k_scalar, name='k') #print k_3d.get_file_entry() #--a mix of nlay items - internal model_instance.external_path = None some_k_list = [50.0, 'my_perfect_k.dat', np.zeros((nrow, ncol)) + 50.0] k_3d = util_3d(model_instance, (nlay, nrow, ncol),