Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_checkPidRunning(self):
        # we should be running
        pid = os.getpid()

        # so should init as pid 1, but run as root
Exemplo n.º 2
    def disable(self, args):
        if len(args) < 1:
            raise errors.FatalError, 'Please specify what to disable'

        which = args[0]
        if which not in ['manager', 'worker']:
            raise errors.FatalError, 'Please specify either manager or worker'

        if len(args) < 2:
            raise errors.FatalError, 'Please specify which %s to %s' % (
                which, 'enable')

        name = args[1]
        if which == 'manager':
            managers = self.getManagers()
            if not name in managers:
                raise errors.FatalError, 'No manager "%s"' % name
            pid = getPid('manager', name)
            if pid:
                if checkPidRunning(pid):
                    raise errors.FatalError, "Manager %s is running" % name
        elif which == 'worker':
            workers = self.getWorkers()
            if not name in workers:
                raise errors.FatalError, 'No worker with name %s' % name
            pid = getPid('worker', name)
            if pid:
                if checkPidRunning(pid):
                    raise errors.FatalError, "Worker %s is running" % name
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_checkPidRunning(self):
        # we should be running
        pid = os.getpid()

        # so should init as pid 1, but run as root
Exemplo n.º 4
    def disable(self, args):
        if len(args) < 1:
            raise errors.FatalError, 'Please specify what to disable'

        which = args[0]
        if which not in ['manager', 'worker']:
            raise errors.FatalError, 'Please specify either manager or worker'

        if len(args) < 2:
            raise errors.FatalError, 'Please specify which %s to %s' % (
                which, 'enable')

        name = args[1]
        if which == 'manager':
            managers = self.getManagers()
            if not name in managers:
                raise errors.FatalError, 'No manager "%s"' % name
            pid = getPid('manager', name)
            if pid:
                if checkPidRunning(pid):
                    raise errors.FatalError, "Manager %s is running" % name
        elif which == 'worker':
            workers = self.getWorkers()
            if not name in workers:
                raise errors.FatalError, 'No worker with name %s' % name
            pid = getPid('worker', name)
            if pid:
                if checkPidRunning(pid):
                    raise errors.FatalError, "Worker %s is running" % name
Exemplo n.º 5
    def testTermPid(self):
        ret = os.fork()
        if ret == 0:
            # child
            # parent

            os.waitpid(ret, 0)

            # now that it's gone, it should fail
Exemplo n.º 6
    def testTermPid(self):
        ret = os.fork()
        if ret == 0:
            # child
            # parent

            os.waitpid(ret, 0)

            # now that it's gone, it should fail
Exemplo n.º 7
    def stopWorker(self, name):
        Stop the given worker if it is running.
        self.info("Stopping worker %s" % name)
        pid = getPid('worker', name)
        if not pid:
            self.info("worker %s was not running" % name)
            return True

        # FIXME: ensure a correct process is running this pid
        if not checkPidRunning(pid):
            self.info("Worker %s is dead (stale pid %d), "
                      "cleaning up" % (name, pid))
            deletePidFile('worker', name)
            return False

        self.debug('Stopping worker %s with pid %d' % (name, pid))

        ret = self.stopProcess(pid)

        # we may need to remove the pid file ourselves, in case the process
        # failed to do it
        deletePidFile('worker', name, force=True)

        if ret:
            self.info('Stopped worker %s with pid %d' % (name, pid))
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 8
    def stopProcess(self, pid):
        Stop the process with the given pid.
        Wait until the pid has disappeared.
        startClock = time.clock()
        termClock = startClock + configure.processTermWait
        killClock = termClock + configure.processKillWait

        self.debug('stopping process with pid %d' % pid)
        if not termPid(pid):
            self.warning('No process with pid %d' % pid)
            return False

        # wait for the kill
        while (checkPidRunning(pid)):
            if time.clock() > termClock:
                self.warning("Process with pid %d has not responded to TERM " \
                    "for %d seconds, killing" % (pid,
                # so it does not get triggered again
                termClock = killClock + 1.0

            if time.clock() > killClock:
                self.warning("Process with pid %d has not responded to KILL " \
                    "for %d seconds, stopping" % (pid,
                return False

            # busy loop until kill is done

        return True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def stopProcess(self, pid):
        Stop the process with the given pid.
        Wait until the pid has disappeared.
        startClock = time.clock()
        termClock = startClock + configure.processTermWait
        killClock = termClock + configure.processKillWait

        self.debug("stopping process with pid %d" % pid)
        if not termPid(pid):
            self.warning("No process with pid %d" % pid)
            return False

        # wait for the kill
        while checkPidRunning(pid):
            if time.clock() > termClock:
                    "Process with pid %d has not responded to TERM "
                    "for %d seconds, killing" % (pid, configure.processTermWait)
                # so it does not get triggered again
                termClock = killClock + 1.0

            if time.clock() > killClock:
                    "Process with pid %d has not responded to KILL "
                    "for %d seconds, stopping" % (pid, configure.processKillWait)
                return False

            # busy loop until kill is done

        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
def possess(daemonizeTo=None):
    fileutils.ensureDirExists(configure.logdir, "log file")
    fileutils.ensureDirExists(configure.rundir, "run file")
    if not daemonizeTo:
        daemonizeTo = '/'

    pid = process.getPid('transcoder-admin')
    if pid:
        if process.checkPidRunning(pid):
            raise iherrors.SystemError(
                'A flumotion-transcoder-admin is already running '
                + 'as pid %d' % pid)
            log.warning("flumotion-transcoder-admin should have been "
                        "running with pid %s.  Restarting", str(pid))

    logPath = os.path.join(configure.logdir, 'transcoder-admin.log')

    # here we daemonize; so we also change our pid
    if not daemonizeTo:
        daemonizeTo = '/'
    process.daemonize(stdout=logPath, stderr=logPath,

    log.info('Started daemon')

    # from now on I should keep running, whatever happens
    log.debug('writing pid file')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def stopWorker(self, name):
        Stop the given worker if it is running.
        self.info("Stopping worker %s" % name)
        pid = getPid('worker', name)
        if not pid:
            self.info("worker %s was not running" % name)
            return True

        # FIXME: ensure a correct process is running this pid
        if not checkPidRunning(pid):
            self.info("Worker %s is dead (stale pid %d), "
                      "cleaning up" % (name, pid))
            deletePidFile('worker', name)
            return False

        self.debug('Stopping worker %s with pid %d' % (name, pid))

        ret = self.stopProcess(pid)

        # we may need to remove the pid file ourselves, in case the process
        # failed to do it
        deletePidFile('worker', name, force=True)

        if ret:
            self.info('Stopped worker %s with pid %d' % (name, pid))
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 12
    def startManager(self, name, flowNames):
        Start the manager as configured in the manager directory for the given
        manager name, together with the given flows.

        @returns: whether or not the manager daemon started
        self.info("Starting manager %s" % name)
        self.debug("Starting manager with flows %r" % flowNames)
        managerDir = os.path.join(self.managersDir, name)
        planetFile = os.path.join(managerDir, 'planet.xml')
        if not os.path.exists(planetFile):
            raise errors.FatalError, \
                "Planet file %s does not exist" % planetFile
        self.info("Loading planet %s" % planetFile)

        flowsDir = os.path.join(managerDir, 'flows')
        flowFiles = []
        for flowName in flowNames:
            flowFile = os.path.join(flowsDir, "%s.xml" % flowName)
            if not os.path.exists(flowFile):
                raise errors.FatalError, \
                    "Flow file %s does not exist" % flowFile
            self.info("Loading flow %s" % flowFile)

        pid = getPid('manager', name)
        if pid:
            if checkPidRunning(pid):
                raise errors.FatalError, \
                    "Manager %s is already running (with pid %d)" % (name, pid)
                # there is a stale PID file, warn about it, remove it and
                # continue
                self.warning("Removing stale pid file %d for manager %s",
                             pid, name)
                deletePidFile('manager', name)

        dirOptions = self._getDirOptions()
        command = "flumotion-manager %s -D --daemonize-to %s " \
            "--service-name %s %s %s" % (
            dirOptions, configure.daemondir, name, planetFile,
            " ".join(flowFiles))
        self.debug("starting process %s" % command)
        retval = self.startProcess(command)

        if retval == 0:
            self.debug("Waiting for pid for manager %s" % name)
            pid = waitPidFile('manager', name)
            if pid:
                self.info("Started manager %s with pid %d" % (name, pid))
                return True
                self.warning("manager %s could not start" % name)
                return False

        self.warning("manager %s could not start (return value %d)" % (
            name, retval))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 13
    def startWorker(self, name):
        Start the worker as configured in the worker directory for the given
        worker name.

        @returns: whether or not the worker daemon started
        self.info("Starting worker %s" % name)

        if self.checkDisabled('worker', name):
            print "worker %s is disabled, cannot start" % name

        workerFile = os.path.join(self.workersDir, "%s.xml" % name)
        if not os.path.exists(workerFile):
            raise errors.FatalError, \
                "Worker file %s does not exist" % workerFile

        pid = getPid('worker', name)
        if pid:
            if checkPidRunning(pid):
                raise errors.FatalError, \
                    "Worker %s is already running (with pid %d)" % (name, pid)
                # there is a stale PID file, warn about it, remove it and
                # continue
                self.warning("Removing stale pid file %d for worker %s", pid,
                deletePidFile('worker', name)

        # we are sure the worker is not running and there's no pid file
        self.info("Loading worker %s" % workerFile)

        dirOptions = self._getDirOptions()
        command = "flumotion-worker %s -D --daemonize-to %s " \
            "--service-name %s %s" % (
                dirOptions, configure.daemondir, name, workerFile)
        self.debug("Running %s" % command)
        retval = self.startProcess(command)

        if retval == 0:
            self.debug("Waiting for pid for worker %s" % name)
            pid = waitPidFile('worker', name)
            if pid:
                self.info("Started worker %s with pid %d" % (name, pid))
                return True
                self.warning("worker %s could not start" % name)
                return False

        self.warning("worker %s could not start (return value %d)" %
                     (name, retval))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 14
    def startWorker(self, name):
        Start the worker as configured in the worker directory for the given
        worker name.

        @returns: whether or not the worker daemon started
        self.info("Starting worker %s" % name)

        if self.checkDisabled('worker', name):
            print "worker %s is disabled, cannot start" % name

        workerFile = os.path.join(self.workersDir, "%s.xml" % name)
        if not os.path.exists(workerFile):
            raise errors.FatalError, \
                "Worker file %s does not exist" % workerFile

        pid = getPid('worker', name)
        if pid:
            if checkPidRunning(pid):
                raise errors.FatalError, \
                    "Worker %s is already running (with pid %d)" % (name, pid)
                # there is a stale PID file, warn about it, remove it and
                # continue
                self.warning("Removing stale pid file %d for worker %s",
                             pid, name)
                deletePidFile('worker', name)

        # we are sure the worker is not running and there's no pid file
        self.info("Loading worker %s" % workerFile)

        dirOptions = self._getDirOptions()
        command = "flumotion-worker %s -D --daemonize-to %s " \
            "--service-name %s %s" % (
                dirOptions, configure.daemondir, name, workerFile)
        self.debug("Running %s" % command)
        retval = self.startProcess(command)

        if retval == 0:
            self.debug("Waiting for pid for worker %s" % name)
            pid = waitPidFile('worker', name)
            if pid:
                self.info("Started worker %s with pid %d" % (name, pid))
                return True
                self.warning("worker %s could not start" % name)
                return False

        self.warning("worker %s could not start (return value %d)" % (
            name, retval))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 15
 def status(self, args):
     Give status on processes as given in the args.
     (managers, workers) = self._parseManagersWorkers("status", args)
     self.debug("Status managers %r and workers %r" % (managers, workers))
     for kind, names in [("manager", managers), ("worker", workers)]:
         for name in names:
             pid = getPid(kind, name)
             if not pid:
                 print "%s %s not running" % (kind, name)
             if checkPidRunning(pid):
                 print "%s %s is running with pid %d" % (kind, name, pid)
                 print "%s %s dead (stale pid %d)" % (kind, name, pid)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def status(self, args):
     Give status on processes as given in the args.
     (managers, workers) = self._parseManagersWorkers('status', args)
     self.debug("Status managers %r and workers %r" % (managers, workers))
     for kind, names in [('manager', managers), ('worker', workers)]:
         for name in names:
             pid = getPid(kind, name)
             if not pid:
                 if self.checkDisabled(kind, name):
                     print "%s %s is disabled" % (kind, name)
                     print "%s %s not running" % (kind, name)
             if checkPidRunning(pid):
                 print "%s %s is running with pid %d" % (kind, name, pid)
                 print "%s %s dead (stale pid %d)" % (kind, name, pid)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def stopManager(self, name):
        Stop the given manager if it is running.
        self.info("Stopping manager %s" % name)
        pid = getPid("manager", name)
        if not pid:
            return True

        # FIXME: ensure a correct process is running this pid
        if not checkPidRunning(pid):
            self.info("Manager %s is dead (stale pid %d)" % (name, pid))
            return False

        self.debug("Stopping manager %s with pid %d" % (name, pid))
        if not self.stopProcess(pid):
            return False

        self.info("Stopped manager %s with pid %d" % (name, pid))
        return True
Exemplo n.º 18
 def clean(self, args):
     Clean up dead process pid files as given in the args.
     (managers, workers) = self._parseManagersWorkers("clean", args)
     self.debug("Clean managers %r and workers %r" % (managers, workers))
     for kind, names in [("manager", managers), ("worker", workers)]:
         for name in names:
             pid = getPid(kind, name)
             if not pid:
                 # may be a file that contains bogus data
                     deletePidFile(kind, name)
                     print "deleted bogus pid file for %s %s" % (kind, name)
                 except OSError:
                     print ("failed to delete pid file for %s %s " "- ignoring" % (kind, name))
             if not checkPidRunning(pid):
                 self.debug("Cleaning up stale pid %d for %s %s" % (pid, kind, name))
                 print "deleting stale pid file for %s %s" % (kind, name)
                 deletePidFile(kind, name)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def condrestart(self, args):
        Restart running processes as given in the args.

        If nothing specified, condrestart all managers and workers.
        If first argument is "manager", condrestart given manager.
        If first argument is "worker", condrestart given worker.

        @returns: an exit value reflecting the number of processes that failed
                  to start
        (managers, workers) = self._parseManagersWorkers('condrestart', args)
        self.debug("condrestart managers %r and workers %r" %
                   (managers, workers))
        managersDict = self.getManagers()
        exitvalue = 0

        for kind, names in [('manager', managers), ('worker', workers)]:
            for name in names:
                pid = getPid(kind, name)
                if not pid:
                if checkPidRunning(pid):
                    if kind == 'manager':
                        if not self.stopManager(name):
                            exitvalue += 1
                        if not self.startManager(name, managersDict[name]):
                            exitvalue += 1
                    elif kind == 'worker':
                        if not self.stopWorker(name):
                            exitvalue += 1
                        if not self.startWorker(name):
                            exitvalue += 1
                    print "%s %s dead (stale pid %d)" % (kind, name, pid)

        return exitvalue
Exemplo n.º 20
    def condrestart(self, args):
        Restart running processes as given in the args.

        If nothing specified, condrestart all managers and workers.
        If first argument is "manager", condrestart given manager.
        If first argument is "worker", condrestart given worker.

        @returns: an exit value reflecting the number of processes that failed
                  to start
        (managers, workers) = self._parseManagersWorkers('condrestart', args)
        self.debug("condrestart managers %r and workers %r" % (
            managers, workers))
        managersDict = self.getManagers()
        exitvalue = 0

        for kind, names in [('manager', managers), ('worker', workers)]:
            for name in names:
                pid = getPid(kind, name)
                if not pid:
                if checkPidRunning(pid):
                    if kind == 'manager':
                        if not self.stopManager(name):
                            exitvalue += 1
                        if not self.startManager(name, managersDict[name]):
                            exitvalue += 1
                    elif kind == 'worker':
                        if not self.stopWorker(name):
                            exitvalue += 1
                        if not self.startWorker(name):
                            exitvalue += 1
                    print "%s %s dead (stale pid %d)" % (kind, name, pid)

        return exitvalue
Exemplo n.º 21
 def clean(self, args):
     Clean up dead process pid files as given in the args.
     (managers, workers) = self._parseManagersWorkers('clean', args)
     self.debug("Clean managers %r and workers %r" % (managers, workers))
     for kind, names in [('manager', managers), ('worker', workers)]:
         for name in names:
             pid = getPid(kind, name)
             if not pid:
                 # may be a file that contains bogus data
                     deletePidFile(kind, name)
                     print "deleted bogus pid file for %s %s" % (kind, name)
                 except OSError:
                         "failed to delete pid file for %s %s "
                         "- ignoring" % (kind, name))
             if not checkPidRunning(pid):
                 self.debug("Cleaning up stale pid %d for %s %s" %
                            (pid, kind, name))
                 print "deleting stale pid file for %s %s" % (kind, name)
                 deletePidFile(kind, name)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def startManager(self, name, flowNames):
        Start the manager as configured in the manager directory for the given
        manager name, together with the given flows.

        @returns: whether or not the manager daemon started
        self.info("Starting manager %s" % name)

        if self.checkDisabled('manager', name):
            print "manager %s is disabled, cannot start" % name

        self.debug("Starting manager with flows %r" % flowNames)
        managerDir = os.path.join(self.managersDir, name)
        planetFile = os.path.join(managerDir, 'planet.xml')
        if not os.path.exists(planetFile):
            raise errors.FatalError, \
                "Planet file %s does not exist" % planetFile
        self.info("Loading planet %s" % planetFile)

        flowsDir = os.path.join(managerDir, 'flows')
        flowFiles = []
        for flowName in flowNames:
            flowFile = os.path.join(flowsDir, "%s.xml" % flowName)
            if not os.path.exists(flowFile):
                raise errors.FatalError, \
                    "Flow file %s does not exist" % flowFile
            self.info("Loading flow %s" % flowFile)

        pid = getPid('manager', name)
        if pid:
            if checkPidRunning(pid):
                raise errors.FatalError, \
                    "Manager %s is already running (with pid %d)" % (name, pid)
                # there is a stale PID file, warn about it, remove it and
                # continue
                self.warning("Removing stale pid file %d for manager %s", pid,
                deletePidFile('manager', name)

        dirOptions = self._getDirOptions()
        command = "flumotion-manager %s -D --daemonize-to %s " \
            "--service-name %s %s %s" % (
            dirOptions, configure.daemondir, name, planetFile,
            " ".join(flowFiles))
        self.debug("starting process %s" % command)
        retval = self.startProcess(command)

        if retval == 0:
            self.debug("Waiting for pid for manager %s" % name)
            pid = waitPidFile('manager', name)
            if pid:
                self.info("Started manager %s with pid %d" % (name, pid))
                return True
                self.warning("manager %s could not start" % name)
                return False

        self.warning("manager %s could not start (return value %d)" %
                     (name, retval))
        return False