Exemplo n.º 1
def sens(sens, kanjs, rdngs, nsens):
    KW = jdb.KW
    dial = ['dial=' + KW.DIAL[x.kw].kw for x in getattr(sens, '_dial', [])]
    misc = [KW.MISC[x.kw].kw for x in getattr(sens, '_misc', [])]
    pos = [KW.POS[x.kw].kw for x in getattr(sens, '_pos', [])]
    fld = ['fld=' + KW.FLD[x.kw].kw for x in getattr(sens, '_fld', [])]
    stagk = fmt.restrtxts(getattr(sens, '_stagk', []), kanjs, '_stagk')
    stagr = fmt.restrtxts(getattr(sens, '_stagr', []), rdngs, '_stagr')
    _lsrc = [lsrc(x) for x in getattr(sens, '_lsrc', [])]

    _xref = [
        '[' + xref(x) + ']' for x in getattr(sens, '_xref', [])
        if getattr(x, 'SEQ', None) is not False
        and getattr(x, '_xsens', None) != []
    _xrslv = ['[' + xrslv(x) + ']' for x in getattr(sens, '_xrslv', [])]

    kwds = iif(pos, '[' + ','.join(pos) + ']', '')
    kwds += iif(misc, '[' + ','.join(misc) + ']', '')
    kwds += iif(fld, '[' + ','.join(fld) + ']', '')
    dial = iif(dial, '[' + ','.join(dial) + ']', '')
    restr = stagk + stagr
    # Join restrs with "," if they are alone, but with
    # ";" if in a list prefixed with "restr=".
    restr = iif(restr, '[restr=' + '; '.join(qtxt(x) for x in restr) + ']', '')
    _lsrc = iif(_lsrc, '[' + ','.join(_lsrc) + ']', '')
    note = ''
    if getattr(sens, 'notes', None): note = '[note=' + qtxt(sens.notes) + ']'

    lastginf = -1
    gloss = []
    gtxt = []
    for n, g in enumerate(getattr(sens, '_gloss', [])):
        kws = []
        if g.ginf != KW.GINF['equ'].id: kws.append(KW.GINF[g.ginf].kw)
        if g.lang != KW.LANG['eng'].id:
            if g.lang == KW.LANG['lit'].id:
                # Lithuanian language tag needs an explicit "lang="
                # tag to disabiguate from a ginf lit ("literal") tag.
                kws.append("lang=" + KW.LANG[g.lang].kw)
        nl = '' if n == 0 else '\n  '
        kwstr = ('%s[%s] ' % (nl, ','.join(kws))) if kws else ''
        gtxt.append('%s%s' % (kwstr, escgloss(g.txt)))
    gloss = ['; '.join(gtxt)]
    lines = []
    lines.append("[%d]%s%s" % (nsens, kwds, dial))
    if restr: lines.append(restr)
    if _lsrc: lines.append(_lsrc)
    if note: lines.append(note)
    txt = '\n  '.join(lines)
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 2
def add_stag_summary(entries):

    # This adds a STAG attribute to each sense that has any
    # stagr or stagk restrictions.  .STAG is set to a single
    # list that contains the kana or kanji texts strings that
    # are allowed for the sense under the restrictions.

    for e in entries:
        for s in getattr(e, '_sens', []):
            rt = []
            if getattr(s, '_stagr', None):
                rt.extend(fmt.restrtxts(s._stagr, e._rdng, '_stagr'))
            if getattr(s, '_stagk', None):
                rt.extend(fmt.restrtxts(s._stagk, e._kanj, '_stagk'))
            if rt:
                s._STAG = rt
Exemplo n.º 3
def rdng(rdng, kanjs):
    KW = jdb.KW
    txt = rdng.txt
    restrtxt = fmt.restrtxts(getattr(rdng, '_restr', []), kanjs, '_restr',
    # Join restrs with "," if they are alone, but with
    # ";" if in a list prefixed with "restr=".
    if restrtxt: txt += '[' + ','.join(restrtxt) + ']'
    inf = [KW.RINF[x.kw].kw for x in getattr(rdng, '_inf', [])]
    freq = jdb.freq2txts(getattr(rdng, '_freq', []))
    if inf or freq: txt += '[' + ','.join(inf + freq) + ']'
    return txt
Exemplo n.º 4
def add_restr_summary(entries):

    # This adds an _RESTR attribute to each reading of each entry
    # that has a restr list.  The ._RESTR attribute value is a list
    # of text strings giving the kanji that *are* allowed with the
    # reading.  Recall that the database (and entry object created
    # therefrom) stores the *disallowed* reading/kanji combinations
    # but one generally wants to display the *allowed* combinations.
    # Also add a HAS_RESTR boolean flag to the entry if there are
    # _restr items on any reading.

    for e in entries:
        if not hasattr(e, '_rdng') or not hasattr(e, '_kanj'): continue
        for r in e._rdng:
            if not hasattr(r, '_restr'): continue
            rt = fmt.restrtxts(r._restr, e._kanj, '_restr')
            if rt: r._RESTR = rt
            e.HAS_RESTR = 1