Exemplo n.º 1
 def oauth_uri(cls, callback, **kwargs):
     cls.last_callback = kwargs.get('raw_callback', callback)
     return 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={}&nonce={}&scope=openid+profile+User.Read&response_type=code&redirect_uri={}{}'.format(
         MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID, time.time(),
         quote(kwargs.get('raw_callback', callback)),
         Option.from_call(kwargs.get, 'state').map(json.dumps).map(
Exemplo n.º 2
def upsert_record(application, key, content, all, username, role, raw_payload):
    raw_content = raw_payload.get('content')
    content = raw_content
    if raw_content is not None:
        content = Option.from_call(json.dumps, raw_content).get_or(raw_content)
    result = PluginStorageManager \
        .upsert_record(application, key, content, None if bool(all) else username,
    return {'success': not not result}
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_comments(p):
    limit = request.args.get('limit', None, int)
    page = request.args.get('page', 1, int)
    offset = (page - 1) * limit if limit and page else None
    p_int = Option.from_call(int, p)
    result = p_int \
        .map(lambda pid:
             CommentManager.get_comments(p, limit, offset))
    total_count = p_int \
        .map(lambda pid: CommentManager.get_comment_count(pid))
    total_pages = total_count \
        .map(lambda count: count // limit + (count % limit > 0))
    return {
        'success': not result.empty,
        'result': result.get_or(None),
        'pages': total_pages.get_or(None),
        'total': total_count.get_or(None)
Exemplo n.º 4
def remove_comment(comment, username, role, raw_payload):
    remove_token = raw_payload.get('remove_token', None)
    if username:
        stat = CommentManager.delete_comment(comment, username)
    elif remove_token:
        cid = dct_processor.check_remove_token(remove_token)
        if cid and Option.from_call(int, comment).filter(lambda x: x == cid).get_or(None):
            stat = CommentManager.force_delete_comment(cid)
            stat = False
        stat = False
    if stat:
        emit('comment_removed', {
            'id': int(comment)
    return {
        'success': stat
Exemplo n.º 5
def add_comment(username, role, content, to_post, raw_payload):
    nickname = raw_payload.get('nickname')
    name = username or nickname
    if not name:
        return {
            'success': False,
            'msg': 'Missing nickname or token expired.'

    to_post = Option.from_call(int, to_post).get_or(None)

    if not to_post:
        return {
            'success': False,
            'msg': 'to_post should be a number'

    state, msg = CommentManager.add_comment(to_post, content, raw_payload.get('to_comment'), username, nickname)
    if state:
        token = dct_processor.iss_remove_token(msg)
        emit('comment_added', {
            'post_id': to_post,
            'comment_id': msg
        raw_post = PostManager().get_db_post(to_post)
        author = raw_post.author.username
        if not nickname:
            name = UserManager.find_user(username).nickname
        emit('post_commented', {
            'post_id': raw_post.post_id,
            'title': raw_post.title,
            'by_name': name
        }, room=author)

        token = ''
    return {
        'success': state,
        'msg': 'Success' if state else msg,
        'comment_id': msg,
        'remove_token': token
Exemplo n.º 6
def new_record(application, key, content, all, username, role, raw_payload):
    result = PluginStorageManager.new_record(
        application, key,
        Option.from_call(json.dumps, content).get_or(content),
        None if bool(all) else username, raw_payload.get('index'))
    return {'success': not not result}