Exemplo n.º 1
 def deleteCharacter(self):
     tsYes = _("Yes")
     q = Dialogs.chooseItem(self.engine, [tsYes, _("No")], _("Are you sure you want to delete this player?"))
     if q == tsYes:
         if self.player:
Exemplo n.º 2
 def checkCmdPlay(self):
     info = song.loadSongInfo(self.engine, self.songName, library = self.libraryName)
     guitars = []
     drums = []
     vocals = []
     autoPart = None
     for part in info.parts:
         if part.id == 4 or part.id == 7:
         elif part.id == 5:
         if self.engine.cmdPlay == 2 and self.engine.cmdPart is not None and len(self.playerList) == 1:
             if self.engine.cmdPart == part.id:
                 log.debug("Command-line mode: Part found!")
                 if part.id == 4 and self.engine.input.gameDrums > 0:
                     autoPart = part.id
                 elif part.id == 5 and self.engine.input.gameMics > 0:
                     autoPart = part.id
                 elif self.engine.input.gameGuitars > 0:
                     autoPart = part.id
     if autoPart is None:
         if len(drums) == 0 and self.engine.input.gameDrums > 0:
             if self.splash:
                 Dialogs.hideLoadingSplashScreen(self.engine, self.splash)
                 self.splash = None
             Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, _("There are no drum parts in this song. Change your controllers to play."))
             if self.engine.cmdPlay == 2:
                 self.engine.cmdPlay = 0
                 return False
         if len(guitars) == 0 and self.engine.input.gameGuitars > 0:
             if self.splash:
                 Dialogs.hideLoadingSplashScreen(self.engine, self.splash)
                 self.splash = None
             Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, _("There are no guitar parts in this song. Change your controllers to play."))
             if self.engine.cmdPlay == 2:
                 self.engine.cmdPlay = 0
                 return False
         if len(vocals) == 0 and self.engine.input.gameMics > 0:
             if self.splash:
                 Dialogs.hideLoadingSplashScreen(self.engine, self.splash)
                 self.splash = None
             Dialogs.showMessage(self.engine, _("There are no vocal parts in this song. Change your controllers to play."))
             if self.engine.cmdPlay == 2:
                 self.engine.cmdPlay = 0
                 return False
     # Make sure the difficulty we chose is available
     p = self.playerList[0].part
     player = self.playerList[0]
     if self.engine.cmdDiff is not None:
         diff = song.difficulties[self.engine.cmdDiff]
         if diff in info.partDifficulties[p.id]:
             self.playerList[0].difficulty = diff
             self.playerList[0].difficulty = info.partDifficulties[p.id][0]
         if self.splash:
             Dialogs.hideLoadingSplashScreen(self.engine, self.splash)
             self.splash = None
         self.playerList[0].difficulty = Dialogs.chooseItem(self.engine, info.partDifficulties[p.id],
                               "%s \n %s" % (song.removeSongOrderPrefixFromName(info.name), _("%s Choose a difficulty:") % player.name), selected = player.difficulty)
     return True