Exemplo n.º 1
def test_check_name_postscript_vs_cff():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_vs_cff as check
    test_font = TTFont()
    test_font['CFF '] = fontTools.ttLib.newTable('CFF ')
    test_font['CFF '].cff.fontNames = ['SomeFontName']
    test_font['name'] = fontTools.ttLib.newTable('name')

                           FAIL, 'mismatch')

Exemplo n.º 2
def test_check_name_postscript_name_consistency():
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import \
    com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_name_consistency as check

  base_path = portable_path("data/test/source-sans-pro/TTF")
  font_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf')
  test_font = TTFont(font_path)

  # SourceSansPro-Regular only has one name ID 6 entry (for Windows),
  # let's add another one for Mac that matches the Windows entry:
  status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  # ...now let's change the Mac name ID 6 entry to something else:
  status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_check_name_match_familyname_fullfont():
    """ Does full font name begin with the font family name? """
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_match_familyname_fullfont as check
    # Our reference Mada Regular is known to be good
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))

    # So it must PASS the check:
    assert_PASS(check(ttFont), 'with a good font...')

    # alter the full-font-name prepending a bad prefix:
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
            ttFont["name"].names[i].string = "bad-prefix".encode(

    # and make sure the check FAILs:
        check(ttFont), FAIL, 'does-not', 'with a font in which the family name'
        ' begins with a digit...')

    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
            del ttFont["name"].names[i]
    assert_results_contain(check(ttFont), FAIL, 'no-full-font-name',
                           'with no FULL_FONT_NAME entries...')

    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME:
            del ttFont["name"].names[i]
    assert_results_contain(check(ttFont), FAIL, 'no-font-family-name',
                           'with no FONT_FAMILY_NAME entries...')
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_check_name_postscript_vs_cff():
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_vs_cff as check
  test_font = TTFont()
  test_font['CFF '] = fontTools.ttLib.newTable('CFF ')
  test_font['CFF '].cff.fontNames = ['SomeFontName']
  test_font['name'] = fontTools.ttLib.newTable('name')

  status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL

  status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == PASS
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_check_name_postscript_name_consistency():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import \
        com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_name_consistency as check

    base_path = portable_path("data/test/source-sans-pro/TTF")
    font_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf')
    test_font = TTFont(font_path)

    # SourceSansPro-Regular only has one name ID 6 entry (for Windows),
    # let's add another one for Mac that matches the Windows entry:

    # ...now let's change the Mac name ID 6 entry to something else:
                           FAIL, 'inconsistency')
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_check_family_max_4_fonts_per_family_name():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import \
        com_adobe_fonts_check_family_max_4_fonts_per_family_name as check

    base_path = portable_path("data/test/source-sans-pro/OTF")

    font_names = [
        'SourceSansPro-Black.otf', 'SourceSansPro-BlackIt.otf',
        'SourceSansPro-Bold.otf', 'SourceSansPro-BoldIt.otf',
        'SourceSansPro-ExtraLight.otf', 'SourceSansPro-ExtraLightIt.otf',
        'SourceSansPro-It.otf', 'SourceSansPro-Light.otf',
        'SourceSansPro-LightIt.otf', 'SourceSansPro-Regular.otf',
        'SourceSansPro-Semibold.otf', 'SourceSansPro-SemiboldIt.otf'

    font_paths = [os.path.join(base_path, n) for n in font_names]

    test_fonts = [TTFont(x) for x in font_paths]

    # try fonts with correct family name grouping

    # now set 5 of the fonts to have the same family name
    for font in test_fonts[:5]:
        name_records = font['name'].names
        for name_record in name_records:
            if name_record.nameID == 1:
                # print(repr(name_record.string))
                name_record.string = 'foobar'.encode('utf-16be')

    assert_results_contain(check(test_fonts), FAIL, 'too-many')
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_check_name_rfn():
    """ Name table strings must not contain 'Reserved Font Name'. """
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_rfn as check

    test_font = TTFont(TEST_FILE("nunito/Nunito-Regular.ttf"))

    status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    test_font["name"].setName("Bla Reserved Font Name", 5, 3, 1, 0x409)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == WARN and message.code == "rfn"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_check_name_rfn():
  """ Name table strings must not contain 'Reserved Font Name'. """
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_rfn as check

  test_font = TTFont(TEST_FILE("nunito/Nunito-Regular.ttf"))

  status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  test_font["name"].setName("Bla Reserved Font Name", 5, 3, 1, 0x409)
  status, _ = list(check(test_font))[-1]
  assert status == WARN
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_check_name_empty_records():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_adobe_fonts_check_name_empty_records as check

    font_path = TEST_FILE("source-sans-pro/OTF/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf")
    test_font = TTFont(font_path)

                'with a font with fully populated name records.')

    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b''
    assert_results_contain(check(test_font), FAIL, 'empty-record',
                           'with a completely empty string.')

    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b' '
    assert_results_contain(check(test_font), FAIL, 'empty-record',
                           'with a string that only has whitespace.')
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_check_name_empty_records():
    check = CheckTester(opentype_profile,

    font_path = TEST_FILE("source-sans-pro/OTF/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf")
    test_font = TTFont(font_path)

                'with a font with fully populated name records.')

    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b''
    assert_results_contain(check(test_font), FAIL, 'empty-record',
                           'with a completely empty string.')

    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b' '
    assert_results_contain(check(test_font), FAIL, 'empty-record',
                           'with a string that only has whitespace.')
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_check_name_postscript_vs_cff():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_vs_cff as check
    test_font = TTFont()
    test_font['CFF '] = fontTools.ttLib.newTable('CFF ')
    test_font['CFF '].cff.fontNames = ['SomeFontName']
    test_font['name'] = fontTools.ttLib.newTable('name')

    test_font['name'].setName('SomeOtherFontName', NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME,
                              WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP, ENGLISH_LANG_ID)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    test_font['name'].setName('SomeFontName', NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME,
                              WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP, ENGLISH_LANG_ID)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS
Exemplo n.º 12
def assert_name_table_check_result(ttFont, index, name, check, value, expected_result):
  backup = name.string
  # set value
  ttFont["name"].names[index].string = value.encode(name.getEncoding())
  # run check
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  # restore value
  ttFont["name"].names[index].string = backup
  assert status == expected_result
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_check_name_no_copyright_on_description():
    """ Description strings in the name table
        must not contain copyright info.
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_no_copyright_on_description as check

    # Our reference Mada Regular is know to be good here.
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    assert_PASS(check(ttFont), 'with a good font...')

    # here we add a "Copyright" string to a NameID.DESCRIPTION
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont['name'].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.DESCRIPTION:
            ttFont['name'].names[i].string = "Copyright".encode(

    assert_results_contain(check(ttFont), FAIL, 'copyright-on-description',
                           'with a bad font...')
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_check_name_empty_records():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_adobe_fonts_check_name_empty_records as check

    font_path = TEST_FILE("source-sans-pro/OTF/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf")
    test_font = TTFont(font_path)

    # try a font with fully populated name records
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # now try a completely empty string
    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b''
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL

    # now try a string that only has whitespace
    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b' '
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_check_name_line_breaks():
  """ Name table entries should not contain line-breaks. """
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_line_breaks as check

  # Our reference Mada Regular font is good here:
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))

  # So it must PASS the check:
  print ("Test PASS with a good font...")
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  print ("Test FAIL with name entries containing a linebreak...")
  for i in range(len(ttFont["name"].names)):
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    encoding = ttFont["name"].names[i].getEncoding()
    ttFont["name"].names[i].string = "bad\nstring".encode(encoding)
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_check_name_line_breaks():
    """ Name table entries should not contain line-breaks. """
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_line_breaks as check

    # Our reference Mada Regular font is good here:
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))

    # So it must PASS the check:
    print("Test PASS with a good font...")
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    print("Test FAIL with name entries containing a linebreak...")
    for i in range(len(ttFont["name"].names)):
        ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
        encoding = ttFont["name"].names[i].getEncoding()
        ttFont["name"].names[i].string = "bad\nstring".encode(encoding)
        status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
        assert status == FAIL and message.code == "line-break"
Exemplo n.º 17
def assert_name_table_check_result(ttFont, index, name, check, value,
    backup = name.string
    # set value
    ttFont["name"].names[index].string = value.encode(name.getEncoding())
    # run check
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    # restore value
    ttFont["name"].names[index].string = backup
    assert status == expected_result
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_check_name_empty_records():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_adobe_fonts_check_name_empty_records as check

    font_path = TEST_FILE("source-sans-pro/OTF/SourceSansPro-Regular.otf")
    test_font = TTFont(font_path)

    # try a font with fully populated name records
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # now try a completely empty string
    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b''
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "empty-record"

    # now try a string that only has whitespace
    test_font['name'].names[3].string = b' '
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "empty-record"
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_check_name_no_copyright_on_description():
  """ Description strings in the name table
      must not contain copyright info.
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_no_copyright_on_description as check

  print('Test PASS with a good font...')
  # Our reference Mada Regular is know to be good here.
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  # here we add a "Copyright" string to a NameID.DESCRIPTION
  for i, name in enumerate(ttFont['name'].names):
    if name.nameID == NameID.DESCRIPTION:
      ttFont['name'].names[i].string = "Copyright".encode(name.getEncoding())

  print('Test FAIL with a bad font...')
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_check_name_no_copyright_on_description():
    """ Description strings in the name table
      must not contain copyright info.
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_no_copyright_on_description as check

    print('Test PASS with a good font...')
    # Our reference Mada Regular is know to be good here.
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # here we add a "Copyright" string to a NameID.DESCRIPTION
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont['name'].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.DESCRIPTION:
            ttFont['name'].names[i].string = "Copyright".encode(

    print('Test FAIL with a bad font...')
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "copyright-on-description"
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_check_name_match_familyname_fullfont():
    """ Does full font name begin with the font family name? """
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_match_familyname_fullfont as check
    # Our reference Mada Regular is known to be good
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))

    # So it must PASS the check:
    print("Test PASS with a good font...")
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # alter the full-font-name prepending a bad prefix:
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
            ttFont["name"].names[i].string = "bad-prefix".encode(

    # and make sure the check FAILs:
        "Test FAIL with a font in which the family name begins with a digit..."
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "does-not"

    print("Test FAIL with no FULL_FONT_NAME entries...")
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
            del ttFont["name"].names[i]
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "no-full-font-name"

    print("Test FAIL with no FONT_FAMILY_NAME entries...")
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
        if name.nameID == NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME:
            del ttFont["name"].names[i]
    status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL and message.code == "no-font-family-name"
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_check_name_postscript_name_consistency():
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import \
      com_adobe_fonts_check_name_postscript_name_consistency as check

    base_path = portable_path("data/test/source-sans-pro/TTF")
    font_path = os.path.join(base_path, 'SourceSansPro-Regular.ttf')
    test_font = TTFont(font_path)

    # SourceSansPro-Regular only has one name ID 6 entry (for Windows),
    # let's add another one for Mac that matches the Windows entry:
    test_font['name'].setName('SourceSansPro-Regular', NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME,
                              WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP, ENGLISH_LANG_ID)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == PASS

    # ...now let's change the Mac name ID 6 entry to something else:
    test_font['name'].setName('YetAnotherFontName', NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME,
                              WindowsEncodingID.UNICODE_BMP, ENGLISH_LANG_ID)
    status, message = list(check(test_font))[-1]
    assert status == FAIL
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_check_family_max_4_fonts_per_family_name():
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import \
    com_adobe_fonts_check_family_max_4_fonts_per_family_name as check

  base_path = portable_path("data/test/source-sans-pro/OTF")

  font_names = [

  font_paths = [os.path.join(base_path, n) for n in font_names]

  test_fonts = [TTFont(x) for x in font_paths]

  # try fonts with correct family name grouping
  status, message = list(check(test_fonts))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  # now set 5 of the fonts to have the same family name
  for font in test_fonts[:5]:
    name_records = font['name'].names
    for name_record in name_records:
      if name_record.nameID == 1:
        # print(repr(name_record.string))
        name_record.string = 'foobar'.encode('utf-16be')

  status, message = list(check(test_fonts))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_check_name_match_familyname_fullfont():
  """ Does full font name begin with the font family name? """
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_name_match_familyname_fullfont as check
  # Our reference Mada Regular is known to be good
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))

  # So it must PASS the check:
  print ("Test PASS with a good font...")
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  # alter the full-font-name prepending a bad prefix:
  for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
    if name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
      ttFont["name"].names[i].string = "bad-prefix".encode(name.getEncoding())

  # and make sure the check FAILs:
  print ("Test FAIL with a font in which the family name begins with a digit...")
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL and message.code == "does-not"

  print ("Test FAIL with no FULL_FONT_NAME entries...")
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
  for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
    if name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
      del ttFont["name"].names[i]
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL and message.code == "no-full-font-name"

  print ("Test FAIL with no FONT_FAMILY_NAME entries...")
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
  for i, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
    if name.nameID == NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME:
      del ttFont["name"].names[i]
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL and message.code == "no-font-family-name"
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_check_monospace():
    """ Checking correctness of monospaced metadata. """
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_monospace as check
    from fontbakery.profiles.shared_conditions import glyph_metrics_stats
    from fontbakery.constants import (PANOSE_Proportion, IsFixedWidth)

    # This check has a large number of code-paths
    # We'll make sure to test them all here.
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Starting with non-monospaced code-paths:
    # --------------------------------------------

    # Our reference Mada Regular is a non-monospace font
    # know to have good metadata for this check.
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
    stats = glyph_metrics_stats(ttFont)
    assert_results_contain(check(ttFont, stats), PASS, "good",
                           'with a good non-monospace font...')

    # We'll mark it as monospaced on the post table and make sure it fails:
    ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch = 42  # *any* non-zero value means monospaced
        check(ttFont, stats), FAIL, 'bad-post-isFixedPitch',
        'with a non-monospaced font with bad'
        ' post.isFixedPitch value ...')

    # restore good value:
    ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch = IsFixedWidth.NOT_MONOSPACED

    # Now we mark it as monospaced on the OS/2 and it should also fail:
    ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion = PANOSE_Proportion.MONOSPACED
        check(ttFont, stats), FAIL, 'bad-panose-proportion',
        'with a non-monospaced font with bad'
        ' OS/2.panose.bProportion value (MONOSPACED) ...')

    # --------------------------------------------
    # And now we test the monospaced code-paths:
    # --------------------------------------------

    print('Test PASS with a good monospaced font...')
    # Our reference OverpassMono Regular is know to be
    # a monospaced font with good metadata here.
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("overpassmono/OverpassMono-Regular.ttf"))

    stats = glyph_metrics_stats(ttFont)
    assert stats['most_common_width'] == 616
    status, message = list(check(ttFont, stats))[-1]
    # WARN is emitted when there's at least one outlier.
    # I don't see a good reason to be picky and also test that one separately here...
    assert (status == WARN and message.code == "mono-outliers") or \
           (status == PASS and message.code == "mono-good")

    # Let's incorrectly mark it as a non-monospaced on the post table and it should fail:
    ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch = IsFixedWidth.NOT_MONOSPACED
    # here we search for the expected FAIL among all results
    # instead of simply looking at the last one
    # because we may also get an outliers WARN in some cases:
        check(ttFont, stats), FAIL, 'mono-bad-post-isFixedPitch',
        'with a monospaced font with'
        ' bad post.isFixedPitch value ...')

    # There are several bad panose proportion values for a monospaced font.
    # Only PANOSE_Proportion.MONOSPACED would be valid.
    # So we'll try all the bad ones here to make sure all of them emit a FAIL:
    bad_monospaced_panose_values = [
    for bad_value in bad_monospaced_panose_values:
        ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion = bad_value
        # again, we search the expected FAIL because we may algo get an outliers WARN here:
            check(ttFont, stats), FAIL, 'mono-bad-panose-proportion',
            f'Test FAIL with a monospaced font with bad'
            f' OS/2.panose.bProportion value ({bad_value}) ...')
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_check_family_naming_recommendations():
    """ Font follows the family naming recommendations ? """
    from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_family_naming_recommendations as check
    # Our reference Mada Medium is known to be good
    ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Medium.ttf"))

    # So it must PASS the check:
    assert_PASS(check(ttFont), 'with a good font...')

    # We'll test rule violations in all entries one-by-one
    for index, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
        # and we'll test all INFO/PASS code-paths for each of the rules:
        def name_test(value, expected, keyword=None):
            assert_name_table_check_result(ttFont, index, name, check, value,
                                           expected, keyword)  #pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop

        if name.nameID == NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME:
            print("== NameID.POST_SCRIPT_NAME ==")

                "Test INFO: May contain only a-zA-Z0-9 characters and an hyphen..."
            # The '@' and '!' chars here are the expected rule violations:
            name_test("B@zinga!", INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test PASS: A name with a single hyphen is OK...")
            # A single hypen in the name is OK:
            name_test("Big-Bang", PASS)

            print("Test INFO: May not contain more than a single hyphen...")
            # The second hyphen char here is the expected rule violation:
            name_test("Big-Bang-Theory", INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (63)...")
            name_test("A" * 64, INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test PASS: Does not exceed max length...")
            name_test("A" * 63, PASS)

        elif name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
            print("== NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME ==")

            print("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (63)...")
            name_test("A" * 64, INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
            name_test("A" * 63, PASS)

        elif name.nameID == NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME:
            print("== NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME ==")

            print("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
            name_test("A" * 32, INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
            name_test("A" * 31, PASS)

        elif name.nameID == NameID.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME:
            print("== NameID.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME ==")

            print("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
            name_test("A" * 32, INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
            name_test("A" * 31, PASS)

        elif name.nameID == NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME:
            print("== NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME ==")

            print("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
            name_test("A" * 32, INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
            name_test("A" * 31, PASS)

        elif name.nameID == NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY_NAME:
            print("== NameID.FONT_TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY_NAME ==")

            print("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
            name_test("A" * 32, INFO, "bad-entries")

            print("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
            name_test("A" * 31, PASS)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_check_family_naming_recommendations():
  """ Font follows the family naming recommendations ? """
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_family_naming_recommendations as check
  # Our reference Mada Medium is known to be good
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Medium.ttf"))

  # So it must PASS the check:
  print ("Test PASS with a good font...")
  status, message = list(check(ttFont))[-1]
  assert status == PASS

  # We'll test rule violations in all entries one-by-one
  for index, name in enumerate(ttFont["name"].names):
    # and we'll test all INFO/PASS code-paths for each of the rules:
    def name_test(value, expected):
      assert_name_table_check_result(ttFont, index, name, check, value, expected) #pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop

    if name.nameID == NameID.POSTSCRIPT_NAME:
      print ("== NameID.POST_SCRIPT_NAME ==")

      print ("Test INFO: May contain only a-zA-Z0-9 characters and an hyphen...")
      # The '@' and '!' chars here are the expected rule violations:
      name_test("B@zinga!", INFO)

      print ("Test PASS: A name with a single hyphen is OK...")
      # A single hypen in the name is OK:
      name_test("Big-Bang", PASS)

      print ("Test INFO: May not contain more than a single hyphen...")
      # The second hyphen char here is the expected rule violation:
      name_test("Big-Bang-Theory", INFO)

      print ("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (29)...")
      name_test("A"*30, INFO)

      print ("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
      name_test("A"*29, PASS)

    elif name.nameID == NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME:
      print ("== NameID.FULL_FONT_NAME ==")

      print ("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (63)...")
      name_test("A"*64, INFO)

      print ("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
      name_test("A"*63, PASS)

    elif name.nameID == NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME:
      print ("== NameID.FONT_FAMILY_NAME ==")

      print ("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
      name_test("A"*32, INFO)

      print ("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
      name_test("A"*31, PASS)

    elif name.nameID == NameID.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME:
      print ("== NameID.FONT_SUBFAMILY_NAME ==")

      print ("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
      name_test("A"*32, INFO)

      print ("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
      name_test("A"*31, PASS)

    elif name.nameID == NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME:
      print ("== NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_FAMILY_NAME ==")

      print ("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
      name_test("A"*32, INFO)

      print ("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
      name_test("A"*31, PASS)

    elif name.nameID == NameID.TYPOGRAPHIC_SUBFAMILY_NAME:

      print ("Test INFO: Exceeds max length (31)...")
      name_test("A"*32, INFO)

      print ("Test PASS: Does not exceeds max length...")
      name_test("A"*31, PASS)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_check_monospace():
  """ Checking correctness of monospaced metadata. """
  from fontbakery.profiles.name import com_google_fonts_check_monospace as check
  from fontbakery.profiles.shared_conditions import glyph_metrics_stats
  from fontbakery.constants import (PANOSE_Proportion,

  # This check has a large number of code-paths
  # We'll make sure to test them all here.
  # --------------------------------------------
  # Starting with non-monospaced code-paths:
  # --------------------------------------------

  print('Test PASS with a good non-monospace font...')
  # Our reference Mada Regular is a non-monospace font
  # know to have good metadata for this check.
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("mada/Mada-Regular.ttf"))
  stats = glyph_metrics_stats(ttFont)
  status, message = list(check(ttFont, stats))[-1]
  assert status == PASS and message.code == "good"

  # We'll mark it as monospaced on the post table and make sure it fails:
  print('Test FAIL with a non-monospaced font with bad post.isFixedPitch value ...')
  ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch = 42 # *any* non-zero value means monospaced
  status, message = list(check(ttFont, stats))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL and message.code == "bad-post-isFixedPitch"

  # restore good value:
  ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch = IsFixedWidth.NOT_MONOSPACED

  # Now we mark it as monospaced on the OS/2 and it should also fail:
  print('Test FAIL with a non-monospaced font with bad OS/2.panose.bProportion value (MONOSPACED) ...')
  ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion = PANOSE_Proportion.MONOSPACED
  status, message = list(check(ttFont, stats))[-1]
  assert status == FAIL and message.code == "bad-panose-proportion"

  # --------------------------------------------
  # And now we test the monospaced code-paths:
  # --------------------------------------------

  print('Test PASS with a good monospaced font...')
  # Our reference OverpassMono Regular is know to be
  # a monospaced font with good metadata here.
  ttFont = TTFont(TEST_FILE("overpassmono/OverpassMono-Regular.ttf"))

  stats = glyph_metrics_stats(ttFont)
  assert stats['most_common_width'] == 616
  status, message = list(check(ttFont, stats))[-1]
  # WARN is emitted when there's at least one outlier.
  # I don't see a good reason to be picky and also test that one separately here...
  assert (status == WARN and message.code == "mono-outliers") or \
         (status == PASS and message.code == "mono-good")

  # Let's incorrectly mark it as a non-monospaced on the post table and it should fail:
  print('Test FAIL with a monospaced font with bad post.isFixedPitch value ...')
  ttFont["post"].isFixedPitch = IsFixedWidth.NOT_MONOSPACED
  # here we search for the expected FAIL among all results
  # instead of simply looking at the last one
  # because we may also get an outliers WARN in some cases:
  results = list(check(ttFont, stats))
  assert results_contain(results, FAIL, "mono-bad-post-isFixedPitch")

  # There are several bad panose proportion values for a monospaced font.
  # Only PANOSE_Proportion.MONOSPACED would be valid.
  # So we'll try all the bad ones here to make sure all of them emit a FAIL:
  bad_monospaced_panose_values = [
  good_value = ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion
  for bad_value in bad_monospaced_panose_values:
    print(f'Test FAIL with a monospaced font with bad OS/2.panose.bProportion value ({bad_value}) ...')
    ttFont["OS/2"].panose.bProportion = bad_value
    # again, we search the expected FAIL because we may algo get an outliers WARN here:
    results = list(check(ttFont, stats))
    assert results_contain(results, FAIL, "mono-bad-panose-proportion")