Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: files.py Projeto: Weej1/www
def get_query_info(query=None, category=None, subcategory=None, check_qs=True):
    must_redirect = False
    if not query and check_qs:
        query = request.args.get("q",None)
        if query:
            must_redirect = True

    if not category and check_qs:
        category = request.args.get("c",None)
        if category:
            must_redirect = True

    if query:
        g.clean_query = clean_query(query)
        g.query = g.clean_query.replace("_"," ")
        g.safe_query = seoize_text(query, " ").lower()

    if category:
        if category in g.categories_by_url:
            g.category = g.categories_by_url[category]
            if g.category.adult_content:
                g.is_adult_content = True

    if g.category and subcategory:
        subcategory = subcategory.replace("_", " ")
        if subcategory in g.category.all_subcategories:
            g.subcategory = subcategory

    return must_redirect
Exemplo n.º 2
def seoize_filter(text, separator, is_url, max_length=None):
    return seoize_text(text, separator, is_url, max_length)
Exemplo n.º 3
def format_metadata(f,text_cache, search_text_shown=False):
    Formatea los metadatos de los archivos
    text = text_cache[2] if text_cache else None
    view_md = f['view']['md'] = {}
    view_searches = f["view"]["searches"]={}
    file_type = f['view']['file_type'] if 'file_type' in f['view'] else None
    if 'md' in f['file']:
        #si viene con el formato tipo:metadato se le quita el tipo
        file_md = {(meta.split(":")[-1] if ":" in meta else meta): value for meta, value in f['file']['md'].iteritems()}

        # Duración para vídeo e imágenes
        seconds = get_float(file_md, "seconds")
        minutes = get_float(file_md, "minutes")
        hours = get_float(file_md, "hours")

        # Si no he recibido duracion de otra forma, pruebo con length y duration
        if seconds==minutes==hours==None:
            seconds = get_float(file_md, "length") or get_float(file_md, "duration")

        duration = [hours or 0, minutes or 0, seconds or 0] # h, m, s

        if any(duration):
            carry = 0
            for i in xrange(len(duration)-1,-1,-1):
                unit = long(duration[i]) + carry
                duration[i] = unit%60
                carry = unit/60

            view_md["length"] = "%d:%02d:%02d" % tuple(duration) if duration[0] > 0 else "%02d:%02d" % tuple(duration[1:])

        # Tamaño para vídeos e imágenes
        width = get_int(file_md, "width")
        height = get_int(file_md, "height")
        if width and height:
            view_md["size"] = "%dx%dpx" % (width, height)

        # Metadatos que no cambian
                (meta, file_md[meta]) for meta in
                ) if meta in file_md
                (meta, seoize_text(file_md[meta],"_",False)) for meta in
                ) if meta in file_md
        except BaseException as e:

        # thumbnail
        if "thumbnail" in file_md:
            f["view"]["thumbnail"] = file_md["thumbnail"]

        #metadatos que tienen otros nombres
            view_md.update(("tags", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("keywords", "tags", "tag") if meta in file_md)
            if "tags" in view_md and isinstance(view_md["tags"], basestring):
                view_searches["tags"] = []
            view_md.update(("comments", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("comments", "comment") if meta in file_md)
            view_md.update(("track", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("track", "track_number") if meta in file_md)
            view_md.update(("created_by", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("created_by", "encodedby","encoder") if meta in file_md)
            view_md.update(("language", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("language", "lang") if meta in file_md)
            view_md.update(("date", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("published", "creationdate") if meta in file_md)
            view_md.update(("trackers", "\n".join(file_md[meta].split(" "))) for meta in ("trackers", "tracker") if meta in file_md and isinstance(file_md[meta], basestring))
            view_md.update(("hash", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("hash", "infohash") if meta in file_md)
            view_md.update(("visualizations", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("count", "viewCount") if meta in file_md)
            if "unpackedsize" in file_md:

            if "privateflag" in file_md:
        except BaseException as e:

        #torrents -> filedir filesizes filepaths
        if "filepaths" in file_md:
            filepaths = {}
            for path, size in izip_longest(u(file_md["filepaths"]).split("///"), u(file_md.get("filesizes","")).split(" "), fillvalue=None):
                # no permite tamaños sin fichero
                if not path: break
                parts = path.strip("/").split("/")

                # crea subdirectorios
                relative_path = filepaths
                for part in parts[:-1]:
                    if "/"+part not in relative_path:
                        relative_path["/"+part] = {}
                    relative_path = relative_path["/"+part]

                # si ya existe el directorio no hace nada
                if "/"+parts[-1] in relative_path:
                # si el ultimo nivel se repite es un directorio (fallo de contenido)
                elif parts[-1] in relative_path:
                    relative_path["/"+parts[-1]] = {}
                    del relative_path[parts[-1]]
                    relative_path[parts[-1]] = size

            if "filedir" in file_md:
                filepaths = {"/"+u(file_md["filedir"]).strip("/"):filepaths}

            if filepaths:
                view_md["filepaths"] = filepaths
                view_searches["filepaths"] = {}

        # Metadatos multimedia
            #extraccion del codec de video y/o audio
            if "video_codec" in file_md: #si hay video_codec se concatena el audio_codec detras si es necesario
                view_md["codec"]=file_md["video_codec"]+" "+file_md["audio_codec"] if "audio_codec" in file_md else file_md["video_codec"]
            else: #sino se meten directamente
                view_md.update(("codec", file_md[meta]) for meta in ("audio_codec", "codec") if meta in file_md)

            if file_type in ("audio", "video", "image"):
                view_md.update((meta, file_md[meta]) for meta in ("genre", "track", "artist", "author", "colors") if meta in file_md)
                view_searches.update((meta, seoize_text(file_md[meta], "_", False)) for meta in ("artist", "author") if meta in file_md)
        except BaseException as e:

        # No muestra titulo si es igual al nombre del fichero
        if "name" in file_md:
            title = u(file_md["name"])
        elif "title" in file_md:
            title = u(file_md["title"])
            title = f['view']['nfn']

        if title:
            show_title = True
            text_longer = title
            text_shorter = f["view"]["fn"]
            if len(text_shorter)>len(text_longer):
                text_longer, text_shorter = text_shorter, text_longer

            if text_longer.startswith(text_shorter):
                text_longer = text_longer[len(text_shorter):]
                if len(text_longer)==0 or (len(text_longer)>0 and text_longer.startswith(".") and text_longer[1:] in EXTENSIONS):
                    show_title = False

            if show_title:
                view_md["title"] = title
                view_searches["title"] = seoize_text(title, "_", False)

        # Los que cambian o son especificos de un tipo
            if "date" in view_md: #intentar obtener una fecha válida
                    del view_md["date"]

            if file_type == 'audio': #album, year, bitrate, seconds, track, genre, length
                if 'album' in file_md:
                    album = u(file_md["album"])
                    year = get_int(file_md, "year")
                    if album:
                        view_md["album"] = album + (" (%d)"%year if year and 1900<year<2100 else "")
                        view_searches["album"] = seoize_text(album, "_", False)
                if 'bitrate' in file_md: # bitrate o bitrate - soundtype o bitrate - soundtype - channels
                    bitrate = get_int(file_md, "bitrate")
                    if bitrate:
                        soundtype=" - %s" % file_md["soundtype"] if "soundtype" in file_md else ""
                        channels = get_float(file_md, "channels")
                        channels=" (%g %s)" % (round(channels,1),_("channels")) if channels else ""
                        view_md["quality"] = "%g kbps %s%s" % (bitrate,soundtype,channels)

            elif file_type == 'document': #title, author, pages, format, version
                if "format" in file_md:
                    view_md["format"] = "%s%s" % (file_md["format"]," %s" % file_md["formatversion"] if "formatversion" in file_md else "")
                version = []
                if "formatVersion" in file_md:
                elif "version" in file_md:

                if "revision" in file_md:

                if version:
                    view_md["version"] = " ".join(version)
            elif file_type == 'image': #title, artist, description, width, height, colors
            elif file_type == 'software': #title, version, fileversion, os
                if "title" in view_md and "version" in file_md:
                     view_md["title"] += " %s" % file_md["version"]
                     view_searches["title"] += " %s" % seoize_text(file_md["version"], "_", False)
            elif file_type == 'video':
                quality = []

                framerate = get_int(file_md, "framerate")
                if framerate:
                    quality.append("%d fps" % framerate)

                if 'codec' in view_md: #si ya venia codec se muestra ahora en quality solamente
                    del view_md["codec"]

                if quality:
                    view_md["quality"] = " - ".join(quality)

                if "series" in file_md:
                    series = u(file_md["series"])
                    if series:
                        safe_series = seoize_text(series, "_", False)
                        view_md["series"] = series

                        season = get_int(file_md, "season")
                        if season:
                            view_md["season"] = season

                            episode = get_int(file_md, "episode")
                            if episode:
                                view_md["episode"] = episode

        except BaseException as e:
            logging.exception("Error obteniendo metadatos especificos del tipo de contenido.")

        for metadata,value in view_md.items():
            if isinstance(value, basestring):
                value = clean_html(value)
                if not value:
                    del view_md[metadata]


                # resaltar contenidos que coinciden con la busqueda, para textos no muy largos
                if len(value)<500:
                    view_mdh[metadata]=highlight(text,value) if text and len(text)<100 else value
            elif isinstance(value, float): #no hay ningun metadato tipo float
Exemplo n.º 4
def choose_filename(f,text_cache=None):
    Elige el archivo correcto
    srcs = f['file']['src']
    fns = f['file']['fn']
    chosen = None
    max_count = -1
    current_weight = -1
    if text_cache and text_cache[0] in fns: # Si text es en realidad un ID de fn
        chosen = text_cache[0]
        for hexuri,src in srcs.items():
            if 'bl' in src and src['bl']!=0:

            for crc,srcfn in src['fn'].items():
                if crc not in fns: #para los sources que tienen nombre pero no estan en el archivo

                #si no tiene nombre no se tiene en cuenta
                m = srcfn['m'] if len(fns[crc]['n'])>0 else 0
                if 'c' in fns[crc]:

                text_weight = 0
                if text_cache:
                    fn_parts = slugify(fns[crc]['n']).strip().split(" ")

                    if len(fn_parts)>0:
                        text_words =  slugify(text_cache[0]).split(" ")

                        # valora numero y orden coincidencias
                        last_pos = -1
                        max_length = length = 0
                        occurrences = [0]*len(text_words)
                        for part in fn_parts:
                            pos = text_words.index(part) if part in text_words else -1
                            if pos != -1 and (last_pos==-1 or pos==last_pos+1):
                                length += 1
                                if length > max_length: max_length = length
                                length = 0
                            if pos != -1:
                            last_pos = pos
                        if length > max_length: max_length = length
                        text_weight = sum(occurrences)*100 + max_length

                f['file']['fn'][crc]['tht'] = text_weight
                better = fns[crc]['c']>max_count

                if text_weight > current_weight or (better and text_weight==current_weight):
                    current_weight = text_weight
                    chosen = crc
                    max_count = fns[crc]['c']

    f['view']['url'] = mid2url(hex2mid(f['file']['_id']))
    f['view']['fnid'] = chosen
    if chosen:
        filename = fns[chosen]['n']
        ext = fns[chosen]['x']
    else: #uses filename from src
        filename = ""
        for hexuri,src in srcs.items():
            if src['url'].find("/")!=-1:
                filename = src['url']

        if filename=="":

        filename = filename[filename.rfind("/")+1:]
        ext = filename[filename.rfind(".")+1:]
        filename = filename[0:filename.rfind(".")]
        #TODO si no viene nombre de archivo buscar en los metadatos para formar uno (por ejemplo serie - titulo capitulo)

    filename = extension_filename(filename,ext)
    f['view']['fn'] = filename.replace("?", "")
    f['view']['qfn'] = qfn = u(filename).encode("UTF-8")  #nombre del archivo escapado para generar las url de descarga
    f['view']['pfn'] = urllib.quote(qfn).replace(" ", "%20")  # P2P filename

    nfilename = seoize_text(filename, " ",True, 0)
    f['view']['nfn'] = nfilename
    # añade el nombre del fichero como palabra clave
    g.keywords.update(set(keyword for keyword in nfilename.split(" ") if len(keyword)>1))

    #nombre del archivo con las palabras que coinciden con la busqueda resaltadas
    if text_cache:
        f['view']['fnh'], f['view']['fnhs'] = highlight(text_cache[2],filename,True)
        f['view']['fnh'] = filename #esto es solo para download que nunca tiene text

    return current_weight>0 # indica si ha encontrado el texto buscado
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: sphinx.py Projeto: Weej1/www
def init_file(afile):
    global current_id

    # gets file's id
    current_id = file_id = str(afile["_id"])

    # fixes a contenidos
    except BaseException as e:
        logging.exception("Error fixing content file %s."%file_id)

    # entidades semanticas
    if "se" in afile and afile["se"] and "_id" in afile["se"]:
            entity = int(afile["se"]["_id"])
            if "rel" in afile["se"]:
                rels = afile["se"]["rel"]
                afile["_ntts"] = u"%04d%s%s"%(entity, PHRASE_SEPARATOR*10 + space_join(str(ntt_id).rjust(4,"0")+ntt_rel for ntt_id, ntt_rel in rels[0]) if rels[0] else "", PHRASE_SEPARATOR*(10-len(rels[0])/10) + space_join(str(ntt_id).rjust(4,"0")+ntt_rel for ntt_id, ntt_rel in rels[1]) if rels[1] else "")
        except ValueError:
            logging.exception("Error parsing entity id %s for file %s."%(str(afile["se"]["_id"]), file_id))
            entity = 0
            logging.exception("Error generating entity metadata for file %s."%file_id)
            entity = 0
        entity = 0

    md = afile["md"]
    md_schemaless_keys = {key.split(":")[-1] for key in md.iterkeys()}

    # tipos del fichero
    src = afile["src"]
    types = {int(s["t"]) for uri, s in src.iteritems() if "t" in s and s["t"] in sources}
    if not types: return False
    isP2P = any(u"p" in sources[t]["g"] for t in types)

    # valores dependientes de tipos
    torrent_ct = None
    if not isP2P:
        return False

    trackers = md["torrent:trackers"] if "torrent:trackers" in md else 1 if "torrent:tracker" in md else 0
    if isinstance(trackers, basestring): trackers = trackers.count(" ")

    # mira si es fichero Torrent o Torrent Hash
    main_type = 7 if 7 in types and len(types)==1 else 3

    rate = rate_torrent(afile)
    afile["_r"] = rate["rating"]*10
    afile["_d"] = rate["seeds"]

    inner_group = 0

    # secondary rating
    r2 = 1
    if "thumbnail" in md_schemaless_keys or ("i" in afile and isinstance(afile["i"],list)): r2+=2  # ficheros con imagenes
    if "description" in md_schemaless_keys: r2+=1  # ficheros con descripcion
    afile["_r2"] = r2

    # uri del fichero
    afile["_uri0"], afile["_uri1"], afile["_uri2"] = afile_struct.unpack(afile['_id'].binary)

    fs = afile["date"] if "date" in afile else afile["fs"]
    fs = long(mktime(fs.timetuple()))
    if fs<now: afile["_fs"] = fs

    fns = nlargest(5, ((sum(sfn["fn"][crc]["m"] if "fn" in sfn and crc in sfn["fn"] else 0 for sfn in src.itervalues()), fn) for crc,fn in afile["fn"].iteritems()))
    afile["_fns"] = separator_join(f[1]["n"]+("."+(f[1].get("x",None) or "")) for f in fns)

    res = [[seoize_text(f[1]["n"], separator=" ", is_url=False, max_length=100, min_length=20)] for f in fns]

    # informacion del contenido
    ct, file_tags, file_format = guess_doc_content_type(afile, sources)

    # tags del fichero
    file_type = CONTENTS[ct].lower()
    file_category = []
    file_category_tag = file_category_type = None
    for category in config["TORRENTS_CATEGORIES"]:
        if category.tag in file_tags and (not file_category or category.tag=="p**n"): # always use adult when its present
            if category.content_main:

        if category.content_main and category.content==file_type:
            file_category_type = category.cat_id
            file_category_tag = category.tag
    afile["_ct"] = file_category[0] if file_category else file_category_type

    # tamaño
        z = float(afile["z"]) if "z" in afile and afile["z"] else False
        z = False

    if ct == CONTENT_VIDEO:
            l = int(float(md["video:duration"])) if "video:duration" in md else \
                int(float(md["video:length"])) if "video:length" in md else \
                sum(imap(mul, [int(float(part)) for part in ("0:0:0:" + str(md["length"])).split(":")[-4:]], [216000, 3600, 60, 1])) if "length" in md else \
                60*int(float(md["video:minutes"])) if "video:minutes" in md else \
            l = False
            bitrate = int(str(md["bitrate"]).replace('~','')) if "bitrate" in md else 1280 # bitrate por defecto para video
            bitrate = False

    elif ct == CONTENT_AUDIO:
            l = int(float(md["audio:seconds"])) if "audio:seconds" in md else \
                sum(imap(mul, [int(float(part)) for part in ("0:0:0:" + str(md["length"])).split(":")[-4:]], [216000, 3600, 60, 1])) if "length" in md else \
            l = False
            bitrate = int(str(md["bitrate"]).replace('~','')) if "bitrate" in md else 1280 # bitrate por defecto para video
            bitrate = False

        bitrate = l = False

    if z<1: z = False
    if l<1: l = False

    if bitrate:
        if l and not z: z = l*(bitrate<<7) # bitrate en kbps pasado a Kbps
        elif z and not l: l = z/(bitrate<<7)

    afile["_l"] = int(l) if 0<int(l)<0xFFFF else False
    afile["_z"] = log(z,2) if z else False

    # metadatos
    mds = chain(chain(*res), chain(value for key,value in md.iteritems() if key in GOOD_MDS and isinstance(value, basestring) and len(value)<=GOOD_MDS[key]))
    afile["_md"] = separator_join(amd for amd in mds if amd)

    # origenes
    afile["_s"] = [unicode(t) for t in types]

    # filtros de texto
    filters.update("%s%02d"%(prefix,int(md[key])) for key, prefix in numeric_filters.iteritems() if key in md and (isinstance(md[key], int) or isinstance(md[key], float) or (isinstance(md[key], basestring) and md[key].isdecimal())))

    file_words = [word.strip().replace("-"," ") for key, value in md.iteritems() if value and isinstance(value, basestring) and any(key.endswith(dtag_md) for dtag_md in DYNAMIC_TAGS_METADATA) for word in SUBCATEGORIES_FINDER.findall(value.lower())] + file_tags

    dtags = {(tag, DYNAMIC_TAGS[tag][word]) for tag in file_tags if tag in DYNAMIC_TAGS for word in file_words if word in DYNAMIC_TAGS[tag]}

    if file_category_tag and file_category_tag in DYNAMIC_TAGS and file_category_tag not in file_tags and not any(category in file_tags for category in DYNAMIC_TAGS.iterkeys()):
        type_dtags = [(file_category_tag, DYNAMIC_TAGS[file_category_tag][word]) for word in file_words if word in DYNAMIC_TAGS[file_category_tag]]
        if type_dtags:

    filters.update("%s%s"%(FILTER_PREFIX_TAGS, tag) for tag in file_tags)
    filters.update("%s%s"%(FILTER_PREFIX_DYNAMIC_TAGS, dtag.replace(" ","")) for tag, dtag in dtags)

    if file_format: filters.add(FILTER_PREFIX_FORMAT+file_format[0])

    afile["_fil"] = " ".join(filters)
    afile["__dtags"] = dtags

    # grupos
    afile["_g"] = ((entity << 32) |
                   (((afile["_ct"] or 0)&0xF) << 28) |
                   ((main_type & 0xFFFF) << 12) |
                   (inner_group & 0xFFF))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 6
def download_file(file_id,file_name=None):
    Devuelve el archivo a descargar, votos, comentarios y archivos relacionados
    error=(None,"") #guarda el id y el texto de un error
    if file_id is not None: #si viene un id se comprueba que sea correcto
        if is_valid_url_fileid(file_id):
            try: #intentar convertir el id que viene de la url a uno interno
            except (bson.objectid.InvalidId, TypeError) as e:
                try: #comprueba si se trate de un ID antiguo
                    possible_file_id = filesdb.get_newid(file_id)
                    if possible_file_id is None:
                        logging.warn("Identificadores numericos antiguos sin resolver: %s."%e, extra={"fileid":file_id})
                        logging.warn("Identificadores numericos antiguos encontrados: %s."%e, extra={"fileid":file_id})
                        return {"html": redirect(url_for(".download", file_id=mid2url(possible_file_id), file_name=file_name), 301),"error":(301,"")}

                except BaseException as e:


        if file_id:
                file_data=get_file_metadata(file_id, file_name)
            except DatabaseError:
            except FileNotExist:
            except (FileRemoved, FileFoofindRemoved, FileNoSources):
            except FileUnknownBlock:

            if error[0] is None and not file_data: #si no ha habido errores ni hay datos, es porque existe y no se ha podido recuperar

    if file_id is None or error[0] is not None:
        if error[0] is not None:  #si hay algun error se devuelve renderizado
            message_msgid="error_%s_message" % error[0]
            g.title="%s %s" % (error[0], message_msgstr if message_msgstr!=message_msgid else _("error_500_message"))

        return {"html": html,"play":None,"file_data":file_data,"error":error}
        title = u(file_data['view']['fn'])
        g.title = u"%s \"%s\" - %s" % (
        g.page_description = u"%s %s"%(_(file_data['view']['action']).capitalize(), seoize_text(title," ",True))

        #si el usuario esta logueado se comprueba si ha votado el archivo para el idioma activo y si ha marcado el archivo como favorito
        favorite = False
        if current_user.is_authenticated():
            favorite=any(file_id==favorite["id"] for favorite in usersdb.get_fav_files(current_user))

        #formulario para enviar comentarios
        form = CommentForm(request.form)
        if request.method=='POST' and current_user.is_authenticated() and (current_user.type is None or current_user.type==0) and form.validate():
            #actualizar el fichero con la suma de los comentarios por idioma

        #si tiene comentarios se guarda el número del comentario, el usuario que lo ha escrito, el comentario en si y los votos que tiene
        if "cs" in file_data["file"]:
            comments=[(i,usersdb.find_userid(comment["_id"].split("_")[0]),comment,comment_votes(file_id,comment)) for i,comment in enumerate(usersdb.get_file_comments(file_id,g.lang),1)]

        # en la pagina de download se intentan obtener palabras para buscar si no las hay
        if g.args.get("q", None) is None:
            query = download_search(file_data, file_name, "foofind")
            if query:
                g.args["q"] = query.replace(":","")

        return {
            "html":render_template('files/download.html',file=file_data,vote={"k":0} if vote is None else vote,favorite=favorite,form=form,comments=comments),
            "play":file_data["view"]["play"] if "play" in file_data["view"] else "",
Exemplo n.º 7
def generate(server, part, afilter, batch_size, output):

    if not output:
        output = dirname(abspath(__file__)) + "/gen/" + str(part) + "/"

    ff = FilesFetcher(server, afilter, batch_size)

    suffix = "."+str(part)
    count = error_count = 0
    logging.info("Comienza generación de sitemap en servidor %s."%server)

    for afile in ff:
            count += 1

            # comprueba si no está bloqueado
            if int(float(afile.get("bl", 0)))!=0:

            # comprueba si tiene origenes validos
            for src in afile["src"].itervalues():
                if "t" in src and src["t"] in {3, 7, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 90} and int(float(src.get("bl",0)))==0:
                    main_src = src

            filename = None
            # elige algun nombre de fichero interesante
            for fn in afile.get("fn",{}).itervalues():
                filename = fn["n"]
                if filename=="download" or IS_BTIH.match(filename) or filename.startswith("[TorrentDownloads"):

                extension = fn.get("x",None)
                if extension and not filename.endswith("."+extension):
                    filename += "." + extension
                md = afile.get("md",{})
                for possible_name in ("torrent:name", "torrent:title", "video:title", "video:name"):
                    if possible_name in md:
                        filename = u(md[possible_name])

                if not filename:
                    filename = u(main_src["url"].rsplit("/",1)[-1])

            if filename:
                first_seen = afile["fs"]
                get_writer(first_seen, count, output, suffix).write("<url><lastmod>%s</lastmod><loc>%%s%s-%s</loc></url>\n"%(first_seen.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), seoize_text(filename, "-", True), mid2url(afile["_id"])))

        except BaseException as e:
            error_count += 1
            if error_count>100: raise e # ante mas de 100 errores, detiene la indexacion con error

        if count%10000==0:
            logging.info("Progreso de generación de sitemap del servidor %s."%(server), extra={"count":count, "error_count":error_count})



    logging.info("Finaliza la generación de sitemap en servidor %s."%server)
Exemplo n.º 8
def torrents_data(data, details=False):
    valid_torrent = False
    providers = []

    if not data or not "sources" in data["view"]:
        return None

    for source in data["view"]["sources"].keys():
        if source == "tmagnet":
            valid_torrent = True
        elif data["view"]["sources"][source]["icon"] == "torrent":
            valid_torrent = True
            if u"i" in data["view"]["sources"][source]["g"]:
                data["view"]["sources"]["download_ind"] = data["view"]["sources"][source]
                data["view"]["sources"]["download"] = data["view"]["sources"][source]

    # no tiene origenes validos
    if not valid_torrent:
        return None

    desc = None

    # downloader
    if data["view"]["sources"][data["view"]["source"]]["downloader"] == 1 and request.user_agent.platform != "windows":
        # lo desactiva para los no windows
        data["view"]["sources"][data["view"]["source"]]["downloader"] = 0

    # organiza mejor la descripcion del fichero
    if details and "description" in data["view"]["md"]:

        # recupera la descripcion original
        desc = data["view"]["md"]["description"]
        del data["view"]["md"]["description"]

        # inicializa variables
        long_desc = False
        short_desc = None
        acum = []

        # recorre las lineas de la descripcion
        for line in desc.split("\n"):
            # elimina enlaces
            line = URL_DETECTOR.sub("", line)

            # si llega a pasar despues acumular algo, hay que mostrar la desc larga
            if acum:
                long_desc = True

            # ignora lineas con muchos caracteres repetidos
            prev_char = repeat_count = 0
            for char in line:
                if prev_char == char:
                    repeat_count += 1
                    repeat_count = 0
                if repeat_count > 5:
                    line = ""
                prev_char = char

            # si la linea es "corta", la toma como fin de parrafo
            if len(line) < 50:
                if acum:
                    if line:

                    # si el parrafo es mas largo que 110, lo usa
                    paraph = " ".join(acum)
                    acum = []  # antes de seguir reinicia el acum
                    paraph_len = len(paraph)
                    if paraph_len > 90:
                        short_desc = paraph
                        if paraph_len > 140:  # si no es suficientemente larga sigue buscando
            else:  # si no, acumula

        # procesa el parrafo final
        if acum:
            paraph = " ".join(acum)
            paraph_len = len(paraph)
            if paraph_len > 90:
                short_desc = paraph

        # si hay descripcion corta se muestra y se decide si se debe mostrar la larga tambien
        if short_desc:
            data["view"]["md"]["short_desc"] = short_desc
            long_desc = long_desc or len(short_desc) > 400
            long_desc = True

        if not long_desc and "nfo" in data["file"]["md"]:
            desc = data["file"]["md"]["nfo"]
            long_desc = True

        if long_desc and short_desc != desc:
            if len(desc) > 400:
                data["view"]["md"]["long_desc"] = URL_DETECTOR.sub(r'<a rel="nofollow" href="\1">\1</a>', desc)
                data["view"]["md"]["description"] = URL_DETECTOR.sub(r'<a rel="nofollow" href="\1">\1</a>', desc)

    # tags del fichero
    file_tags = data["view"]["tags"] if "tags" in data["view"] else []
    file_category = file_category_type = None
    file_categories = []
    for category in g.categories:
        if category.tag in file_tags:
            if not file_category:
                file_category = category
        if not file_category_type and category.content_main and category.content == data["view"]["file_type"]:
            file_category_type = category

    data["view"]["category"] = file_category
    data["view"]["categories"] = file_categories
    data["view"]["category_type"] = file_category_type

    has_trailer = data["view"]["has_trailer"] = file_category and (file_category.url in ["movies", "games"])

    if desc:
        if has_trailer:
            trailer = TRAILER_DETECTOR.findall(desc)
            youtube_id = get_video_id(trailer[0]) if trailer else None
            if youtube_id:
                data["view"]["trailer_link"] = "http://www.youtube.com/embed/%s?autoplay=1" % youtube_id

        imdb = IMDB_DETECTOR.findall(desc)
        if imdb:
            data["view"]["imdb_link"] = imdb[0]

    # salud del torrent
        seeds = int(float(data["view"]["md"]["seeds"])) if "seeds" in data["view"]["md"] else 0
        seeds = 0
        leechs = int(float(data["view"]["md"]["leechs"])) if "leechs" in data["view"]["md"] else 0
        leechs = 0
    data["view"]["health"] = int(2 / (leechs + 1.0)) if seeds == 0 else min(10, int(seeds / (leechs + 1.0) * 5))
    data["view"]["rating"] = int((data["view"]["health"] + 1) / 2)

    data["view"]["icon"] = file_category or file_category_type or CATEGORY_UNKNOWN
    data["view"]["providers"] = providers
    data["view"]["seo-fn"] = seoize_text(data["view"]["fn"], "-", True)

    return data