Exemplo n.º 1
def get_attack(attack, fmodel):
    args = []
    kwargs = {}
    # L0
    if attack == 'SAPA':
        metric = foolbox.distances.L0
        A = fa.SaltAndPepperNoiseAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)
    elif attack == 'PA':
        metric = foolbox.distances.L0
        A = fa.PointwiseAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)

    # L2
    elif 'IGD' in attack:
        metric = foolbox.distances.MSE
        A = fa.L2BasicIterativeAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)
        # kwargs['epsilons'] = 1.5
    elif attack == 'AGNA':
        metric = foolbox.distances.MSE
        kwargs['epsilons'] = np.linspace(0.5, 1, 50)
        A = fa.AdditiveGaussianNoiseAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)
    elif attack == 'BA':
        metric = foolbox.distances.MSE
        A = fa.BoundaryAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)
        kwargs['log_every_n_steps'] = 500001
    elif 'DeepFool' in attack:
        metric = foolbox.distances.MSE
        A = fa.DeepFoolL2Attack(fmodel, distance = metric)
    elif attack == 'PAL2':
        metric = foolbox.distances.MSE
        A = fa.PointwiseAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)
    elif attack == "CWL2":
        metric = foolbox.distances.MSE
        A = fa.CarliniWagnerL2Attack(fmodel, distance = metric)

    # L inf
    elif 'FGSM' in attack and not 'IFGSM' in attack:
        metric = foolbox.distances.Linf
        A = fa.FGSM(fmodel, distance = metric)
        kwargs['epsilons'] = 20
    elif 'PGD' in attack:
        metric = foolbox.distances.Linf
        A = fa.LinfinityBasicIterativeAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)
    elif 'IGM' in attack:
        metric = foolbox.distances.Linf
        A = fa.MomentumIterativeAttack(fmodel, distance = metric)
        raise Exception('Not implemented')
    return A, metric, args, kwargs
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_adv_perf(args):
    sample_num, IM_SIZE, latent_size= int(args.sample_num), int(args.IM_SIZE), int(args.latent_size)
    model_loc = Path(args.model_loc)
    RESULT_PATH = Path(args.model_loc).parent
    device = torch.device(args.device)
    distance = str(args.distance)

    num_workers = 0 ## ??? what?
    batch_size = 1

    num_classes = 10
    labels = list(range(num_classes))

    with open(args.files_df_loc, 'rb') as f:
        files_df = pickle.load(f)
    files_df['val'] = files_df['val'].sample(n=sample_num)

    # Make generators:
    if args.dataset == 'CIFAR10':
        dataloaders = make_generators_DF_cifar(files_df, batch_size, num_workers, size=IM_SIZE, 
                                                path_colname='path', adv_path_colname=None, return_loc=True, normalize=False)
    elif args.dataset == 'MNIST':
        dataloaders = make_generators_DF_MNIST(files_df, batch_size, num_workers, size=IM_SIZE,
                                                path_colname='path', adv_path_colname=None, return_loc=True, normalize=False)

        mean = 0.1307
        std = 0.3081
        transform = transforms.Compose([
                            transforms.Normalize((mean,), (std,))])
        print("Incorrect Dataset")

    # if args.model_type == 'vae': # then the model_loc isn't the real location
    #     model_dict = {}
    #     model_file = Path(model_loc).name
    #     model_name = model_file.split('-')[0]
    #     for label in labels:
    #         model_file_cr = model_file + '_label_'+str(label)+'_model_best.pth.tar'
    #         model_loc_cr = str(model_loc.parent / model_file_cr)
    #         model_dict[label] = load_net(model_loc_cr).to(device).eval()

    #     gen_model = GenerativeVAE(model_dict=model_dict, labels=labels, latent_size=latent_size, device=device).eval()

    # elif args.model_type == 'cvae':
    #     model = load_net(model_loc).to(device).eval()
    #     gen_model = GenerativeCVAE(model=model, labels=labels, latent_size=latent_size, device=device).eval()
    # Train for each of the labels, here the model_loc is not an actual loc, just the base

    if args.model_type == 'vae' or args.model_type == 'feat_vae':
        model_dict = {}
        model_file = Path(model_loc).name
        model_name = model_file.split('-')[0]
        for label in labels:
            model_file_cr = model_file + '_label_'+str(label)+'_model_best.pth.tar'
            model_loc_cr = str(model_loc.parent / model_file_cr)
            model_dict[label] = load_net(model_loc_cr, args).to(device).eval()

        print('args.model_type', args.model_type)
        if args.model_type == 'vae':
            print(f'Loading VAE')
            gen_model = GenerativeVAE(model_dict=model_dict, labels=labels, latent_size=latent_size, device=device).to(device).eval()
        elif args.model_type == 'feat_vae':
            print(f'Loading FEATURE VAE')
            gen_model = GenerativeFeatVAE(model_dict=model_dict, labels=labels, latent_size=latent_size, device=device).to(device).eval()
            print("Invalid model_type")

    # If CVAE, load model and predict normally:
    elif args.model_type == 'cvae':
        print(f'Loading CVAE')
        model = load_net(model_loc, args).to(device).eval()
        gen_model = GenerativeCVAE(model=model, labels=labels, latent_size=latent_size, device=device).to(device).eval()
        print("Incorrect Model Type")

    # ATTACK:
    fmodel = foolbox.models.PyTorchModel(gen_model, bounds=(0, 1), preprocessing=(mean, std), 
                                         num_classes=num_classes, device=device)
    # attack  = get_attack(args.attack_type, fmodel, distance=distance)

    num_failed = 0
    results = pd.DataFrame() 

    for i, batch in enumerate(tqdm(dataloaders['val'])):

        # Foolbox always wants numpy arrays, and we are using single batch, so this batch dim is removed.
        img, label, file_loc = batch[0].to(device), batch[1].to(device), batch[2][0]

        # image, label, file_loc = batch[0].numpy(), int(batch[1].numpy()), batch[2][0]
        # image = load_image(file_loc) See if should use this with the foolbox preprocessign instead
        # np_img = np.expand_dims(np.squeeze(img.numpy()), 0)
        # np_img = np.squeeze(img.cpu().numpy())

        # trans_img = transform(img.squeeze().unsqueeze(0).cpu())
        # trans_img = trans_img.unsqueeze(0).to(device)
        # trans_orig_pred = np.argmax(gen_model(trans_img).cpu().numpy())

        np_img = np.expand_dims(np.squeeze(img.cpu().numpy()), 0)
        np_label = int(label.cpu().numpy()[0])
        # print('original prediction foolbox: ', np.argmax(fmodel.predictions(np_img)))

        # if args.attack_type == 'boundary':
        #     # adv_object = attack(np_img, np_label, unpack=False, tune_batch_size=False, verbose=True, log_every_n_steps=1)
        # else:
        #     adv_object = attack(np_img, np_label, unpack=False)

        # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

        att = fa.PointwiseAttack(fmodel)
        metric = foolbox.distances.L0
        criterion = foolbox.criteria.Misclassification()

        # Estimate gradients from scores
        if not gen_model.has_grad: 
            GE = foolbox.gradient_estimators.CoordinateWiseGradientEstimator(0.1)
            fmodel = foolbox.models.ModelWithEstimatedGradients(fmodel, GE)

        # gernate Adversarial
        a = foolbox.adversarial.Adversarial(fmodel, criterion, np_img, np_label, distance=metric)

        print('pred', np.argmax(fmodel.predictions(a.image)))
        print('distance', a.normalized_distance)

        # $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

        adv_distance = adv_object.distance
        np_adv_img = adv_object.image

        # adv_img = torch.from_numpy(np_adv_img).float().unsqueeze(0).to(device)
        # orig_pred = np.argmax(gen_model(img).cpu().numpy())
        # adv_pred = np.argmax(gen_model(adv_img).cpu().numpy())

        # np_trans_img = np.expand_dims(np.squeeze(img.cpu().numpy()), 0)
        # trans_adv_img = attack(trans_img, np_label)
        # trans_adv_pred = np.argmax(gen_model(trans_adv_img).cpu().numpy())

        f_orig_pred = np.argmax(fmodel.predictions(np_img))
        f_adv_pred = np.argmax(fmodel.predictions(np_adv_img))

        # print(f'FOOLBOX: orig_pred: {f_orig_pred}, adv_pred: {f_adv_pred}')
        # print(f'Original Label {np_label}')

        if np_adv_img is None:
            print('-----np_adv_img is None, Attack Failed')
            num_failed +=1

        results = results.append({'path': file_loc, 'true_label': np.squeeze(label.item()), 'adv_distance': adv_distance.value,
                                  'f_orig_pred': f_orig_pred, 'f_adv_pred': f_adv_pred, 
                                   'attack_type': attack_type, 'distance': distance}, ignore_index=True)

    save_loc = str(RESULT_PATH)+'/results_'+str(Path(model_loc).name)+'_ns'+str(sample_num)+'_'+str(attack_type)+'_'+str(distance)+'_adv.pkl'
    print(f'saving at: {save_loc}')
    with open(save_loc, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(results, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

    print(f'Finished testing {sample_num} images. Number of failures: {num_failed}')
Exemplo n.º 3
        bounds=(0., 1.),
    print('not implemented')

# test model
b, l = u.get_batch(bs=1000)  # returns random batch as np.array
pred_label = np.argmax(fmodel.batch_predictions(b), axis=1)
print('score', float(np.sum(pred_label == l)) / b.shape[0])

# # Decision based attacks
# Note that this is only demo code. All experiments were optimized to our compute architecture.

# +
att = fa.PointwiseAttack(fmodel)
metric = foolbox.distances.L0
criterion = foolbox.criteria.Misclassification()

b, l = u.get_batch(bs=1)  # returns random batch
plt.imshow(b[0, 0], cmap='gray')

# Estimate gradients from scores
if not model.has_grad:
    GE = foolbox.gradient_estimators.CoordinateWiseGradientEstimator(0.1)
    fmodel = foolbox.models.ModelWithEstimatedGradients(fmodel, GE)

# gernate Adversarial
Exemplo n.º 4
import eagerpy as ep

import foolbox as fbn
import foolbox.attacks as fa
from foolbox.devutils import flatten
import pytest

from conftest import ModeAndDataAndDescription

def get_attack_id(x: fa.Attack) -> str:
    return repr(x)

attacks: List[fa.Attack] = [

@pytest.mark.parametrize("attack", attacks, ids=get_attack_id)
def test_pointwise_untargeted_attack(
    request: Any,
    fmodel_and_data_ext_for_attacks: ModeAndDataAndDescription,
    attack: fa.PointwiseAttack,
) -> None:
    (fmodel, x,
     y), real, low_dimensional_input = fmodel_and_data_ext_for_attacks

    if not low_dimensional_input or not real: