Exemplo n.º 1
    def handlePLAINTEXTServer(self, header):
        Parse a complete HTTP-like Foolscap negotiation request and begin proxying
        to a destination selected based on the extract TubID.
        # the client sends us a GET message
        lines = header.split("\r\n")
        if not lines[0].startswith("GET "):
            raise BananaError("not right")
        command, url, version = lines[0].split()
        if not url.startswith("/id/"):
            # probably a web browser
            raise BananaError("not right")
        targetTubID = url[4:]

        Message.log(event_type=u"handlePLAINTEXTServer", tub_id=targetTubID)

        if targetTubID == "":
            # they're asking for an old UnauthenticatedTub. Refuse.
            raise NegotiationError("secure Tubs require encryption")
        if isSubstring("Upgrade: TLS/1.0\r\n", header):
            wantEncrypted = True
            wantEncrypted = False

        Message.log(event_type=u"handlePLAINTEXTServer", want_encrypted=wantEncrypted)

        self._handleTubRequest(header, targetTubID)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def handlePLAINTEXTServer(self, header):
        Parse a complete HTTP-like Foolscap negotiation request and begin proxying
        to a destination selected based on the extract TubID.
        # the client sends us a GET message
        lines = header.split("\r\n")
        if not lines[0].startswith("GET "):
            raise BananaError("not right")
        command, url, version = lines[0].split()
        if not url.startswith("/id/"):
            # probably a web browser
            raise BananaError("not right")
        targetTubID = url[4:]

        Message.log(event_type=u"handlePLAINTEXTServer", tub_id=targetTubID)

        if targetTubID == "":
            # they're asking for an old UnauthenticatedTub. Refuse.
            raise NegotiationError("secure Tubs require encryption")
        if isSubstring("Upgrade: TLS/1.0\r\n", header):
            wantEncrypted = True
            wantEncrypted = False


        self._handleTubRequest(header, targetTubID)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def checkForFailure(self):
     if not self.active:
     if (self.remainingLocations or
         self.pendingConnections or self.pendingNegotiations):
     if not self.validHints:
         self.failureReason = Failure(NoLocationHintsError())
     # we have no more options, so the connection attempt will fail. The
     # getBrokerForTubRef may have succeeded, however, if the other side
     # tried to connect to us at exactly the same time, they were the
     # master, they established their connection first (but the final
     # decision is still in flight), and they hung up on our connection
     # because they felt it was a duplicate. So, if self.failureReason
     # indicates a duplicate connection, do not signal a failure here. We
     # leave the connection timer in place in case they lied about having
     # a duplicate connection ready to go.
     if (self.failureReason.check(RemoteNegotiationError) and
                     "Duplicate connection")):
         self.log("TubConnector.checkForFailure: connection attempt "
                  "failed because the other end decided ours was a "
                  "duplicate connection, so we won't signal the "
                  "failure here")