Exemplo n.º 1
    def importer(self, config_entity, db_entity, **kwargs):
            Replaces the normal ImportProcessor importer with one to import a shapefile from disk
        user = db_entity.creator

        if InformationSchema.objects.table_exists(db_entity.schema, db_entity.table):
            # The table already exists. Skip the import an log a warning
            logger.warn("The target table for the layer selection import already exists. Skipping table import.")
            feature_class_creator = FeatureClassCreator(config_entity, db_entity)
            origin_feature_class_configuration = db_entity.origin_instance.feature_class_configuration
            # Create the new DbEntity FeatureClassConfiguration from the origin's. Pass in what has already been
            # created for the new feature_class_configuration. This should have things like generated=True
            feature_class_configuration = feature_class_creator.complete_or_create_feature_class_configuration(
                **merge(db_entity.feature_class_configuration.__dict__, dict(generated=True)))
            # Update the DbEntity

            if feature_class_configuration.source_from_origin_layer_selection and \
                # If desired, limit the layer clone to that of the source layer's current LayerSelection for the
                # User doing the update
                layer_selection_class = get_or_create_layer_selection_class_for_layer(
                    Layer.objects.get(id=feature_class_configuration.origin_layer_id), True)
                layer_selection = layer_selection_class.objects.get(user=user)
                features = layer_selection.selected_features
                # Leave blank to copy all features by default
                features = None

            DefaultImportProcessor().peer_importer(config_entity, db_entity, import_from_origin=True, source_queryset=features)
Exemplo n.º 2
def db_entity_defaults(db_entity, config_entity=None):

    # Instantiate a FeatureClassCreator to make the FeatureClassConfiguration
    feature_class_creator = FeatureClassCreator(config_entity,
    if config_entity:
        # Find the database of the configured client
        connection = resolve_fixture(None, "init", InitFixture,
        # Remove the _test suffix when running unit tests. Until we can auto-population the _test version
        # of the database, we want to simply rely on the manually configured source database
        if connection:
            connection['database'] = connection['database'].replace(
                'test_', '')
        # No config_entity abstract DbEntity case
        connection = None

    return dict(
        # The name is passed in or the titleized version of key
        name=db_entity.name or titleize(db_entity.key),
        # Postgres URL for local sources, or possibly a remote url (e.g. for background layer sources)
        # Unless overridden, create the url according to this postgres url scheme
        url=db_entity.url or \
                **merge(dict(port=5432), connection)) if connection else None),
        # Normally Equals the key, except for views of the table, like a Result DbEntity
        # Views leave this null and rely on query
        table=db_entity.table or (db_entity.key if not db_entity.query else None),
        # Query to create a "view" of the underlying data. Used by Result DbEntity instances
        # How to group the features or query results. Not yet well hashed out
        # The source DbEntity key if this DbEntity resulted from cloning a peer DbEntity
        # Array used by remote data sources whose URLs have different host names
        # If so then the url will have a string variable for the host
        # The User who created the DbEntity. TODO. Default should be an admin
        creator=db_entity.creator if hasattr(db_entity, 'creator') else get_user_model().objects.filter()[0],
        # The User who updated the DbEntity. TODO. Default should be an admin
        updater=db_entity.creator if hasattr(db_entity, 'creator') else get_user_model().objects.filter()[0],

        # The SRID of the Feature table
        # This is a non-model object. So it is saved as a PickledObjectField
        # Whether the same instance is returned or not does not matter
        # If db_entity.feature_class_configuration is None, it will return None
        # feature_behavior is handled internally by DbEntity
Exemplo n.º 3
def db_entity_defaults(db_entity, config_entity=None):

    # Instantiate a FeatureClassCreator to make the FeatureClassConfiguration
    feature_class_creator = FeatureClassCreator(config_entity, db_entity, no_ensure=True)
    if config_entity:
        # Find the database of the configured client
        connection = resolve_fixture(None, "init", InitFixture, config_entity.schema()).import_database()
        # Remove the _test suffix when running unit tests. Until we can auto-population the _test version
        # of the database, we want to simply rely on the manually configured source database
        if connection:
            connection['database'] = connection['database'].replace('test_', '')
        # No config_entity abstract DbEntity case
        connection = None

    return dict(
        # The name is passed in or the titleized version of key
        name=db_entity.name or titleize(db_entity.key),
        # Postgres URL for local sources, or possibly a remote url (e.g. for background layer sources)
        # Unless overridden, create the url according to this postgres url scheme
        url=db_entity.url or \
                **merge(dict(port=5432), connection)) if connection else None),
        # Normally Equals the key, except for views of the table, like a Result DbEntity
        # Views leave this null and rely on query
        table=db_entity.table or (db_entity.key if not db_entity.query else None),
        # Query to create a "view" of the underlying data. Used by Result DbEntity instances
        # How to group the features or query results. Not yet well hashed out
        # The source DbEntity key if this DbEntity resulted from cloning a peer DbEntity
        # Array used by remote data sources whose URLs have different host names
        # If so then the url will have a string variable for the host
        # The User who created the DbEntity. TODO. Default should be an admin
        creator=db_entity.creator if hasattr(db_entity, 'creator') else get_user_model().objects.filter()[0],
        # The User who updated the DbEntity. TODO. Default should be an admin
        updater=db_entity.creator if hasattr(db_entity, 'creator') else get_user_model().objects.filter()[0],

        # The SRID of the Feature table
        # This is a non-model object. So it is saved as a PickledObjectField
        # Whether the same instance is returned or not does not matter
        # If db_entity.feature_class_configuration is None, it will return None
        # feature_behavior is handled internally by DbEntity