Exemplo n.º 1
def likelihood_gradient(observations = {}, learning_rate = 0.1):
    all_vars = ancestors(list(observations.keys()))
    for o in observations:
        assert o in all_vars
        if not is_raw_rv(o):
            raise TypeError(o)

    RVs = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]
    free_RVs = [v for v in RVs if v not in observations]

    # Instantiate actual values for the different random variables:
    params = dict()
    for v in free_RVs:
        f = theano.function([], v, mode=theano.Mode(linker='py', optimizer=None))
        params[v] = theano.shared(f())

    # Compute the full log likelihood:
    full_observations = dict(observations)
    log_likelihood = full_log_likelihood(full_observations)
    # Construct the update equations for learning:
    updates = dict()
    for frvs in params.values():
        updates[frvs] = frvs + learning_rate * tensor.grad(log_likelihood, frvs)
    return params, updates, log_likelihood
Exemplo n.º 2
def all_raw_rvs(outputs):
    Return a list of all random variables required to compute `outputs`.
    all_vars = ancestors(outputs)
    assert outputs[0] in all_vars
    rval = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]
    return rval
Exemplo n.º 3
def is_rv(var, blockers=None):
    Return True iff var is a random variable.

    A random variable is a variable with a randomstate object in its ancestors.
    #TODO: could optimize by stopping the recusion as soon as a randomstate is
    #      found
    return any(is_randomstate(v) for v in ancestors([var], blockers=blockers))
Exemplo n.º 4
def mh_sample(s_rng, outputs, observations={}):
    all_vars = ancestors(list(outputs) + list(observations.keys()))

    for o in observations:
        assert o in all_vars
        if not is_raw_rv(o):
            raise TypeError(o)

    RVs = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]
    free_RVs = [v for v in RVs if v not in observations]

    # Draw sample from the proposal
    free_RVs_state = []
    for v in free_RVs:
        f = theano.function([],
                            mode=theano.Mode(linker='py', optimizer=None))

    log_likelihood = theano.shared(numpy.array(float('-inf')))

    U = s_rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)

    def mcmc(ll, *frvs):
        proposals = [
            s_rng.local_proposal(v, rvs) for v, rvs in zip(free_RVs, frvs)
        proposals_rev = [
            s_rng.local_proposal(v, rvs)
            for v, rvs in zip(free_RVs, proposals)

        full_observations = dict(observations)
            dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, proposals)]))
        new_log_likelihood = full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        logratio = new_log_likelihood - ll \
            + tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(lpdf(p, r)) for p, r in zip(proposals_rev, frvs)]) \
            - tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(lpdf(p, r)) for p, r in zip(proposals, proposals)])

        accept = tensor.gt(logratio, tensor.log(U))

        return [tensor.switch(accept, new_log_likelihood, ll)] + \
               [tensor.switch(accept, p, f) for p, f in zip(proposals, frvs)], \
               {}, theano.scan_module.until(accept)

    samples, updates = theano.scan(mcmc,
                                   outputs_info=[log_likelihood] +
    updates[log_likelihood] = samples[0][-1]
        dict([(f, s[-1]) for f, s in zip(free_RVs_state, samples[1:])]))

    return [free_RVs_state[free_RVs.index(out)]
            for out in outputs], log_likelihood, updates
Exemplo n.º 5
def condition(rvs, observations):
    if len(rvs) > 1:
        raise NotImplementedError()
    observations = typed_items(observations)
    # if none of the rvs show up in the ancestors of any observations
    # then this is easy conditioning
    obs_ancestors = ancestors(observations.keys(), blockers=rvs)
    if any(rv in obs_ancestors for rv in rvs):
        # not-so-easy conditioning
        # we need to produce a sampler-driven model
        raise NotImplementedError()
        # easy conditioning
        rvs_anc = ancestors(rvs, blockers=observations.keys())
        frontier = [r for r in rvs_anc
                if r.owner is None or r in observations.keys()]
        cloned_inputs, cloned_outputs = clone_keep_replacements(frontier, rvs,
        return cloned_outputs
Exemplo n.º 6
def full_log_likelihood(assignment):
    Return log(P(rv0=sample))

    assignment: rv0=val0, rv1=val1, ...

    Each of val0, val1, ... v0, v1, ... is supposed to represent an identical
    number of draws from a distribution.  This function returns the real-valued
    density for each one of those draws.

    The output from this function may be a random variable, if not all sources
    of randomness are removed by the assignment and the given.

    for rv in assignment.keys():
        if not is_rv(rv):
            raise ValueError('non-random var in assignment key', rv)

    # All random variables that are not assigned should stay as the same object so it can later be replaced
    # If this is not done this way, they get cloned
    RVs = [v for v in ancestors(assignment.keys()) if is_raw_rv(v)]
    for rv in RVs:
        if rv not in assignment:
            assignment[rv] = rv

    # Cast assignment elements to the right kind of thing
    assignment = typed_items(assignment)

    pdfs = [lpdf(rv, sample) for rv, sample in assignment.items()]
    lik = tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(p) for p in pdfs])
    dfs_variables = ancestors([lik], blockers=assignment.keys())
    frontier = [r for r in dfs_variables
            if r.owner is None or r in assignment.keys()]
    cloned_inputs, cloned_outputs = clone_keep_replacements(frontier, [lik],
    cloned_lik, = cloned_outputs
    return cloned_lik
Exemplo n.º 7
def mh_sample(s_rng, outputs, observations = {}):
    all_vars = ancestors(list(outputs) + list(observations.keys()))
    for o in observations:
        assert o in all_vars
        if not is_raw_rv(o):
            raise TypeError(o)

    RVs = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]
    free_RVs = [v for v in RVs if v not in observations]

    # Draw sample from the proposal
    free_RVs_state = []
    for v in free_RVs:
        f = theano.function([], v,
                mode=theano.Mode(linker='py', optimizer=None))

    log_likelihood = theano.shared(numpy.array(float('-inf')))

    U = s_rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)

    def mcmc(ll, *frvs):
        proposals = [s_rng.local_proposal(v, rvs) for v, rvs in zip(free_RVs, frvs)]
        proposals_rev = [s_rng.local_proposal(v, rvs) for v, rvs in zip(free_RVs, proposals)]

        full_observations = dict(observations)
        full_observations.update(dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, proposals)]))
        new_log_likelihood = full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        logratio = new_log_likelihood - ll \
            + tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(lpdf(p, r)) for p, r in zip(proposals_rev, frvs)]) \
            - tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(lpdf(p, r)) for p, r in zip(proposals, proposals)])
        accept = tensor.gt(logratio, tensor.log(U))
        return [tensor.switch(accept, new_log_likelihood, ll)] + \
               [tensor.switch(accept, p, f) for p, f in zip(proposals, frvs)], \
               {}, theano.scan_module.until(accept)

    samples, updates = theano.scan(mcmc, outputs_info = [log_likelihood] + free_RVs_state, n_steps = 100)
    updates[log_likelihood] = samples[0][-1]
    updates.update(dict([(f, s[-1]) for f, s in zip(free_RVs_state, samples[1:])]))
    return [free_RVs_state[free_RVs.index(out)] for out in outputs], log_likelihood, updates
Exemplo n.º 8
def hybridmc_sample(s_rng, outputs, observations = {}):
    # TODO: should there be a size variable here?
    # TODO: implement lag and burn-in
    # TODO: implement size
    Return a dictionary mapping random variables to their sample values.

    all_vars = ancestors(list(outputs) + list(observations.keys()))
    for o in observations:
        assert o in all_vars
        if not is_raw_rv(o):
            raise TypeError(o)

    RVs = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]

    free_RVs = [v for v in RVs if v not in observations]
    free_RVs_state = [theano.shared(numpy.ones(shape=infer_shape(v)), broadcastable=tuple(numpy.asarray(infer_shape(v))==1)) for v in free_RVs]
    free_RVs_prop = [s_rng.normal(0, 1, draw_shape=infer_shape(v)) for v in free_RVs]
    log_likelihood = theano.shared(numpy.array(float('-inf')))
    U = s_rng.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)
    epsilon = numpy.sqrt(2*0.03)
    def mcmc(ll, *frvs):
        full_observations = dict(observations)
        full_observations.update(dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, frvs)]))
        loglik = -full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        proposals = free_RVs_prop
        H = tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(tensor.sqr(p)) for p in proposals])/2. + loglik

# -- this should be an inner loop
        g = []
        g.append(tensor.grad(loglik, frvs))
        proposals = [(p - epsilon*gg[0]/2.) for p, gg in zip(proposals, g)]

        rvsp = [(rvs + epsilon*rvp) for rvs,rvp in zip(frvs, proposals)]
        full_observations = dict(observations)
        full_observations.update(dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, rvsp)]))
        new_loglik = -full_log_likelihood(full_observations)
        gnew = []
        gnew.append(tensor.grad(new_loglik, rvsp))
        proposals = [(p - epsilon*gn[0]/2.) for p, gn in zip(proposals, gnew)]
# --
        Hnew = tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(tensor.sqr(p)) for p in proposals])/2. + new_loglik

        dH = Hnew - H
        accept = tensor.or_(dH < 0., U < tensor.exp(-dH))

        return [tensor.switch(accept, -new_loglik, ll)] + \
            [tensor.switch(accept, p, f) for p, f in zip(rvsp, frvs)], \
            {}, theano.scan_module.until(accept)

    samples, updates = theano.scan(mcmc, outputs_info = [log_likelihood] + free_RVs_state, n_steps = 10000000)
    updates[log_likelihood] = samples[0][-1]
    updates.update(dict([(f, s[-1]) for f, s in zip(free_RVs_state, samples[1:])]))
    return [free_RVs_state[free_RVs.index(out)] for out in outputs], log_likelihood, updates
Exemplo n.º 9
def mh2_sample(s_rng, outputs, observations = {}, givens = {}):    
    all_vars = ancestors(list(observations.keys()) + list(outputs))
    for o in observations:
        assert o in all_vars
        if not is_raw_rv(o):
            raise TypeError(o)
    RVs = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]
    free_RVs = [v for v in RVs if v not in observations]
    free_RVs_state = []
    for v in free_RVs:
        f = theano.function([], v,
                mode=theano.Mode(linker='py', optimizer=None))
    U = s_rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)
    rr = []
    for index in range(len(free_RVs)):
        # TODO: why does the compiler crash when we try to expose the likelihood ?
        full_observations = dict(observations)
        full_observations.update(dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, free_RVs_state)]))
        log_likelihood = full_log_likelihood(full_observations)
        proposal = s_rng.local_proposal(free_RVs[index], free_RVs_state[index])
        proposal_rev = s_rng.local_proposal(free_RVs[index], proposal)

        full_observations = dict(observations)
        full_observations.update(dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, free_RVs_state)]))
        full_observations.update(dict([(free_RVs[index], proposal)]))
        new_log_likelihood = full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        bw = tensor.sum(lpdf(proposal_rev, free_RVs_state[index]))
        fw = tensor.sum(lpdf(proposal, proposal))

        lr = new_log_likelihood-log_likelihood+bw-fw

        accept = tensor.gt(lr, tensor.log(U))

        updates = {free_RVs_state[index] : tensor.switch(accept, proposal, free_RVs_state[index])}
        rr.append(theano.function([], [accept], updates=updates, givens=givens))
    # TODO: this exacte amount of samples given back is still wrong
    def sampler(nr_samples, burnin = 100, lag = 100):
        data = [[] for o in outputs]
        for i in range(nr_samples*lag+burnin):        
            accept = False
            while not accept:
                index = numpy.random.randint(len(free_RVs))

                accept = rr[index]()            
                if accept and i > burnin and (i-burnin) % lag == 0:
                    for d, o in zip(data, outputs):
                        # TODO: this can be optimized
                        if is_raw_rv(o):
                            full_observations = dict(observations)
                            full_observations.update(dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, free_RVs_state)]))
                            d.append(evaluate(evaluate_with_assignments(o, full_observations), givens=givens))
        data = [numpy.asarray(d).squeeze() for d in data]
        return data
    return sampler
Exemplo n.º 10
def mh2_sample(s_rng, outputs, observations={}, givens={}):
    all_vars = ancestors(list(observations.keys()) + list(outputs))

    for o in observations:
        assert o in all_vars
        if not is_raw_rv(o):
            raise TypeError(o)

    RVs = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]
    free_RVs = [v for v in RVs if v not in observations]

    free_RVs_state = []
    for v in free_RVs:
        f = theano.function([],
                            mode=theano.Mode(linker='py', optimizer=None))

    U = s_rng.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0)

    rr = []
    for index in range(len(free_RVs)):
        # TODO: why does the compiler crash when we try to expose the likelihood ?
        full_observations = dict(observations)
            dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, free_RVs_state)]))
        log_likelihood = full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        proposal = s_rng.local_proposal(free_RVs[index], free_RVs_state[index])
        proposal_rev = s_rng.local_proposal(free_RVs[index], proposal)

        full_observations = dict(observations)
            dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, free_RVs_state)]))
        full_observations.update(dict([(free_RVs[index], proposal)]))
        new_log_likelihood = full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        bw = tensor.sum(lpdf(proposal_rev, free_RVs_state[index]))
        fw = tensor.sum(lpdf(proposal, proposal))

        lr = new_log_likelihood - log_likelihood + bw - fw

        accept = tensor.gt(lr, tensor.log(U))

        updates = {
            tensor.switch(accept, proposal, free_RVs_state[index])
        rr.append(theano.function([], [accept], updates=updates,

    # TODO: this exacte amount of samples given back is still wrong
    def sampler(nr_samples, burnin=100, lag=100):
        data = [[] for o in outputs]
        for i in range(nr_samples * lag + burnin):
            accept = False
            while not accept:
                index = numpy.random.randint(len(free_RVs))

                accept = rr[index]()
                if accept and i > burnin and (i - burnin) % lag == 0:
                    for d, o in zip(data, outputs):
                        # TODO: this can be optimized
                        if is_raw_rv(o):
                            full_observations = dict(observations)
                                    (rv, s)
                                    for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, free_RVs_state)
                                    o, full_observations),
        data = [numpy.asarray(d).squeeze() for d in data]

        return data

    return sampler
Exemplo n.º 11
def hybridmc_sample(s_rng, outputs, observations={}):
    # TODO: should there be a size variable here?
    # TODO: implement lag and burn-in
    # TODO: implement size
    Return a dictionary mapping random variables to their sample values.

    all_vars = ancestors(list(outputs) + list(observations.keys()))

    for o in observations:
        assert o in all_vars
        if not is_raw_rv(o):
            raise TypeError(o)

    RVs = [v for v in all_vars if is_raw_rv(v)]

    free_RVs = [v for v in RVs if v not in observations]

    free_RVs_state = [
                      broadcastable=tuple(numpy.asarray(infer_shape(v)) == 1))
        for v in free_RVs
    free_RVs_prop = [
        s_rng.normal(0, 1, draw_shape=infer_shape(v)) for v in free_RVs

    log_likelihood = theano.shared(numpy.array(float('-inf')))

    U = s_rng.uniform(low=0, high=1.0)

    epsilon = numpy.sqrt(2 * 0.03)

    def mcmc(ll, *frvs):
        full_observations = dict(observations)
            dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, frvs)]))

        loglik = -full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        proposals = free_RVs_prop
        H = tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(tensor.sqr(p))
                         for p in proposals]) / 2. + loglik

        # -- this should be an inner loop
        g = []
        g.append(tensor.grad(loglik, frvs))

        proposals = [(p - epsilon * gg[0] / 2.) for p, gg in zip(proposals, g)]

        rvsp = [(rvs + epsilon * rvp) for rvs, rvp in zip(frvs, proposals)]

        full_observations = dict(observations)
            dict([(rv, s) for rv, s in zip(free_RVs, rvsp)]))
        new_loglik = -full_log_likelihood(full_observations)

        gnew = []
        gnew.append(tensor.grad(new_loglik, rvsp))
        proposals = [(p - epsilon * gn[0] / 2.)
                     for p, gn in zip(proposals, gnew)]
        # --

        Hnew = tensor.add(*[tensor.sum(tensor.sqr(p))
                            for p in proposals]) / 2. + new_loglik

        dH = Hnew - H
        accept = tensor.or_(dH < 0., U < tensor.exp(-dH))

        return [tensor.switch(accept, -new_loglik, ll)] + \
            [tensor.switch(accept, p, f) for p, f in zip(rvsp, frvs)], \
            {}, theano.scan_module.until(accept)

    samples, updates = theano.scan(mcmc,
                                   outputs_info=[log_likelihood] +

    updates[log_likelihood] = samples[0][-1]
        dict([(f, s[-1]) for f, s in zip(free_RVs_state, samples[1:])]))

    return [free_RVs_state[free_RVs.index(out)]
            for out in outputs], log_likelihood, updates