Exemplo n.º 1
def set_dotted_attributes(build, unexpanded_local_config_values):
    """Save a local_config value given in dotted form to the local_config.json for the current build.

	Example use::
		set_dotted_attribute(build, 'android.profile.sdk', '/opt/android-sdk-linux')
    from forge import build_config
    local_config_values = {
        expand_profile(build, k): v
        for k, v in unexpanded_local_config_values.items()
    LOG.info('Updating local config with %s' %
             json.dumps(local_config_values, indent=4))

    with cd(build.orig_wd):
        local_config = build_config.load_local()

        for attribute_name, value in local_config_values.items():
            current_level = local_config
            crumbs = attribute_name.split('.')
            for k in crumbs[:-1]:
                if k not in current_level:
                    current_level[k] = {}
                current_level = current_level[k]
            current_level[crumbs[-1]] = value

Exemplo n.º 2
def _set_dotted_attribute(path_to_app, attribute_name, value):
	from forge import build_config
	LOG.info('Saving %s as %s in local_config.json' % (value, attribute_name))
	with cd(path_to_app):
		local_config = build_config.load_local()
		current_level = local_config
		crumbs = attribute_name.split('.')
		for k in crumbs[:-1]:
			if k not in current_level:
				current_level[k] = {}
			current_level = current_level[k]
		current_level[crumbs[-1]] = value

Exemplo n.º 3
def set_dotted_attribute(build, attribute_name, value):
	"""Save a local_config value given in dotted form to the local_config.json for the current build.

	Example use::
		set_dotted_attribute(build, 'android.profiles.DEFAULT.sdk', '/opt/android-sdk-linux')
	# TODO: would be good to not have to import the build_config module here, maybe emit an event instead?
	from forge import build_config

	LOG.info('Saving %s as %s in local_config.json' % (value, attribute_name))
	with cd(build.orig_wd):
		local_config = build_config.load_local()
		current_level = local_config
		crumbs = attribute_name.split('.')
		for k in crumbs[:-1]:
			if k not in current_level:
				current_level[k] = {}
			current_level = current_level[k]
		current_level[crumbs[-1]] = value

Exemplo n.º 4
def set_dotted_attribute(build, attribute_name, value):
    """Save a local_config value given in dotted form to the local_config.json for the current build.

	Example use::
		set_dotted_attribute(build, 'android.profiles.DEFAULT.sdk', '/opt/android-sdk-linux')
    # TODO: would be good to not have to import the build_config module here, maybe emit an event instead?
    from forge import build_config

    LOG.info("Saving %s as %s in local_config.json" % (value, attribute_name))
    with cd(build.orig_wd):
        local_config = build_config.load_local()
        current_level = local_config
        crumbs = attribute_name.split(".")
        for k in crumbs[:-1]:
            if k not in current_level:
                current_level[k] = {}
            current_level = current_level[k]
        current_level[crumbs[-1]] = value

Exemplo n.º 5
def set_dotted_attributes(build, unexpanded_local_config_values):
	"""Save a local_config value given in dotted form to the local_config.json for the current build.

	Example use::
		set_dotted_attribute(build, 'android.profile.sdk', '/opt/android-sdk-linux')
	from forge import build_config
	local_config_values = {expand_profile(build, k): v for k, v in unexpanded_local_config_values.items()}
	LOG.info('Updating local config with %s' % json.dumps(local_config_values, indent=4))

	with cd(build.orig_wd):
		local_config = build_config.load_local()

		for attribute_name, value in local_config_values.items():
			current_level = local_config
			crumbs = attribute_name.split('.')
			for k in crumbs[:-1]:
				if k not in current_level:
					current_level[k] = {}
				current_level = current_level[k]
			current_level[crumbs[-1]] = value

Exemplo n.º 6
def package_web(build):
	path_to_app = path.abspath('')
	interactive = build.tool_config.get('general.interactive', True)
	development = path.abspath(path.join('development', 'web'))
	output = path.abspath(path.join('release', 'web', 'heroku'))

	# deploy to Heroku
	if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
		heroku = "heroku.bat"
		heroku = "heroku"

	with cd(development):
		username = None
		api_key = build.tool_config.get('web.profile.heroku_api_key')

		while api_key is None:
			if not interactive:
				raise Exception("You need to specify an API Key for interaction with heroku")

				# TODO: may want to check the api key is actually valid by hitting the api?
				username, api_key = _heroku_credentials()
			except IOError:
				login_call = subprocess.call([heroku, 'login'])
				if login_call != 0:
					raise Exception("Failed to login with the heroku api")

		chosen_app = build.tool_config.get('web.profile.heroku_app_name')

		if not path.isdir(output):

		with cd(output):
			if not path.isdir('.git'):
				LOG.debug('Creating git repo')

				LOG.debug('Create dummy first commit')
				with open('.forge.txt', 'w') as forge_file:
				_git('add', '.')
				_git('commit', '-am', '"first commit"')

			if chosen_app is None:
				chosen_app = _request_app_to_push_to(build, api_key, interactive)
				from forge import build_config

				LOG.info('Saving %s as chosen as web.profiles.%s.heroku_app_name in local_config.json' % (chosen_app, build.tool_config.profile()))
				with cd(path_to_app):
					local_config = build_config.load_local()
					current_level = local_config
					for k in ['web','profiles', build.tool_config.profile()]:
						if k not in current_level:
							current_level[k] = {}
						current_level = current_level[k]
					current_level['heroku_app_name'] = chosen_app


		# remove all previous files/folders except for .git!
		with cd(output):
			for f in os.listdir('.'):
				if not f == '.git':
					if path.isfile(f):

					elif path.isdir(f):

		# copy code from development to release!
		with cd(development):
			for f in os.listdir('.'):
				if path.isfile(f):
					shutil.copy2(f, output)
				elif path.isdir(f) and path.basename(f) != '.git':
					shutil.copytree(f, path.join(output, f), ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns('.git'))

		with cd(output):
			# setup with the specified remote
			LOG.debug('Setting up git remote for %s' % chosen_app)

			# remove any previous remote
				_git('remote', 'rm', 'heroku')
			except WebError:

			_git('remote', 'add', 'heroku', '[email protected]:%s.git' % chosen_app)

			# commit
			_git('add', '.')
			diff = _git('diff', 'HEAD')
			if not diff.strip():
				if interactive:
					LOG.warning("No app changes detected: did you forget to forge build?")
					# not interactive basically means we're using the trigger toolkit, where 'forge build'
					# doesn't really make sense
					LOG.warning("No app changes detected, pushing to heroku anyway")
				_git('commit', '-am', 'forge package web')

			# push
			LOG.info('Deploying to %s.herokuapp.com' % chosen_app)

			if not interactive:
				LOG.warning('You may need to check the commandline to enter an SSH key passphrase')

			push_output = _git('push', 'heroku', '--all', '--force', command_log_level=logging.INFO)

			if push_output.startswith('Everything up-to-date'):
				remote_output = _git('remote', '-v')
				remote_pattern = re.compile(r'[email protected]:(.*?).git \(fetch\)')

				remote_match = remote_pattern.search(remote_output)
				if remote_match:
					app_url = 'http://%s.herokuapp.com' % remote_match.group(1)
					LOG.info('Deployed at %s' % app_url)

				deploy_pattern = re.compile(r'(http://[^ ]+) deployed to Heroku')
				deploy_match = deploy_pattern.search(push_output)
				if deploy_match:
					LOG.info('Deployed at %s' % deploy_match.group(1))