Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_str_to_float(self):
        from formatting_helpers import string_to_float

        self.assertEqual(string_to_float('0.89'), 0.89)
        self.assertEqual(string_to_float('1000.5'), 1000.5)
        self.assertEqual(string_to_float('0,89'), 0.89)
        self.assertEqual(string_to_float('1,000.5'), 1000.5)

        self.assertEqual(string_to_float('0.00000012345'), 0.00000012345)
        self.assertEqual(string_to_float('0.00012345'), 0.00012345)
        self.assertEqual(string_to_float('1234567'), 1234567)
async def cmd_income(command_str, discord_message, apis):
    if apis.token.difficulty is None:
        return "not sure yet... waiting on my APIs :sob:"

        command, hashrate = command_str.split(maxsplit=1)
        return "Bad hashrate; try `!income 5`, `!income 300mh`, or `!income 2.8gh`"

    multipliers = (
        ('k', 1e3),
        ('m', 1e6),
        ('g', 1e9),
        ('t', 1e12),
        ('p', 1e15),
        ('e', 1e18),
        ('z', 1e21),
        ('y', 1e24))
    selected_multiplier = 1e9
    for char, mult in multipliers:
        if char in hashrate:
            selected_multiplier = mult

    match = re.match("([<\d.,]+)", hashrate)
    if not match:
        return "Bad hashrate; try `!income 5`, `!income 300mh`, or `!income 2.8gh`"
        hashrate = string_to_float(match.group(1)) * selected_multiplier
    except ValueError:
        return "Bad hashrate; try `!income 5`, `!income 300mh`, or `!income 2.8gh`"

    if hashrate == 0:
        return "Bad hashrate; try `!income 5`, `!income 300mh`, or `!income 2.8gh`"

    tokens_per_day = 0.8 * 86400 * apis.token.reward * hashrate / ((2**22) * apis.token.difficulty)
    seconds_per_block = 1.2 * ((2**22) * apis.token.difficulty) / hashrate

    if tokens_per_day > 1:
        tokens_over_time_str = "**{}** tokens/day".format(prettify_decimals(tokens_per_day))
        tokens_over_time_str = "**{}** tokens/week".format(prettify_decimals(tokens_per_day*7))

    fmt_str = "Income for {}: {}; **{}** per block solo"
    return fmt_str.format(to_readable_thousands(hashrate, unit_type='hashrate'),
def convert(amount, src, dest, apis):
    src = src.lower()
    dest = dest.lower()
    amount = string_to_float(amount)

    usd_value, result = None, None

    token_price_usd = apis.exchanges.price_eth(config.TOKEN_SYMBOL) * apis.exchanges.eth_price_usd()

    if config.TOKEN_SYMBOL != "0xBTC":
        logging.warning("unknown currency {}; !convert command assumes 0xBTC".format(config.TOKEN_SYMBOL))

    if src in ['0xbtc', '0xbitcoins', '0xbitcoin']:
        usd_value = token_price_usd * amount
    elif src in ['m0xbtc', 'milli0xbtc', 'milli0xbitcoin', 'milli0xbitcoins']:
        usd_value = token_price_usd * amount / 1000.0
    elif src in ['0xsatoshis', '0xsatoshi', 'satoastis', 'satoasti', 'crumbs', 'crumb']:
        usd_value = token_price_usd * amount / 10**8
    elif src in ['eth', 'ethereum', 'ether']:
        usd_value = apis.exchanges.eth_price_usd() * amount
    elif src == 'wei':
        usd_value = apis.exchanges.eth_price_usd() * amount / 10**18
    elif src in ['btc', 'bitcoins', 'bitcoin']:
        usd_value = apis.exchanges.btc_price_usd() * amount
    elif src in ['mbtc', 'millibtc', 'millibitcoins', 'millibitcoin']:
        usd_value = apis.exchanges.btc_price_usd() * amount / 1000.0
    elif src in ['satoshis', 'satoshi']:
        usd_value = apis.exchanges.btc_price_usd() * amount / 10**8
    elif src in ['usd', 'dollars', 'dollar', 'ddollar', 'bucks', 'buck']:
        usd_value = amount
    elif src in ['cents', 'cent']:
        usd_value = amount / 100.0
        for price, names in config.EXPENSIVE_STUFF:
            if util.string_contains_any(src, names, exhaustive_search=True, require_cmd_char=False):
                src = names[0]  # replace name with the non-typo'd version
                usd_value = amount * price

    if usd_value == None:
        return "Bad currency ({}). 0xbtc, 0xsatoshis, eth, wei, btc, mbtc, satoshis, and usd are supported.".format(src)

    if dest in ['0xbtc', '0xbitcoins', '0xbitcoin']:
        result = usd_value / token_price_usd
    elif dest in ['m0xbtc', 'milli0xbtc', 'milli0xbitcoin', 'milli0xbitcoins']:
        result = 1000.0 * usd_value / token_price_usd
    elif dest in ['0xsatoshis', '0xsatoshi', 'satoastis', 'satoasti', 'crumbs', 'crumb']:
        result = 10**8 * usd_value / token_price_usd
    elif dest in ['eth', 'ethereum', 'ether']:
        result = usd_value / apis.exchanges.eth_price_usd()
    elif dest == 'wei':
        result = 10**18 * usd_value / apis.exchanges.eth_price_usd()
    elif dest in ['btc', 'bitcoins', 'bitcoin']:
        result = usd_value / apis.exchanges.btc_price_usd()
    elif dest in ['mbtc', 'millibtc', 'millibitcoins', 'millibitcoin']:
        result = usd_value * 1000.0 / apis.exchanges.btc_price_usd()
    elif dest in ['satoshis', 'satoshi']:
        result = 10**8 * usd_value / apis.exchanges.btc_price_usd()
    elif dest in ['usd', 'dollars', 'dollar', 'ddollar', 'bucks', 'buck']:
        result = usd_value
    elif dest in ['cents', 'cent']:
        result = usd_value * 100.0
        for price, names in config.EXPENSIVE_STUFF:
            if util.string_contains_any(dest, names, exhaustive_search=True, require_cmd_char=False):
                dest = names[0]  # replaces provided name with the non-typo'd version
                result = usd_value / price

    if result == None:
        return "Bad currency ({}). 0xbtc, 0xsatoshis, eth, wei, btc, mbtc, satoshis, and usd are supported.".format(dest)

    amount = prettify_decimals(amount)
    result = prettify_decimals(result)

    return "{} {} = **{}** {}".format(amount, src, result, dest)