Exemplo n.º 1
def get_hated_sim(uid, eid):
    u_his = user_event[user_event.user_id == uid]
    hated = u_his.at[u_his.index[0], 'declined'].split()
    score = []

    feature = [0, 0, 0]
    if (len(hated) == 0):
        return feature
    # get tf-idf vector of eid
    e = event_tfidf[event_tfidf.event_id == eid]
    vec_e = list(e.ix[e.index[0], 1:])

    # get tf-idf vector of hated events
    h_e = event_tfidf[event_tfidf.event_id.isin(hated)]

    for i in range(len(h_e)):		
        vec_he = list(h_e.ix[h_e.index[i], 1:])
        score.append(formula.cos_sim(vec_e, vec_he))

    feature[0] = min(score)
    feature[1] = max(score)
    feature[2] = sum(score) / len(hated)

    return feature
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_interested_sim(uid, eid):
    u_his = user_event[user_event.user_id == uid]	
    interested = u_his.at[u_his.index[0], 'attend'].split() + u_his.at[u_his.index[0], 'maybe'].split()
    score = []

    feature = [0, 0, 0]
    if (len(interested) == 0):
        return feature

    # get tf-idf vector of eid
    e = event_tfidf[event_tfidf.event_id == eid]
    vec_e = list(e.ix[e.index[0], 1:])

    # get tf-idf vector of interested events
    i_e = event_tfidf[event_tfidf.event_id.isin(interested)]

    for i in range(len(i_e.index)):		
        vec_ie = list(i_e.ix[i_e.index[i], 1:])
        score.append(formula.cos_sim(vec_e, vec_ie))

    feature[0] = min(score)
    feature[1] = max(score)
    feature[2] = sum(score) / len(interested)

    return feature