Exemplo n.º 1
    def parse_config_item(self, item: Element):
        Parse a configuration item from xml

        :param item: item to be parsed.
        c_name = item.get("NAME")
        c_value = item.text
        if not c_name:
            raise ValueError("The xml has a preference with no name")

        if not c_value:
            raise ValueError("The xml has a preference with no value")

        self.name = c_name.lower()
        self.value = c_value

        c_type = item.get("TYPE")
        if c_type:
            self.type = ParseFormats.parse_type(c_type.lower())
            self.type = DataType.STRING

        ParseFormats.parse_item(self.type, self.value)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _load_control_data(self):
        Sets the control data defined in the configuration file
        self.logger.debug("Stating _load_control_data")

            self.use_ssl = ParseFormats.parse_bool(Config().get_config_param(
                'Control', 'UseSSL'))
            self.control_port = ParseFormats.parse_uint16(
                Config().get_config_param('Control', 'ControlPort'))
            self.log_on_connect = ParseFormats.parse_bool(
                Config().get_config_param('Control', 'LogOnConnect'))
            self.log_command = ParseFormats.parse_bool(
                Config().get_config_param('Control', 'LogCommand'))
            self.control_hosts = self.config['Control']['Access']['Host']
            self.control_user, self.control_passwd = \

            self.logger.debug("Ending _load_control_data")

        except ValueError as verr:
                "The value for control port{0} is not a valid number".format(
                    Config().get_config_param('Control', 'ControlPort')))

            raise ValueError(
                "The value for control port{0} is not a valid number".format(
                    Config().get_config_param('Control', 'ControlPort')))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def calculate_interval(self, option_name: str) -> Interval:
         Calculates the interval for a options record
        :param option_name for which we want to create the interval.
        :param last_stop datetime of the last stop for thebididng object.
        :return: Interval created for the option
        duration = 0
        interval = Interval()

        fstart = self.get_option_value(option_name, "Start")
        fstop = self.get_option_value(option_name, "Stop")

        if fstart.value:
            interval.start = ParseFormats.parse_time(fstart.value)
            if not interval.start:
                raise ValueError("Invalid start time {0}".format(fstart.value))

        if fstop.value:
            interval.stop = ParseFormats.parse_time(fstop.value)
            if not interval.stop:
                raise ValueError("Invalid stop time {0}".format(fstart.value))

        # do we have a stop time defined that is in the past ?
        if interval.stop and interval.stop <= datetime.now():
            logger = log().get_logger()
            logger.debug("Bidding object running time is already over")

        if interval.start < datetime.now():
            # start late tasks immediately
            interval.start = datetime.now()

        interval.duration = (interval.stop - interval.start).total_seconds()
        return interval
Exemplo n.º 4
    def sort_bids_by_price(self,
                           bids: Dict[str, BiddingObject],
                           discriminatory_price: float = 0,
                           subsidy: float = 1) -> DefaultDict[float, list]:
        sort bids by price in descending order

        :param bids: bids included for sorting
        :param discriminatory_price  price to applies subsidies
        :param subsidy: value by which we multiply prices in order to give subsidies
        ordered_bids: DefaultDict[float, list] = defaultdict(list)
        for bidding_object_key in bids:
            bidding_object = bids[bidding_object_key]
            elements = bidding_object.elements
            for element_name in elements:
                config_params = elements[element_name]
                price = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                quantity = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                alloc = AllocProc(bidding_object.get_parent_key(),
                                  bidding_object.get_key(), element_name,
                                  bidding_object.get_session(), quantity,
                # applies the subsidy if it was given,
                if discriminatory_price > 0:
                    if price < discriminatory_price:
                        price = price * subsidy


        return ordered_bids
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _parse_global_options(self, item: Element) -> (dict, dict):
        Parse global options within the xml
        :param item: Global Tag
        :return: dictionary of configuration items.
                list of actions.
        global_misc = {}
        global_actions = {}

        for sub_item in item.iterchildren():
            if isinstance(sub_item.tag, str):
                if sub_item.tag.lower() == "pref":
                    config_param = ConfigParam()
                    global_misc[config_param.name] = config_param

                if sub_item.tag.lower() == "action":
                    action = Action("", False, dict())
                    default = sub_item.get("DEFAULT")
                    if not default:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "Auction Parser Error: missing name at line {0}".
                        action.default_action = ParseFormats.parse_bool(
                    global_actions[action.name] = action

        return global_misc, global_actions
Exemplo n.º 6
    def increment_quantity_allocation(allocation: BiddingObject,
                                      quantity: float):
        Increments the quantity assigned to an allocation

        :param allocation: allocation to be incremented
        :param quantity: quantity to increment
        elements = allocation.elements

        # there is only one element
        updated = False
        for element_name in elements:
            config_dict = elements[element_name]
            # remove the field for updating quantities
            field: ConfigParam = config_dict.pop('quantity')
            # Insert again the field.
            temp_qty = ParseFormats.parse_float(field.value)
            temp_qty += quantity
            fvalue = str(temp_qty)
            field.value = fvalue
            config_dict[field.name] = field
            updated = True

        if not updated:
            raise ValueError(
                "Field quantity was not included in the allocation")
Exemplo n.º 7
 def get_param_value(self, field_name: str, params: dict):
     Get the value of a parameter
     :param field_name: name of the parameter
     :param params: parameters
     :return: value of the parameter.
     field_def = self.field_def_manager.get_field(field_name)
     if field_def['type'] == DataType.DOUBLE:
         return ParseFormats.parse_double(
     elif field_def['type'] == DataType.UINT32:
         return ParseFormats.parse_ulong(
     elif field_def['type'] == DataType.STRING:
         return params[field_name].get_exact_field_value()
     elif field_def['type'] == DataType.UINT64:
         return ParseFormats.parse_ulong(
     elif field_def['type'] == DataType.IPV4ADDR:
         return ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(
     elif field_def['type'] == DataType.IPV6ADDR:
         return ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(
     elif field_def['type'] == DataType.UINT8:
         return ParseFormats.parse_uint8(
     elif field_def['type'] == DataType.FLOAT:
         return ParseFormats.parse_float(
         raise ValueError("Invalid type {0}".format(
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, config_file_name: str):
        self._pending_tasks_by_auction = {}

        self.config = Config(config_file_name).get_config()

        # Start Listening the web server application
        loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.app = Application(loop=loop)

        # Gets the log file
        log_file_name = self.config['DefaultLogFile']
        self.logger = log(log_file_name).get_logger()

        self.domain = ParseFormats.parse_int(Config().get_config_param(
            'Main', 'Domain'))
        self.immediate_start = ParseFormats.parse_bool(
            Config().get_config_param('Main', 'ImmediateStart'))

    def parse_allocation(self, object_key: IpapObjectKey, templates: list, data_records: list,
                         ipap_template_container: IpapTemplateContainer) -> Allocation:
        Parse an allocation object from the ipap_message

        :param object_key: object key for the allocation that is going to be parsed.
        :param templates: templates for the allocation
        :param data_records: records for the allocation
        :param ipap_template_container: template container where we have to include the templates.
        :return: allocation object parsed.
        nbr_data_read = 0
        nbr_option_read = 0
        bidding_object_key = None
        allocation_key = None
        auction_key = None
        status = None
        data_misc = {}

        data_template, opts_template = self.insert_auction_templates(object_key.get_object_type(),
                                                                     templates, ipap_template_container)

        opts = []
        # Read data records
        for data_record in data_records:
            template_id = data_record.get_template_id()
            # Read a data record for a data template
            if template_id == data_template.get_template_id():
                data_misc = self.read_record(data_template, data_record)
                bidding_object_key = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'biddingobjectid').value
                auction_key = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'auctionid').value
                allocation_key = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'allocationid').value
                status = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'status').value
                nbr_data_read = nbr_data_read + 1

            if template_id == opts_template.get_template_id():
                opts_misc = self.read_record(opts_template, data_record)
                nbr_option_read = nbr_option_read + 1

        if nbr_data_read == 0:
            raise ValueError("A data template was not given")

        if nbr_option_read == 0:
            raise ValueError("An option template was not given")

        intervals = self.convert_options_interval(opts)

        allocation = Allocation(auction_key, bidding_object_key, allocation_key, data_misc, intervals)

        return allocation
    def create_request(
            self, bids: Dict[str,
                             BiddingObject]) -> (DefaultDict[float, list]):
        Creates allocation requests for low and high auctions. It promotes some high auction bid into the
        low auction

        :param self:
        :param bids:    bids competing in the auction

        :return: allocations request in the auction.
        self.logger.debug("create request bids {0}".format(str(len(bids))))

        # go through all high budget bids and pass some of their units as low auction requests.
        auction_allocs: DefaultDict[float, list] = defaultdict(list)
        for bidding_object_key in bids:
            bidding_object = bids[bidding_object_key]
            elements = bidding_object.elements
            for element_name in elements:
                config_params = elements[element_name]
                price = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                quantity = ParseFormats.parse_float(

                alloc = AllocProc(bidding_object.get_parent_key(),
                                  bidding_object.get_key(), element_name,
                                  bidding_object.get_session(), quantity,


        self.logger.debug("create requests after budget bids {0}".format(
        return auction_allocs
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self):
        self.domain = Config().get_config_param('Main','Domain')
        use_ipv6 = Config().get_config_param('Main','UseIPv6')
        self.use_ipv6 = ParseFormats.parse_bool(use_ipv6)
        if self.use_ipv6:
            self.ip_address6 = ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(Config().get_config_param('Main','LocalAddr-V6'))
            self.ip_address4 = ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(Config().get_config_param('Main','LocalAddr-V4'))

        # Gets default ports (origin, destination)
        self.local_port = ParseFormats.parse_uint16(Config().get_config_param('Main','LocalPort'))
        self.protocol = ParseFormats.parse_uint8( Config().get_config_param('Main','DefaultProtocol'))
        self.life_time = ParseFormats.parse_uint8( Config().get_config_param('Main','LifeTime'))
        self.inmediate_start = ParseFormats.parse_bool( Config().get_config_param('Main','ImmediateStart'))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):

        self.domain = Config().get_config_param('Main', 'Domain')
        use_ipv6 = Config().get_config_param('Main', 'UseIPv6')
        self.use_ipv6 = ParseFormats.parse_bool(use_ipv6)
        self.ip_address6 = ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(
            Config().get_config_param('Main', 'LocalAddr-V6'))
        self.destination_address6 = ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(
            Config().get_config_param('Main', 'DefaultDestinationAddr-V6'))
        self.ip_address4 = ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(
            Config().get_config_param('Main', 'LocalAddr-V4'))
        self.destination_address4 = ParseFormats.parse_ipaddress(
            Config().get_config_param('Main', 'DefaultDestinationAddr-V4'))

        # Gets default ports (origin, destination)
        self.source_port = ParseFormats.parse_uint16(Config().get_config_param(
            'Main', 'DefaultSourcePort'))
        self.destination_port = ParseFormats.parse_uint16(
            Config().get_config_param('Main', 'DefaultDestinationPort'))
        self.protocol = ParseFormats.parse_uint8(Config().get_config_param(
            'Main', 'DefaultProtocol'))
        self.life_time = ParseFormats.parse_uint8(Config().get_config_param(
            'Main', 'LifeTime'))
Exemplo n.º 13
    def get_allocation_quantity(bidding_object: BiddingObject) -> float:

        :param bidding_object:
        temp_qty = 0
        elements = bidding_object.elements

        # there is only one element.
        for element_name in elements:
            config_dict = elements[element_name]
            # remove the field for updating quantities
            field: ConfigParam = config_dict['quantity']
            temp_qty = ParseFormats.parse_float(field.value)

        return temp_qty
    def parse_bidding_object(
            self, object_key: IpapObjectKey, templates: list,
            data_records: list,
            ipap_template_container: IpapTemplateContainer) -> BiddingObject:
        Parse a bidding object from the ipap_message

        :param templates: templates for the auction
        :param data_records: records for the auction
        :param ipap_template_container: template container where we have to include the templates.
        :return: bidding object parsed.
        nbr_data_read = 0
        nbr_option_read = 0
        bidding_object_key = None
        auction_key = None
        s_bidding_object_type = None
        status = None

        data_template, opts_template = self.insert_auction_templates(
            object_key.get_object_type(), templates, ipap_template_container)

        # Read data records
        elements = {}
        for data_record in data_records:
            template_id = data_record.get_template_id()
            # Read a data record for a data template
            if template_id == data_template.get_template_id():
                data_misc = self.read_record(data_template, data_record)
                record_id = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'recordid').value
                elements[record_id] = data_misc
                # all records have the following same information.
                bidding_object_key_tmp = self.extract_param(
                    data_misc, 'biddingobjectid').value
                auction_key_tmp = self.extract_param(data_misc,
                auction_key, bidding_object_key = self.check_same_bidding_object(
                    auction_key, bidding_object_key, auction_key_tmp,
                s_bidding_object_type = self.extract_param(
                    data_misc, 'biddingobjecttype').value
                status = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'status').value
                # a new record was read
                nbr_data_read = nbr_data_read + 1

            options = {}
            if template_id == opts_template.get_template_id():
                opts_misc = self.read_record(opts_template, data_record)
                record_id = self.extract_param(opts_misc, 'recordid').value
                auction_key_tmp = self.extract_param(opts_misc,
                bidding_object_key_tmp = self.extract_param(
                    opts_misc, 'biddingobjectid').value
                auction_key, bidding_object_key = self.check_same_bidding_object(
                    auction_key, bidding_object_key, auction_key_tmp,

                options[record_id] = opts_misc
                # a new record was read
                nbr_option_read = nbr_option_read + 1

        if nbr_data_read == 0:
            raise ValueError("A data template was not given")

        if nbr_option_read == 0:
            raise ValueError("An option template was not given")

        bidding_object_type = self.get_auctioning_object_type(
        bidding_object = BiddingObject(auction_key, bidding_object_key,
                                       bidding_object_type, elements, options)
        status_val = ParseFormats.parse_int(status)

        return bidding_object
Exemplo n.º 15
    def parse_auction(self, object_key: IpapObjectKey, templates: list, data_records: list,
                      ipap_template_container: IpapTemplateContainer) -> Auction:
        Parse an auction from the ipap_message

        :param templates: templates for the auction
        :param data_records: records for the auction
        :param ipap_template_container: template container where we have to include the templates.
        :return: auction parsed.
        nbr_data_read = 0
        nbr_option_read = 0
        auction_key = None
        auction_status = None
        resource_key = None
        template_list = None
        action_name = None
        data_misc = {}
        opts_misc = {}

        data_template, opts_template = self.insert_auction_templates(object_key.get_object_type(),
                                                                     templates, ipap_template_container)
        # Read data records
        for data_record in data_records:
            template_id = data_record.get_template_id()
            # Read a data record for a data template
            if template_id == data_template.get_template_id():
                data_misc = self.read_record(data_template, data_record)
                auction_key = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'auctionid')
                auction_status = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'status')
                resource_key = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'resourceid')
                template_list = self.extract_param(data_misc, 'templatelist')
                nbr_data_read = nbr_data_read + 1

            if template_id == opts_template.get_template_id():
                opts_misc = self.read_record(opts_template, data_record)
                action_name = self.extract_param(opts_misc, 'algoritmname')
                nbr_option_read = nbr_option_read + 1

        if nbr_data_read > 1:
            raise ValueError("The message included more than one data template")

        if nbr_data_read == 0:
            raise ValueError("The message not included  a data template")

        if nbr_option_read > 1:
            raise ValueError("The message included more than one options template")

        if nbr_option_read == 0:
            raise ValueError("The message not included  a options template")

        action = Action(action_name.value, True, opts_misc)
        auction = Auction(auction_key.value, resource_key.value, action, data_misc)

        template_ids = template_list.value.split(',')
        for template_sid in template_ids:
            template = ipap_template_container.get_template(ParseFormats.parse_int(template_sid))
                                                template.get_type(), template.get_template_id())

        return auction
Exemplo n.º 16
    def execute(self, request_params: Dict[str, FieldValue], auction_key: str,
                start: datetime, stop: datetime, bids: dict) -> list:
        Executes the auction procedure for an specific auction.

        :param request_params: request params included
        :param auction_key: auction key identifying the auction
        :param start: start datetime
        :param stop: stop datetime
        :param bids: bidding objects included
        self.logger.debug("bas module: start execute num bids:{0}".format(

        for bid_key in bids:
            self.logger.info("Bid key in auction process:{0}".format(bid_key))

        tot_demand = self.proc_module.calculate_requested_quantities(bids)
        bandwidth_to_sell = self.proc_module.get_param_value(
            'bandwidth', request_params)
        reserve_price = self.proc_module.get_param_value(
            'reserveprice', request_params)

        # Order bids classifying them by whether they compete on the low and high auction.
        bids_low_rct, bids_high_rct = self.proc_module.separate_bids(bids, 0.5)

        # Calculate the number of requested quantities on both auctions.
        nl = self.proc_module.calculate_requested_quantities(bids_low_rct)
        nh = self.proc_module.calculate_requested_quantities(bids_high_rct)

        ordered_bids = defaultdict(list)
        for bidding_object_key in bids:
            bidding_object = bids[bidding_object_key]
            elements = bidding_object.elements
            for element_name in elements:
                config_params = elements[element_name]
                price = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                quantity = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                alloc = AllocProc(bidding_object.get_parent_key(),
                                  bidding_object.get_key(), element_name,
                                  bidding_object.get_session(), quantity,

        qty_available = bandwidth_to_sell
        sell_price = 0

            "bas module - qty available:{0}".format(qty_available))

        sorted_prices = sorted(ordered_bids.keys(), reverse=True)
        for price in sorted_prices:
            alloc_temp = ordered_bids[price]

            if price < reserve_price:
                for i in range(0, len(alloc_temp)):
                    alloc_temp[i].quantity = 0
                for i in range(0, len(alloc_temp)):
                    if qty_available < alloc_temp[i].quantity:
                        alloc_temp[i].quantity = qty_available
                        if qty_available > 0:
                            sell_price = price
                            qty_available = 0
                        qty_available = qty_available - alloc_temp[i].quantity
                        sell_price = price

        # There are more units available than requested
        if qty_available > 0:
            sell_price = reserve_price

        self.logger.debug("bas module: after executing the auction")

        allocations = {}

        # Creates allocations
        sorted_prices = sorted(ordered_bids.keys(), reverse=True)
        for price in sorted_prices:
            alloc_temp = ordered_bids[price]
            for i in range(0, len(alloc_temp)):
                key = self.proc_module.make_key(
                if key in allocations:
                    allocation = self.proc_module.create_allocation(
                        self.domain, alloc_temp[i].session_id,
                        alloc_temp[i].bidding_object_key, start, stop,
                        alloc_temp[i].quantity, sell_price)

                    allocations[key] = allocation

        # Convert from the map to the final allocationDB result
        allocation_res = []
        for allocation_key in allocations:
            allocation = allocations[allocation_key]
            self.logger.info("allocation key: {0} - bidding object {1}".format(
                allocation_key, allocation.get_parent_key()))

        # Write a log with data of the auction
        self.logger.debug("starttime: {0} endtime:{1}".format(
            str(start), str(stop)))
            "demand: {0} - demand low: {1} demand high {2}".format(
                str(tot_demand), str(nl), str(nh)))
        self.logger.debug("qty_sell: {0}".format(
            str(bandwidth_to_sell - qty_available)))
        self.logger.debug("reservedPrice:{0} sell price:{1}".format(
            str(reserve_price), str(sell_price)))

            "bas module: end execute - nbr allocations: {0}".format(

        return allocation_res
Exemplo n.º 17
    def create_request(
        self, bids_low: Dict[str, BiddingObject],
        bids_high: Dict[str, BiddingObject], q_star: float
    ) -> (DefaultDict[int, list], DefaultDict[float, list], int, int):
        Creates allocation requests for low and high auctions. It promotes some high auction bid into the
        low auction

        :param self:
        :param bids_low:    bids competing in the low auction
        :param bids_high:   bids competing in the high auction
        :param q_star:      probability of being promoted.

        :return: allocations request in the low and high auctions.
            "create requests Nbr low bids {0} - Nbr high bids {1}".format(
                str(len(bids_low)), str(len(bids_high))))

        nhtmp = 0
        nltmp = 0

        # creates the request for the L auction.
        index = 0
        low_auction_allocs: DefaultDict[int, list] = defaultdict(list)
        for bidding_object_key in bids_low:
            bidding_object = bids_low[bidding_object_key]
            elements = bidding_object.elements
            inserted = False
            for element_name in elements:
                config_params = elements[element_name]
                price = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                quantity = ParseFormats.parse_float(

                if quantity > 0:
                    alloc = AllocProc(bidding_object.get_parent_key(),
                                      bidding_object.get_key(), element_name,
                                      bidding_object.get_session(), quantity,
                    nltmp = nltmp + quantity
                    inserted = True

            # Only increase index if there was another node inserted.
            if inserted:
                index = index + 1

        self.logger.debug("create requests after low budget bids {0}".format(

        # go through all high budget bids and pass some of their units as low auction requests.
        high_auction_allocs: DefaultDict[float, list] = defaultdict(list)
        for bidding_object_key in bids_high:
            alloc_bids = []
            bidding_object = bids_high[bidding_object_key]
            elements = bidding_object.elements
            inserted = False
            for element_name in elements:
                config_params = elements[element_name]
                price = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                quantity = ParseFormats.parse_float(
                units_to_pass = 0
                for k in range(0, floor(quantity)):
                    if self.get_probability() <= q_star:  # pass a unit.
                        units_to_pass = units_to_pass + 1

                # quantities in the H auction.
                alloc1 = AllocProc(bidding_object.get_parent_key(),
                                   bidding_object.get_key(), element_name,
                                   bidding_object.get_session(), quantity,

                nhtmp = nhtmp + quantity - units_to_pass

                if units_to_pass > 0:
                    # quantities in the L auction.
                    alloc2 = AllocProc(bidding_object.get_parent_key(),
                                       bidding_object.get_key(), element_name,
                                       units_to_pass, price)
                    inserted = True

                self.logger.debug("bid set: {0} units pass: {1}".format(
                    bidding_object.get_key(), str(units_to_pass)))
                nltmp = nltmp + units_to_pass

            # Only increase index if there was another node inserted.
            if inserted:
                index = index + 1

        nl = nltmp
        nh = nhtmp

            "ending create requests low_auction request {0} nl: {1}-high auction request {2} nh: {3}"
            .format(str(len(low_auction_allocs)), str(nl),
                    str(len(high_auction_allocs)), str(nh)))
        return low_auction_allocs, high_auction_allocs, nl, nh