def createPDF(tFile): # Create PDF output dir if not exist if args.op.split("/")[0] not in listdir(curdir): mkdir(args.op) # Set fuzzed pdf name sPfile = tFile.split(".ttf")[0] tempPDF = FPDF() # Add our fuzzed ttf into PDF try: tempPDF.add_font(sPfile, "", args.o + "/" + tFile, uni=True) except: return tempPDF.set_font(sPfile, "", 16) # Create blank page and fill it with data tempPDF.add_page() tempPDF.cell(40, 10, "PDF TEST FILE") # Create fuzzed PDF try: tempPDF.output(args.op + sPfile + ".pdf", "F") except: return tempPDF.close()
def write_cover_letter(cover_letter, skills): # open csv file and read input with open(skills) as skills_csv: reader = csv.reader(skills_csv) rownum = 0 for row in reader: pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') # portrait mode, mm , A4 size paper pdf.add_page() # new blank page pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12) # font, Style (B,U,I) , fontsize in pt. #ignore the header row if rownum == 0: pass else: model_cover_letter = open(cover_letter, 'r') for line in model_cover_letter: line = line.replace('#website', row[0]) line = line.replace('#inserttools', ','.join(row[1].split('#'))) # skills are seperated by '#' split and join them line = line.replace('#toolproficient', row[2]) line = line.replace('#toolyr', row[3]) line = line.replace('#company', row[4]) pdf.write(6, line) pdf.output('cover_letters/Cover Letter - ' + row[4] + '.pdf', 'F') pdf.close() rownum = rownum + 1
def create_pdf(filepath): i = 0 # Index to change the line with every new line of the original file pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) with open(filepath, encoding='utf8') as f: # Open the file to copy for line in f: # Take a new line of the file if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith(' #'): pdf.set_font('Arial', 'I', 11) pdf.set_text_color(0, 150, 125) elif line.startswith('def'): pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 12) pdf.set_text_color(255, 0, 0) else: pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 10) pdf.set_text_color(0, 0, 0) pdf.cell(ln=i, h=5.0, align='L', w=0, txt=line, border=0) # Copy the line to the created PDF file i = i + 1 pdf.output(filepath.split(".")[0] + '.pdf', 'F') # Close PDF file with the information pdf.close()
def createPDF(tFile): #Create PDF output dir if not exist if args.op.split("/")[0] not in listdir(curdir): mkdir(args.op) #Set fuzzed pdf name sPfile = tFile.split(".ttf")[0] tempPDF = FPDF() #Add our fuzzed ttf into PDF try: tempPDF.add_font(sPfile, "", args.o + "/" + tFile, uni=True) except: return tempPDF.set_font(sPfile, "", 16) #Create blank page and fill it with data tempPDF.add_page() tempPDF.cell(40, 10, "PDF TEST FILE") #Create fuzzed PDF try: tempPDF.output(args.op + sPfile + ".pdf", "F") except: return tempPDF.close()
def ppt2pdf(f): if not os.path.exists(f): print('Lỗi! Không có file ' + f) input('Nhấn Enter để thoát...') sys.exit(-1) powerpoint = client.CreateObject('Powerpoint.Application') powerpoint.Presentations.Open(f) f = splitext(f)[0].rstrip(' ') + splitext(f)[1] powerpoint.ActivePresentation.Export(splitext(f)[0], 'JPG') powerpoint.ActivePresentation.Close() powerpoint.Quit() pdf = FPDF('L', 'pt', [1440, 1920]) pdf.set_margins(0, 0, 0) for image in sorted(glob(splitext(f)[0] + "\\*.JPG"), key=lambda f: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, f)))): pdf.add_page() pdf.image(image, 0, 0, 1280, 960) pdf.output(splitext(f)[0] + '.PDF', 'F') pdf.close() rmtree(splitext(f)[0])
def write_cover_letter(cover_letter, skills): # open csv file and read input with open(skills) as skills_csv: reader = csv.reader(skills_csv) rownum = 0 for row in reader: pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4') # portrait mode, mm , A4 size paper pdf.add_page() # new blank page pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12) # font, Style (B,U,I) , fontsize in pt. #ignore the header row if rownum == 0: pass else: model_cover_letter = open(cover_letter, 'r') for line in model_cover_letter: line = line.replace('#website', row[0]) line = line.replace( '#inserttools', ','.join(row[1].split('#')) ) # skills are seperated by '#' split and join them line = line.replace('#toolproficient', row[2]) line = line.replace('#toolyr', row[3]) line = line.replace('#company', row[4]) pdf.write(6, line) pdf.output('cover_letters/Cover Letter - ' + row[4] + '.pdf', 'F') pdf.close() rownum = rownum + 1
def reportegramatica(): archivo = "" for item in reversed(constantes.reporte_gramatical): archivo += item + "\n" #Aqui ponemos el valor de el diccionario de instruccion dentro de una archivo f = open("ReporteGramatical.txt", "w") f.write(archivo) f.close() pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=10) f = open("ReporteGramatical.txt", "r") pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="REPORTE GRAMATICAL", ln=1, align='C') for x in f: pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=x, ln=2, align='L') # save the pdf with name .pdf pdf.output("ReporteGramatical.pdf") f.close() pdf.close()
def export_to_pdf(header, data, title): """ Create a a table in PDF file from a list of row :param title: name of file and title of PDF :param header: columns name :param data: List of row (a row = a list of cells) :param spacing=1: """ pdf = FPDF() # New pdf object pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) # Font style epw = pdf.w - 2 * pdf.l_margin # Width of document col_width = pdf.w / 4.5 # Column width in table row_height = pdf.font_size * 1.5 # Row height in table spacing = 1.3 # Space in each cell pdf.add_page() # add new page pdf.cell(epw, 0.0, 'Fornecedor ' + title, align='C') # create title cell pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # Define title line style # Add header for item in header: # for each column pdf.cell(col_width, row_height * spacing, txt=item, border=1) # Add a new cell pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # New line after header for row in data: # For each row of the table for item in row: # For each cell in row pdf.cell(col_width, row_height * spacing, txt=item, border=1) # Add cell pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # New line after row my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) pdf.output(os.path.join(my_path, '../assets/table/' + title + '.pdf')) # Create pdf file pdf.close()
def generate_custom_pdf(self): liste = self.find_students_by_criteria() print(liste) pdf_file = FPDF() pdf_file.add_page() pdf_file.add_font('DejaVu', '', 'DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf', uni=True) pdf_file.set_font('DejaVu', '', 14) reshaped_text = arabic_reshaper.reshape(self.all_classes.currentText()) # correct its shape bidi_text = get_display(reshaped_text) pdf_file.cell(200, 6.3, bidi_text, ln=1, align='C') for e in liste: # print(u"ذهب الطالب الى المدرسة") # s = "ذهب الطالب الى المدرسة" reshaped_text = arabic_reshaper.reshape( e[1] + " " + e[-1]) # correct its shape bidi_text = get_display(reshaped_text) print(bidi_text) pdf_file.cell(200, 6.3, bidi_text, ln=1, align='R', border=1) # pdf_file.cell(20, 5, e[1], ln=1, align="C", border=1) # pdf_file.write(8, e[0]) # pdf_file.ln(8) pdf_file.output(self.all_classes.currentText() + " " + self.criteria.currentText() + ".pdf", 'F') pdf_file.close()
def imprimir_etiquetas_cajas(pallobj, articuloobj, usuario): ETIQUETA_DIR = '%s/label_files_cajas' % PROJECT_ROOT ahora = pdf=FPDF('L','cm',(10, 12.5)) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial',style='',size=6) pdf.set_y(1) pdf.set_x(0.6) pdf.cell(1, 0, 'ARTICULO: %s - %s' % (articuloobj.articulocod, articuloobj.articulo_descripcion), align='L') pdf.set_y(1.5) pdf.set_x(0.6) pdf.cell(1, 0, 'LOTE: %s UNIDADES: %s' % (pallobj.articulo_lote, pallobj.articulo_unidades_x_pall), align='L') pdf.set_y(1.8) pdf.set_x(0.6) #linea pdf.line(0.5, 2, 11.5, 2) #seccion producto barra_articulo = Code128Encoder('%s|%s' % (articuloobj.codigo_barra_caja, pallobj.articulo_fecha_vencimiento.strftime('%Y%m%d')), options={'height':60, 'label_border': 1, 'bottom_border': 5})'%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.articulo_cod), bar_width=1) pdf.image('%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.articulo_cod), x=0.8, y=2.1) pdf.line(0.5, 4.5, 11.5, 4.5) pdf.set_y(4.7) pdf.set_x(0.5) pdf.cell(1, 0, 'BODEGA: %s HORA: %s FECHA: %s IMPRESO POR: %s' % (pallobj.bodega, ahora.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), ahora.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), usuario), align='L') pdf.output('%s/%s_%s.pdf' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, articuloobj.articulocod, pallobj.articulo_fecha_vencimiento.strftime('%Y%m%d'))) pdf.close() cups_server = CupsServer(settings.CUPS_ADMIN[0], settings.CUPS_ADMIN[1] ) cups_server.modo_admin() for a in range(4): cups_server.imprimir_trabajo('Zebra_TLP2844', "%s/%s_%s.jpg" % (ETIQUETA_DIR, articuloobj.articulocod, pallobj.articulo_fecha_vencimiento.strftime('%Y%m%d')), {})
def makePdf(data): # data passed in from form # declare location of PDFs to use overlay_pdf_file_name = 'overlay_PDF.pdf' # textOverSuccess.pdf pdf_template_file_name = 'acct_background.pdf' # base_PDF_template result_pdf_file_name = result_form.pdf # result_pdf_file_name = "./pdfs/" + data['person_name'] + ".pdf" pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'letter' ) # paragraph oriented, millimeters measured, letter page sized pdf.set_margins(0, 0, 0) pdf.add_page( same=True) # sets page added to FPDF object to same parameters pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 12) # font, style ('' means normal), 12pt ### test dictionary for overlay data ### WORKS vehicle_vin = # customer name ### COORDS BELONG TO VIN year = data.year # vehicle year vehicle_make = data.make # vehicle make vehicle_style = # vehicle body style vehicle_model = data.model # vehicle model vehicle_title_no = data.title # vehicle title/document number vehicle_license = data.license # TX license plate number customer_name = # customer name second_customer_name = data.second_name # additional customer name date = '' # date above, date below recipient_first_name = data.recipient_first_name # receipient first name recipient_middle_name = data.recipient_middle_name # recipient middle name recipient_last_name = data.recipient_last_name # receipient last name recipient_suffix = data.recipient_suffix # receipient name suffix address = data.address # mailing address city = # city state = data.state # state zip_code = data.zip_code # zip email = # email phone = # phone number ''' vehicle_vin = '12345678901234567' # customer name ### COORDS BELONG TO VIN year = '2000' # vehicle year vehicle_make = 'Affordy' # vehicle make vehicle_style = 'Stylo' # vehicle body style vehicle_model = 'Edsel' # vehicle model vehicle_title_no = '1234567890' # vehicle title/document number vehicle_license = 'DLR-J3L2' # TX license plate number data['person_name'] = 'Bob' # customer name second_customer_name = 'Cat' # additional customer name date = 'May 1, 2018' # date above, date below recipient_first_name = 'Johnny' # receipient first name recipient_middle_name = 'Middle' # recipient middle name recipient_last_name = 'Recipient' # receipient last name recipient_suffix = '' # receipient name suffix address = '123 Fake St.' # mailing address city = 'Houston' # city state = 'TX' # state zip_code = '77777' # zip email = '*****@*****.**' # email phone = '123-123-1234' # phone number ''' # dictionary for ACCT form form_dictionary = { 'form': 'ACCT', # form_type 'data': [ { 'x': 6, 'y': 140, 'w': 94, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_vin }, # customer name ### COORDS BELONG TO VIN { 'x': 102, 'y': 140, 'w': 23, 'h': 5, 'value': year }, # vehicle year { 'x': 127, 'y': 140, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_make }, # vehicle make { 'x': 150, 'y': 140, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_style }, # vehicle body style { 'x': 173, 'y': 140, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_model }, # vehicle model { 'x': 6, 'y': 149, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_title_no }, # vehicle title/document number { 'x': 102, 'y': 149, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_license }, # TX license plate number { 'x': 88, 'y': 175, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': customer_name }, # customer name { 'x': 88, 'y': 189, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': second_customer_name }, # additional customer name { 'x': 170, 'y': 175, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': date }, # date above { 'x': 170, 'y': 189, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': date }, # date below { 'x': 6, 'y': 209, 'w': 73, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_first_name }, # receipient first name { 'x': 80, 'y': 209, 'w': 46, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_middle_name }, # recipient middle name { 'x': 127, 'y': 209, 'w': 46, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_last_name }, # receipient last name { 'x': 174, 'y': 209, 'w': 21, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_suffix }, # receipient name suffix { 'x': 6, 'y': 218, 'w': 73, 'h': 5, 'value': address }, # mailing address { 'x': 80, 'y': 218, 'w': 80, 'h': 5, 'value': city }, # city { 'x': 127, 'y': 218, 'w': 46, 'h': 5, 'value': state }, # state { 'x': 174, 'y': 218, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': zip_code }, # zip { 'x': 6, 'y': 227, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': email }, # email { 'x': 103, 'y': 227, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': phone }, # phone number ] } ''' { 'form': 'ACCT', 'data': [ { 'x': 6, 'y': 140, 'w': 94, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_vin }, # customer name ### COORDS BELONG TO VIN { 'x': 102, 'y': 140, 'w': 23, 'h': 5, 'value': year }, # vehicle year { 'x': 127, 'y': 140, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_make }, # vehicle make { 'x': 150, 'y': 140, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_style }, # vehicle body style { 'x': 173, 'y': 140, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_model }, # vehicle model { 'x': 6, 'y': 149, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_title_no }, # vehicle title/document number { 'x': 102, 'y': 149, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': vehicle_license }, # TX license plate number { 'x': 88, 'y': 175, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': customerData['person_name'] }, # customer name { 'x': 88, 'y': 189, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': second_customer_name }, # additional customer name { 'x': 170, 'y': 175, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': date }, # date above { 'x': 170, 'y': 189, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': date }, # date below { 'x': 6, 'y': 209, 'w': 73, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_first_name }, # receipient first name { 'x': 80, 'y': 209, 'w': 46, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_middle_name }, # recipient middle name { 'x': 127, 'y': 209, 'w': 46, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_last_name }, # receipient last name { 'x': 174, 'y': 209, 'w': 21, 'h': 5, 'value': recipient_suffix }, # receipient name suffix { 'x': 6, 'y': 218, 'w': 73, 'h': 5, 'value': address }, # mailing address { 'x': 80, 'y': 218, 'w': 80, 'h': 5, 'value': city }, # city { 'x': 127, 'y': 218, 'w': 46, 'h': 5, 'value': state }, # state { 'x': 174, 'y': 218, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': zip_code }, # zip { 'x': 6, 'y': 227, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': email }, # email { 'x': 103, 'y': 227, 'w': 22, 'h': 5, 'value': phone }, # phone number ] } ''' ''' previous test dictionary form_dictionary = { 'Vehicle Identification Number': 'TEST VIN #', 'Year': 'TEST 1999', 'Make': 'TES Cake', 'Body Style': 'TEST Being There', 'Model': 'TEST Modal', 'TitleDocument Number if unknown leave blank': 'TEST 111 111', 'Texas License Plate Number if unknown leave blank': 'TEST 12AS3F', 'Printed Name of Applicant Owner': 'TEST FIRSTNAME', 'Date': 'TEST TODAY', 'Additional Applicant Owner': 'TEST NONE', 'Date_2': 'TEST TODAY', 'First Name or Entity Name Middle Name Last Name Suffix if any': 'TEST ENTITY MIDDLE', 'Mailing Address City State Zip': 'TEST 123 FAKE ST', 'Email': 'TEST [email protected]', 'Phone Number': 'TEST 123-123-1234' } ''' # adds form data to overlay pdf for field in range(0, len(form_dictionary['data'])): pdf.set_xy(form_dictionary['data'][field]['x'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['y']) pdf.cell(form_dictionary['data'][field]['w'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['h'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['value']) # ready to overlay to watermark template pdf.output('overlay_PDF.pdf') pdf.close() ### this takes the overlay data and merges it with the watermark template ### WORKS with open("./utils/acct_background.pdf", 'rb') as pdf_template_file, open(overlay_pdf_file_name, 'rb') as overlay_PDF_file: # open watermark template pdf object pdf_template = PdfFileReader(pdf_template_file) # open overlay data pdf object overlay_PDF = PdfFileReader(overlay_PDF_file) template_total_pages = pdf_template.getNumPages() # iterate through each page to flatten overlay data and watermark template for page_number in range(0, template_total_pages): # get each page from watermark template template_page = pdf_template.getPage(page_number) # merge overlay data to watermark template template_page.mergePage(overlay_PDF.getPage(page_number)) # write result to new PDF output_pdf = PdfFileWriter() output_pdf.addPage(template_page) with open(result_pdf_file_name, 'wb') as result_pdf_file: output_pdf.write(result_pdf_file)
def runed(self): flag1 = False if self.ED_length_of_stay_mean != 0 and self.ED_length_of_stay_std != 0 and self.Daily_arrival_rate != [] and self.Hourly_pattern != []: flag1 = True processbartotallength = flag1 * len(self.Hourly_pattern) * len( self.Daily_arrival_rate) if flag1 == True: mu = log( square(self.ED_length_of_stay_mean) / sqrt( square(self.ED_length_of_stay_mean) + square(self.ED_length_of_stay_mean))) stddev = sqrt( log(1 + square(self.ED_length_of_stay_mean) / square(self.ED_length_of_stay_mean))) ArrivalRate = [] for j in range(len(self.Daily_arrival_rate)): for k in range(24): ArrivalRate.append( float(self.Daily_arrival_rate[j]) * float(self.Hourly_pattern[k])) ArrivalRate = array(ArrivalRate, dtype=float) TotalTimeLength = ArrivalRate.size initial_condition = self.ED_initial_condition step = 1 t = 1 tlist = [] tlist = range(1, TotalTimeLength + 1) mt = [] mt5 = [] mt95 = [] pt10 = [] pt15 = [] pt20 = [] pt25 = [] pt30 = [] pt35 = [] pt40 = [] error = [] st = [] stl = [] while t <= TotalTimeLength: ans, err = quad(f, 0, t, args=(t, mu, stddev, ArrivalRate), limit=500) total_probability = 0 probability_still_in_system = 1 - rs( t, mu, stddev, self.ED_length_of_stay_mean) # Calculate the mean mttemp = initial_condition * probability_still_in_system + ans mt.append(mttemp) # Calculate the numerical distribution: temptotal = 0 flag = [False, False] tempcdf = 0 while tempcdf <= 0.99: i = 0 if t <= self.Maximum_ED_stay: while i <= temptotal and i <= initial_condition: if i <= initial_condition: tempcdf = tempcdf + binom.pmf( i, initial_condition, probability_still_in_system) * poisson.pmf( (temptotal - i), ans) i = i + 1 else: tempcdf = poisson.cdf(temptotal, ans) if tempcdf >= 0.05 and flag[0] == False: if temptotal - 1 > 0: tempq = temptotal - 1 else: tempq = 0 mt5.append(tempq) flag[0] = True if tempcdf >= 0.95 and flag[1] == False: mt95.append(temptotal) flag[1] = True QApplication.processEvents() if temptotal == 10: pt10.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 15: pt15.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 20: pt20.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 25: pt25.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 30: pt30.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 35: pt35.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 40: pt40.append(1 - tempcdf) temptotal = temptotal + 1 temptotal = temptotal - 1 if temptotal < 10: pt10.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 15: pt15.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 20: pt20.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 25: pt25.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 30: pt30.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 35: pt35.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 40: pt40.append(float(0)) t = t + step QApplication.processEvents() self.ProgressBar.setValue( ceil((t) / processbartotallength * 100)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(tlist, mt) ax.set_title('Expected Number and 95% Band') ax.fill_between(tlist, mt5, mt95, color='b', alpha=0.1) ax.set_ylabel("ED Census") ax.set_xlabel("Hours") fig.savefig('temp1.png') templist = [mt, mt5, mt95] tempnames = ["mean", "5 Quantile", "95 Quantile"] temptest = pd.DataFrame(data=templist) temptest.to_csv("ED.csv", encoding="gbk") temp1 = QPixmap("temp1.png") self.ED_Graph_Label.setPixmap(temp1.scaled(480, 360)) TableData = PrettyTable() TableData.field_names = [ "Num Pts", "10 Days", "20 Days", "30 Days", "40 Days", "50 Days", "60 Days", "70 Days", "80 Days", "90 Days" ] TableData.add_row([ "10 pts", maxc(pt10[0:240]), maxc(pt10[0:480]), maxc(pt10[0:720]), maxc(pt10[0:960]), maxc(pt10[0:1200]), maxc(pt10[0:1440]), maxc(pt10[0:1680]), maxc(pt10[0:1920]), maxc(pt10[0:2160]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "15 pts", maxc(pt15[0:240]), maxc(pt15[0:480]), maxc(pt15[0:720]), maxc(pt15[0:960]), maxc(pt15[0:1200]), maxc(pt15[0:1440]), maxc(pt15[0:1680]), maxc(pt15[0:1920]), maxc(pt15[0:2160]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "20 pts", maxc(pt20[0:240]), maxc(pt20[0:480]), maxc(pt20[0:720]), maxc(pt20[0:960]), maxc(pt20[0:1200]), maxc(pt20[0:1440]), maxc(pt20[0:1680]), maxc(pt20[0:1920]), maxc(pt20[0:2160]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "25 pts", maxc(pt25[0:240]), maxc(pt25[0:480]), maxc(pt25[0:720]), maxc(pt25[0:960]), maxc(pt25[0:1200]), maxc(pt25[0:1440]), maxc(pt25[0:1680]), maxc(pt25[0:1920]), maxc(pt25[0:2160]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "15 pts", maxc(pt30[0:240]), maxc(pt30[0:480]), maxc(pt30[0:720]), maxc(pt30[0:960]), maxc(pt30[0:1200]), maxc(pt30[0:1440]), maxc(pt30[0:1680]), maxc(pt30[0:1920]), maxc(pt30[0:2160]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "35 pts", maxc(pt35[0:240]), maxc(pt35[0:480]), maxc(pt35[0:720]), maxc(pt35[0:960]), maxc(pt35[0:1200]), maxc(pt35[0:1440]), maxc(pt35[0:1680]), maxc(pt35[0:1920]), maxc(pt35[0:2160]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "40 pts", maxc(pt40[0:240]), maxc(pt40[0:480]), maxc(pt40[0:720]), maxc(pt40[0:960]), maxc(pt40[0:1200]), maxc(pt40[0:1440]), maxc(pt40[0:1680]), maxc(pt40[0:1920]), maxc(pt40[0:2160]) ]) header, data = get_data_from_prettytable(TableData) pdf = FPDF() # Font style pdf.set_font("Arial", size=9) epw = pdf.w - 2 * pdf.l_margin # Witdh of document col_width = pdf.w / 10.5 # Column width in table row_height = pdf.font_size * 1.5 # Row height in table spacing = 1.3 pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=20) pdf.cell(epw, 0.0, 'COVID-CAT Report for ED', align='C') # create title cell pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # Define title line style pdf.image("temp1.png", w=epw, h=epw * 0.75) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=15) pdf.cell( epw, pdf.font_size * spacing, 'Probability of exceeding a given number of patients within:', 0, 1, align='L') pdf.set_font("Arial", size=9) # Add header for item in header: # for each column pdf.cell( col_width, row_height * spacing, # Add a new cell txt=item, border=1) pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # New line after header for row in data: # For each row of the table for item in row: # For each cell in row pdf.cell( col_width, row_height * spacing, # Add cell txt=item, border=1) pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) if flag1 == True: try: pdf.output('Report_ED.pdf') # Create pdf file pdf.close() # Close file except: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Couldn't Create PDF. Please close the PDF file of report") else: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "Not Enough Data")
def processKinds(smena_no, date_smena, file_from, file_to, s, po): DATE = "D" ADDRESS = "K" NAME = "C" RODITEL = "M" MINISTERSTVO = "Q" SUMMA = "P" with open("position.json") as json_file: position = json.load(json_file) pdf = FPDF(orientation="L", unit="mm", format="A4") pdf.add_font("KEK", '', 'times-new-roman.ttf', uni=True) s_d, s_m, s_g = s po_d, po_m, po_g = po workbook = load_workbook(filename=file_from) sheet = kinds = [] i = 10 while sheet[NAME + str(i)].value: kind = {} flp = sheet[NAME + str(i)].value.split() if len(flp) == 2: kind["last_name"], kind["first_name"] = flp kind["patronymic"] = "" else: kind["last_name"], kind["first_name"], kind["patronymic"] = flp kind["date"] = sheet[DATE + str(i)].value kind["parent"] = re.split("\n|,| ", sheet[RODITEL + str(i)].value) ministerstvo = sheet[MINISTERSTVO + str(i)].value if len(ministerstvo) > 50: sp = ministerstvo.split(' ') kind["ministerstvo"] = [ " ".join(sp[:(len(sp) // 2) + 2]), " ".join(sp[(len(sp) // 2) + 2:]) ] else: kind["ministerstvo"] = [ministerstvo] address = sheet[ADDRESS + str(i)].value if address: if len(address) > 40: sp = address.split(',') kind["address"] = [ ",".join(sp[:(len(sp) // 2)]), ",".join(sp[(len(sp) // 2):]) ] else: kind["address"] = [address] else: kind["address"] = [""] kind["age"] = kind["date"].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") + " (" + get_age( kind["date"], date_smena) + " лет)" summa = sheet[SUMMA + str(i)].value if summa: kind["summa"] = summa else: kind["summa"] = "" kinds.append(kind) i += 1 for kind in kinds: printKind(kind, pdf, position, smena_no, s_d, s_m, s_g, po_d, po_m, po_g) pdf.output(file_to) pdf.close() messagebox.showinfo("Ура!", "Путёвки созданы!")
def webtest_pdfmaker(filename): print("ssl print started") pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=15) f = open( '/home/kali/Desktop/Final_Year_Project/cache/' + filename + '_ssl_output.txt', 'r') pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="WebTesting of " + filename, ln=1, align="C") pdf.set_font("Arial", size=8) #print( for x in f: #print(x) #if not x.startswith("|_"): pdf.set_text_color(r=255, g=0, b=0) pdf.cell(250, 10, txt=x, ln=1) #print("----line break------") pdf.cell(250, 10, txt="\n\n") f.close() print("gobuster print started") f = open( '/home/kali/Desktop/Final_Year_Project/cache/' + filename + '_gobuster_report.txt', 'r') for x in f: #print(x) #if not x.startswith("|_"): pdf.set_text_color(r=255, g=0, b=0) pdf.cell(250, 10, txt=x, ln=1) #print("----line break------") pdf.cell(250, 10, txt="\n\n") f.close() print("nikto print started") pdf.set_text_color(r=0, g=0, b=0) pdf.cell(250, 10, txt="NIKTO SCAN", ln=1) ipt = ".".join(filename.split(':')) try: temp = subprocess.Popen([ 'nikto', '-host', ipt, '-o', '/home/kali/Desktop/Final_Year_Project/cache/' + filename + '_nikto.txt' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print( #nikto -host -o /home/kali/Desktop/Final_Year_Project/cache/192:168:0:103_nikto.txt f = open( '/home/kali/Desktop/Final_Year_Project/cache/' + filename + '_nikto.txt', 'r') for x in f: pdf.set_text_color(r=0, g=0, b=0) pdf.cell(250, 10, txt=x, ln=1) pdf.cell(250, 10, txt="\n\n") f.close() except FileNotFoundError: print("Error in nikto scan") pass print(filename) pdf.output("/home/kali/Desktop/Final_Year_Project/results/" + "-".join(filename.split(":")) + "_webreport.pdf") pdf.close() return "-".join(filename.split(":")) + "_webreport.pdf"
def makePDF(customerData): # declare location of PDFs to use overlay_pdf_file_name = 'overlay_PDF.pdf' # textOverSuccess.pdf pdf_template_file_name = 'background.pdf' # base_PDF_template pdf = FPDF('P', 'mm', 'letter') # paragraph oriented, millimeters measured, letter page sized pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', '', 14) # font, style ('' means normal), 14pt ### test dictionary for overlay data ### WORKS # result_pdf_file_name = "./pdfs/" + customerData['person_name'] + ".pdf" form_dictionary = \ { 'form': 'ACCT', 'data': [ { 'x': 13, 'y': 146, 'w': 94, 'h': 5.5, 'value': customerData['person_name'] }, { 'x': 108, 'y': 146, 'w': 23, 'h': 5.5, 'value': '1450' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, { 'x': 133, 'y': 146, 'w': 22, 'h': 5.5, 'value': 'iterating make another' }, ] } # adds form data to overlay pdf for field in range(0, len(form_dictionary['data'])): pdf.set_xy(form_dictionary['data'][field]['x'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['y']) pdf.cell(form_dictionary['data'][field]['w'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['h'], form_dictionary['data'][field]['value']) # ready to overlay to watermark template pdf.output('overlay_PDF.pdf') pdf.close() ### this takes the overlay data and merges it with the watermark template ### WORKS with open("./polls/background.pdf", 'rb') as pdf_template_file, open(overlay_pdf_file_name, 'rb') as overlay_PDF_file: # open watermark template pdf object pdf_template = PdfFileReader(pdf_template_file) # open overlay data pdf object overlay_PDF = PdfFileReader(overlay_PDF_file) template_total_pages = pdf_template.getNumPages() # iterate through each page to flatten overlay data and watermark template for page_number in range(0, template_total_pages): # get each page from watermark template template_page = pdf_template.getPage(page_number) # merge overlay data to watermark template template_page.mergePage(overlay_PDF.getPage(page_number)) # write result to new PDF output_pdf = PdfFileWriter() output_pdf.addPage(template_page) with open(result_pdf_file_name, 'wb') as result_pdf_file: output_pdf.write(result_pdf_file)
def image_adder(no_of_pages = 0, page_dimension = (0,0), big_frame_dimension = (0, 0), frame_dimension = (0,0), padding_btw_frames = (1,1), image_resize = (0,0), circle_required = False, repetition = 1): dimensions_page = (px_to_pt_converter(page_dimension[0]), px_to_pt_converter(page_dimension[1])) if image_resize[0] == 0 or image_resize[1] == 0: image_resize = frame_dimension # Creating a directory where all the images will be saved directory = BASE_DIR + "/uploader/qrcodes/" try: mkdir(directory) except FileExistsError: print("Directory already exists! Need to delete it.") rmtree(directory) mkdir(directory) except OSError: print("Error creating a directory with name \'qrcodes\'") raise OSError else: print("Successfully created a directory with name \'qrcodes\'") try: # Extract zip files to a folder extractZip(directory) except FileNotFoundError: print("Error occurred not able to find the directory!") raise FileNotFoundError except RuntimeError: print("Runtime error while processing zipfiles!") raise RuntimeError try: # Directory of the images are required. images = resize_images_replicate_and_fetch(directory, image_resize, repetition) except IOError: print("Either file doesn't exist or image cannot be opened and identified!") rmtree(directory) raise IOError # print(images) TOTAL_IMAGES = len(images) index_images = 0 # Incrementing this value for the filename. suffix_filename = 1 while index_images < TOTAL_IMAGES: # Initialize pdf variable. pdf = FPDF('P', 'pt', dimensions_page) # Add a page to the pdf pdf.add_page() # print(pdf.get_x(), pdf.get_y()) pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 10) # Big frame dimensions_bigframe = (px_to_pt_converter(page_dimension[0]-50), px_to_pt_converter(page_dimension[1]-50)) default_current_pos_x = pdf.get_x() default_current_pos_y = pdf.get_y() pdf.rect(pdf.get_x(), pdf.get_y(), dimensions_bigframe[0], dimensions_bigframe[1], style = 'D') # Frame pdf.set_x(default_current_pos_x) pdf.set_y(default_current_pos_y) dimensions_frame = (int(px_to_pt_converter(frame_dimension[0])),int(px_to_pt_converter(frame_dimension[1]))) current_pos_x = default_current_pos_x current_pos_y = default_current_pos_y for row in nm.arange(current_pos_y, dimensions_bigframe[1], dimensions_frame[1]+padding_btw_frames[1]): for col in nm.arange(current_pos_x, dimensions_bigframe[0], dimensions_frame[0]+padding_btw_frames[0]): if ((col + dimensions_frame[0]) > dimensions_bigframe[0]) or ((row + dimensions_frame[1]) > dimensions_bigframe[1]): break position_in_x_direction = col+px_to_pt_converter(padding_btw_frames[0]) position_in_y_direction = row+px_to_pt_converter(padding_btw_frames[1]) pdf.rect(position_in_x_direction, position_in_y_direction, dimensions_frame[0], dimensions_frame[1], style = 'D') if index_images < TOTAL_IMAGES: try: load_image_to_pdf(pdf, directory + images[index_images], position_in_x_direction, position_in_y_direction, dimensions_frame[0], dimensions_frame[1], circle_required) except FileNotFoundError: rmtree(directory) raise FileNotFoundError # processed images are removed remove(directory + images[index_images]) pdf.set_x(col+dimensions_frame[0]) pdf.set_y(row) index_images += 1 pdf.set_y(row) pdf.set_x(current_pos_x) # output the pdf to a file. FILENAME = qrcodes(1...n).pdf FILE_NAME = BASE_DIR + "/uploader/" + FILE_NAME_PREFIX + str(suffix_filename) + ".pdf" pdf.output(FILE_NAME, 'F') suffix_filename = suffix_filename + 1 pdf.close() # Removing the directory after processing print("Removing the images directory after processing") rmtree(directory) print("Removing the zip files after processing") rmtree(BASE_DIR + "/uploader/zipfiles")
def imprimir_etiquetas(palletsobjs, usuario, reimpresion): ETIQUETA_DIR = '%s/label_files' % PROJECT_ROOT ahora = for pallobj in palletsobjs: pdf=FPDF('P','cm',(10, 12.5)) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial',style='',size=55) pdf.set_y(1) pdf.set_x(0.6) if pallobj.pallet_completo_010: pdf.cell(1, 0, '%s-C' % pallobj.pall_numero, align='L') else: pdf.cell(1, 0, '%s-I' % pallobj.pall_numero, align='L') # pdf.cell(1, 0, '%s' % '23423554', align='L') pdf.set_font('Arial',style='',size=5) pdf.set_y(2.2) pdf.set_x(8.5) pdf.cell(1, 0, '%s' % ahora.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), align='R') pdf.set_y(2.4) pdf.set_x(8.5) pdf.cell(1,0, '%s' % ahora.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), align='R') pdf.set_y(2.6) pdf.set_x(8.5) pdf.cell(1,0, usuario, align='R') pdf.set_font('Arial',style='',size=8) pdf.set_y(2.2) pdf.set_x(0.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'PROFORMA: ', align='L') pdf.set_x(2.8) pdf.cell(1,0, pallobj.pall_proforma, align='L') pdf.set_y(2.6) pdf.set_x(0.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'LOTE: ', align='L') pdf.set_x(2.8) pdf.cell(1,0, pallobj.articulo_lote, align='L') #vencimiento pdf.set_y(3) pdf.set_x(0.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'VENCIMIENTO: ', align='L') pdf.set_x(2.8) pdf.cell(1,0, pallobj.articulo_fecha_vencimiento.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'), align='L') #cajas pdf.set_y(3.4) pdf.set_x(0.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'CAJAS: ', align='L') pdf.set_x(2.8) pdf.cell(1,0, str(pallobj.pall_articulo_cajas), align='L') #unidades pdf.set_x(3.5) pdf.cell(1,0, 'UNIDADES:', align='L') pdf.set_x(5.2) pdf.cell(1,0, str(pallobj.pall_articulo_unidades), align='L') #totales pdf.set_x(5.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'TOTAL:', align='L') pdf.set_x(6.7) pdf.cell(1,0, str(pallobj.get_pall_cantidad()), align='L') #averiados pdf.set_y(3.8) pdf.set_x(0.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'AVERIADOS: ', align='L') pdf.set_x(2.8) pdf.cell(1,0, str(pallobj.pall_averiados_cantidad_cajas), align='L') #averiados unidades pdf.set_x(3.5) pdf.cell(1,0, 'UNIDADES:', align='L') pdf.set_x(5.2) pdf.cell(1,0, str(pallobj.pall_averiados_cantidad_sueltas), align='L') #totales averiados pdf.set_x(5.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'TOTAL:', align='L') pdf.set_x(6.7) pdf.cell(1,0, str(pallobj.get_pall_cantidad_averiados()), align='L') #linea pdf.line(0.5, 4, 9.5, 4) #seccion producto barra_articulo = Code128Encoder(str(pallobj.articulo_cod),options={'height':60, 'label_border': 1, 'bottom_border': 5})'%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.articulo_cod), bar_width=1) pdf.image('%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.articulo_cod), x=0.5, y=4.1) #linea vertical, separa codigo barra articulo de la descripcion del articulo pdf.line(3.1, 4, 3.1, 6.5) #descripcion del articulo pdf.set_y(4.3) pdf.set_x(3.2) pdf.cell(1,0, 'ARTICULO:', align='L') pdf.set_x(4.8) pdf.cell(1,0, str(pallobj.articulo_cod), align='L') pdf.set_font('Arial',style='',size=10) pdf.set_y(4.5) pdf.set_x(3.2) pdf.multi_cell(6.5,0.5, pallobj.articulo_descripcion, align='L') #linea de cierre pdf.line(0.5, 6.5, 9.5, 6.5) pdf.set_font('Arial',style='',size=8) #vencimiento barra_vencimiento = Code128Encoder(str(pallobj.articulo_fecha_vencimiento.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')),options={'height':40, 'label_border': 1, 'bottom_border': 5})'%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.articulo_fecha_vencimiento.strftime('%d%m%Y')), bar_width=1) pdf.image('%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.articulo_fecha_vencimiento.strftime('%d%m%Y')), x=0.5, y=6.6, type='png') pdf.set_y(6.9) pdf.set_x(5.6) pdf.cell(1,0, 'VENCIMIENTO', align='L') #ultima linea de cierre pdf.line(0.5, 8.2, 9.5, 8.2) #pallet barra_pallet = Code128Encoder(str(pallobj.pall_numero),options={'height':65, 'label_border': 1, 'bottom_border': 5, 'show_label': False})'%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.pall_numero), bar_width=1) pdf.image('%s/%s.png' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.pall_numero), x=0, y=8.3, type='png', w=10, h=4) cups_server = CupsServer(settings.CUPS_ADMIN[0], settings.CUPS_ADMIN[1] ) cups_server.modo_admin() pdf.set_font('Arial',style='',size=7) for ib in range(4): a = ib + 1 pdf_temp = copy.deepcopy(pdf) pdf_temp.set_y(2.9) pdf_temp.set_x(8.5) if reimpresion: labelinte = 'COPIA %s/4' % a pdf_temp.cell(1,0, labelinte, align='R') else: labelinte = 'ORIGINAL %s/4' % a pdf_temp.cell(1,0, labelinte, align='R') if not pallobj.pallet_completo_010: pdf_temp.set_y(3.2) pdf_temp.set_x(8.5) pdf_temp.cell(1,0, 'INCOMPLETO', align='R') pdf_temp.output('%s/%s_%s.pdf' % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.pall_numero, a)) with Image(filename="%s/%s_%s.pdf" % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.pall_numero, a), resolution=(250,250)) as img:"%s/%s_%s.jpg" % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.pall_numero, a)) cups_server.imprimir_trabajo('Zebra_TLP2844', "%s/%s_%s.jpg" % (ETIQUETA_DIR, pallobj.pall_numero, a), {}) pdf.close() if reimpresion: pallobj.reimpresion_etiquetado_010=True pallobj.reimpresion_etiquetado_010_por = usuario pallobj.reimpresion_etiquetado_010_fecha = ahora pallobj.reimpresion_etiquetado_010_hora = ahora pallobj.etiquetado_09=True pallobj.etiquetado_09_por = usuario pallobj.etiquetado_09_fecha = ahora pallobj.etiquetado_09_hora = ahora
def report(thandle, gain_tweets, loss_tweets): """ Write report. """ from fpdf import FPDF import textwrap print('Writing report...') pdf = FPDF() # Add a page pdf.add_page() # set style and size of font # that you want in the pdf pdf.set_font("Arial", size=16) # create a cell pdf.cell(200, 10, txt='Ads that likely caused some loss of Followers:\n\n', ln=1, align='L') pdf.cell(200, 10, txt='', ln=2, align='L') # add another cell pdf.set_font("Arial", size=14) tweet_string = '' fact = 3 count = 0 tweets = [] while count < fact: random.shuffle(loss_tweets) rand_tweet = loss_tweets[-1] tweets.append(rand_tweet) mask = [(tweet != rand_tweet) for tweet in loss_tweets] loss_tweets = [ loss_tweets[i] for i in range(len(loss_tweets)) if mask[i] ] count += 1 for i, d in enumerate(tweets): string_encode = d.encode('ascii', 'ignore') string_decode = string_encode.decode() d = textwrap.wrap(string_decode, width=65) for j in d: pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=j, ln=fact, align='L') fact += 0.5 pdf.cell(200, 10, txt='', ln=fact, align='L') fact += 1 pdf.output('{}/lossy_tweets.pdf'.format(thandle)) pdf.close() pdf = FPDF() dupes_gain = set( [x for n, x in enumerate(gain_tweets) if x in gain_tweets[:n]]) # Add a page pdf.add_page() # set style and size of font # that you want in the pdf pdf.set_font("Arial", size=16) # create a cell pdf.cell(200, 10, txt='Ads that likely caused some gain in Followers:\n\n', ln=1, align='L') pdf.cell(200, 10, txt='', ln=2, align='L') # add another cell pdf.set_font("Arial", size=14) tweet_string = '' fact = 3 count = 0 tweets = [] while count < fact: random.shuffle(gain_tweets) rand_tweet = gain_tweets[-1] tweets.append(rand_tweet) mask = [(tweet != rand_tweet) for tweet in gain_tweets] gain_tweets = [ gain_tweets[i] for i in range(len(gain_tweets)) if mask[i] ] count += 1 for i, d in enumerate(tweets): string_encode = d.encode('ascii', 'ignore') string_decode = string_encode.decode() d = textwrap.wrap(string_decode, width=65) for j in d: pdf.cell(200, 10, txt=j, ln=fact, align='L') fact += 0.5 pdf.cell(200, 10, txt='', ln=fact, align='L') fact += 1 pdf.output('{}/gainy_tweets.pdf'.format(thandle)) pdf.close() print('Done!\n')
def get_signed_doc(self, pdf, signatures): # pth = tempfile.gettempdir() # curr_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # pth = curr_dir.replace('models', 'doc_signs') # # file = pdf # pdf_doc = base64.b64decode(file) # # f = base64.decodestring(file) # # fobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # fname1 = # fobj.write(pdf_doc) # fobj.close() pth = MEDIA_ROOT + "/" + input = PdfFileReader(open(pth, "rb")) # Addition of code for orientation correction Asfand pageValue = input.getPage(0) pageOrientation = pageValue.get('/Rotate') page = input.getPage(0).mediaBox zAxis = page.getUpperRight_x() yAxis = page.getUpperLeft_x() width = int(zAxis - yAxis) height = int(page.getUpperRight_y() - page.getLowerRight_y()) solution = [width, height] if width > height or pageOrientation == 90: if height > width: orientation = 'L' else: orientation = 'P' elif pageOrientation == 0 or pageOrientation == 180 or pageOrientation == None: if width > height: orientation = 'L' else: orientation = 'P' output = PdfFileWriter() pdf = FPDF(orientation, 'pt', solution) pdf.add_page(orientation=orientation) # signatures = signatures.sorted(key=lambda r: current_page = 1 sign_pages = [] for s in signatures: if s.image: pg = if pg != current_page: for i in range(pg - current_page): pdf.add_page(orientation=orientation) left = (s.left / 100) * width top = ( / 100) * height if s.zoom > width: diff = s.zoom - width perc = (width / s.zoom) w = s.width * perc h = s.height * perc if s.zoom < width: diff = width - s.zoom perc = (diff / s.zoom) plus = perc * s.width w = s.width + plus plus = perc * s.height h = s.height + plus if s.zoom == width: w = s.width h = s.height pdf.image(MEDIA_ROOT + "/" +, x=left, y=top, w=w, h=h) if self.send_to_all: pdf.set_xy(left + 50, top + h) # pdf.ln(5) pdf.set_font('Arial', 'U', 15) # Special case, we have restricted our users to read super admin try: sign_name = s.user.username except: sign_name = 'Root' pdf.cell(5, 5, sign_name) date ='%b,%d %Y') # pdf.ln(20) pdf.set_xy(left + 50, top + h + 20) pdf.cell(5, 5, date) # if ip: # pdf.ln(25) # pdf.cell(5, 5, ip) current_page = pg sign_pages.append(pg) signature_only_pdf_path = MEDIA_ROOT + "/files/signature-pdf-" + str( randint(1, 99)) + ".pdf" pdf.output(signature_only_pdf_path, "F") pdf.close() signaturepdf = PdfFileReader(open(signature_only_pdf_path, "rb")) for page_number in range(input.getNumPages()): page = input.getPage(page_number) if page_number + 1 in sign_pages: sign_page = signaturepdf.getPage(page_number) if sign_page: page.mergePage(sign_page) output.addPage(input.getPage(page_number)) output_pdf_path = MEDIA_ROOT + "/files/signed-doc-output-" + str( randint(1, 99)) + ".pdf" with open(output_pdf_path, "wb") as outputStream: output.write(outputStream) res = open(output_pdf_path, 'rb') return res
def pdf_creator(data): '''receive some data and create a pdf report with a summary of information''' width = 210 today = pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font('Arial', 'B', 16) # header display pdf.image('../images/germany_flag1.png') pdf.image('../images/header_pdf.png', 70, 10) #pdf.cell(f'Date: {today}') # descriptive text pdf.set_font('Arial', 'BU', 18) pdf.cell(0.1, 20, 'Data Resume:') pdf.set_font('Arial', 'BU', 12) pdf.cell(0.1, 40, f'Number of Houses:') pdf.set_font('Arial', size=12) pdf.cell(0.1, 55, f'{data.shape[0]} houses') pdf.set_font('Arial', 'BU', 12) pdf.cell(0.1, 70, f'Rent Price:') pdf.set_font('Arial', size=12) pdf.cell(0.1, 85, f'AVG - {data["montly_rent"].mean():.2f} EUR') pdf.cell(0.1, 95, f'MAX - {data["montly_rent"].max():.2f} EUR') pdf.cell(70, 105, f'MIN - {data["montly_rent"].min():.2f} EUR') pdf.set_font('Arial', 'BU', 12) pdf.cell(0.1, 70, 'Size:') pdf.set_font('Arial', size=12) pdf.cell(0.1, 85, f'AVG - {data["size"].mean():.2f}m²') pdf.cell(0.1, 95, f'MAX - {data["size"].max():.2f}m²') pdf.cell(60, 105, f'MIN - {data["size"].min():.2f}m²') pdf.set_font('Arial', 'BU', 12) pdf.cell(0.1, 70, 'Pets:') pdf.set_font('Arial', size=12) pdf.cell(0.1, 85, f'Not Allowed - {len(data[data["pets"] == "Pets not allowed"])} houses') pdf.cell(0.1, 95, f'Negotiable - {len(data[data["pets"] == "Pets negotiable"])} houses') pdf.cell(-132, 105, f'Allowed - {len(data[data["pets"] == "Pets allowed"])} houses') # histograms pdf.set_font('Arial', 'BU', 18) pdf.cell(0.1, 126, 'Data Histograms:') # first histplot hist_plot(data, 'montly_rent', 'MONTLY RENT') pdf.image('../images/montly_rent.png', 4, 126, width/2) # second histplot hist_plot(data, 'size', 'SIZE') pdf.image('../images/size.png', width/2, 126, width/2) # third histplot hist_plot(data, 'm2_value', 'M² VALUE') pdf.image('../images/m2_value.png', 4, 200, width/2) # fourth histplot hist_plot(data, 'pets', 'PETS') pdf.image('../images/pets.png', width/2, 200, width/2) # second page pdf.add_page() # header display pdf.image('../images/germany_flag1.png') pdf.image('../images/header_pdf.png', 70, 10) #==================== # graphs #==================== pdf.set_font('Arial', 'BU', 18) pdf.cell(0.1, 20, 'Data Graphs:') pdf.ln(20) montly_plot(data) pdf.image('../images/montly_rent_barplot.png', x=0, h=70) pdf.ln(5) m2_plot(data) pdf.image('../images/m2_barplot.png', x=0, h=70) pdf.ln(2) pet_plot(data) pdf.image('../images/pet_plot.png', x=25, h=55) pdf.set_author('Felipe Demenech Vasconcelos') pdf.close() pdf.output('../reports/rent_houses_germany.pdf', 'F') return pdf.output(dest='S')
# Save the figure fig.savefig(file1) # Saves the result pdf pdf.output(file2) # Adds the files to the bin list pdfDelete.append(file1) pdfDelete.append(file2) # List of pdfs for merging pdfs = [file1, file2] plt.close(fig) pdf.close() file.close() # Adds the 2 pdfs together for pdf in pdfs: merger.append(pdf) # Saves the merged file with the set save file name merger.write(saveFile) merger.close() # Deletes the pdfs for pdf in pdfDelete: os.remove(pdf)
def png_to_pdf(png): pdf = FPDF() pdf.add_page() pdf.image(png, 0, 0, 210, 300) pdf.output(png.replace('.png', '_temp_darkmode.pdf'), "F") pdf.close()
def processKinds(smena_no, date_smena, file_from, file_to, s, po): DATE = "D" ADDRESS = "K" NAME = "C" RODITEL = "M" MINISTERSTVO = "Q" SUMMA = "P" with open("pos.json") as json_file: position = json.load(json_file)["pos"] pdf = FPDF(orientation="L", unit="mm", format="A4") pdf.add_font("KEK", '', 'times-new-roman.ttf', uni=True) workbook = load_workbook(filename=file_from) sheet = kinds = [] i = 10 while sheet[NAME + str(i)].value: kind = {} kind["smena_no"] = smena_no kind["s_d"], kind["s_m"], kind["s_g"] = s kind["po_d"], kind["po_m"], kind["po_g"] = po flp = sheet[NAME + str(i)].value.split() if len(flp) == 2: kind["last_name"], kind["first_name"] = flp kind["patronymic"] = "" elif len(flp) == 3: kind["last_name"], kind["first_name"], kind["patronymic"] = flp else: messagebox.showerror("С этой фамилией что-то не так: ", sheet[NAME + str(i)].value) kind["date"] = sheet[DATE + str(i)].value #new try: parents = sheet[RODITEL + str(i)].value if parents: parents = [ v for v in re.split("\n|,| ", sheet[RODITEL + str(i)].value) if v ] if len(parents) > 1: kind["parent1"], kind["parent2"] = parents else: kind["parent1"] = parents[0] kind["parent2"] = "" else: kind["parent1"] = "" kind["parent2"] = "" except: messagebox.showerror("Что-то не так с родителями:", sheet[RODITEL + str(i)].value) logging.error(re.split("\n|,| ", sheet[RODITEL + str(i)].value)) ministerstvo = sheet[MINISTERSTVO + str(i)].value if ministerstvo: if len(ministerstvo) > 66: kind["ministerstvo1"], kind["ministerstvo2"] = splitLineToTwo( ministerstvo, 66, " ") else: kind["ministerstvo1"] = ministerstvo kind["ministerstvo2"] = "" else: kind["ministerstvo1"] = "" kind["ministerstvo2"] = "" # Адрес address = sheet[ADDRESS + str(i)].value if address: if len(address) > 40: kind["parent_addr1"], kind["parent_addr2"] = splitLineToTwo( address, 40, ",") else: kind["parent_addr1"] = address kind["parent_addr2"] = "" else: kind["parent_addr1"] = "" kind["parent_addr2"] = "" kind["age"] = kind["date"].strftime("%d.%m.%Y") + " (" + get_age( kind["date"], date_smena) + " лет)" summa = sheet[SUMMA + str(i)].value if summa: kind["summa"] = summa else: kind["summa"] = "" kind["z"] = "Ƶ" kinds.append(kind) i += 1 for kind in kinds: printKind(kind, pdf, position) pdf.output(file_to) pdf.close() messagebox.showinfo("Ура!", "Путёвки созданы!")
def run(self): # See if the data is complete: flag2 = False flag3 = False if self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean!=0 and self.Hospital_length_of_stay_std!=0 and self.Daily_arrival_rate!=[] and self.Percentage_hospitalized!=0: flag2 = True if self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean!=0 and self.Hospital_length_of_stay_std!=0 and self.Daily_arrival_rate!=[] and self.Percentage_icu!=0: flag3 = True processbartotallength = flag2 * len( self.Daily_arrival_rate) + flag3 * len(self.Daily_arrival_rate) if flag2 == True: mu = log( square(self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean) / sqrt( square(self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean) + square(self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean))) stddev = sqrt( log(1 + square(self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean) / square(self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean))) ArrivalRate = array(self.Daily_arrival_rate, dtype=float) ArrivalRate = ArrivalRate * self.Percentage_hospitalized TotalTimeLength = ArrivalRate.size initial_condition = self.Hospital_initial_condition step = 1 t = 1 tlist = [] tlist = range(1, TotalTimeLength + 1) mt = [] mt5 = [] mt95 = [] pt25 = [] pt50 = [] pt75 = [] pt100 = [] pt125 = [] pt150 = [] pt175 = [] error = [] st = [] stl = [] while t <= TotalTimeLength: ans, err = quad(f, 0, t, args=(t, mu, stddev, ArrivalRate), limit=400) total_probability = 0 probability_still_in_system = 1 - rs( t, mu, stddev, self.Hospital_length_of_stay_mean) # Calculate the mean mttemp = initial_condition * probability_still_in_system + ans mt.append(mttemp) # Calculate the numerical distribution: temptotal = 0 flag = [False, False] tempcdf = 0 while tempcdf <= 0.99: i = 0 if t <= self.Maximum_Hospital_stay: while i <= temptotal and i <= initial_condition: if i <= initial_condition: tempcdf = tempcdf + binom.pmf( i, initial_condition, probability_still_in_system) * poisson.pmf( (temptotal - i), ans) i = i + 1 else: tempcdf = poisson.cdf(temptotal, ans) if tempcdf >= 0.05 and flag[0] == False: if temptotal - 1 > 0: tempq = temptotal - 1 else: tempq = 0 mt5.append(tempq) flag[0] = True if tempcdf >= 0.95 and flag[1] == False: mt95.append(temptotal) flag[1] = True QApplication.processEvents() if temptotal == 25: pt25.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 50: pt50.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 75: pt75.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 100: pt100.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 125: pt125.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 150: pt150.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 175: pt175.append(1 - tempcdf) temptotal = temptotal + 1 temptotal = temptotal - 1 if temptotal < 25: pt25.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 50: pt50.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 75: pt75.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 100: pt100.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 125: pt125.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 150: pt150.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 175: pt175.append(float(0)) t = t + step QApplication.processEvents() self.ProgressBar.setValue( ceil((t) / processbartotallength * 100)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(tlist, mt) ax.set_title('Expected Number and 95% Band') ax.fill_between(tlist, mt5, mt95, color='b', alpha=0.1) ax.set_ylabel("Hospital Census") ax.set_xlabel("Days") fig.savefig('temp2.png') temp2 = QPixmap("temp2.png") self.Hospital_Graph_Label.setPixmap(temp2.scaled(480, 360)) TableData = PrettyTable() TableData.field_names = [ "Num Pts", "10 Days", "20 Days", "30 Days", "40 Days", "50 Days", "60 Days", "70 Days", "80 Days", "90 Days" ] TableData.add_row([ "25 pts", maxc(pt25[0:10]), maxc(pt25[0:20]), maxc(pt25[0:30]), maxc(pt25[0:40]), maxc(pt25[0:50]), maxc(pt25[0:60]), maxc(pt25[0:70]), maxc(pt25[0:80]), maxc(pt25[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "50 pts", maxc(pt50[0:10]), maxc(pt50[0:20]), maxc(pt50[0:30]), maxc(pt50[0:40]), maxc(pt50[0:50]), maxc(pt50[0:60]), maxc(pt50[0:70]), maxc(pt50[0:80]), maxc(pt50[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "75 pts", maxc(pt75[0:10]), maxc(pt75[0:20]), maxc(pt75[0:30]), maxc(pt75[0:40]), maxc(pt75[0:50]), maxc(pt75[0:60]), maxc(pt75[0:70]), maxc(pt75[0:80]), maxc(pt75[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "100 pts", maxc(pt100[0:10]), maxc(pt100[0:20]), maxc(pt100[0:30]), maxc(pt100[0:40]), maxc(pt100[0:50]), maxc(pt100[0:60]), maxc(pt100[0:70]), maxc(pt100[0:80]), maxc(pt100[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "125 pts", maxc(pt125[0:10]), maxc(pt125[0:20]), maxc(pt125[0:30]), maxc(pt125[0:40]), maxc(pt125[0:50]), maxc(pt125[0:60]), maxc(pt125[0:70]), maxc(pt125[0:80]), maxc(pt125[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "150 pts", maxc(pt150[0:10]), maxc(pt150[0:20]), maxc(pt150[0:30]), maxc(pt150[0:40]), maxc(pt150[0:50]), maxc(pt150[0:60]), maxc(pt150[0:70]), maxc(pt150[0:80]), maxc(pt150[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "175 pts", maxc(pt175[0:10]), maxc(pt175[0:20]), maxc(pt175[0:30]), maxc(pt175[0:40]), maxc(pt175[0:50]), maxc(pt175[0:60]), maxc(pt175[0:70]), maxc(pt175[0:80]), maxc(pt175[0:90]) ]) header, data = get_data_from_prettytable(TableData) pdf = FPDF() # Font style pdf.set_font("Arial", size=9) epw = pdf.w - 2 * pdf.l_margin # Witdh of document col_width = pdf.w / 10.5 # Column width in table row_height = pdf.font_size * 1.5 # Row height in table spacing = 1.3 pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=20) pdf.cell(epw, 0.0, 'COVID-CAT Report for Hospital', align='C') # create title cell pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # Define title line style pdf.image("temp2.png", w=epw, h=epw * 0.75) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=15) pdf.cell( epw, pdf.font_size * spacing, 'Probability of exceeding a given number of patients within:', 0, 1, align='L') pdf.set_font("Arial", size=9) # Add header for item in header: # for each column pdf.cell( col_width, row_height * spacing, # Add a new cell txt=item, border=1) pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # New line after header for row in data: # For each row of the table for item in row: # For each cell in row pdf.cell( col_width, row_height * spacing, # Add cell txt=item, border=1) pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # Add line at the end of row if flag3 == True: mu = log( square(self.ICU_length_of_stay_mean) / sqrt( square(self.ICU_length_of_stay_mean) + square(self.ICU_length_of_stay_mean))) stddev = sqrt( log(1 + square(self.ICU_length_of_stay_mean) / square(self.ICU_length_of_stay_mean))) ArrivalRate = array(self.Daily_arrival_rate, dtype=float) ArrivalRate = ArrivalRate * self.Percentage_icu TotalTimeLength = ArrivalRate.size initial_condition = self.ICU_initial_condition step = 1 t = 1 tlist = [] tlist = range(1, TotalTimeLength + 1) zeros = [0 for i in tlist] mt = [] mt5 = [] mt95 = [] pt15 = [] pt20 = [] pt25 = [] pt30 = [] pt35 = [] pt40 = [] pt45 = [] error = [] st = [] stl = [] while t <= TotalTimeLength: ans, err = quad(f, 0, t, args=(t, mu, stddev, ArrivalRate), limit=500) total_probability = 0 probability_still_in_system = 1 - rs( t, mu, stddev, self.ICU_length_of_stay_mean) # Calculate the mean mttemp = initial_condition * probability_still_in_system + ans mt.append(mttemp) # Calculate the numerical distribution: temptotal = 0 flag = [False, False] tempcdf = 0 while tempcdf <= 0.99: i = 0 if t <= self.Maximum_ICU_stay: while i <= temptotal and i <= initial_condition: if i <= initial_condition: tempcdf = tempcdf + binom.pmf( i, initial_condition, probability_still_in_system) * poisson.pmf( (temptotal - i), ans) i = i + 1 else: tempcdf = poisson.cdf(temptotal, ans) if tempcdf >= 0.05 and flag[0] == False: if temptotal - 1 > 0: tempq = temptotal - 1 else: tempq = 0 mt5.append(tempq) flag[0] = True if tempcdf >= 0.95 and flag[1] == False: mt95.append(temptotal) flag[1] = True QApplication.processEvents() if temptotal == 15: pt15.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 20: pt20.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 25: pt25.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 30: pt30.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 35: pt35.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 40: pt40.append(1 - tempcdf) if temptotal == 45: pt45.append(1 - tempcdf) temptotal = temptotal + 1 temptotal = temptotal - 1 if temptotal < 15: pt15.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 20: pt20.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 25: pt25.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 30: pt30.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 35: pt35.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 40: pt40.append(float(0)) if temptotal < 45: pt45.append(float(0)) t = t + step QApplication.processEvents() self.ProgressBar.setValue( ceil((t + flag2 * len(self.Daily_arrival_rate)) / processbartotallength * 100)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot(tlist, mt) ax.set_title('Expected Number and 95% Band') ax.fill_between(tlist, mt5, mt95, color='b', alpha=0.1) ax.set_ylabel("ICU Census") ax.set_xlabel("Days") fig.savefig('temp3.png') temp3 = QPixmap("temp3.png") self.ICU_Graph_Label.setPixmap(temp3.scaled(480, 360)) TableData = PrettyTable() TableData.field_names = [ "Num Pts", "10 Days", "20 Days", "30 Days", "40 Days", "50 Days", "60 Days", "70 Days", "80 Days", "90 Days" ] TableData.add_row([ "15 pts", maxc(pt15[0:10]), maxc(pt15[0:20]), maxc(pt15[0:30]), maxc(pt15[0:40]), maxc(pt15[0:50]), maxc(pt15[0:60]), maxc(pt15[0:70]), maxc(pt15[0:80]), maxc(pt15[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "20 pts", maxc(pt20[0:10]), maxc(pt20[0:20]), maxc(pt20[0:30]), maxc(pt20[0:40]), maxc(pt20[0:50]), maxc(pt20[0:60]), maxc(pt20[0:70]), maxc(pt20[0:80]), maxc(pt20[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "25 pts", maxc(pt25[0:10]), maxc(pt25[0:20]), maxc(pt25[0:30]), maxc(pt25[0:40]), maxc(pt25[0:50]), maxc(pt25[0:60]), maxc(pt25[0:70]), maxc(pt25[0:80]), maxc(pt25[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "30 pts", maxc(pt30[0:10]), maxc(pt30[0:20]), maxc(pt30[0:30]), maxc(pt30[0:40]), maxc(pt30[0:50]), maxc(pt30[0:60]), maxc(pt30[0:70]), maxc(pt30[0:80]), maxc(pt30[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "35 pts", maxc(pt35[0:10]), maxc(pt35[0:20]), maxc(pt35[0:30]), maxc(pt35[0:40]), maxc(pt35[0:50]), maxc(pt35[0:60]), maxc(pt35[0:70]), maxc(pt35[0:80]), maxc(pt35[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "40 pts", maxc(pt40[0:10]), maxc(pt40[0:20]), maxc(pt40[0:30]), maxc(pt40[0:40]), maxc(pt40[0:50]), maxc(pt40[0:60]), maxc(pt40[0:70]), maxc(pt40[0:80]), maxc(pt40[0:90]) ]) TableData.add_row([ "45 pts", maxc(pt45[0:10]), maxc(pt45[0:20]), maxc(pt45[0:30]), maxc(pt45[0:40]), maxc(pt45[0:50]), maxc(pt45[0:60]), maxc(pt45[0:70]), maxc(pt45[0:80]), maxc(pt45[0:90]) ]) header, data = get_data_from_prettytable(TableData) # Font style pdf.set_font("Arial", size=9) epw = pdf.w - 2 * pdf.l_margin # Witdh of document col_width = pdf.w / 10.5 # Column width in table row_height = pdf.font_size * 1.5 # Row height in table spacing = 1.3 pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=20) pdf.cell(epw, 0.0, 'COVID-CAT Report for ICU', align='C') # create title cell pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # Define title line style pdf.image("temp3.png", w=epw, h=epw * 0.75) pdf.set_font("Arial", size=15) pdf.cell( epw, pdf.font_size * spacing, 'Probability of exceeding a given number of patients within:', 0, 1, align='L') pdf.set_font("Arial", size=9) # Add header for item in header: # for each column pdf.cell( col_width, row_height * spacing, # Add a new cell txt=item, border=1) pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # New line after header for row in data: # For each row of the table for item in row: # For each cell in row pdf.cell( col_width, row_height * spacing, # Add cell txt=item, border=1) pdf.ln(row_height * spacing) # Add line at the end of row if flag2 == True or flag3 == True: try: pdf.output('Report_Hospital_and_ICU.pdf') # Create pdf file pdf.close() # Close file except: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Error", "Couldn't Create PDF. Please close the PDF file of report") else: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Error", "Not Enough Data")