Exemplo n.º 1
def make_multifit_fig(u, v, vis, weights, sols, bin_widths, varied_pars,
                      varied_vals, dist=None, force_style=True, save_prefix=None,
                      figsize=(8, 8)
    Produce a figure overplotting multiple fits

    u, v : array, unit = :math:`\lambda`
        u and v coordinates of observations
    vis : array, unit = Jy
        Observed visibilities (complex: real + imag * 1j)
    weights : array, unit = Jy^-2
        Weights assigned to observed visibilities, of the form
        :math:`1 / \sigma^2`
    sols : list of _HankelRegressor objects
        Reconstructed profile using Maximum a posteriori power spectrum
        (see frank.radial_fitters.FrankFitter), for each of multiple fits
    bin_widths : list, unit = \lambda
        Bin widths in which to bin the observed visibilities
    varied_pars : list of strings
        Names of the `hyperparameters` that were varied over multiple fits
    varied_vals : nested list of floats
        Values for the `hyperparameters` that were varied over multiple fits
    dist : float, optional, unit = AU, default = None
        Distance to source, used to show second x-axis in [AU]
    force_style: bool, default = True
        Whether to use preconfigured matplotlib rcParams in generated figure
    save_prefix : string, default = None
        Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved
    figsize : tuple = (width, height) of figure, unit = inch

    fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance
        The produced figure, including the GridSpec
    axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
        The axes of the produced figure

    logging.info('    Making multifit figure')

    with frank_plotting_style_context_manager(force_style):
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, hspace=0)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)

        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2])

        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[3])
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[5])

        ax0.text(.9, .4, 'a)', transform=ax0.transAxes)
        ax1.text(.5, .9, 'b)', transform=ax1.transAxes)

        ax2.text(.5, .9, 'c)', transform=ax2.transAxes)
        ax3.text(.5, .9, 'd)', transform=ax3.transAxes)
        ax4.text(.5, .9, 'e)', transform=ax4.transAxes)

        axes = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]

        # Assume the fitted geometry and thus deprojected baseline distribution
        # is the same for all fits, plotting the common dataset
        u_deproj, v_deproj, vis_deproj = sols[0].geometry.apply_correction(u, v, vis)
        baselines = (u_deproj**2 + v_deproj**2)**.5
        grid = np.logspace(np.log10(min(baselines.min(), sols[0].q[0])),
                           np.log10(max(baselines.max(), sols[0].q[-1])),

        for i in range(len(bin_widths)):
            binned_vis = UVDataBinner(
                baselines, vis_deproj, weights, bin_widths[i])
            vis_re_kl = binned_vis.V.real * 1e3
            vis_err_re_kl = binned_vis.error.real * 1e3

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, vis_re_kl, ax2, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None', label=r'Obs., {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, vis_re_kl, ax3, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs.>0, {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))
            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, -vis_re_kl, ax3, c=cs2[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs.<0, {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

        # Alter the lists of varied parameters for the plot legend
        if np.shape(varied_vals) == (2,2):
            varied_vals[0] = np.repeat(varied_vals[0], 2)
            varied_vals[1] = np.repeat(varied_vals[1], 2)
        elif len(varied_vals[0]) == 1:
            varied_vals[0] = np.repeat(varied_vals[0], 2)
            varied_vals[1] = np.repeat(varied_vals[0], 2)

        # Overplot the multiple fits
        for ii in range(len(sols)):
            plot_brightness_profile(sols[ii].r, sols[ii].mean / 1e10, ax0, c=multifit_cs[ii],
                label='{} = {}, {} = {}'.format(varied_pars[0], varied_vals[0][ii], varied_pars[1], varied_vals[1][ii]))
            if dist and ii == len(sols) - 1:
                ax0_5 = plot_brightness_profile(sols[ii].r, sols[ii].mean / 1e10, ax0, dist=dist, c=multifit_cs[ii])
                xlims = ax0.get_xlim()
                ax0_5.set_xlim(np.multiply(xlims, dist))

            plot_brightness_profile(sols[ii].r, sols[ii].mean / 1e10, ax1, c=multifit_cs[ii])

            vis_fit_kl = sols[ii].predict_deprojected(grid).real * 1e3
            plot_vis_quantity(grid, vis_fit_kl, ax2, c=multifit_cs[ii])

            plot_vis_quantity(grid, vis_fit_kl, ax3, c=multifit_cs[ii])
            plot_vis_quantity(grid, -vis_fit_kl, ax3, c=multifit_cs[ii], ls='--')

            plot_vis_quantity(sols[ii].q, sols[ii].power_spectrum, ax4, c=multifit_cs[ii])

        ax1.set_xlabel('r ["]')
        ax0.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')

        ax4.set_xlabel(r'Baseline [$\lambda$]')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Re(V) [mJy]')
        ax3.set_ylabel('Re(V) [mJy]')
        ax4.set_ylabel(r'Power [Jy$^2$]')

        xlims = ax2.get_xlim()

        plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)


        if save_prefix:
            plt.savefig(save_prefix + '_frank_multifit.png', dpi=600)

    return fig, axes
Exemplo n.º 2
def make_clean_comparison_fig(u, v, vis, weights, sol, clean_profile,
                              bin_widths, stretch='power',
                              gamma=1.0, asinh_a=0.02, mean_convolved=None,
                              dist=None, force_style=True, save_prefix=None,
                              figsize=(8, 10)):
    Produce a figure comparing a frank fit to a CLEAN fit, in real space by
    convolving the frank fit with the CLEAN beam, and in visibility space by
    taking the discrete Hankel transform of the CLEAN profile

    u, v : array, unit = :math:`\lambda`
        u and v coordinates of observations
    vis : array, unit = Jy
        Observed visibilities (complex: real + imag * 1j)
    weights : array, unit = Jy^-2
        Weights assigned to observed visibilities, of the form
        :math:`1 / \sigma^2`
    sol : _HankelRegressor object
        Reconstructed profile using Maximum a posteriori power spectrum
        (see frank.radial_fitters.FrankFitter)
    clean_profile : dict
        Dictionary with entries 'r' for the radial points [arcsec],
        'I' for the brightness [Jy / sr], and optionally the negative and positive
        brightness uncertainties 'lo_err' and 'hi_err' [Jy / sr]. If only the
        negative uncertainty is provided, the positive uncertainty is assumed
        equal to it
    bin_widths : list, unit = \lambda
        Bin widths in which to bin the observed visibilities
    stretch : string, default = 'power'
        Transformation to apply to the colorscale. The default 'power' is a
        power law stretch. The other option is 'asinh', an arcsinh stretch,
        which requires astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.simple_norm
    gamma : float, default = 1.0
        Index of power law normalization to apply to swept profile image's
        colormap (see matplotlib.colors.PowerNorm).
        gamma=1.0 yields a linear colormap
    asinh_a : float, default = 0.02
        Scale parameter for an asinh stretch
    mean_convolved : None (default) or array, unit = Jy / sr
        frank brightness profile convolved with a CLEAN beam
        (see utilities.convolve_profile).
        The assumed unit is for the x-label
    dist : float, optional, unit = AU, default = None
        Distance to source, used to show second x-axis in [AU]
    force_style: bool, default = True
        Whether to use preconfigured matplotlib rcParams in generated figure
    save_prefix : string, default = None
        Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved
    figsize : tuple = (width, height) of figure, unit = inch

    fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance
        The produced figure, including the GridSpec
    axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
        The axes of the produced figure

    logging.info('    Making CLEAN comparison figure')

    with frank_plotting_style_context_manager(force_style):
        gs = GridSpec(3, 1)
        gs2 = GridSpec(3, 3)

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)

        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1])

        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[6])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[7])
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[8])

        axes = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]

        if 'lo_err' in clean_profile.keys():
            low_uncer = clean_profile['lo_err']
            low_uncer = None
        if 'hi_err' in clean_profile.keys():
            high_uncer = clean_profile['hi_err']
            high_uncer = None

        plot_brightness_profile(clean_profile['r'], clean_profile['I'] / 1e10, ax0,
                                low_uncer=low_uncer, high_uncer=high_uncer,
                                c='b', ls='--', label='CLEAN')

        plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax0, c='r', ls=':', label='frank')

        if mean_convolved is not None:
            plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, mean_convolved / 1e10, ax0, c='k', ls='-',
                                    label='frank, convolved')

        if dist:
            ax0_5 = plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax0, dist=dist, c='r', ls=':')

        u_deproj, v_deproj, vis_deproj = sol.geometry.apply_correction(u, v, vis)
        baselines = (u_deproj**2 + v_deproj**2)**.5
        grid = np.logspace(np.log10(min(baselines.min(), sol.q[0])),
                           np.log10(max(baselines.max(), sol.q[-1])), 10**4

        for i in range(len(bin_widths)):
            binned_vis = UVDataBinner(baselines, vis_deproj, weights, bin_widths[i])
            vis_re_kl = binned_vis.V.real * 1e3
            vis_err_re_kl = binned_vis.error.real * 1e3

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, vis_re_kl, ax1, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs.>0, {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))
            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, -vis_re_kl, ax1, c=cs2[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs.<0, {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

        vis_fit_kl = sol.predict_deprojected(grid).real * 1e3

        # Take the discrete Hankel transform of the CLEAN profile, using the same
        # collocation points for the DHT as those in the frank fit
        Inu_interp = np.interp(
            sol.r, clean_profile['r'], clean_profile['I'].real) * 1e3
        clean_DHT_kl = sol.predict_deprojected(grid, I=Inu_interp)

        plot_vis_quantity(grid, vis_fit_kl, ax1, c='r', label='frank>0')
        plot_vis_quantity(grid, -vis_fit_kl, ax1, c='r', ls='--', label='frank<0')
        plot_vis_quantity(grid, clean_DHT_kl, ax1, c='b', label='DHT of CLEAN>0')
        plot_vis_quantity(grid, -clean_DHT_kl, ax1, c='b', ls='--', label='DHT of CLEAN<0')

        if mean_convolved is not None:
            vmax = max(sol.mean.max(), mean_convolved.max(), clean_profile['I'].max())
            vmax = max(sol.mean.max(), clean_profile['I'].max())
        if stretch == 'asinh':
            vmin = max(0, min(sol.mean))
            from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import simple_norm
            norm = simple_norm(sol.mean, stretch='asinh', asinh_a=asinh_a, min_cut=vmin)
        elif stretch == 'power':
            vmin = 0
            norm = PowerNorm(gamma, vmin, vmax)
            err = ValueError("Unknown 'stretch'. Should be one of 'power' or 'asinh'")
            raise err

        plot_2dsweep(sol.r, sol.mean, ax=ax2, cmap='inferno', norm=norm, vmin=0,
                    vmax=vmax / 1e10, xmax=sol.Rmax, plot_colorbar=True)
        if mean_convolved is not None:
            plot_2dsweep(sol.r, mean_convolved, ax=ax3, cmap='inferno', norm=norm,
                        vmin=0, vmax=vmax / 1e10, xmax=sol.Rmax, plot_colorbar=True)

        # Interpolate the CLEAN profile onto the frank grid to ensure the CLEAN
        # swept 'image' has the same pixel resolution as the frank swept 'images'
        from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
        interp = interp1d(clean_profile['r'], clean_profile['I'])
        regrid_I_clean = interp(sol.r)
        plot_2dsweep(sol.r, regrid_I_clean, ax=ax4, cmap='inferno', norm=norm,
                    vmin=0, vmax=vmax / 1e10, xmax=sol.Rmax, plot_colorbar=True)


        ax0.set_xlabel('r ["]')
        ax0.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax1.set_xlabel(r'Baseline [$\lambda$]')
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Re(V) [mJy]')
        ax2.set_xlabel('RA offset ["]')
        ax3.set_xlabel('RA offset ["]')
        ax4.set_xlabel('RA offset ["]')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Dec offset ["]')

        if dist:
            xlims = ax0.get_xlim()
            ax0_5.set_xlim(np.multiply(xlims, dist))

        ax1.set_xlim(.9 * baselines.min(), 1.2 * baselines.max())

        ax2.set_title('Unconvolved frank profile swept')
        ax3.set_title('Convolved frank profile swept')
        ax4.set_title('CLEAN profile swept')

        ax0.text(.5, .9, 'a)', transform=ax0.transAxes)
        ax1.text(.5, .9, 'b)', transform=ax1.transAxes)
        ax2.text(.1, .9, 'c)', c='w', transform=ax2.transAxes)
        ax3.text(.1, .9, 'd)', c='w', transform=ax3.transAxes)
        ax4.text(.1, .9, 'e)', c='w', transform=ax4.transAxes)

        if save_prefix:
            plt.savefig(save_prefix + '_frank_clean_comparison.png', dpi=600)

    return fig, axes
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_quick_fig(u, v, vis, weights, sol, bin_widths, dist=None, logx=True,
                   force_style=True, save_prefix=None,
                   stretch='power', gamma=1.0, asinh_a=0.02, figsize=(8,6)):
    Produce a simple figure showing just a Frankenstein fit, not any diagnostics

    u, v : array, unit = :math:`\lambda`
        u and v coordinates of observations
    vis : array, unit = Jy
        Observed visibilities (complex: real + imag * 1j)
    weights : array, unit = Jy^-2
        Weights assigned to observed visibilities, of the form
        :math:`1 / \sigma^2`
    sol : _HankelRegressor object
        Reconstructed profile using Maximum a posteriori power spectrum
        (see frank.radial_fitters.FrankFitter)
    bin_widths : list, unit = \lambda
        Bin widths in which to bin the observed visibilities
    dist : float, optional, unit = AU, default = None
        Distance to source, used to show second x-axis in [AU]
    logx : bool, default = True
        Whether to plot the visibility distributions in log(baseline)
    gamma : float, default = 1.0
        Index of power law normalization to apply to swept profile image's
        colormap (see matplotlib.colors.PowerNorm).
        gamma=1.0 yields a linear colormap
    force_style: bool, default = True
        Whether to use preconfigured matplotlib rcParams in generated figure
    save_prefix : string, default = None
        Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved
    stretch : string, default = 'power'
        Transformation to apply to the colorscale. The default 'power' is a
        power law stretch. The other option is 'asinh', an arcsinh stretch,
        which requires astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.simple_norm
    asinh_a : float, default = 0.02
        Scale parameter for an asinh stretch
    figsize : tuple = (width, height) of figure, unit = inch

    fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance
        The produced figure, including the GridSpec
    axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
        The axes of the produced figure

    logging.info('    Making quick figure')

    with frank_plotting_style_context_manager(force_style):
        gs = GridSpec(3, 2, hspace=0, bottom=.12)
        gs2 = GridSpec(3, 2, hspace=.2)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)

        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2])

        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[3])

        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[4])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[5])

        ax0.text(.5, .9, 'a)', transform=ax0.transAxes)
        ax1.text(.5, .9, 'b)', transform=ax1.transAxes)

        ax2.text(.5, .9, 'c)', transform=ax2.transAxes)
        ax3.text(.5, .9, 'd)', transform=ax3.transAxes)

        ax4.text(.5, .9, 'e)', c='w', transform=ax4.transAxes)
        ax5.text(.5, .9, 'f)', c='w', transform=ax5.transAxes)

        axes = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5]

        total_flux = trapz(sol.mean * 2 * np.pi * sol.r, sol.r)
        plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax0, c='r',
            label='frank, total flux {:.2e} Jy'.format(total_flux))
        if dist:
            ax0_5 = plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax0, dist=dist, c='r')
            xlims = ax0.get_xlim()
            ax0_5.set_xlim(np.multiply(xlims, dist))

        plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax1, c='r', label='frank')

        u_deproj, v_deproj, vis_deproj = sol.geometry.apply_correction(u, v, vis)
        baselines = (u_deproj**2 + v_deproj**2)**.5
        grid = np.logspace(np.log10(min(baselines.min(), sol.q[0])),
                           np.log10(max(baselines.max(), sol.q[-1])),

        for i in range(len(bin_widths)):
            binned_vis = UVDataBinner(
                baselines, vis_deproj, weights, bin_widths[i])
            vis_re_kl = binned_vis.V.real * 1e3
            vis_err_re_kl = binned_vis.error.real * 1e3
            vis_fit = sol.predict_deprojected(binned_vis.uv).real * 1e3

            for ax in [ax2, ax3]:
                plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv / 1e6, vis_re_kl, ax,
                     vis_err_re_kl, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs., {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

        vis_fit_kl = sol.predict_deprojected(grid).real * 1e3
        plot_vis_quantity(grid / 1e6, vis_fit_kl, ax2, c='r', label='frank', zorder=10)

        # Make a guess of good y-bounds for zooming in on the visibility fit
        # in linear-y
        zoom_ylim_guess = abs(vis_fit_kl[np.int(.5 * len(vis_fit_kl)):]).max()
        zoom_bounds = [-1.1 * zoom_ylim_guess, 1.1 * zoom_ylim_guess]

        plot_vis_quantity(grid / 1e6, vis_fit_kl, ax3, c='r', label='frank', zorder=10)

        vmax = sol.mean.max()
        if stretch == 'asinh':
            vmin = max(0, min(sol.mean))
            from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import simple_norm
            norm = simple_norm(sol.mean, stretch='asinh', asinh_a=asinh_a, min_cut=vmin)
        elif stretch == 'power':
            vmin = 0
            norm = PowerNorm(gamma, vmin, vmax)
            err = ValueError("Unknown 'stretch'. Should be one of 'power' or 'asinh'")
            raise err

        plot_2dsweep(sol.r, sol.mean, ax=ax4, cmap='inferno', norm=norm, vmin=vmin,
                    vmax=vmax / 1e10, project=False)
        plot_2dsweep(sol.r, sol.mean, ax=ax5, cmap='inferno', norm=norm, vmin=vmin,
                    vmax=vmax / 1e10, project=True, geom=sol.geometry)

        ax1.set_xlabel('r ["]')
        ax0.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')

        ax3.set_xlabel(r'Baseline [M$\lambda$]')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Re(V) [mJy]')
        ax3.set_ylabel('Re(V) [mJy]')

        if logx:
            ax2.set_xlim(0., max(binned_vis.uv) / 1e6 * 1.1)

        xlims = ax2.get_xlim()

        ax4.set_xlabel('RA offset ["]')
        ax4.set_ylabel('Dec offset ["]')
        ax5.set_xlabel('RA offset ["]')
        ax5.set_ylabel('Dec offset ["]')

        plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        plt.setp(ax2.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)


        if save_prefix:
            plt.savefig(save_prefix + '_frank_fit_quick.png', dpi=600)

    return fig, axes
Exemplo n.º 4
def make_full_fig(u, v, vis, weights, sol, bin_widths, alpha, wsmooth,
                  dist=None, logx=True, force_style=True,
                  save_prefix=None, norm_residuals=False, stretch='power',
                  gamma=1.0, asinh_a=0.02, figsize=(8, 6)):
    Produce a figure showing a Frankenstein fit and some useful diagnostics

    u, v : array, unit = :math:`\lambda`
        u and v coordinates of observations
    vis : array, unit = Jy
        Observed visibilities (complex: real + imag * 1j)
    weights : array, unit = Jy^-2
        Weights assigned to observed visibilities, of the form
        :math:`1 / \sigma^2`
    sol : _HankelRegressor object
        Reconstructed profile using Maximum a posteriori power spectrum
        (see frank.radial_fitters.FrankFitter)
    bin_widths : list, unit = \lambda
        Bin widths in which to bin the observed visibilities
    alpha : float
        Value for the :math:`\alpha` hyperparameter.
        Used for the plot legends
    wsmooth : float
        Value for the :math:`w_{smooth}` hyperparameter.
        Used for the plot legends
    dist : float, optional, unit = AU, default = None
        Distance to source, used to show second x-axis in [AU]
    logx : bool, default = True
        Whether to plot the visibility distributions in log(baseline)
    force_style: bool, default = True
        Whether to use preconfigured matplotlib rcParams in generated figure
    save_prefix : string, default = None
        Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved
    norm_residuals : bool, default = False
        Whether to normalize the residual visibilities by the data's
        visibility amplitudes
    stretch : string, default = 'power'
        Transformation to apply to the colorscale. The default 'power' is a
        power law stretch. The other option is 'asinh', an arcsinh stretch,
        which requires astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize.simple_norm
    gamma : float, default = 1.0
        Index of power law normalization to apply to swept profile image's
        colormap (see matplotlib.colors.PowerNorm).
        gamma=1.0 yields a linear colormap
    asinh_a : float, default = 0.02
        Scale parameter for an asinh stretch
    figsize : tuple = (width, height) of figure, unit = inch

    fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance
        The produced figure, including the GridSpec
    axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
        The axes of the produced figure

    logging.info('    Making full figure')

    with frank_plotting_style_context_manager(force_style):
        gs = GridSpec(3, 3, hspace=0)
        gs1 = GridSpec(4, 3, hspace=0, top=.88)
        gs2 = GridSpec(3, 3, hspace=.35, left=.04)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)

        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[3])
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs2[6])

        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1])
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[4])
        ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[7])

        ax6 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2])
        ax7 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[5])
        ax8 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[8])
        ax9 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[11])

        ax0.text(.9, .6, 'a)', transform=ax0.transAxes)
        ax1.text(.9, .6, 'b)', transform=ax1.transAxes)
        ax2.text(.1, .9, 'c)', c='w', transform=ax2.transAxes)

        ax3.text(.1, .5, 'd)', transform=ax3.transAxes)
        ax4.text(.1, .7, 'e)', transform=ax4.transAxes)
        ax5.text(.1, .7, 'f)', transform=ax5.transAxes)
        ax6.text(.9, .9, 'g)', transform=ax6.transAxes)
        ax7.text(.9, .9, 'h)', transform=ax7.transAxes)
        ax8.text(.9, .9, 'i)', transform=ax8.transAxes)
        ax9.text(.9, .9, 'j)', transform=ax9.transAxes)

        axes = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4, ax5, ax6, ax7, ax8, ax9]

        # Calculate the fit's total flux (2D, by sweeping the 1D profile over 2\pi)
        total_flux = trapz(sol.mean * 2 * np.pi * sol.r, sol.r)

        # Plot the fitted brightness profile in linear- and log-y
        plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax0, c='r',
            label='frank, total flux {:.2e} Jy'.format(total_flux))
        if dist:
            ax0_5 = plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax0, dist=dist, c='r')
            xlims = ax0.get_xlim()
            ax0_5.set_xlim(np.multiply(xlims, dist))

        plot_brightness_profile(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10, ax1, c='r', label='frank')

        # Apply deprojection to the provided (u, v) coordinates
        # and visibility amplitudes
        u_deproj, v_deproj, vis_deproj = sol.geometry.apply_correction(u, v, vis)
        baselines = (u_deproj**2 + v_deproj**2)**.5
        # Set a grid of baselines on which to plot the visibility domain frank fit
        grid = np.logspace(np.log10(min(baselines.min(), sol.q[0])),
                           np.log10(max(baselines.max(), sol.q[-1])), 10**4
        # Map the frank visibility fit to `grid`, considering only the real component
        # that frank fits
        vis_fit_kl = sol.predict_deprojected(grid).real * 1e3

        # Make a guess of good y-bounds for zooming in on the visibility fit
        # in linear-y
        zoom_ylim_guess = abs(vis_fit_kl[np.int(.5 * len(vis_fit_kl)):]).max()
        zoom_bounds = [-1.1 * zoom_ylim_guess, 1.1 * zoom_ylim_guess]

        # Bin the observed (real and imaginary components of the) visibilities
        # for plotting
        for i in range(len(bin_widths)):
            binned_vis = UVDataBinner(baselines, vis_deproj, weights, bin_widths[i])
            vis_re_kl = binned_vis.V.real * 1e3
            vis_im_kl = binned_vis.V.imag * 1e3
            vis_err_re_kl = binned_vis.error.real * 1e3
            vis_err_im_kl = binned_vis.error.imag * 1e3
            vis_fit = sol.predict_deprojected(binned_vis.uv).real * 1e3

            # Determine the visiblity domain frank fit residuals (and RMS error)
            # for Real(V)
            resid = vis_re_kl - vis_fit
            if norm_residuals:
                resid /= vis_re_kl
            rmse = (np.mean(resid**2))**.5

            # Plot the observed, binned visibilities (with errorbars) and the residuals
            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, vis_re_kl, ax3, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs., {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, vis_re_kl, ax4, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs., {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, vis_re_kl, ax6, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs.>0, {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, -vis_re_kl, ax6, c=cs2[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs.<0, {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, vis_im_kl, ax9, c=cs[i],
                     marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                     label=r'Obs., {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

            plot_vis_quantity(binned_vis.uv, resid, ax5, c=cs[i], marker=ms[i], ls='None',
                           label=r'{:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins, RMSE {:.3f} mJy'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3, rmse))

            # Plot a histogram of the observed visibilties to examine how the
            # visibility count varies with baseline
            plot_vis_hist(binned_vis, ax8, color=hist_cs[i],
                          label=r'Obs., {:.0f} k$\lambda$ bins'.format(bin_widths[i]/1e3))

        # Plot the visibility domain frank fit in log-y
        plot_vis_quantity(grid, vis_fit_kl, ax3, c='r', label='frank')
        plot_vis_quantity(grid, vis_fit_kl, ax4, c='r', label='frank')
        plot_vis_quantity(grid, vis_fit_kl, ax6, c='r', label='frank>0')
        plot_vis_quantity(grid, -vis_fit_kl, ax6, c='#1EFEDC', label='frank<0')

        # Plot the frank inferred power spectrum
        plot_vis_quantity(sol.q, sol.power_spectrum, ax7, label=r'$\alpha$ {:.2f}'.format(
            alpha) + '\n' + '$w_{smooth}$' + ' {:.1e}'.format(wsmooth))

        # Plot a sweep over 2\pi of the frank 1D fit
        # (analogous to a model image of the source)
        vmax = sol.mean.max()
        if stretch == 'asinh':
            vmin = max(0, min(sol.mean))
            from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import simple_norm
            norm = simple_norm(sol.mean, stretch='asinh', asinh_a=asinh_a, min_cut=vmin)
        elif stretch == 'power':
            vmin = 0
            norm = PowerNorm(gamma, vmin, vmax)
            err = ValueError("Unknown 'stretch'. Should be one of 'power' or 'asinh'")
            raise err

        plot_2dsweep(sol.r, sol.mean, ax=ax2, cmap='inferno', norm=norm, vmin=vmin,
                    vmax=vmax / 1e10, project=True, geom=sol.geometry)

        ax1.set_xlabel('r ["]')
        ax0.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')

        ax2.set_xlabel('RA offset ["]')
        ax2.set_ylabel('Dec offset ["]')

        ax3.set_ylabel('Re(V) [mJy]')
        ax4.set_ylabel('Re(V) [mJy]')
        if norm_residuals:
            ax5.set_ylabel('Norm. residual')
            ax5.set_ylabel('Residual [mJy]')
        ax5.set_xlabel(r'Baseline [$\lambda$]')

        ax6.set_ylabel('Re(V) [mJy]')
        ax7.set_ylabel(r'Power [Jy$^2$]')
        ax9.set_ylabel('Im(V) [mJy]')
        ax9.set_xlabel(r'Baseline [$\lambda$]')

        if logx:

        xlims = ax5.get_xlim()


        plt.setp(ax0.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        plt.setp(ax3.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        plt.setp(ax4.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        plt.setp(ax6.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        plt.setp(ax7.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
        plt.setp(ax8.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)


        if save_prefix:
            plt.savefig(save_prefix + '_frank_fit_full.png', dpi=600)

    return fig, axes
Exemplo n.º 5
def make_bootstrap_fig(r, profiles, force_style=True,
                       save_prefix=None, figsize=(8, 6)):
    Produce a figure showing a bootstrap analysis for a Frankenstein fit

    r : array, unit = arcsec
        Single set of radial collocation points used in all bootstrap fits
    profiles : array, unit = Jy / sr
        Brightness profiles of all bootstrap fits
    force_style: bool, default = True
        Whether to use preconfigured matplotlib rcParams in generated figure
    save_prefix : string, default = None
        Prefix for saved figure name. If None, the figure won't be saved
    figsize : tuple = (width, height) of figure, unit = inch

    fig : Matplotlib `.Figure` instance
        The produced figure, including the GridSpec
    axes : Matplotlib `~.axes.Axes` class
        The axes of the produced figure

    logging.info('    Making bootstrap summary figure')

    with frank_plotting_style_context_manager(force_style):
        gs = GridSpec(2, 2, hspace=0)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)

        ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2])

        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[3])

        axes = [ax0, ax1, ax2, ax3]

        ax0.text(.6, .9, 'a) Bootstrap: {} trials'.format(len(profiles)),
        ax1.text(.9, .7, 'b)', transform=ax1.transAxes)
        ax2.text(.9, .9, 'c)', transform=ax2.transAxes)
        ax3.text(.9, .7, 'd)', transform=ax3.transAxes)

        mean_profile = np.mean(profiles, axis=0)
        std = np.std(profiles, axis=0)

        plot_brightness_profile(r, mean_profile / 1e10, ax1, low_uncer=std / 1e10,
                                 color='r', alpha=.7, label='Stan. dev. of trials')
        plot_brightness_profile(r, mean_profile / 1e10, ax3, low_uncer=std / 1e10,
                                 color='r', alpha=.7, label='Stan. dev. of trials')

        for i in range(len(profiles)):
            plot_brightness_profile(r, profiles[i] / 1e10, ax0, c='k', alpha=.2)

            plot_brightness_profile(r, profiles[i] / 1e10, ax2, c='k', alpha=.2)

        plot_brightness_profile(r, mean_profile / 1e10, ax1,
                                c='#35F9E1', label='Mean of trials')
        plot_brightness_profile(r, mean_profile / 1e10, ax3,
                                c='#35F9E1', label='Mean of trials')

        ax0.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax1.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax2.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax3.set_ylabel(r'Brightness [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]')
        ax1.set_xlabel('r ["]')
        ax3.set_xlabel('r ["]')



        if save_prefix:
            plt.savefig(save_prefix + '_frank_bootstrap.png', dpi=600)

    return fig, axes