Exemplo n.º 1
class HelpDatabase(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def make_database(self):
        dbman = DbManager(get_root_connection())

        # make database
        if not help_db_name in dbman.get_database_list():
            dbman.create_user(help_db_name, help_db_name)
            dbman.grant_all_privileges(help_db_name, help_db_name)

    def connect(self):
        self.db = Database(user=help_db_name, password=help_db_name)

    def make_table(self):
        if not 'help' in self.db.get_tables():
                '''create table help(path text, content text, fulltext(content))
				CHARACTER SET=utf8mb4''')

    def search(self, words):
        return self.db.sql(
            'select path, content from help where match(content) against (%s) limit 10',

    def sync_pages(self):
        self.db.sql('truncate help')
        for app in os.listdir('../apps'):
            docs_folder = '../apps/{app}/{app}/docs/user'.format(app=app)
            if os.path.exists(docs_folder):
                for basepath, folders, files in os.walk(docs_folder):
                    for fname in files:
                        if fname.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] in ('md', 'html'):
                            fpath = os.path.join(basepath, fname)
                            with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
                                #relpath = os.path.relpath(fpath, '../apps/{app}'.format(app=app))
                                    '''insert into help(path, content)
									values (%s, %s)''', (fpath, f.read()))
Exemplo n.º 2
class HelpDatabase(object):
	def __init__(self):

	def make_database(self):
		dbman = DbManager(get_root_connection())

		# make database
		if not help_db_name in dbman.get_database_list():
			dbman.create_user(help_db_name, help_db_name)
			dbman.grant_all_privileges(help_db_name, help_db_name)

	def connect(self):
		self.db = Database(user=help_db_name, password=help_db_name)

	def make_table(self):
		if not 'help' in self.db.get_tables():
			self.db.sql('''create table help(path text, content text, fulltext(content))
				CHARACTER SET=utf8mb4''')

	def search(self, words):
		return self.db.sql('select path, content from help where match(content) against (%s) limit 10', words)

	def sync_pages(self):
		self.db.sql('truncate help')
		for app in os.listdir('../apps'):
			docs_folder = '../apps/{app}/{app}/docs/user'.format(app=app)
			if os.path.exists(docs_folder):
				for basepath, folders, files in os.walk(docs_folder):
					for fname in files:
						if fname.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] in ('md', 'html'):
							fpath = os.path.join(basepath, fname)
							with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
								#relpath = os.path.relpath(fpath, '../apps/{app}'.format(app=app))
								self.db.sql('''insert into help(path, content)
									values (%s, %s)''', (fpath, f.read()))
Exemplo n.º 3
class HelpDatabase(object):
	def __init__(self):
		self.global_help_setup = frappe.conf.get('global_help_setup')
		if self.global_help_setup:
			bench_name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(frappe.get_app_path('frappe')).split('/apps/')[0])
			self.help_db_name = hashlib.sha224(bench_name).hexdigest()[:15]

	def make_database(self):
		'''make database for global help setup'''
		if not self.global_help_setup:

		dbman = DbManager(get_root_connection())

		# make database
		if not self.help_db_name in dbman.get_database_list():
				dbman.create_user(self.help_db_name, self.help_db_name)
			except Exception as e:
				# user already exists
				if e.args[0] != 1396: raise
			dbman.grant_all_privileges(self.help_db_name, self.help_db_name)

	def connect(self):
		if self.global_help_setup:
			self.db = Database(user=self.help_db_name, password=self.help_db_name)
			self.db = frappe.db

	def make_table(self):
		if not 'help' in self.db.get_tables():
			self.db.sql('''create table help(
				path varchar(255),
				content text,
				title text,
				intro text,
				full_path text,
				index (path))
				CHARACTER SET=utf8mb4''')

	def search(self, words):
		return self.db.sql('''
			select title, intro, path from help where title like %s union
			select title, intro, path from help where match(content) against (%s) limit 10''', ('%'+words+'%', words))

	def get_content(self, path):
		query = '''select title, content from help
			where path like "{path}%" order by path desc limit 1'''
		result = None

		if not path.endswith('index'):
			result = self.db.sql(query.format(path=os.path.join(path, 'index')))

		if not result:
			result = self.db.sql(query.format(path=path))

		return {'title':result[0][0], 'content':result[0][1]} if result else {}

	def sync_pages(self):
		self.db.sql('truncate help')
		doc_contents = '<ol>'
		apps = os.listdir('../apps') if self.global_help_setup else frappe.get_installed_apps()

		for app in apps:
			docs_folder = '../apps/{app}/{app}/docs/user'.format(app=app)
			self.out_base_path = '../apps/{app}/{app}/docs'.format(app=app)
			if os.path.exists(docs_folder):
				app_name = getattr(frappe.get_module(app), '__title__', None) or app.title()
				doc_contents += '<li><a data-path="/{app}/index">{app_name}</a></li>'.format(
					app=app, app_name=app_name)

				for basepath, folders, files in os.walk(docs_folder):
					files = self.reorder_files(files)
					for fname in files:
						if fname.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] in ('md', 'html'):
							fpath = os.path.join(basepath, fname)
							with open(fpath, 'r') as f:
									content = frappe.render_template(text_type(f.read(), 'utf-8'),
										{'docs_base_url': '/assets/{app}_docs'.format(app=app)})

									relpath = self.get_out_path(fpath)
									relpath = relpath.replace("user", app)
									content = markdown(content)
									title = self.make_title(basepath, fname, content)
									intro = self.make_intro(content)
									content = self.make_content(content, fpath, relpath)
									self.db.sql('''insert into help(path, content, title, intro, full_path)
										values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', (relpath, content, title, intro, fpath))
								except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError:
									print("Invalid Jinja Template for {0}. Skipping".format(fpath))

		doc_contents += "</ol>"
		self.db.sql('''insert into help(path, content, title, intro, full_path) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''',
			('/documentation/index', doc_contents, 'Documentation', '', ''))

	def make_title(self, basepath, filename, html):
		if '<h1>' in html:
			title = html.split("<h1>", 1)[1].split("</h1>", 1)[0]
		elif 'index' in filename:
			title = basepath.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].title().replace("-", " ")
			title = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0].title().replace("-", " ")
		return title

	def make_intro(self, html):
		intro = ""
		if '<p>' in html:
			intro = html.split('<p>', 1)[1].split('</p>', 1)[0]
		if 'Duration' in html:
			intro = "Help Video: " + intro
		return intro

	def make_content(self, html, path, relpath):

		if '<h1>' in html:
			html = html.split('</h1>', 1)[1]

		if '{next}' in html:
			html = html.replace('{next}', '')

		target = path.split('/', 3)[-1]
		app_name = path.split('/', 3)[2]
		html += get_improve_page_html(app_name, target)

		soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

		for link in soup.find_all('a'):
			if link.has_attr('href'):
				url = link['href']
				if '/user' in url:
					data_path = url[url.index('/user'):]
					if '.' in data_path:
						data_path = data_path[: data_path.rindex('.')]
					if data_path:
						link['data-path'] = data_path.replace("user", app_name)

		parent = self.get_parent(relpath)
		if parent:
			parent_tag = soup.new_tag('a')
			parent_tag.string = parent['title']
			parent_tag['class'] = 'parent-link'
			parent_tag['data-path'] = parent['path']

		return soup.prettify()

	def build_index(self):
		for data in self.db.sql('select path, full_path, content from help'):
			self.make_index(data[0], data[1], data[2])

	def make_index(self, original_path, full_path, content):
		'''Make index from index.txt'''
		if '{index}' in content:
			path = os.path.dirname(full_path)
			files = []

			# get files from index.txt
			index_path = os.path.join(path, "index.txt")
			if os.path.exists(index_path):
				with open(index_path, 'r') as f:
					files = f.read().splitlines()

			# files not in index.txt
			for f in os.listdir(path):
				if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f)):
					name, extn = f.rsplit('.', 1)
					if name not in files \
						and name != 'index' and extn in ('md', 'html'):

			links_html = "<ol class='index-links'>"
			for line in files:
				fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(original_path), line)

				title = self.db.sql('select title from help where path like %s',
					os.path.join(fpath, 'index') + '%')
				if not title:
					title = self.db.sql('select title from help where path like %s',
						fpath + '%')

				if title:
					title = title[0][0]
					links_html += "<li><a data-path='{fpath}'> {title} </a></li>".format(
						fpath=fpath, title=title)
				# else:
				#	bad entries in .txt files
				# 	print fpath

			links_html += "</ol>"
			html = content.replace('{index}', links_html)

			self.db.sql('update help set content=%s where path=%s', (html, original_path))

	def get_out_path(self, path):
		return '/' + os.path.relpath(path, self.out_base_path)

	def get_parent(self, child_path):
		if 'index' in child_path:
			child_path = child_path[: child_path.rindex('index')]
		if child_path[-1] == '/':
			child_path = child_path[:-1]
		child_path = child_path[: child_path.rindex('/')]

		out = None
		if child_path:
			parent_path = child_path + "/index"
			out = self.get_content(parent_path)
		#if parent is documentation root
			parent_path = "/documentation/index"
			out = {}
			out['title'] = "Documentation"

		if not out:
			return None

		out['path'] = parent_path
		return out

	def reorder_files(self, files):
		pos = 0
		if 'index.md' in files:
			pos = files.index('index.md')
		elif 'index.html' in files:
			pos = files.index('index.html')
		if pos:
			files[0], files[pos] = files[pos], files[0]
		return files
Exemplo n.º 4
class HelpDatabase(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.global_help_setup = frappe.conf.get('global_help_setup')
        if self.global_help_setup:
            bench_name = os.path.basename(
            self.help_db_name = hashlib.sha224(

    def make_database(self):
        '''make database for global help setup'''
        if not self.global_help_setup:

        dbman = DbManager(get_root_connection())

        # make database
        if not self.help_db_name in dbman.get_database_list():
                dbman.create_user(self.help_db_name, self.help_db_name)
            except Exception as e:
                # user already exists
                if e.args[0] != 1396: raise
            dbman.grant_all_privileges(self.help_db_name, self.help_db_name)

    def connect(self):
        if self.global_help_setup:
            self.db = Database(user=self.help_db_name,
            self.db = frappe.db

    def make_table(self):
        if not 'help' in self.db.get_tables():
            self.db.sql('''create table help(
				path varchar(255),
				content text,
				title text,
				intro text,
				full_path text,
				index (path))
				CHARACTER SET=utf8mb4''')

    def search(self, words):
        return self.db.sql(
			select title, intro, path from help where title like %s union
			select title, intro, path from help where match(content) against (%s) limit 10''',
            ('%' + words + '%', words))

    def get_content(self, path):
        query = '''select title, content from help
			where path like "{path}%" order by path desc limit 1'''
        result = None

        if not path.endswith('index'):
            result = self.db.sql(
                query.format(path=os.path.join(path, 'index')))

        if not result:
            result = self.db.sql(query.format(path=path))

        return {
            'title': result[0][0],
            'content': result[0][1]
        } if result else {}

    def sync_pages(self):
        self.db.sql('truncate help')
        doc_contents = '<ol>'
        apps = os.listdir(
        ) if self.global_help_setup else frappe.get_installed_apps()

        for app in apps:
            # Expect handling of cloning docs apps in bench
            docs_app = frappe.get_hooks('docs_app', app, app)[0]

            docs_folder = '../apps/{app}/{app}/docs/user'.format(app=app)
            self.out_base_path = '../apps/{app}/{app}/docs'.format(app=app)
            if os.path.exists(docs_folder):
                app_name = getattr(frappe.get_module(app), '__title__',
                                   None) or app.title()
                doc_contents += '<li><a data-path="/{app}/index">{app_name}</a></li>'.format(
                    app=app, app_name=app_name)

                for basepath, folders, files in os.walk(docs_folder):
                    files = self.reorder_files(files)
                    for fname in files:
                        if fname.rsplit('.', 1)[-1] in ('md', 'html'):
                            fpath = os.path.join(basepath, fname)
                            with io.open(fpath, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                                    content = frappe.render_template(
                                        f.read(), {

                                    relpath = self.get_out_path(fpath)
                                    relpath = relpath.replace("user", app)
                                    content = markdown(content)
                                    title = self.make_title(
                                        basepath, fname, content)
                                    intro = self.make_intro(content)
                                    content = self.make_content(
                                        content, fpath, relpath, app, docs_app)
                                        '''insert into help(path, content, title, intro, full_path)
										values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''', (relpath, content, title, intro,
                                except jinja2.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError:
                                        "Invalid Jinja Template for {0}. Skipping"

        doc_contents += "</ol>"
            '''insert into help(path, content, title, intro, full_path) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)''',
            ('/documentation/index', doc_contents, 'Documentation', '', ''))

    def make_title(self, basepath, filename, html):
        if '<h1>' in html:
            title = html.split("<h1>", 1)[1].split("</h1>", 1)[0]
        elif 'index' in filename:
            title = basepath.rsplit('/', 1)[-1].title().replace("-", " ")
            title = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0].title().replace("-", " ")
        return title

    def make_intro(self, html):
        intro = ""
        if '<p>' in html:
            intro = html.split('<p>', 1)[1].split('</p>', 1)[0]
        if 'Duration' in html:
            intro = "Help Video: " + intro
        return intro

    def make_content(self, html, path, relpath, app_name, doc_app):
        if '<h1>' in html:
            html = html.split('</h1>', 1)[1]

        if '{next}' in html:
            html = html.replace('{next}', '')

        target = path.split('/', 3)[-1]

        if app_name != doc_app:
            target = target.replace(app_name, doc_app + '/www')
        app_name = path.split('/', 3)[2]
        html += get_improve_page_html(app_name, target)

        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

        self.fix_links(soup, app_name)
        self.fix_images(soup, app_name)

        parent = self.get_parent(relpath)
        if parent:
            parent_tag = soup.new_tag('a')
            parent_tag.string = parent['title']
            parent_tag['class'] = 'parent-link'
            parent_tag['data-path'] = parent['path']

        return soup.prettify()

    def fix_links(self, soup, app_name):
        for link in soup.find_all('a'):
            if link.has_attr('href'):
                url = link['href']
                if '/user' in url:
                    data_path = url[url.index('/user'):]
                    if '.' in data_path:
                        data_path = data_path[:data_path.rindex('.')]
                    if data_path:
                        link['data-path'] = data_path.replace("user", app_name)

    def fix_images(self, soup, app_name):
        for img in soup.find_all('img'):
            if img.has_attr('src'):
                url = img['src']
                if '/docs/' in url:
                    img['src'] = url.replace(
                        '/docs/', '/assets/{0}_docs/'.format(app_name))

    def build_index(self):
        for data in self.db.sql('select path, full_path, content from help'):
            self.make_index(data[0], data[1], data[2])

    def make_index(self, original_path, full_path, content):
        '''Make index from index.txt'''
        if '{index}' in content:
            path = os.path.dirname(full_path)
            files = []

            # get files from index.txt
            index_path = os.path.join(path, "index.txt")
            if os.path.exists(index_path):
                with open(index_path, 'r') as f:
                    files = f.read().splitlines()

            # files not in index.txt
            for f in os.listdir(path):
                if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path, f)) and len(
                        f.rsplit('.', 1)) == 2:
                    name, extn = f.rsplit('.', 1)
                    if name not in files \
                     and name != 'index' and extn in ('md', 'html'):

            links_html = "<ol class='index-links'>"
            for line in files:
                fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(original_path), line)

                title = self.db.sql(
                    'select title from help where path like %s',
                    os.path.join(fpath, 'index') + '%')
                if not title:
                    title = self.db.sql(
                        'select title from help where path like %s',
                        fpath + '%')

                if title:
                    title = title[0][0]
                    links_html += "<li><a data-path='{fpath}'> {title} </a></li>".format(
                        fpath=fpath, title=title)
                # else:
                #	bad entries in .txt files
                # 	print fpath

            links_html += "</ol>"
            html = content.replace('{index}', links_html)

            self.db.sql('update help set content=%s where path=%s',
                        (html, original_path))

    def get_out_path(self, path):
        return '/' + os.path.relpath(path, self.out_base_path)

    def get_parent(self, child_path):
        if 'index' in child_path:
            child_path = child_path[:child_path.rindex('index')]
        if child_path[-1] == '/':
            child_path = child_path[:-1]
        child_path = child_path[:child_path.rindex('/')]

        out = None
        if child_path:
            parent_path = child_path + "/index"
            out = self.get_content(parent_path)
        #if parent is documentation root
            parent_path = "/documentation/index"
            out = {}
            out['title'] = "Documentation"

        if not out:
            return None

        out['path'] = parent_path
        return out

    def reorder_files(self, files):
        pos = 0
        if 'index.md' in files:
            pos = files.index('index.md')
        elif 'index.html' in files:
            pos = files.index('index.html')
        if pos:
            files[0], files[pos] = files[pos], files[0]
        return files