def test_Vertices_Nonsym(self):
        """Tests the vertices of a nonsymetric space."""
        self.k = numpy.matrix([[6], [12], [2], [10]])
        self.p = polytope.HPolytope(self.H, self.k)
        vertices = self.p.Vertices()
        self.AreVertices(self.p, vertices)

            numpy.matrix([[6., 2.], [6., -10.], [-12., -10.], [-12., 2.]]),
    def test_Skewed_Nonsym_Vertices(self):
        """Tests the vertices of a severely skewed space."""
        self.H = numpy.matrix([[10, -1], [-1, -1], [-1, 10], [10, 10]])
        self.k = numpy.matrix([[2], [2], [2], [2]])
        self.p = polytope.HPolytope(self.H, self.k)
        vertices = self.p.Vertices()
        self.AreVertices(self.p, vertices)

            numpy.matrix([[0., 0.2], [0.2, 0.], [-2., 0.], [0., -2.]]),
 def setUp(self):
     """Builds a simple box polytope."""
     self.H = numpy.matrix([[1, 0], [-1, 0], [0, 1], [0, -1]])
     self.k = numpy.matrix([[12], [12], [12], [12]])
     self.p = polytope.HPolytope(self.H, self.k)
 def MakePWithDims(self, num_constraints, num_dims):
     """Makes a zeroed out polytope with the correct size."""
     self.p = polytope.HPolytope(
         numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((num_constraints, num_dims))),
         numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros((num_constraints, 1))))