def depth_calibration(): (init_depth, _) = get_depth() timer = time.time() marge_noise = 200 for hd in range(0, 480): for wd in range(0, 640): if (init_depth[hd][wd] != 2047): min_mat[hd][wd] = init_depth[hd][wd] max_mat[hd][wd] = init_depth[hd][wd] for i in range(0, 5): print(i) (depthc, _) = get_depth() for hd in range(0, 480): for wd in range(0, 640): if (depthc[hd][wd] != 2047): if depthc[hd][wd] < min_mat[hd][wd]: min_mat[hd][wd] = depthc[hd][wd] if depthc[hd][wd] > max_mat[hd][wd]: max_mat[hd][wd] = depthc[hd][wd] #Noise Calculation : Max - Min matrix for hd in range(0, 480): for wd in range(0, 640): if (abs(max_mat[hd][wd] - min_mat[hd][wd]) < marge_noise): noise[hd][wd] = max_mat[hd][wd] - min_mat[hd][wd] else: noise[hd][wd] = 0 timer = time.time() - timer print('Calibration Time :', timer) return (1)
def hand_tracker(): ControlVector = 2*[3*[0]] (depth,_) = get_depth() centroidList = list() #Initiate centroid list #RGB Color tuples pygame.init() #Initiates pygame xSize,ySize = 640,480 #Sets size of window screen = pygame.display.set_mode((xSize,ySize),pygame.RESIZABLE) #creates main surface screenFlipped = pygame.display.set_mode((xSize,ySize),pygame.RESIZABLE) #creates surface that will be flipped (mirror display) screen.fill(BLACK) #Make the window black done = False #Iterator boolean --> Tells programw when to terminate while not done: screen.fill(BLACK) #Make the window black (depth,_) = get_depth() #Get the depth from the kinect depth = depth.astype(np.float32) #Convert the depth to a 32 bit float _,depthThresh = cv2.threshold(depth, 750, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) #Threshold the depth for a binary image. Thresholded at 600 arbitary units _,back = cv2.threshold(depth, 1000, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) #Threshold the background in order to have an outlined background and segmented foreground blobData = BlobAnalysis(depthThresh) #Creates blobData object using BlobAnalysis class blobDataBack = BlobAnalysis(back) #Creates blobDataBack object using BlobAnalysis class for cont in blobDataBack.contours: #Iterates through contours in the background pygame.draw.lines(screen,YELLOW,True,cont,3) #Colors the binary boundaries of the background yellow for i in range(blobData.counter): #Iterate from 0 to the number of blobs minus 1,BLUE,blobData.centroid[i],10) #Draws a blue circle at each centroid centroidList.append(blobData.centroid[i]) #Adds the centroid tuple to the centroidList --> used for drawing pygame.draw.lines(screen,RED,True,blobData.cHull[i],3) #Draws the convex hull for each blob pygame.draw.lines(screen,GREEN,True,blobData.contours[i],3) #Draws the contour of each blob """try: print(depth[blobData.centroid[i][1]][blobData.centroid[i][0]]) except: pass""" try: ControlVector[0][0] = blobData.centroid[0][1] ControlVector[0][1] = blobData.centroid[0][0] ControlVector[0][2] = depth[ControlVector[0][0]][ControlVector[0][1]] ControlVector[1][0] = blobData.centroid[1][1] ControlVector[1][1] = blobData.centroid[1][0] ControlVector[1][2] = depth[ControlVector[1][0]][ControlVector[1][1]] print(ControlVector) except: pass """ #Drawing Loop #This draws on the screen lines from the centroids #Possible exploration into gesture recognition :D for cent in centroidList:,BLUE,cent,10) """ pygame.display.set_caption('Kinect Tracking') #Makes the caption of the pygame screen 'Kinect Tracking' del depth #Deletes depth --> opencv memory issue screenFlipped = pygame.transform.flip(screen,1,0) #Flips the screen so that it is a mirror display screen.blit(screenFlipped,(0,0)) #Updates the main screen --> screen pygame.display.flip() #Updates everything on the window for e in pygame.event.get(): #Itertates through current events if e.type is pygame.QUIT: #If the close button is pressed, the while loop ends done = True
def main_engine(): while True: contour_list = [] (depth, _) = get_depth() (rgb, _) = get_video() orig = np.array(rgb[::1, ::1, ::-1]) fgmask = fgbg.apply(orig) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(fgmask, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) erosion = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations=1) im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(erosion, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) index = 0 for cnt in contours: for node in cnt: for elem in node: y = elem[0].astype(int) x = elem[1].astype(int) if (y > min(xlist)) and (y < max(xlist)) and ( x > min(ylist)) and (x < max(ylist)): if (depth[x][y] + 8 < min_mat[x][y] - noise[x][y] ) and (depth[x][y] < 2047) and ( depth[x][y] != 0) and (depth[x][y] != 255 and (min_mat[x][y] < 2047)): contour_list.append([x, y]) index += 1 if (len(contour_list)): print(str(contour_list))
def doloop(): global depth, rgb, initdepth min = 0 (initdepth, _) = get_depth() while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() #cv2.rectangle(rgb, (230, 100), (440, 300), (255, 0, 0), 2) test = np.array(rgb[::2, ::2, ::-1]) cv2.imshow('FIRST', test) # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3, rgb)) # Simple Downsample cv2.imshow('both', np.array(da[::2, ::2, ::-1])) cv2.waitKey(5)
def doloop(): global depth, rgb path = "./kpictures/" num = glob.glob(str(path) + "*.avi") i = len(num) video = cv2.VideoWriter(path + 'video' + str(i) + '.avi','D', 'I', 'V', 'X'), 20, (1280, 480)) if not video.isOpened(): print 'error with video opening' sys.exit(1) print 'press "q" to exit' while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) da = np.hstack((d3, bgr)).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) # src = cv2.imshow('both', da) video.write(da) k = cv2.waitKey(5) if (k > -1) and (k < 256): if chr(k) == 'q': # video.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() sys.exit(0)
def getDepth(self): #self.depth = np.zeros((ROWS,COLS),dtype=np.uint8) self.temp_depth = np.rot90(get_depth()[0]) for row in range(len(self.depth)): for col in range(len(self.depth[0])): #print("row:{}, col:{}, indexing from {}:{}, {}:{}".format(row, col, int(row * ROW_DIV), int((row + 1) * ROW_DIV), int(col * COL_DIV), int((col + 1) * COL_DIV))) self.depth[row][col] = self.temp_depth[int(row * ROW_DIV):int((row + 1) * ROW_DIV), int(col * COL_DIV):int((col + 1) * COL_DIV)].mean() / 8 self.depth[row][col] = np.bitwise_xor(self.depth[row][col], 255) self.depth[(self.depth >= 0) & (self.depth < 32)] = 0 self.depth[(self.depth >= 32) & (self.depth < 56)] = 32 self.depth[(self.depth >= 56) & (self.depth < 72)] = 56 self.depth[(self.depth >= 72) & (self.depth < 88)] = 72 self.depth[(self.depth >= 88) & (self.depth < 96)] = 88 self.depth[(self.depth >= 96) & (self.depth < 104)] = 96 self.depth[(self.depth >= 104) & (self.depth < 112)] = 104 self.depth[(self.depth >= 112) & (self.depth < 120)] = 112 self.depth[(self.depth >= 120) & (self.depth < 128)] = 120 self.depth[(self.depth >= 128) & (self.depth < 136)] = 128 self.depth[(self.depth >= 136) & (self.depth < 144)] = 136 self.depth[(self.depth >= 144) & (self.depth < 152)] = 144 self.depth[(self.depth >= 152) & (self.depth < 160)] = 152 self.depth[(self.depth >= 160) & (self.depth < 168)] = 160 self.depth[(self.depth >= 168) & (self.depth < 184)] = 168 self.depth[(self.depth >= 184) & (self.depth < 200)] = 184 self.depth[(self.depth >= 200) & (self.depth < 224)] = 200 self.depth[(self.depth >= 224) & (self.depth < 256)] = 224
def center_detect(): result = [] (rgb, _) = get_video() (depth, _) = get_depth() orig = np.array(rgb[::1, ::1, ::-1]) fgmask = fgbg.apply(orig) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(fgmask, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) erosion = cv2.erode(thresh, kernel, iterations=1) im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(erosion, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) index = 0 for cnt in contours: if cv2.arcLength(cnt, True) < 250: contours.pop(index) else: index += 1 M = cv2.moments(cnt) if (M['m00'] != 0): y = int(M['m10'] / M['m00']) x = int(M['m01'] / M['m00']) if (y > min(xlist)) and (y < max(xlist)) and ( x > min(ylist)) and (x < max(ylist)): if (depth[x][y] + 8 < min_mat[x][y] - noise[x][y]) and ( depth[x][y] < 2047) and (depth[x][y] != 0) and ( depth[x][y] != 255 and (min_mat[x][y] < 2047)): result.append([x, y]) return result
def doloop(): global depth, rgb path = "./kpictures/" num = glob.glob(str(path) + "*.jpg") i = len(num) count = 0 while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) da = np.hstack((d3, bgr)).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) # src = cv2.imshow('both', da) k = cv2.waitKey(5) if (k > -1) and (k < 256): if chr(k) == 'q': cv2.destroyAllWindows() sys.exit(0) if (count % total) == 0: cv2.imwrite(path + "both" + str(i) + ".jpg", da) i += 1 count += 1
def doloop(): global depth, rgb face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( 'haarcascade/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') midx, midy = 0, 0 while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image mn = np.min(depth) mx = np.max(depth) output = np.uint8((depth - mn) * 255 / (mx - mn)) gray = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) gray = cv2.equalizeHist(gray) face = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5) for (x, y, w, h) in face: midx, midy = x + w / 2, y + h / 2 ret2, th2 = cv2.threshold(output, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) # da = np.hstack((d3,rgb)) # Simple Downsample # cv2.imshow('both',np.array(da[::2,::2,::-1])) cv2.imshow('frame', th2) k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF if k == 27: break
def update(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Get a fresh frame depth,_ = get_depth() frame,_ = get_video() self.BD.detect(frame) self.DA.analyse(depth) self.I2M.find(self.BD.get_xpos()) centroid = self.DA.get_centroid() obstacle = self.DA.get_obstacle() object_located = self.BD.get_objectLocated() mea = self.I2M.get_pos() rospy.loginfo("centroid: %d, obstacle: %d", centroid, obstacle) rospy.loginfo("object_located: %d", object_located) rospy.loginfo("im2mea: \n %s", mea) self.pub_depth.publish(centroid, obstacle) self.pub_blob.publish(object_located) self.pub_mea.publish(mea) rate.sleep()
def doloop(): global depth, rgb path = "./kpictures/" num = glob.glob(str(path) + "*.avi") i = len(num) video = cv2.VideoWriter(path+'video'+str(i)+'.avi','D','I','V','X'),20,(1280,480)) if not video.isOpened(): print 'error with video opening' sys.exit(1) print 'press "q" to exit' while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) bgr = cv2.cvtColor(rgb, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) da = np.hstack((d3, bgr)).astype(np.uint8, copy=False) # src = cv2.imshow('both', da) video.write(da) k = cv2.waitKey(5) if (k > -1) and (k < 256): if chr(k)=='q': # video.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() sys.exit(0)
def update_surface(baseplane,bounds,prev=None,FLOOR=-500,verbose=False): """Read updated topography and calibrate for use""" #(depth,_)= get_depth() d = [] for i in range(10): (depth,_)= get_depth() d.append(depth) #time.sleep() #time average the readings to reduce noise #currently taking mean, maybe switch to median depth = np.median(d[::],axis=0)#/10. topo,pix = calibrate(depth,baseplane,bounds) if verbose: print 'SURFACE STATS' print 'MEAN: %f \t MAX: %f\t MIN: %f\t MEDIAN: %f \n'%(np.mean(topo), np.max(topo),np.min(topo), np.median(topo) ) #if there are enough pixels above a threshold, ignore only those and show masked linear combo. of previous and new topos #this is useful when hands are in the sandbox if len(np.where(topo<FLOOR)[0]) + len(np.where(topo<FLOOR)[1]) > 10:# or np.mean(topo) > 1e3: if prev == None: return topo #- np.nanmedian(topo) else: a = np.zeros(prev.shape) b = np.ones(prev.shape) a[np.where(topo<FLOOR)] = 1 b[np.where(topo<FLOOR)] = 0 return prev*a + topo*b return topo #- np.nanmedian(topo)
def calibrate(): (depth,_) = get_depth() background_depth = avg_depth(depth) print 'calibated depth of background: %d' % background_depth f = open(BACK_DEPTH_FNAME, 'w') pickle.dump(background_depth,f) f.close()
def qualtest(integer): warm_up, _ = get_depth() time.sleep(5) cf0, _ = get_depth() all_data = cf0[np.newaxis, ...] ts0 = time.time() ts = ts0 count = 0 while ts - ts0 < 60: cf, _ = get_depth() ts = time.time() if ts > count * 0.4 + ts0: all_data = np.vstack([all_data, cf[np.newaxis, ...]]) count += 1 #all_data[all_data == 0] = np.nan'bower_test_tank42_depth' + str(integer), all_data)
def doloop(): global depth, rgb while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video(0, freenect.VIDEO_IR_8BIT) #(depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image #d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) #da = np.hstack((d3,rgb)) # Simple Downsample #cv.ShowImage('both', cv.fromarray(np.array(da[::2,::2,::-1]))) #rgbarray = cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb)) rgbarray = np.array(rgb) #gray = cv2.cvtColor(rgbarray, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #blurred = cv.CloneMat(rgbarray) #sobeled = cv.CreateMat(rgbarray.rows, rgbarray.cols, cv.CV_32F) #cv.Sobel(rgbarray, sobeled, 1, 1) #sobeled = cv2.Sobel(blurred, cv.CV_32F, 1, 1) _, threshed = cv2.threshold(rgbarray, 250, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(threshed, (255, 255), 0) #cv.Sobel(rgbarray2, sobeled, 0, 0, 1) cv.ShowImage('both', cv.fromarray(threshed)) cv.WaitKey(5)
def calibrate(): (depth, _) = get_depth() background_depth = avg_depth(depth) print 'calibated depth of background: %d' % background_depth f = open(BACK_DEPTH_FNAME, 'w') pickle.dump(background_depth, f) f.close()
def doloop(): global depth, rgb while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth,_) = get_depth() print depth # Simple Downsample cv.WaitKey(5)
def main(): # Get a fresh frame (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3,rgb)) # Simple Downsample cv2.imshow('both',np.array(da[::2,::2,::-1]))
def getBinaryImage(l1, l2): (d,_) = get_depth(format = DEPTH_MM) m1 = d < l2 m2 = d > l1 m = np.logical_and(m1, m2) m = m.astype(np.uint8) m = m*255 return (m,d)
def get_min_pos_kinect(): (depth, _) = get_depth() minPos = np.argmin( depth) #This is the raw index of the minimum value above xPos = np.mod(minPos, sensorWidth) #This is the x component of the raw index yPos = minPos // sensorWidth #This is the y component of the raw index return ((sensorWidth - xPos - 10) * (screenWidth / sensorWidth), yPos * (screenHeight / sensorHeight))
def do_loop(): while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # Show it #show_and_move(rgb, depth) show_and_move(rgb, depth) show_depth(depth) cv.WaitKey(5)
def GetDepth(self): # get data from the sensor (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # convert data depth = depth.astype(np.uint8) rgb = cv.cvtColor(rgb, cv.COLOR_RGB2BGR) return depth, rgb
def get_frame(): frame = get_depth()[0] # get current frame from connect frame = np.clip(frame, frame_clip_min, frame_clip_max) frame = frame - frame_clip_min frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(frame_width, frame_height)) # resize the image to 28x28 frame = frame / (frame_clip_max - frame_clip_min ) # scale each depth between 0-1 return frame
def display(): global arr, depth, send_lock while (True): if send_lock.acquire(): (depth,_),(arr,_)=get_depth(),get_video() d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3,arr)) cv.ShowImage('both',cv.fromarray(np.array(da[::2,::2,::-1]))) send_lock.release() cv.WaitKey(5)
def doloop(): capture=cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) fourcc = cv.CV_FOURCC('X','V','I','D') cv.SetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS, 30) cv.SetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 640) cv.SetCaptureProperty(capture, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 480) global depth,ir, rgb count = 0 while True: rgb_frame=cv.QueryFrame(capture) rgb = iplimage_to_numpy_color(rgb_frame) (depth,_), (ir,_) = get_depth(), get_video(format=2) np.resize(depth, (300,400)) np.resize(ir, (300,400)) np.resize(rgb, (300,400,3)) # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) ir3 = np.dstack((ir, ir, ir)).astype(np.uint8) depth_ir = np.hstack((d3,ir3)) # Form Frame/Image image = cv.fromarray(np.array(depth_ir[:,:,::-1])) rgb_image = numpy_to_iplimage_color(rgb) d_cvMat = cv.fromarray(np.array(d3[:,:,::-1])) depth_image = cvMat_to_iplimage_color(d_cvMat) opacity = 0.4 cv.AddWeighted(depth_image, opacity, rgb_image, 1 - opacity, 0, rgb_image) # Playback Frame cv.ShowImage('Trio',image) cv.ShowImage('RGB',rgb_image) cv.WaitKey(5) # Keyboard interrupt for Exit c=cv.WaitKey(2) if c==27: #Break if user enters 'Esc'. break # How does Downsample Works # ::2, means you skip by 2 -> [1,2,3,4] -> [2,4] # Downsample col -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[:, ::2, ::-1])) # Downsample row -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, :, ::-1])) # Color Chanel: All Color -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, ::2, ::-1])) # Color Chanel: Blue -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, ::2])) # Color Chanel: Gray -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, ::2, 0])) """
def doloop(): global depth, rgb while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3,rgb)) # Simple Downsample cv.ShowImage('both',cv.fromarray(np.array(da[::2,::2,::-1]))) cv.WaitKey(5)
def doloop(): global depth, rgb for i in range(1,10): (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() bg=cv.CloneMat(cv.fromarray(depth.astype(numpy.uint8))) scratch = cv.CreateImage((640,480),8,1) scratch2 = cv.CreateImage((640,480),8,1) cv.SaveImage('bg.png',bg)xz while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() depth=cv.fromarray(depth.astype(numpy.uint8)) cv.AbsDiff(bg,depth,scratch) cv.Sub(scratch,2,10,scratch2) # cv.ConvertScale(scratch,scratch2,50) cv.Add(depth,scratch2,scratch2) # Simple Downsample cv.ShowImage('both',scratch2) cv.WaitKey(10)
def get_depth_object(): result = [] (depth, _) = get_depth() cv2.rectangle(depth, (min(xlist), min(ylist)), (max(xlist), max(ylist)), (0, 255, 0), 2) for wd in range(min(xlist), max(xlist)): for hd in range(min(ylist), max(ylist)): if (depth[hd][wd] + 8 < min_mat[hd][wd] - noise[hd][wd]) and ( depth[hd][wd] < 2047) and (depth[hd][wd] != 0) and ( depth[hd][wd] != 255 and (min_mat[hd][wd] < 2047) ): #8 is the finger width ( approximatively) result.append([hd, wd]) return result
def getCursorPosition(): (depth,_) = get_depth() minVal = np.min(depth) #This is the minimum value from the depth image minPos = np.argmin(depth) #This is the raw index of the minimum value above xPos = np.mod(minPos, sensorWidth) #This is the x component of the raw index yPos = minPos//sensorWidth #This is the y component of the raw index xList.append(xPos) del xList[0] xPos = int(np.mean(xList)) yList.append(yPos) del yList[0] yPos = int(np.mean(yList)) return ((sensorWidth - xPos) * (screenWidth / sensorWidth), yPos * (screenHeight / sensorHeight));
def doloop(): global depth, rgb while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3, rgb)) # Simple Downsample cv.ShowImage('both', np.array(da[::2, ::2, ::-1])) cv.WaitKey(5)
def hand_tracker(serial_object): (depth,_) = get_depth() cHullAreaCache = constList(5,12000) #Blank cache list for convex hull area areaRatioCache = constList(5,1) #Blank cache list for the area ratio of contour area to convex hull area centroidList = list() #Initiate centroid list #RGB Color tuples BLACK = (0,0,0) RED = (255,0,0) GREEN = (0,255,0) PURPLE = (255,0,255) BLUE = (0,0,255) WHITE = (255,255,255) YELLOW = (255,255,0) done = False previous_object_no_error = True min_delta_pos = 1 # as a percentage of total possibilities prev_vert_pos = -20 while not done: (depth,_) = get_depth() depth = depth.astype(np.float32) _,depthThresh = cv2.threshold(depth, 600, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) #Threshold the depth for a binary image. Thresholded at 600 arbitary units blobData = BlobAnalysis(depthThresh) #Creates blobData object using BlobAnalysis class if blobData.counter == 1: centroid = blobData.centroid[0] previous_object_no_error = True vert_pos = get_pos_for_serial(centroid) # Check for significant changes if np.abs(prev_vert_pos - vert_pos) > min_delta_pos: prev_vert_pos = vert_pos print str(vert_pos) serial_object.write(str(vert_pos)+'\n') elif blobData.counter == 0 and previous_object_no_error: print 'No tracking objects found' previous_object_no_error = False elif blobData.counter > 1 and previous_object_no_error: print 'Too many tracking objects: {} objects'.format(blobData.counter) previous_object_no_error = False
def doloop(): while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() depth = depth[::2, ::2] r,g,b = process(depth) # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((r,g,depth/20)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3,rgb[::2, ::2])) # Simple Downsample cv.ShowImage('both',np.array(da[:,:,::-1])) cv.WaitKey(5)
def stack_depth(stack=1,verbose=True): depth = None for i in range(stack): (temp,_) = get_depth() if depth is None: depth = temp if verbose: print "Init invalids: %d" % depth[depth >= INVALID_DEPTH].shape[0] else: mask1 = (depth >= INVALID_DEPTH) mask2 = ((mask1*temp > 0) * (mask1*temp < INVALID_DEPTH)) depth = depth.copy() + mask2*temp - mask2*INVALID_DEPTH if verbose: print "Final invalids: %d" % depth[depth >= INVALID_DEPTH].shape[0] return depth
def stack_depth(stack=1, verbose=True): depth = None for i in range(stack): (temp, _) = get_depth() if depth is None: depth = temp if verbose: print "Init invalids: %d" % depth[ depth >= INVALID_DEPTH].shape[0] else: mask1 = (depth >= INVALID_DEPTH) mask2 = ((mask1 * temp > 0) * (mask1 * temp < INVALID_DEPTH)) depth = depth.copy() + mask2 * temp - mask2 * INVALID_DEPTH if verbose: print "Final invalids: %d" % depth[depth >= INVALID_DEPTH].shape[0] return depth
def doloop(): global depth, rgb while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3,rgb)) # Simple Downsample cv2.imshow('both',np.array(da[::2,::2,::-1])) print len(rgb), len(rgb[0]), len(rgb[0][0]) raw_input(':')
def readkinect(): (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() if dodepth: da=np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) # this is correct depth frame=np.array(da[::1,::1,::-1]); else: frame=rgb[::1,::1,::-1] # frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #frame=np.array() ### !!!! or rgb #fgmask = fgbg.apply(frame) #gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) cv2.imshow('frame',frame) k = cv2.waitKey(3) & 0xff return frame
def get_min_pos_kinect(): (depth,_) = get_depth() minVal = np.min(depth) #This is the minimum value from the depth image minPos = np.argmin(depth) #This is the raw index of the minimum value above xPos = np.mod(minPos, xSize) #This is the x component of the raw index yPos = minPos//xSize #This is the y component of the raw index xList.append(xPos) del xList[0] xPos = int(np.mean(xList)) yList.append(yPos) del yList[0] yPos = int(np.mean(yList)) return (xSize - xPos-10, yPos, minVal)
def generateSingleFrame(self, interval, start, end, stride=8): depth = get_depth()[0] depth = self.adjustDepth(depth, stride) self.depthCache = depth layers = [] for i in range(start, end, interval): layers.append( self.generateSingleLayer(i, depth, c3=self.generateColour( (float(i) / (float(end) - float(start)))))) for i in range(1, len(layers)): layers[0].paste(layers[i], (0, 0), layers[i]) layers = layers[0] self.imageCache = layers return layers
def get_bg_depth(): global corners corners = get_corners() mtx = np.matrix(corners) mean = mtx.mean(0) middle_coords = (int(mean.item((0, 0))), int(mean.item((0, 1)))) corners_arr = np.array(corners) global lower_bound, upper_bound lower_bound = np.amin(corners_arr, axis=0) upper_bound = np.amax(corners_arr, axis=0) global depth (depth,_) = get_depth() #d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8) d3 = np.array(depth) d3 = np.array([y[lower_bound[0]:upper_bound[0]] for y in d3[lower_bound[1]:upper_bound[1]]]) mean_vertical = d3.min(axis=0) return mean_vertical.min(axis=0)
def find_position(self): print "Kinect is trying to find the image" (kinect_depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() self.img = video_cv(rgb) depth_img = pretty_depth_cv(kinect_depth) position = self._get_pos(self.img) depth = self._get_depth(depth_img, debug=False) font = cv.InitFont(cv.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1) fps = 1/(time.time() - self.lasttime) s1 = "FPS:%.2f" % fps self.lasttime = time.time() cv.PutText(self.img,s1, (0,30),font, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0)) dt = "Depth: %d" % depth if position: pt = "Pos: X=%d Y=%d" % (position[0], position[1]) else: pt = "Pos: N/A" cv.PutText(self.img, dt, (0,60),font, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0)) cv.PutText(self.img, pt, (0,90),font, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0)) offset = 120 for t in self.text: cv.PutText(self.img, t, (0,offset),font, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0)) offset += 30 cv.Circle(self.img, (self.sp[0], self.sp[1]) , 10, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), 1) cv.ShowImage('RGB', self.img) #cv.SaveImage('RGB-%d.png' % (time.time()*100), self.img) #cv.ShowImage('DEPTH', depth_img) cv.WriteFrame(self.writer, self.img) cv.WaitKey(5) #cv.ShowImage('depth_mask', depth_mask) try: return (position[0], position[1], depth) except: return (None, None, None)
def doloop(c, conn, insert_snapshot): global depth, rgb, counter counter = 0 while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _) = get_depth() fn = './images/{}.png'.format(uuid4()) cv2.imwrite(fn, frame_convert2.video_cv(freenect.sync_get_video()[0])) # Build a two panel color image # d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) # da = np.hstack((d3,rgb)) # print(d3, rgb) # time.sleep(3) counter += 1 insert_snapshot(c, fn, depth) (ok, ) = c.execute('select count(1) from snapshot;') print(ok) conn.commit() time.sleep(1)
def doloop(): global depth,ir, rgb while True: """ ctypedef enum freenect_video_format: FREENECT_VIDEO_RGB FREENECT_VIDEO_BAYER FREENECT_VIDEO_IR_8BIT FREENECT_VIDEO_IR_10BIT FREENECT_VIDEO_IR_10BIT_PACKED FREENECT_VIDEO_YUV_RGB FREENECT_VIDEO_YUV_RAW """ (depth,_), (ir,_) = get_depth(), get_video(format=2) # How does Downsample Works # ::2, means you skip by 2 -> [1,2,3,4] -> [2,4] # Downsample col -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[:, ::2, ::-1])) # Downsample row -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, :, ::-1])) # Color Chanel: All Color -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, ::2, ::-1])) # Color Chanel: Blue -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, ::2])) # Color Chanel: Gray -> cv.fromarray(np.array(rgb[::2, ::2, 0])) # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth,depth,depth)).astype(np.uint8) i3 = np.dstack((ir, ir, ir)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3,i3)) # Form Frame/Image image = cv.fromarray(np.array(da[:,:,::-1])) # Playback Frame cv.ShowImage('Dual',image) cv.WaitKey(5) # Keyboard interrupt for Exit c=cv.WaitKey(2) if c==27: #Break if user enters 'Esc'. break
def getData(): global depth, rgb i = 0 # for the first ten frames while i < 10: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() data.append([depth, rgb]) # data = data + str(depth) + " \n $$$ \n" + str(rgb) + "\n !!! \n" # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3, rgb)) # Simple Downsample cv.ShowImage("Depth and RGB", cv.fromarray(np.array(da[::2, ::2, ::-1]))) cv.WaitKey(5) i = i + 1
def getData(): global depth, rgb i = 0 #for the first ten frames while i < 10: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() data.append([depth, rgb]) #data = data + str(depth) + " \n $$$ \n" + str(rgb) + "\n !!! \n" # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3, rgb)) # Simple Downsample cv.ShowImage('Depth and RGB', cv.fromarray(np.array(da[::2, ::2, ::-1]))) cv.WaitKey(5) i = i + 1
def doloop(): global depth, rgb while True: # Get a fresh frame (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() # Build a two panel color image d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8) da = np.hstack((d3, rgb)) # detect apriltag data = da[::2, ::2, ::-1] #image = cv2.imread(data) gray = cv2.cvtColor(data, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) detect_apriltag(gray, data) # Simple Downsample cv2.imshow('both', np.array(data)) if cv2.waitKey(1000) == 27: break
def main(): print ('[*] Start') start = folder_name=get_args() os.mkdir(folder_name) os.chdir(folder_name) i=1 buff=[] try: while True: print '[*] Recording Index %s'%(str(i)) (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() buff.append([depth.copy(),rgb.copy()]) i+=1 time.sleep(0.0001) if i>=1000000: break except KeyboardInterrupt: sync_stop() # stop the sync_get_video...etc print '\n[*] End Buff with following information :' duration = str(( ).split('.')[0] fps = i/(( print '[*] Duration is { %s }'%(duration) print '[*] FPS is { %s }'%(str(fps).split('.')[0]) print '\n[*] Start Saving IMG from Buff' try: for j in range(i): #list.pop(index) depth,rgb = buff.pop(0) a="" if len(str(j))<frame_length_limit_order: a='0'*(frame_length_limit_order-len(str(j))) depth=depth_to_gray(depth) # io.imsave to a series of .png io.imsave('depth'+a+str(j)+'.png',depth) io.imsave('rgb'+a+str(j)+'.png',rgb) print '[*] Saving Index %s'%(str(j)) except: print '\n[*] End Saving IMG '
def doloop(self): global depth, rgb while True: (depth, _), (rgb, _) = get_depth(), get_video() d3 = np.dstack((depth, depth, depth)).astype(np.uint8) redAvg = 0 greenAvg = 0 blueAvg = 0 distanceAvg = 0 for i in range(len(d3)): redAvg += d3[0][i][0] greenAvg += d3[0][i][1] blueAvg += d3[0][i][2] redAvg = redAvg / len(d3) greenAvg = greenAvg / len(d3) blueAvg = blueAvg / len(d3) distanceAvg = (redAvg + blueAvg + greenAvg) / 3 cv.ShowImage("both", cv.fromarray(np.array(d3[::2, ::2, ::-1]))) self.sendCommandASCII("128") # sets mode to passive self.sendCommandASCII("131") # sets mode to safe if distanceAvg >= 255 or distanceAvg <= 10: self.sendCommandASCII("140 3 1 64 16 141 3") # beep self.callMovementCommand(0, -100) elif distanceAvg > distanceThreshold: self.sendCommandASCII("140 3 1 64 16 141 3") # beep self.callMovementCommand(100, 100) else: self.callMovementCommand(0, 0) # stop self.callMovementCommand(0, 100) # Right turn cv.WaitKey(10)
def main(): print ('[*] Start') start = folder_name=get_args() os.mkdir(folder_name) os.chdir(folder_name) i=1 try: while True: (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() a="" if len(str(i))<frame_length_limit_order: a='0'*(frame_length_limit_order-len(str(i))) elif len(str(i))>frame_length_limit_order: break depth=depth_to_gray(depth) io.imsave('depth'+a+str(i)+'.png',depth) io.imsave('rgb'+a+str(i)+'.png',rgb) i+=1 except KeyboardInterrupt: duration=str(( ).split('.')[0] print '\n[*] Recoding Duration is { %s }'%(duration)
def update(self): rate = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Get a fresh frame depth,_ = get_depth() frame,_ = get_video() self.BD.detect(frame) self.DA.analyse(depth) centroid = self.DA.get_centroid() obstacle = self.DA.get_obstacle() x_pos = self.BD.get_xpos() object_located = self.BD.get_objectLocated() rospy.loginfo("centroid: %d obstacle: %s", centroid, obstacle) rospy.loginfo("x_pos: %d object_located: %s", x_pos, object_located) self.pub_depth.publish(centroid, obstacle) self.pub_blob.publish(x_pos, object_located) rate.sleep()
from import * from opencv import adaptors from opencv.highgui import * from time import time from freenect import sync_get_depth as get_depth, sync_get_video as get_video, init import numpy as np from rx_config import * from timing_stats import * #initialize the camera ctx = init() # Grab an initial frame to get the video size global depth, rgb (depth,_), (rgb,_) = get_depth(), get_video() rgbFrameSize = cvGetSize(rgb) depthSize = cvGetSize(depth) dwnFrameSize = cvSize(rgbFrameSize.width / 2, rgbFrameSize.height / 2) dwnDepthSize = cvSize(depthSize.width / 2, depthSize.height / 2) print 'rgbSize = %d %d' % (rgbFrameSize.width, rgbFrameSize.height) print 'depthSize = %d %d' % (depthSize.width, depthSize.height) # Allocate processing chain image buffers the same size as # the video frame rgbFrame = cvCreateImage( rgbFrameSize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 ) depthFrame = cvCreateImage( depthSize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_16U, 3 ) dwnDepthFrame = cvCreateImage( dwnDepthSize, cv.IPL_DEPTH_16U, 1 )#tbd 3 or 1?
def get_min_pos_kinect(): (depth,_) = get_depth() minPos = np.argmin(depth) #This is the raw index of the minimum value above xPos = np.mod(minPos, sensorWidth) #This is the x component of the raw index yPos = minPos//sensorWidth #This is the y component of the raw index return ((sensorWidth - xPos-10) * (screenWidth / sensorWidth),yPos * (screenHeight / sensorHeight))
def hand_tracker(): (depth,_) = get_depth() cHullAreaCache = constList(5,12000) #Blank cache list for convex hull area areaRatioCache = constList(5,1) #Blank cache list for the area ratio of contour area to convex hull area centroidList = list() #Initiate centroid list #RGB Color tuples BLACK = (0,0,0) RED = (255,0,0) GREEN = (0,255,0) PURPLE = (255,0,255) BLUE = (0,0,255) WHITE = (255,255,255) YELLOW = (255,255,0) pygame.init() #Initiates pygame xSize,ySize = 640,480 #Sets size of window screen = pygame.display.set_mode((xSize,ySize),pygame.RESIZABLE) #creates main surface screenFlipped = pygame.display.set_mode((xSize,ySize),pygame.RESIZABLE) #creates surface that will be flipped (mirror display) screen.fill(BLACK) #Make the window black done = False #Iterator boolean --> Tells programw when to terminate dummy = False #Very important bool for mouse manipulation while not done: screen.fill(BLACK) #Make the window black (depth,_) = get_depth() #Get the depth from the kinect depth = depth.astype(np.float32) #Convert the depth to a 32 bit float _,depthThresh = cv2.threshold(depth, 600, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) #Threshold the depth for a binary image. Thresholded at 600 arbitary units _,back = cv2.threshold(depth, 900, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV) #Threshold the background in order to have an outlined background and segmented foreground blobData = BlobAnalysis(depthThresh) #Creates blobData object using BlobAnalysis class blobDataBack = BlobAnalysis(back) #Creates blobDataBack object using BlobAnalysis class for cont in blobDataBack.contours: #Iterates through contours in the background pygame.draw.lines(screen,YELLOW,True,cont,3) #Colors the binary boundaries of the background yellow for i in range(blobData.counter): #Iterate from 0 to the number of blobs minus 1,BLUE,blobData.centroid[i],10) #Draws a blue circle at each centroid centroidList.append(blobData.centroid[i]) #Adds the centroid tuple to the centroidList --> used for drawing pygame.draw.lines(screen,RED,True,blobData.cHull[i],3) #Draws the convex hull for each blob pygame.draw.lines(screen,GREEN,True,blobData.contours[i],3) #Draws the contour of each blob for tips in blobData.cHull[i]: #Iterates through the verticies of the convex hull for each blob,PURPLE,tips,5) #Draws the vertices purple """ #Drawing Loop #This draws on the screen lines from the centroids #Possible exploration into gesture recognition :D for cent in centroidList:,BLUE,cent,10) """ pygame.display.set_caption('Kinect Tracking') #Makes the caption of the pygame screen 'Kinect Tracking' del depth #Deletes depth --> opencv memory issue screenFlipped = pygame.transform.flip(screen,1,0) #Flips the screen so that it is a mirror display screen.blit(screenFlipped,(0,0)) #Updates the main screen --> screen pygame.display.flip() #Updates everything on the window #Mouse Try statement try: centroidX = blobData.centroid[0][0] centroidY = blobData.centroid[0][1] if dummy: mousePtr = display.Display().screen().root.query_pointer()._data #Gets current mouse attributes dX = centroidX - strX #Finds the change in X dY = strY - centroidY #Finds the change in Y if abs(dX) > 1: #If there was a change in X greater than 1... mouseX = mousePtr["root_x"] - 2*dX #New X coordinate of mouse if abs(dY) > 1: #If there was a change in Y greater than 1... mouseY = mousePtr["root_y"] - 2*dY #New Y coordinate of mouse move_mouse(mouseX,mouseY) #Moves mouse to new location strX = centroidX #Makes the new starting X of mouse to current X of newest centroid strY = centroidY #Makes the new starting Y of mouse to current Y of newest centroid cArea = cacheAppendMean(cHullAreaCache,blobData.cHullArea[0]) #Normalizes (gets rid of noise) in the convex hull area areaRatio = cacheAppendMean(areaRatioCache, blobData.contourArea[0]/cArea) #Normalizes the ratio between the contour area and convex hull area ''' if cArea < 10000 and areaRatio > 0.82: #Defines what a click down is. Area must be small and the hand must look like a binary circle (nearly) #click_down(1) else: #click_up(1) ''' else: strX = centroidX #Initializes the starting X strY = centroidY #Initializes the starting Y dummy = True #Lets the function continue to the first part of the if statement except: #There may be no centroids and therefore blobData.centroid[0] will be out of range dummy = False #Waits for a new starting point for e in pygame.event.get(): #Itertates through current events if e.type is pygame.QUIT: #If the close button is pressed, the while loop ends done = True