def test_StatementVisitor_assign_emit_code_2(): #IGNORE:C01111
    #py.test.skip('Test interpreter object: emit code without the usual infrastructure.')
    print 'Test StatementVisitor.assign: emit code without the usual infrastructure.'
    from freeode.interpreter import (Interpreter, IFloat)
    from freeode.ast import (Node, NodeAssignment, NodeOpInfix2)

    prog_text = \
data a: Float const
data b: Float variable
data c: Float variable
a = 2*2 #constant no statement emitted
b = 2*a #emit b = 8; compute 2*a at compile time
c = 2*b #emit everything
#print('a = ', a)
#print('b = ', b)
#print('c = ', c)

    #create the interpreter
    intp = Interpreter()
    #enable collection of statements for compilation
    #interpret the program
    intp.interpret_module_string(prog_text, None, 'test')
    #get the results of the collection process
    stmts, func_locals = intp.stop_collect_code()
    print '--------------- main module ----------------------------------'
    #print intp.modules['test']
    #put collected statements into Node for pretty printing
    n = Node(statements=stmts)
    print '--------------- collected statements ----------------------------------'
    #print n
    assert len(stmts) == 2
    # b = 4
    assert isinstance(stmts[0], NodeAssignment)
    assert isinstance(stmts[0].expression, IFloat) # 8
    assert stmts[0].expression.value == 8
    # c = 2*b
    assert isinstance(stmts[1], NodeAssignment)
    assert isinstance(stmts[1].expression, NodeOpInfix2)        # 2 * b
    assert isinstance(stmts[1].expression.arguments[0], IFloat) # 2
    assert stmts[1].expression.arguments[0].value == 2
    assert isinstance(stmts[1].expression.arguments[1], IFloat) # b
    assert stmts[1].expression.arguments[1].value is None      
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_SimlFunction_3(): #IGNORE:C01111
    msg = \
Test SimlFunction: storage of local variables during code collection.
User defined functions are created without parser.
    print msg
    from freeode.interpreter import (Interpreter, SimlFunction, IModule,
                                     Signature, IFloat)
    from freeode.ast import NodeFuncArg
    from freeode.util import DotName #, aa_make_tree 

    #create the interpreter 
    intp = Interpreter()        
    #create a Siml value as function argument
    val_1 = IFloat(1)

    #create a function without statements (impossible in Siml)
    # func test(a:Float):
    #     ** nothing **
    f1 = SimlFunction('test', Signature([NodeFuncArg('a', IFloat)]), 
                      statements=[], global_scope=intp.built_in_lib, loc=None,
    #create module where the function lives
    mod1 = IModule()
    mod1.test = f1
    #call with existing value
    # and set interpreter up to collect code. In this mode local variables of all 
    # functions must become algebraic variables of the simulation object.
    intp.apply(f1, (val_1,))
    _stmts, fn_locals = intp.stop_collect_code()
    #print aa_make_tree(fn_locals)
    #The function argument 'a' must appear in the storage for local variables
    assert fn_locals.test.i1.a is val_1
def test_StatementVisitor_assign_emit_code_1(): #IGNORE:C01111
    #py.test.skip('Test disabled')
    print 'Test StatementVisitor.assign: emit code without the usual infrastructure.'
    from freeode.interpreter import (Interpreter, IFloat)
    from freeode.ast import (Node, NodeAssignment, NodeOpInfix2)

    prog_text = \
data a: Float variable
data b: Float variable
b = 2*a #emit this statement

    #create the interpreter
    intp = Interpreter()
    #enable collection of statements for compilation
    #interpret the program
    intp.interpret_module_string(prog_text, None, 'test')
    #get the results of the collection process
    stmts, func_locals = intp.stop_collect_code()
    print '--------------- main module ----------------------------------'
    #print intp.modules['test']
    #put collected statements into Node for pretty printing
    n = Node(statements=stmts)
    print '--------------- collected statements ----------------------------------'
    #print n
    #one statement: b = 2*a    
    assert len(stmts) == 1
    assert isinstance(stmts[0], NodeAssignment)                #  b = 2 * a
    assert isinstance(stmts[0].target, IFloat)           #  b
    assert stmts[0].target.value is None
    assert isinstance(stmts[0].expression, NodeOpInfix2)       #  2*a
    assert isinstance(stmts[0].expression.arguments[0], IFloat)#  2
    assert stmts[0].expression.arguments[0].value == 2
    assert isinstance(stmts[0].expression.arguments[1], IFloat)#  a
    assert stmts[0].expression.arguments[1].value is None