def loadItems(self): print('Importing items...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() attrs = [ f[0] for f in getAttributes(Item) ] if attrs: attrsql = ', %s' % ', '.join(attrs) else: attrsql = '' self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, operation_id, owner_id, price, category, subcategory, source %s FROM item %s ''' % (attrsql, self.filter_where)) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.item(name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[5], subcategory=i[6], source=i[7]) if i[2]: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=i[2]) if i[3]: x.owner = frepple.item(name=i[3]) if i[4]: x.price = i[4] idx = 8 for a in attrs: setattr(x, a, i[idx]) idx += 1 except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadBuffers(self): print('Importing buffers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand, minimum, minimum_calendar_id, producing_id, type, leadtime, min_inventory, max_inventory, min_interval, max_interval, size_minimum, size_multiple, size_maximum, fence, carrying_cost, category, subcategory, source FROM buffer %s ''' % self.filter_where) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 if i[8] == "procure": b = frepple.buffer_procure( name=i[0], description=i[1], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[19], subcategory=i[20], source=i[21] ) if i[9]: b.leadtime = i[9] if i[10]: b.mininventory = i[10] if i[11]: b.maxinventory = i[11] if i[14]: b.size_minimum = i[14] if i[15]: b.size_multiple = i[15] if i[16]: b.size_maximum = i[16] if i[17]: b.fence = i[17] elif i[8] == "infinite": b = frepple.buffer_infinite( name=i[0], description=i[1], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[19], subcategory=i[20], source=i[21] ) elif not i[8] or i[8] == "default": b = frepple.buffer( name=i[0], description=i[1], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[19], subcategory=i[20], source=i[21] ) else: raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % i[8]) if i[2]: b.location = frepple.location(name=i[2]) if i[5]: b.minimum = i[5] if i[6]: b.minimum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[6]) if i[7]: b.producing = frepple.operation(name=i[7]) if i[18]: b.carrying_cost = i[18] if i[12]: b.mininterval = i[12] if i[13]: b.maxinterval = i[13] print('Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadBuffers(self): print('Importing buffers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand, minimum, minimum_calendar_id, type, min_interval, category, subcategory, source FROM buffer %s ''' % self.filter_where) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 if i[7] == "infinite": b = frepple.buffer_infinite( name=i[0], description=i[1], location=frepple.location(name=i[2]), item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[9], subcategory=i[10], source=i[11] ) elif not i[7] or i[7] == "default": b = frepple.buffer( name=i[0], description=i[1], location=frepple.location(name=i[2]), item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[9], subcategory=i[10], source=i[11] ) if i[8]: b.mininterval = i[8].total_seconds() else: raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % i[7]) if i[11] == 'tool': b.tool = True if i[5]: b.minimum = i[5] if i[6]: b.minimum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[6]) print('Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadBuffers(cursor): print('Importing buffers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute('''SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand, minimum, minimum_calendar_id, producing_id, type, leadtime, min_inventory, max_inventory, min_interval, max_interval, size_minimum, size_multiple, size_maximum, fence, carrying_cost, category, subcategory FROM buffer''') for i, j, k, l, m, t, n, o, q, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, p, r, s in cursor.fetchall( ): cnt += 1 if q == "procure": b = frepple.buffer_procure(name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m, category=r, subcategory=s) if f1: b.leadtime = f1 if f2: b.mininventory = f2 if f3: b.maxinventory = f3 if f4: b.mininterval = f4 if f5: b.maxinterval = f5 if f6: b.size_minimum = f6 if f7: b.size_multiple = f7 if f8: b.size_maximum = f8 if f9: b.fence = f9 elif q == "infinite": b = frepple.buffer_infinite(name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m, category=r, subcategory=s) elif not q or q == "default": b = frepple.buffer(name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m, category=r, subcategory=s) else: raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % q) if k: b.location = frepple.location(name=k) if t: b.minimum = t if n: b.minimum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=n) if o: b.producing = frepple.operation(name=o) if p: b.carrying_cost = p print('Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadOperationMaterials(self): print('Importing operation materials...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() # Note: The sorting of the flows is not really necessary, but helps to make # the planning progress consistent across runs and database engines. self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT operation_id, item_id, quantity, type, effective_start, effective_end, name, priority, search, source FROM operationmaterial %s ORDER BY operation_id, item_id ''' % self.filter_where) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: curflow = frepple.flow( operation=frepple.operation(name=i[0]), item=frepple.item(name=i[1]), quantity=i[2], type="flow_%s" % i[3], source=i[9] ) if i[4]: curflow.effective_start = i[4] if i[5]: curflow.effective_end = i[5] if i[6]: = i[6] if i[7]: curflow.priority = i[7] if i[8]: = i[8] except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d operation materials in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)) # Check for operations where: # - operation.item is still blank # - they have a single operationmaterial item with quantity > 0 # If found we update starttime = time() cnt = 0 print('Auto-update operation items...') for oper in frepple.operations(): if oper.hidden or oper.item: continue item = None for fl in oper.flows: if fl.quantity < 0 or fl.hidden: continue if item and item != fl.item: item = None break else: item = fl.item if item: cnt += 1 oper.item = item print('Auto-update of %s operation items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadDemand(cursor): print('Importing demands...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute('''SELECT name, due, quantity, priority, item_id, operation_id, customer_id, owner_id, minshipment, maxlateness, category, subcategory FROM demand where status is null or status ='open' or status = 'quote' ''') for i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t in cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.demand(name=i, due=j, quantity=k, priority=l, item=frepple.item(name=m), category=s, subcategory=t) if n: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=n) if o: x.customer = frepple.customer(name=o) if p: x.owner = frepple.demand(name=p) if q: x.minshipment = q if r != None: x.maxlateness = r except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d demands in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadPurchaseOrders(self): print('Importing purchase orders...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT location_id, id, reference, item_id, supplier_id, quantity, startdate, enddate, status, source FROM purchase_order WHERE status <> 'closed' %s ORDER BY id ASC ''' % self.filter_and) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: frepple.operation_itemsupplier.createOrder( location=frepple.location(name=i[0]), id=i[1], reference=i[2], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]) if i[3] else None, supplier=frepple.supplier(name=i[4]) if i[4] else None, quantity=i[5], start=i[6], end=i[7], status=i[8], source=i[9] ) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d purchase orders in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadDemand(self): print('Importing demands...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, due, quantity, priority, item_id, operation_id, customer_id, owner_id, minshipment, maxlateness, category, subcategory, source, location_id, status FROM demand WHERE (status IS NULL OR status ='open' OR status = 'quote') %s ''' % self.filter_and) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.demand( name=i[0], due=i[1], quantity=i[2], priority=i[3], status=i[14], item=frepple.item(name=i[4]), category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[12] ) if i[5]: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=i[5]) if i[6]: x.customer = frepple.customer(name=i[6]) if i[7]: x.owner = frepple.demand(name=i[7]) if i[8]: x.minshipment = i[8] if i[9] is not None: x.maxlateness = i[9].total_seconds() if i[13]: x.location = frepple.location(name=i[13]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d demands in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadDistributionOrders(self): print('Importing distribution orders...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT destination_id, id, reference, item_id, origin_id, quantity, startdate, enddate, consume_material, status, source FROM distribution_order WHERE status <> 'closed' %s ORDER BY id ASC ''' % self.filter_and) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: frepple.operation_itemdistribution.createOrder( destination=frepple.location(name=i[0]), id=i[1], reference=i[2], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]) if i[3] else None, origin=frepple.location(name=i[4]) if i[4] else None, quantity=i[5], start=i[6], end=i[7], consume_material=i[8] if i[8] != None else True, status=i[9], source=i[10]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d distribution orders in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadDistributionOrders(self): print('Importing distribution orders...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT destination_id, id, reference, item_id, origin_id, quantity, startdate, enddate, consume_material, status, source FROM distribution_order WHERE status <> 'closed' %s ORDER BY id ASC ''' % self.filter_and) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: frepple.operation_itemdistribution.createOrder( destination=frepple.location(name=i[0]), id=i[1], reference=i[2], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]) if i[3] else None, origin=frepple.location(name=i[4]) if i[4] else None, quantity=i[5], start=i[6], end=i[7], consume_material=i[8] if i[8] != None else True, status=i[9], source=i[10] ) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d distribution orders in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadDemand(self): print('Importing demands...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, due, quantity, priority, item_id, operation_id, customer_id, owner_id, minshipment, maxlateness, category, subcategory, source, location_id, status FROM demand WHERE (status IS NULL OR status ='open' OR status = 'quote') %s ''' % self.filter_and) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.demand( name=i[0], due=i[1], quantity=i[2], priority=i[3], status=i[14], item=frepple.item(name=i[4]), category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[12] ) if i[5]: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=i[5]) if i[6]: x.customer = frepple.customer(name=i[6]) if i[7]: x.owner = frepple.demand(name=i[7]) if i[8]: x.minshipment = i[8] if i[9] is not None: x.maxlateness = i[9] if i[13]: x.location = frepple.location(name=i[13]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d demands in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadPurchaseOrders(self): print('Importing purchase orders...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT location_id, id, reference, item_id, supplier_id, quantity, startdate, enddate, status, source FROM purchase_order WHERE status <> 'closed' %s ORDER BY id ASC ''' % self.filter_and) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: frepple.operation_itemsupplier.createOrder( location=frepple.location(name=i[0]), id=i[1], reference=i[2], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]) if i[3] else None, supplier=frepple.supplier(name=i[4]) if i[4] else None, quantity=i[5], start=i[6], end=i[7], status=i[8], source=i[9]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d purchase orders in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadItems(cursor): print('Importing items...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute('''SELECT name, description, operation_id, owner_id, price, category, subcategory FROM item''') for i,j,k,l,m,n,o in cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.item(name=i, description=j, category=n, subcategory=o) if k: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=k) if l: x.owner = frepple.item(name=l) if m: x.price = m except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadItems(cursor): print('Importing items...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute('''SELECT name, description, operation_id, owner_id, price, category, subcategory FROM item''') for i, j, k, l, m, n, o in cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.item(name=i, description=j, category=n, subcategory=o) if k: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=k) if l: x.owner = frepple.item(name=l) if m: x.price = m except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute(''' SELECT origin_id, item_id, location_id, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, cost, priority, effective_start, effective_end, source, leadtime, resource_id, resource_qty, fence FROM itemdistribution %s ORDER BY origin_id, item_id, location_id, priority desc ''' % filter_where) curoriginname = None curitemname = None for i in cursor: cnt += 1 try: if i[0] != curoriginname: curoriginname = i[0] curorigin = frepple.location(name=curoriginname) if i[1] != curitemname: curitemname = i[1] curitem = frepple.item(name=curitemname) curitemdistribution = frepple.itemdistribution( origin=curorigin, item=curitem, source=i[9], leadtime=i[10].total_seconds() if i[10] else 0, fence=i[13].total_seconds() if i[13] else 0, resource_qty=i[12] ) if i[2]: curitemdistribution.destination = frepple.location(name=i[2]) if i[3]: curitemdistribution.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: curitemdistribution.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: curitemdistribution.cost = i[5] if i[6]: curitemdistribution.priority = i[6] if i[7]: curitemdistribution.effective_start = i[7] if i[8]: curitemdistribution.effective_end = i[8] if i[11]: curitemdistribution.resource = frepple.resource(name=i[11]) except Exception as e: logger.error("**** %s ****" % e)'Loaded %d item distributions in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].cursor() as cursor: cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute(''' SELECT supplier_id, item_id, location_id, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, cost, priority, effective_start, effective_end, source, leadtime, resource_id, resource_qty, fence FROM itemsupplier %s ORDER BY supplier_id, item_id, location_id, priority desc ''' % filter_where) cursuppliername = None curitemname = None for i in cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: if i[0] != cursuppliername: cursuppliername = i[0] cursupplier = frepple.supplier(name=cursuppliername) if i[1] != curitemname: curitemname = i[1] curitem = frepple.item(name=curitemname) curitemsupplier = frepple.itemsupplier( supplier=cursupplier, item=curitem, source=i[9], leadtime=i[10].total_seconds() if i[10] else 0, fence=i[13].total_seconds() if i[13] else 0, resource_qty=i[12] ) if i[2]: curitemsupplier.location = frepple.location(name=i[2]) if i[3]: curitemsupplier.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: curitemsupplier.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: curitemsupplier.cost = i[5] if i[6]: curitemsupplier.priority = i[6] if i[7]: curitemsupplier.effective_start = i[7] if i[8]: curitemsupplier.effective_end = i[8] if i[11]: curitemsupplier.resource = frepple.resource(name=i[11]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d item suppliers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand, minimum, minimum_calendar_id, type, min_interval, category, subcategory, source FROM buffer %s ''' % filter_where) for i in cursor: cnt += 1 if i[7] == "infinite": b = frepple.buffer_infinite( name=i[0], description=i[1], location=frepple.location(name=i[2]), item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=max(i[4] or 0, 0), category=i[9], subcategory=i[10], source=i[11] ) elif not i[7] or i[7] == "default": b = frepple.buffer( name=i[0], description=i[1], location=frepple.location(name=i[2]), item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=max(i[4] or 0, 0), category=i[9], subcategory=i[10], source=i[11] ) if i[8]: b.mininterval = i[8].total_seconds() else: raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % i[7]) if i[10] == 'tool': b.tool = True if i[5]: b.minimum = i[5] if i[6]: b.minimum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[6])'Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadBuffers(cursor): print('Importing buffers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute('''SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand, minimum, minimum_calendar_id, producing_id, type, leadtime, min_inventory, max_inventory, min_interval, max_interval, size_minimum, size_multiple, size_maximum, fence, carrying_cost, category, subcategory FROM buffer''') for i,j,k,l,m,t,n,o,q,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,p,r,s in cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 if q == "procure": b = frepple.buffer_procure( name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m, category=r, subcategory=s ) if f1: b.leadtime = f1 if f2: b.mininventory = f2 if f3: b.maxinventory = f3 if f4: b.mininterval = f4 if f5: b.maxinterval = f5 if f6: b.size_minimum = f6 if f7: b.size_multiple = f7 if f8: b.size_maximum = f8 if f9: b.fence = f9 elif q == "infinite": b = frepple.buffer_infinite( name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m, category=r, subcategory=s ) elif not q or q == "default": b = frepple.buffer( name=i, description=j, item=frepple.item(name=l), onhand=m, category=r, subcategory=s ) else: raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % q) if k: b.location = frepple.location(name=k) if t: b.minimum = t if n: b.minimum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=n) if o: b.producing = frepple.operation(name=o) if p: b.carrying_cost = p print('Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadBuffers(self): print('Importing buffers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand, minimum, minimum_calendar_id, type, min_interval, category, subcategory, source FROM buffer %s ''' % self.filter_where) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 if i[7] == "infinite": b = frepple.buffer_infinite( name=i[0], description=i[1], location=frepple.location(name=i[2]), item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[9], subcategory=i[10], source=i[11]) elif not i[7] or i[7] == "default": b = frepple.buffer(name=i[0], description=i[1], location=frepple.location(name=i[2]), item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[9], subcategory=i[10], source=i[11]) if i[8]: b.mininterval = i[8].total_seconds() else: raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % i[7]) if i[11] == 'tool': b.tool = True if i[5]: b.minimum = i[5] if i[6]: b.minimum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[6]) print('Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: cnt = 0 starttime = time() attrs = [ f[0] for f in getAttributes(Item) ] if attrs: attrsql = ', %s' % ', '.join(attrs) else: attrsql = '' cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, owner_id, cost, category, subcategory, source %s FROM item %s ''' % (attrsql, filter_where)) for i in cursor: cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.item(name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[4], subcategory=i[5], source=i[6]) if i[2]: x.owner = frepple.item(name=i[2]) if i[3]: x.cost = i[3] idx = 7 for a in attrs: setattr(x, a, i[idx]) idx += 1 except Exception as e: logger.error("**** %s ****" % e)'Loaded %d items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadItemDistributions(self): print('Importing item distributions...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT origin_id, item_id, location_id, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, cost, priority, effective_start, effective_end, source, leadtime, resource_id, resource_qty, fence FROM itemdistribution %s ORDER BY origin_id, item_id, location_id, priority desc ''' % self.filter_where) curoriginname = None curitemname = None for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: if i[0] != curoriginname: curoriginname = i[0] curorigin = frepple.location(name=curoriginname) if i[1] != curitemname: curitemname = i[1] curitem = frepple.item(name=curitemname) curitemdistribution = frepple.itemdistribution( origin=curorigin, item=curitem, source=i[9], leadtime=i[10].total_seconds() if i[10] else 0, fence=i[13].total_seconds() if i[13] else 0, resource_qty=i[12]) if i[2]: curitemdistribution.destination = frepple.location( name=i[2]) if i[3]: curitemdistribution.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: curitemdistribution.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: curitemdistribution.cost = i[5] if i[6]: curitemdistribution.priority = i[6] if i[7]: curitemdistribution.effective_start = i[7] if i[8]: curitemdistribution.effective_end = i[8] if i[11]: curitemdistribution.resource = frepple.resource(name=i[11]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d item itemdistributions in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadItems(self): print('Importing items...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, operation_id, owner_id, price, category, subcategory, source FROM item %s ''' % self.filter_where) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.item(name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[5], subcategory=i[6], source=i[7]) if i[2]: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=i[2]) if i[3]: x.owner = frepple.item(name=i[3]) if i[4]: x.price = i[4] except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadItemDistributions(self): print('Importing item distributions...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT origin_id, item_id, location_id, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, cost, priority, effective_start, effective_end, source, leadtime, resource_id, resource_qty, fence FROM itemdistribution %s ORDER BY origin_id, item_id, location_id, priority desc ''' % self.filter_where) curoriginname = None curitemname = None for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: if i[0] != curoriginname: curoriginname = i[0] curorigin = frepple.location(name=curoriginname) if i[1] != curitemname: curitemname = i[1] curitem = frepple.item(name=curitemname) curitemdistribution = frepple.itemdistribution( origin=curorigin, item=curitem, source=i[9], leadtime=i[10].total_seconds() if i[10] else 0, fence=i[13].total_seconds() if i[13] else 0, resource_qty=i[12] ) if i[2]: curitemdistribution.destination = frepple.location(name=i[2]) if i[3]: curitemdistribution.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: curitemdistribution.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: curitemdistribution.cost = i[5] if i[6]: curitemdistribution.priority = i[6] if i[7]: curitemdistribution.effective_start = i[7] if i[8]: curitemdistribution.effective_end = i[8] if i[11]: curitemdistribution.resource = frepple.resource(name=i[11]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d item itemdistributions in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadItemSuppliers(self): print('Importing item suppliers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT supplier_id, item_id, location_id, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, cost, priority, effective_start, effective_end, source, leadtime, resource_id, resource_qty FROM itemsupplier %s ORDER BY supplier_id, item_id, location_id, priority desc ''' % self.filter_where) cursuppliername = None curitemname = None for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: if i[0] != cursuppliername: cursuppliername = i[0] cursupplier = frepple.supplier(name=cursuppliername) if i[1] != curitemname: curitemname = i[1] curitem = frepple.item(name=curitemname) curitemsupplier = frepple.itemsupplier(supplier=cursupplier, item=curitem, source=i[9], leadtime=i[10] or 0, resource_qty=i[12]) if i[2]: curitemsupplier.location = frepple.location(name=i[2]) if i[3]: curitemsupplier.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: curitemsupplier.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: curitemsupplier.cost = i[5] if i[6]: curitemsupplier.priority = i[6] if i[7]: curitemsupplier.effective_start = i[7] if i[8]: curitemsupplier.effective_end = i[8] if i[11]: curitemsupplier.resource = frepple.resource(name=i[11]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d item suppliers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadItemSuppliers(self): print('Importing item suppliers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT supplier_id, item_id, location_id, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, cost, priority, effective_start, effective_end, source, leadtime, resource_id, resource_qty FROM itemsupplier %s ORDER BY supplier_id, item_id, location_id, priority desc ''' % self.filter_where) cursuppliername = None curitemname = None for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: if i[0] != cursuppliername: cursuppliername = i[0] cursupplier = frepple.supplier(name=cursuppliername) if i[1] != curitemname: curitemname = i[1] curitem = frepple.item(name=curitemname) curitemsupplier = frepple.itemsupplier( supplier=cursupplier, item=curitem, source=i[9], leadtime=i[10] or 0, resource_qty=i[12] ) if i[2]: curitemsupplier.location = frepple.location(name=i[2]) if i[3]: curitemsupplier.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: curitemsupplier.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: curitemsupplier.cost = i[5] if i[6]: curitemsupplier.priority = i[6] if i[7]: curitemsupplier.effective_start = i[7] if i[8]: curitemsupplier.effective_end = i[8] if i[11]: curitemsupplier.resource = frepple.resource(name=i[11]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d item suppliers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, due, quantity, priority, item_id, operation_id, customer_id, owner_id, minshipment, maxlateness, category, subcategory, source, location_id, status FROM demand WHERE (status IS NULL OR status ='open' OR status = 'quote') %s ''' % filter_and) for i in cursor: cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.demand( name=i[0], due=i[1], quantity=i[2], priority=i[3], status=i[14], item=frepple.item(name=i[4]), category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[12] ) if i[5]: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=i[5]) if i[6]: x.customer = frepple.customer(name=i[6]) if i[7]: x.owner = frepple.demand(name=i[7]) if i[8] is not None: x.minshipment = i[8] if i[9] is not None: x.maxlateness = i[9].total_seconds() if i[13]: x.location = frepple.location(name=i[13]) except Exception as e: logger.error("**** %s ****" % e)'Loaded %d demands in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadDemand(cursor): print('Importing demands...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute('''SELECT name, due, quantity, priority, item_id, operation_id, customer_id, owner_id, minshipment, maxlateness, category, subcategory FROM demand where status is null or status ='open' ''') for i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t in cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: x = frepple.demand( name=i, due=j, quantity=k, priority=l, item=frepple.item(name=m),category=s,subcategory=t) if n: x.operation = frepple.operation(name=n) if o: x.customer = frepple.customer(name=o) if p: x.owner = frepple.demand(name=p) if q: x.minshipment = q if r != None: x.maxlateness = r except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d demands in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadOperations(self): print('Importing operations...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, fence, posttime, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, sizemaximum, type, duration, duration_per, location_id, cost, search, description, category, subcategory, source, item_id, priority, effective_start, effective_end FROM operation %s ''' % self.filter_where) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 try: if not i[6] or i[6] == "fixed_time": x = frepple.operation_fixed_time( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) if i[7]: x.duration = i[7].total_seconds() elif i[6] == "time_per": x = frepple.operation_time_per( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) if i[7]: x.duration = i[7].total_seconds() if i[8]: x.duration_per = i[8].total_seconds() elif i[6] == "alternate": x = frepple.operation_alternate( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) elif i[6] == "split": x = frepple.operation_split( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) elif i[6] == "routing": x = frepple.operation_routing( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) else: raise ValueError("Operation type '%s' not recognized" % i[6]) if i[1]: x.fence = i[1].total_seconds() if i[2]: x.posttime = i[2].total_seconds() if i[3] is not None: x.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: x.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: x.size_maximum = i[5] if i[9]: x.location = frepple.location(name=i[9]) if i[10]: x.cost = i[10] if i[11]: = i[11] if i[16]: x.item = frepple.item(name=i[16]) if i[17] is not None: x.priority = i[17] if i[18]: x.effective_start = i[18] if i[19]: x.effective_end = i[19] except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) print('Loaded %d operations in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadOperationPlans(self): # TODO if we are going to replan anyway, we can skip loading the proposed operationplans print('Importing operationplans...') if 'supply' in os.environ: confirmed_filter = " and operationplan.status = 'confirmed'" else: confirmed_filter = "" cnt_mo = 0 cnt_po = 0 cnt_do = 0 cnt_dlvr = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT operationplan.operation_id,, operationplan.quantity, operationplan.startdate, operationplan.enddate, operationplan.status, operationplan.source, operationplan.type, operationplan.origin_id, operationplan.destination_id, operationplan.supplier_id, operationplan.item_id, operationplan.location_id, reference, coalesce(, null) FROM operationplan LEFT OUTER JOIN (select name from demand where demand.status = 'open' ) dmd on = operationplan.demand_id WHERE operationplan.owner_id IS NULL and operationplan.quantity >= 0 and operationplan.status <> 'closed' %s%s and operationplan.type in ('PO', 'MO', 'DO', 'DLVR') ORDER BY ASC ''' % (self.filter_and, confirmed_filter)) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): try: if i[7] == 'MO': cnt_mo += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( operation=frepple.operation(name=i[0]), id=i[1], quantity=i[2], source=i[6], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], reference=i[13] ) elif i[7] == 'PO': cnt_po += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( location=frepple.location(name=i[12]), ordertype=i[7], id=i[1], reference=i[12], item=frepple.item(name=i[11]) if i[11] else None, supplier=frepple.supplier(name=i[10]) if i[10] else None, quantity=i[2], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], source=i[6] ) elif i[7] == 'DO': cnt_do += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( location=frepple.location(name=i[9]) if i[9] else None, id=i[1], reference=i[12], ordertype=i[7], item=frepple.item(name=i[11]) if i[11] else None, origin=frepple.location(name=i[8]) if i[8] else None, quantity=i[2], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], source=i[6] ) elif i[7] == 'DLVR': cnt_dlvr += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( location=frepple.location(name=i[12]) if i[12] else None, id=i[1], reference=i[12], ordertype=i[7], item=frepple.item(name=i[11]) if i[11] else None, origin=frepple.location(name=i[8]) if i[8] else None, demand=frepple.demand(name=i[14]) if i[14] else None, quantity=i[2], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], source=i[6] ) opplan = None else: print("Warning: unhandled operationplan type '%s'" % i[7]) continue if i[14] and opplan: opplan.demand = frepple.demand(name=i[14]) except Exception as e: print("Error:", e) self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT operationplan.operation_id,, operationplan.quantity, operationplan.startdate, operationplan.enddate, operationplan.status, operationplan.owner_id, operationplan.source, coalesce(, null) FROM operationplan INNER JOIN (select id from operationplan ) opplan_parent on operationplan.owner_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN (select name from demand where demand.status = 'open' ) dmd on = operationplan.demand_id WHERE operationplan.quantity >= 0 and operationplan.status <> 'closed' %s%s and operationplan.type = 'MO' ORDER BY ASC ''' % (self.filter_and, confirmed_filter)) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt_mo += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( operation=frepple.operation(name=i[0]), id=i[1], quantity=i[2], source=i[7], owner=frepple.operationplan(id=i[6]), start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5] ) if i[8]: opplan.demand = frepple.demand(name=i[8]) print('Loaded %d manufacturing orders, %d purchase orders, %d distribution orders and %s deliveries in %.2f seconds' % (cnt_mo, cnt_po, cnt_do, cnt_dlvr, time() - starttime)) # Assure the operationplan ids will be unique. # We call this method only at the end, as calling it earlier gives a slower # performance to load operationplans self.cursor.execute(''' select coalesce(max(id),1) + 1 as max_id from operationplan ''') d = self.cursor.fetchone() = d[0]
<quantity>1</quantity> </flow> </flows> </plan> ''') ### print("\nCreating operationplans") opplan = frepple.operationplan(operation="make item", quantity=9, end=datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1)) opplan.locked = True ### print("\nCreating items") item = frepple.item(name="end item", operation=shipoper) itemlist = [frepple.item(name="item %d" % i) for i in range(10)] ### print("\nTesting the comparison operator") print("makeoper < shipoper", makeoper < shipoper) print("shipoper < makeoper", shipoper < makeoper) print("shipoper != makeoper", shipoper != makeoper) print("shipoper == makeoper", shipoper == makeoper) print("shipoper == shipoper", shipoper == shipoper) try: print("makeoper == item", makeoper == item) except Exception as e: print("Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) ###
<operation name="make or buy item" /> <buffer name="end item" /> <quantity>1</quantity> </flow> </flows> </plan> ''') ### print("\nCreating operationplans") opplan = frepple.operationplan(operation="make item", quantity=9, end=datetime.datetime(2011,1,1)) opplan.locked = True ### print("\nCreating items") item = frepple.item(name="end item", operation=shipoper) itemlist = [ frepple.item(name="item %d" % i) for i in range(10) ] ### print("\nTesting the comparison operator") print("makeoper < shipoper", makeoper < shipoper) print("shipoper < makeoper", shipoper < makeoper) print("shipoper != makeoper", shipoper != makeoper) print("shipoper == makeoper", shipoper == makeoper) print("shipoper == shipoper", shipoper == shipoper) try: print("makeoper == item", makeoper == item) except Exception as e: print("Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) ###
</flows> </plan> ''') ### print("\nCreating operationplans") opplan = frepple.operationplan( operation = frepple.operation(name="make item"), quantity = 9, end = datetime.datetime(2011,1,1) ) opplan.status = 'confirmed' ### print("\nCreating items") item = frepple.item(name="end item") itemlist = [ frepple.item(name="item %d" % i) for i in range(10) ] ### print("\nTesting the comparison operator") print("makeoper < shipoper", makeoper < shipoper) print("shipoper < makeoper", shipoper < makeoper) print("shipoper != makeoper", shipoper != makeoper) print("shipoper == makeoper", shipoper == makeoper) print("shipoper == shipoper", shipoper == shipoper) try: print("makeoper == item", makeoper == item) except Exception as e: print("Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) ###
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].cursor() as cursor: cnt = 0 starttime = time() # Preprocessing step # Make sure any routing has the produced item of its last step populated in the operation table cursor.execute(''' update operation set item_id = t.item_id from ( select operation_id, min(operationmaterial.item_id) item_id from operation inner join suboperation s1 on s1.operation_id = inner join operationmaterial on operationmaterial.operation_id = s1.suboperation_id and quantity > 0 where operation.type = 'routing' and not exists (select 1 from suboperation s2 where s1.operation_id = s2.operation_id and s1.priority < s2.priority) group by having count(operationmaterial.item_id) = 1 ) t where operation.type = 'routing' and = t.operation_id ''') # Preprocessing step # Make sure any regular operation (i.e. that has no suboperation and is not a suboperation) # has its item_id field populated # That should cover 90% of the cases cursor.execute(''' update operation set item_id = t.item_id from ( select operation_id, min(operationmaterial.item_id) item_id from operation inner join operationmaterial on operationmaterial.operation_id = and quantity > 0 where not exists (select 1 from suboperation where suboperation.operation_id = or suboperation.suboperation_id = and operation.type not in ('routing', 'alternate', 'split') group by having count(operationmaterial.item_id) = 1 ) t where operation.type not in ('routing', 'alternate', 'split') and t.operation_id = ''') # Preprocessing step # Operations that are suboperation of a parent operation shouldn't have # the item field set. It is the parent operation that should have it set. cursor.execute(''' update operation set item_id = null from suboperation where = suboperation.suboperation_id and operation.item_id is not null ''') with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, fence, posttime, sizeminimum, sizemultiple, sizemaximum, type, duration, duration_per, location_id, cost, search, description, category, subcategory, source, item_id, priority, effective_start, effective_end, available_id FROM operation %s ''' % filter_where) for i in cursor: cnt += 1 try: if not i[6] or i[6] == "fixed_time": x = frepple.operation_fixed_time( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) if i[7]: x.duration = i[7].total_seconds() elif i[6] == "time_per": x = frepple.operation_time_per( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) if i[7]: x.duration = i[7].total_seconds() if i[8]: x.duration_per = i[8].total_seconds() elif i[6] == "alternate": x = frepple.operation_alternate( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) elif i[6] == "split": x = frepple.operation_split( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) elif i[6] == "routing": x = frepple.operation_routing( name=i[0], description=i[12], category=i[13], subcategory=i[14], source=i[15] ) else: raise ValueError("Operation type '%s' not recognized" % i[6]) if i[1]: x.fence = i[1].total_seconds() if i[2]: x.posttime = i[2].total_seconds() if i[3] is not None: x.size_minimum = i[3] if i[4]: x.size_multiple = i[4] if i[5]: x.size_maximum = i[5] if i[9]: x.location = frepple.location(name=i[9]) if i[10]: x.cost = i[10] if i[11]: = i[11] if i[16]: x.item = frepple.item(name=i[16]) if i[17] is not None: x.priority = i[17] if i[18]: x.effective_start = i[18] if i[19]: x.effective_end = i[19] if i[20]: x.available = frepple.calendar(name=i[20]) except Exception as e: logger.error("**** %s ****" % e)'Loaded %d operations in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: if 'supply' in os.environ: confirmed_filter = " and operationplan.status in ('confirmed', 'approved')" create_flag = True else: confirmed_filter = "" create_flag = False cnt_mo = 0 cnt_po = 0 cnt_do = 0 cnt_dlvr = 0 starttime = time() cursor.execute(''' SELECT operationplan.operation_id,, operationplan.quantity, operationplan.startdate, operationplan.enddate, operationplan.status, operationplan.source, operationplan.type, operationplan.origin_id, operationplan.destination_id, operationplan.supplier_id, operationplan.item_id, operationplan.location_id, reference, coalesce(, null) FROM operationplan LEFT OUTER JOIN (select name from demand where demand.status = 'open' ) dmd on = operationplan.demand_id WHERE operationplan.owner_id IS NULL and operationplan.quantity >= 0 and operationplan.status <> 'closed' %s%s and operationplan.type in ('PO', 'MO', 'DO', 'DLVR') ORDER BY ASC ''' % (filter_and, confirmed_filter)) for i in cursor: try: if i[7] == 'MO': cnt_mo += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( operation=frepple.operation(name=i[0]), id=i[1], quantity=i[2], source=i[6], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], reference=i[13], create=create_flag ) elif i[7] == 'PO': cnt_po += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( location=frepple.location(name=i[12]), ordertype=i[7], id=i[1], reference=i[13], item=frepple.item(name=i[11]) if i[11] else None, supplier=frepple.supplier(name=i[10]) if i[10] else None, quantity=i[2], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], source=i[6], create=create_flag ) elif i[7] == 'DO': cnt_do += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( location=frepple.location(name=i[9]) if i[9] else None, id=i[1], reference=i[13], ordertype=i[7], item=frepple.item(name=i[11]) if i[11] else None, origin=frepple.location(name=i[8]) if i[8] else None, quantity=i[2], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], source=i[6], create=create_flag ) elif i[7] == 'DLVR': cnt_dlvr += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( location=frepple.location(name=i[12]) if i[12] else None, id=i[1], reference=i[13], ordertype=i[7], item=frepple.item(name=i[11]) if i[11] else None, origin=frepple.location(name=i[8]) if i[8] else None, demand=frepple.demand(name=i[14]) if i[14] else None, quantity=i[2], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], source=i[6], create=create_flag ) opplan = None else: logger.warning("Warning: unhandled operationplan type '%s'" % i[7]) continue if i[14] and opplan: opplan.demand = frepple.demand(name=i[14]) except Exception as e: logger.error("**** %s ****" % e) with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(''' SELECT operationplan.operation_id,, operationplan.quantity, operationplan.startdate, operationplan.enddate, operationplan.status, operationplan.owner_id, operationplan.source, operationplan.reference, coalesce(, null) FROM operationplan INNER JOIN (select id from operationplan ) opplan_parent on operationplan.owner_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN (select name from demand where demand.status = 'open' ) dmd on = operationplan.demand_id WHERE operationplan.quantity >= 0 and operationplan.status <> 'closed' %s%s and operationplan.type = 'MO' ORDER BY ASC ''' % (filter_and, confirmed_filter)) for i in cursor: cnt_mo += 1 opplan = frepple.operationplan( operation=frepple.operation(name=i[0]), id=i[1], quantity=i[2], source=i[7], start=i[3], end=i[4], status=i[5], reference=i[8] ) if i[6] and opplan: try: opplan.owner = frepple.operationplan(id=i[6]) except: pass if i[9] and opplan: opplan.demand = frepple.demand(name=i[9])'Loaded %d manufacturing orders, %d purchase orders, %d distribution orders and %s deliveries in %.2f seconds' % (cnt_mo, cnt_po, cnt_do, cnt_dlvr, time() - starttime)) with connections[database].cursor() as cursor: # Assure the operationplan ids will be unique. # We call this method only at the end, as calling it earlier gives a slower # performance to load operationplans cursor.execute(''' select coalesce(max(id),1) + 1 as max_id from operationplan ''') d = cursor.fetchone() = d[0]
<quantity>1</quantity> </flow> </flows> </plan> ''') ### print("\nCreating operationplans") opplan = frepple.operationplan(operation=frepple.operation(name="make item"), quantity=9, end=datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1)) opplan.status = 'confirmed' ### print("\nCreating items") item = frepple.item(name="end item") itemlist = [frepple.item(name="item %d" % i) for i in range(10)] ### print("\nTesting the comparison operator") print("makeoper < shipoper", makeoper < shipoper) print("shipoper < makeoper", shipoper < makeoper) print("shipoper != makeoper", shipoper != makeoper) print("shipoper == makeoper", shipoper == makeoper) print("shipoper == shipoper", shipoper == shipoper) try: print("makeoper == item", makeoper == item) except Exception as e: print("Catching exception %s: %s" % (e.__class__.__name__, e)) ###
def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs): import frepple if cls.filter: filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter else: filter_and = "" filter_where = "" with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor: cnt = 0 starttime = time() # Note: The sorting of the flows is not really necessary, but helps to make # the planning progress consistent across runs and database engines. cursor.execute(''' SELECT operation_id, item_id, quantity, type, effective_start, effective_end, name, priority, search, source FROM operationmaterial %s ORDER BY operation_id, item_id ''' % filter_where) for i in cursor: cnt += 1 try: curflow = frepple.flow( operation=frepple.operation(name=i[0]), item=frepple.item(name=i[1]), quantity=i[2], type="flow_%s" % i[3], source=i[9] ) if i[4]: curflow.effective_start = i[4] if i[5]: curflow.effective_end = i[5] if i[6]: = i[6] if i[7]: curflow.priority = i[7] if i[8]: = i[8] except Exception as e: logger.error("**** %s ****" % e)'Loaded %d operation materials in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime)) # Check for operations where: # - operation.item is still blank # - they have a single operationmaterial item with quantity > 0 # If found we update starttime = time() cnt = 0'Auto-update operation items...') for oper in frepple.operations(): if oper.hidden or oper.item or oper.hasSuperOperations: continue item = None for fl in oper.flows: if fl.quantity < 0 or fl.hidden: continue if item and item != fl.item: item = None break else: item = fl.item if item: cnt += 1 oper.item = item'Auto-update of %s operation items in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
def loadBuffers(self): print('Importing buffers...') cnt = 0 starttime = time() self.cursor.execute(''' SELECT name, description, location_id, item_id, onhand, minimum, minimum_calendar_id, producing_id, type, leadtime, min_inventory, max_inventory, min_interval, max_interval, size_minimum, size_multiple, size_maximum, fence, carrying_cost, category, subcategory, source FROM buffer %s ''' % self.filter_where) for i in self.cursor.fetchall(): cnt += 1 if i[8] == "procure": b = frepple.buffer_procure(name=i[0], description=i[1], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[19], subcategory=i[20], source=i[21]) if i[9]: b.leadtime = i[9] if i[10]: b.mininventory = i[10] if i[11]: b.maxinventory = i[11] if i[14]: b.size_minimum = i[14] if i[15]: b.size_multiple = i[15] if i[16]: b.size_maximum = i[16] if i[17]: b.fence = i[17] elif i[8] == "infinite": b = frepple.buffer_infinite(name=i[0], description=i[1], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[19], subcategory=i[20], source=i[21]) elif not i[8] or i[8] == "default": b = frepple.buffer(name=i[0], description=i[1], item=frepple.item(name=i[3]), onhand=i[4], category=i[19], subcategory=i[20], source=i[21]) else: raise ValueError("Buffer type '%s' not recognized" % i[8]) if i[2]: b.location = frepple.location(name=i[2]) if i[5]: b.minimum = i[5] if i[6]: b.minimum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[6]) if i[7]: b.producing = frepple.operation(name=i[7]) if i[18]: b.carrying_cost = i[18] if i[12]: b.mininterval = i[12] if i[13]: b.maxinterval = i[13] print('Loaded %d buffers in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))