Exemplo n.º 1
def edge_detection(model):
    """Image edge detection."""
    # get data and name from current selected image
    current_row = model.currentIndex().row()
    source_vol = model.data(model.index(current_row), Qt.UserRole + 6)
    source_name = model.data(model.index(current_row), Qt.DisplayRole)
    # detect the edge
    new_vol = imtool.multi_label_edge_detection(source_vol)
    new_vol_name = "edge_" + source_name
    # save result as a new image
    model.addItem(new_vol, None, new_vol_name, model._data[0].get_header(), None, None, 255, "green")
Exemplo n.º 2
def edge_detection(model):
    """Image edge detection."""
    # get data and name from current selected image
    current_row = model.currentIndex().row()
    source_vol = model.data(model.index(current_row), Qt.UserRole + 6)
    source_name = model.data(model.index(current_row), Qt.DisplayRole)
    # detect the edge
    new_vol = imtool.multi_label_edge_detection(source_vol)
    new_vol_name = 'edge_' + source_name
    # save result as a new image
    model.addItem(new_vol, None, new_vol_name, model._data[0].get_header(),
                  None, None, 255, 'green')
Exemplo n.º 3
def roi_projection(img, roi, dis_th, val_th, mode):
    """Roi projection."""
    #st = time.time()
    data = img

    roi = imt.multi_label_edge_detection(roi)
    result_mask = np.zeros(data.shape)
    con_mask = np.zeros(data.shape)

    tmp_mask = data > 0
    roi_mask = roi > 0

    img_indexs = np.transpose(tmp_mask.nonzero())
    roi_indexs = np.transpose(roi_mask.nonzero())

    spacedist = ds.cdist(img_indexs, roi_indexs, 'euclidean')
    #print spacedist
    mode = int(mode)
    val_th = float(val_th)
    #  print mode,val_th
    if mode == 0:
        for dist in spacedist:
            index = dist.argmin()
            if dist.min() < dis_th:
                coor = roi_indexs[index]
                result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] = 1
    elif mode == 1:
        for dist in spacedist:
            index = dist.argmin()
            if dist.min() < dis_th:
                coor = roi_indexs[index]
                    coor[2]] = result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] + 1
        result_mask[result_mask < val_th] = 0
    #    print result_mask[result_mask.nonzero()]

    elif mode == 2:
        for i, dist in enumerate(spacedist):
            index = dist.argmin()
            if dist.min() < dis_th:
                dcoor = img_indexs[i]  # source coor
                coor = roi_indexs[index]  #target coor
                result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] = result_mask[coor[0]][
                    coor[1]][coor[2]] + data[dcoor[0]][dcoor[1]][dcoor[2]]
                    coor[2]] = con_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] + 1
        result_mask = result_mask / (con_mask + 0.0000001)
        result_mask[result_mask < val_th] = 0
    #    print result_mask[result_mask.nonzero()]
    # print "Time : %s"%(time.time()-st)
    return result_mask
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _edge_detection(self):
        vol_name = str(self.out_edit.text())

        if not vol_name:

        source_row = self.source_combo.currentIndex()
        source_data = self._model.data(self._model.index(source_row),
                                       Qt.UserRole + 5)
        new_vol = imtool.multi_label_edge_detection(source_data)
        self._model.addItem(new_vol, None, vol_name,
                            self._model._data[0].get_header(), None, None, 255,
Exemplo n.º 5
def roi_projection(img,roi,dis_th,val_th,mode):
    """Roi projection."""
    #st = time.time()
    data = img
    roi = imt.multi_label_edge_detection(roi)
    result_mask = np.zeros(data.shape)
    con_mask = np.zeros(data.shape)
    tmp_mask = data > 0 
    roi_mask = roi > 0

    img_indexs = np.transpose(tmp_mask.nonzero())
    roi_indexs = np.transpose(roi_mask.nonzero())
    spacedist = ds.cdist(img_indexs,roi_indexs,'euclidean')
    #print spacedist
    mode = int(mode)
    val_th = float(val_th)
    #  print mode,val_th
    if mode ==0:
        for dist in spacedist:
            index = dist.argmin()
            if dist.min()< dis_th:
                coor = roi_indexs[index]
                result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] = 1
    elif mode == 1:
        for dist in spacedist:
            index = dist.argmin()
            if dist.min()< dis_th:
                coor = roi_indexs[index]
                result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] = result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]]+1
        result_mask[  result_mask < val_th] = 0 
    #    print result_mask[result_mask.nonzero()]
    elif mode == 2:
        for i,dist in enumerate(spacedist):
            index = dist.argmin()
            if dist.min()< dis_th:
                dcoor = img_indexs[i]   # source coor
                coor = roi_indexs[index]        #target coor
                result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] = result_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]]+data[dcoor[0]][dcoor[1]][dcoor[2]]
                con_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]] = con_mask[coor[0]][coor[1]][coor[2]]+1
        result_mask = result_mask/(con_mask+0.0000001)
        result_mask[  result_mask < val_th] = 0 
    #    print result_mask[result_mask.nonzero()]
    # print "Time : %s"%(time.time()-st)
    return result_mask
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _edge_detection(self):
        vol_name = str(self.out_edit.text())

        if not vol_name:

        source_row = self.source_combo.currentIndex()
        source_data = self._model.data(self._model.index(source_row),
                                       Qt.UserRole + 5)
        new_vol = imtool.multi_label_edge_detection(source_data)
                            None, None, 255, 'green')
Exemplo n.º 7
def roi_to_gwmi(img,brain_wm,nth):
    """Transform the functional roi to wm.

    Algorithm: find the nearest wm voxel.
    #st = time.time()
    data = img
    wmdata = imt.multi_label_edge_detection(brain_wm)
    shape = data.shape

    roi_ids = np.unique(data)
    roi = roi_ids[1:]
    roi = [int(i) for i in roi]
    wmdata = wmdata!=0
    result_mask = np.zeros(data.shape)
    #print wmdata   
    #First, get the nonzero voxel index in image data.
    #Here image data is a label volume.
    #ROIs is in it
    for roi_id in roi:
        #print roi_id
        tmp_mask = data==roi_id
        #print tmp_mask
        indexs = np.transpose(tmp_mask.nonzero())
        #print indexs
        #Second, find the nearest wm voxel for each indexs.
        for coor in indexs:
            #print coor
            x = coor[0]
            y = coor[1]
            z = coor[2]
            if wmdata[x,y,z]==1:
                result_mask[x,y,z] = roi_id
                #find the nearest neighbor.
                flag = False
                radius = 1
                mindist_voxel = []
                mindist = 1000     
                while radius<nth:      
                    neigh_list = get_neighbors(coor,radius,shape)
                    radius += 1
                    #find the nearest white matter voxel.
                    for n in neigh_list:
                        #print n
                        if wmdata[n[0],n[1],n[2]]==1:
                            flag = True
                            dist = np.sqrt((n[0]-x)**2+(n[1]-y)**2+(n[2]-z)**2)
                            # if the distance is smaller than tag, choose it to be nearest.
                            if dist < mindist:
                                mindist = dist
                                mindist_voxel = n
                    if flag:
                #print mindist_voxel
                if mindist_voxel!=[]:
                    result_mask[mindist_voxel[0],mindist_voxel[1],mindist_voxel[2]] = roi_id 
    for roi_id in roi:
        tmp_mask = result_mask==roi_id
        roi_size = tmp_mask.sum()    
        print roi_id, roi_size
    #print "Time use: %s"%(time.time()-st)
    return result_mask
Exemplo n.º 8
def roi_to_gwmi_1(img,brain_wm):
    """ Transform the functional roi to wm.

    Algorithm: find the nearest wm voxel.
    #st = time.time()
    neighbors  = [[1,0,0],\
    neighbors = np.array(neighbors)

    data = img
    wmdata = imt.multi_label_edge_detection(brain_wm)
    shape = data.shape

    roi_ids = np.unique(data)
    roi = roi_ids[1:]
    roi = [int(i) for i in roi]
    wmdata = wmdata!=0
    result_mask = np.zeros(shape)
    #print wmdata   
    #First, get the nonzero voxel index in image data.
    #Here image data is a label volume.
    #ROIs is in it
    for roi_id in roi:
        tmp_mask = data==roi_id
        #print tmp_mask
        indexs = np.transpose(tmp_mask.nonzero())
        #print indexs
        #Second, find the nearest wm voxel for each indexs.
        #print roi_id,indexs.shape[0]
        for coor in indexs:

            #x = coor[0]
            #y = coor[1]
            # z = coor[2]
            if wmdata[coor[0],coor[1],coor[2]]==1:
                #result_mask[x,y,z] = roi_id
                #find the nearest neighbor.        
                neigh_list = [(ioff+coor).tolist() for ioff in neighbors]
                #find the nearest white matter voxel.
                for n in neigh_list:
                    if wmdata[n[0],n[1],n[2]]==1:
                        result_mask[n[0],n[1],n[2]] = roi_id
    for roi_id in roi:
        tmp_mask = result_mask==roi_id
        roi_size = tmp_mask.sum()    
        #print roi_id, roi_size
    #print "Time use: %s"%(time.time()-st)
    return result_mask
Exemplo n.º 9
def roi_to_gwmi(img,brain_wm,nth):
    Transform the functional roi to wm.
    Algorithm: find the nearest wm voxel.
    #st = time.time()
    data = img
    wmdata = imt.multi_label_edge_detection(brain_wm)
    shape = data.shape

    roi_ids = np.unique(data)
    roi = roi_ids[1:]
    roi = [int(i) for i in roi]
    wmdata = wmdata!=0
    result_mask = np.zeros(data.shape)
    #print wmdata   
    #First, get the nonzero voxel index in image data.
    #Here image data is a label volume.
    #ROIs is in it
    for roi_id in roi:
        #print roi_id
        tmp_mask = data==roi_id
        #print tmp_mask
        indexs = np.transpose(tmp_mask.nonzero())
        #print indexs
        #Second, find the nearest wm voxel for each indexs.
        for coor in indexs:
            #print coor
            x = coor[0]
            y = coor[1]
            z = coor[2]
            if wmdata[x,y,z]==1:
                result_mask[x,y,z] = roi_id
                #find the nearest neighbor.
                flag = False
                radius = 1
                mindist_voxel = []
                mindist = 1000     
                while radius<nth:      
                    neigh_list = get_neighbors(coor,radius,shape)
                    radius += 1
                    #find the nearest white matter voxel.
                    for n in neigh_list:
                        #print n
                        if wmdata[n[0],n[1],n[2]]==1:
                            flag = True
                            dist = np.sqrt((n[0]-x)**2+(n[1]-y)**2+(n[2]-z)**2)
                            # if the distance is smaller than tag, choose it to be nearest.
                            if dist < mindist:
                                mindist = dist
                                mindist_voxel = n
                    if flag:
                #print mindist_voxel
                if mindist_voxel!=[]:
                    result_mask[mindist_voxel[0],mindist_voxel[1],mindist_voxel[2]] = roi_id 
    for roi_id in roi:
        tmp_mask = result_mask==roi_id
        roi_size = tmp_mask.sum()    
        print roi_id, roi_size
    #print "Time use: %s"%(time.time()-st)
    return result_mask
Exemplo n.º 10
def roi_to_gwmi_1(img,brain_wm):
    Transform the functional roi to wm.
    Algorithm: find the nearest wm voxel.
    #st = time.time()
    neighbors  = [[1,0,0],\
    neighbors = np.array(neighbors)

    data = img
    wmdata = imt.multi_label_edge_detection(brain_wm)
    shape = data.shape

    roi_ids = np.unique(data)
    roi = roi_ids[1:]
    roi = [int(i) for i in roi]
    wmdata = wmdata!=0
    result_mask = np.zeros(shape)
    #print wmdata   
    #First, get the nonzero voxel index in image data.
    #Here image data is a label volume.
    #ROIs is in it
    for roi_id in roi:
        tmp_mask = data==roi_id
        #print tmp_mask
        indexs = np.transpose(tmp_mask.nonzero())
        #print indexs
        #Second, find the nearest wm voxel for each indexs.
        #print roi_id,indexs.shape[0]
        for coor in indexs:

            #x = coor[0]
            #y = coor[1]
            # z = coor[2]
            if wmdata[coor[0],coor[1],coor[2]]==1:
                #result_mask[x,y,z] = roi_id
                #find the nearest neighbor.        
                neigh_list = [(ioff+coor).tolist() for ioff in neighbors]
                #find the nearest white matter voxel.
                for n in neigh_list:
                    if wmdata[n[0],n[1],n[2]]==1:
                        result_mask[n[0],n[1],n[2]] = roi_id
    for roi_id in roi:
        tmp_mask = result_mask==roi_id
        roi_size = tmp_mask.sum()    
        #print roi_id, roi_size
    #print "Time use: %s"%(time.time()-st)
    return result_mask