def cmd(args): _fs = Fs(, args.db, args.user, args.password, args.bucket, args.ssl, args.auth_db) if exists(args.source): local_folder, local_files = _build_local_file_list(args.source) if len(local_files) > 0: # build remote gridFs prefix (prepend a '/' if required) remote_prefix = '' if len(args.prefix) > 0: remote_prefix = "/{0}".format( args.prefix ) if not args.prefix.startswith('/') else args.prefix for local_file in local_files: local = local_folder + local_file remote = remote_prefix + local_file src_file = open(local, 'r') spinner = Spinner() sys.stdout.write(remote + ': ') spinner.start() f_id = _fs.upload(src_file, remote) spinner.stop() sys.stdout.write(str(f_id) + '\n') else: print "No files to upload." else: print 'local file/folder [{0}] does not exists'.format(args.source)
def __init__(self): super.__init__ self.HOME_PATH = "" self.main_qml = "" self.control = () self.fileSys = Fs() self._preprocesses()
def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.twitter = Twython(config.TwitterConsumerKey, config.TwitterConsumerSecret, config.TwitterAccessToken, config.TwitterAccessTokenSecret) self.foursquare = Fs(config)
def cmd(args): _fs = Fs(, args.db, args.user, args.password, args.bucket, args.ssl, args.auth_db) files = _fs.find(args.filename) if len(files) > 0: if args.long_format: _long_display(files) else: _display(files) else: print "no matching file found."
def __init__(self): auth = dict(url=get_env("MONGO_URL", required=False), host=get_env("MONGO_HOST", required=False), port=get_env("MONGO_PORT", required=False), db_name=get_env("MONGO_DBNAME"), username=get_env("MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME", required=False), password=get_env("MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD", required=False)) self.target_collection_name = get_env("TARGET_COLLECTION_NAME") self.target_collection = None self.aux_collection_name = get_env("AUX_COLLECTION_NAME") self.aux_collection = None self.fs = Fs() self.db = Db(auth)
def cmd(args): _fs = Fs(, args.db, args.user, args.password, args.bucket, args.ssl, args.auth_db) confirmation = args.confirmation files = _fs.find(args.filename) if len(files) > 0: print "Found {0} files to remove".format(len(files)) confirmed = _confirm_removal() if confirmation else False if not confirmation or confirmed: for f in files: spinner = Spinner() print f.filename spinner.start() _fs.rm(f._id) spinner.stop() else: print "no matching file found."
def handler(event, context): config = KMS() db = Dynamo(config) foursquare = Fs(config) twitter = Twitter(config) client = RemoteCKAN('') viols = get_viols(client) client.close() for viol in viols: if not db.query(viol['_id']): count = db.count(viol['LICENSENO']) url = format_url(viol) text = format_msg(viol, count, url) (lat, lon) = extract_geo(viol) place = foursquare.place_search(name=viol['businessName'], lat=lat, lon=lon) photo_url = None if place: photo_url = foursquare.random_photo_url(place) twitter.tweet(text, photo_url, lat, lon)['_id'], viol['LICENSENO']) break else: print('Violation already known to Dynamo')
def cmd(args): _fs = Fs(, args.db, args.user, args.password, args.bucket, args.ssl, args.auth_db) gridfs_files = _fs.find(args.filename) nb_of_files = len(gridfs_files) if nb_of_files > 0: print 'downloading ' + str(nb_of_files) + ' files:' for gridfs_file in gridfs_files: gridfs_filename = gridfs_file.filename destination = args.destination + gridfs_filename # check for any non-existing parent directories for local destination, and create them destination_root = dirname(destination) if not exists(destination_root): makedirs(destination_root) spinner = Spinner() spinner.start() dst_file = open(destination, 'wb'), dst_file) spinner.stop() print destination else: print "no matching file found."
class Twitter: def __init__(self, config): self.config = config self.twitter = Twython(config.TwitterConsumerKey, config.TwitterConsumerSecret, config.TwitterAccessToken, config.TwitterAccessTokenSecret) self.foursquare = Fs(config) def tweet(self, text, img, lat, lon): if print(u'Tweeting to dev acct: {} @ ({}°, {}°)'.format( text, lat, lon)) if img: print("Will have image") try: if img: img_obj = self.foursquare.photo_from_url(img) img_response = self.twitter.upload_media(media=img_obj) self.twitter.update_status( status=text, lat=lat, long=lon, display_coordinates=True, media_ids=[img_response['media_id']]) else: self.twitter.update_status(status=text, lat=lat, long=lon, display_coordinates=True) except TwythonError as e: print(e)
class MusicApp(): def __init__(self): super.__init__ self.HOME_PATH = "" self.main_qml = "" self.control = () self.fileSys = Fs() self._preprocesses() def _postprocesses(self): """ """ self.control.app_running = False self.fileSys.app_running = False self.rebuildFiles() self.cleanUpFiles() def rebuildFiles(self): # folder list with open(self.HOME_PATH + "/" + '', 'wb') as f_hand: data_f = b"Folders = " + bytes(str(list(self.fileSys.folders)), 'utf-8') f_hand.write(data_f) # files list with open(self.HOME_PATH + "/" + '', 'wb') as fi_hand: data_fi = b"Files = " + bytes(str(self.fileSys.files), 'utf-8') fi_hand.write(data_fi) return def cleanUpFiles(self): sleep(.3) folder = os.environ['USERPROFILE'].replace("\\", "/") + \ "/.musicapp" + "/_temp" tmp_files = os.listdir(folder) for a in tmp_files: file = folder + "/" + a print('Removing:', file) os.remove(file) def _preprocesses(self): """ """ self.HOME_PATH = sys.argv[0].replace('', '').replace("\\", "/") self.main_qml = self.HOME_PATH + "/" + "ui/main.qml" # check if user supplied music file if len(sys.argv) > 1: self.fileSys.prepare(sys.argv[1]) self._startUp() def _startUp(self): """ """ # start app app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv) app.setWindowIcon( QIcon(self.HOME_PATH + 'ui/images/ic_album_black_24dp.png')) engine = QQmlApplicationEngine() self.control = Control() engine.rootContext().setContextProperty('Functions', self.control) engine.rootContext().setContextProperty('FileSys', self.fileSys) engine.load(self.main_qml) engine.quit.connect(app.quit) app.aboutToQuit.connect(self._postprocesses) sys.exit(app.exec_())
class Populate: def __init__(self): auth = dict(url=get_env("MONGO_URL", required=False), host=get_env("MONGO_HOST", required=False), port=get_env("MONGO_PORT", required=False), db_name=get_env("MONGO_DBNAME"), username=get_env("MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME", required=False), password=get_env("MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD", required=False)) self.target_collection_name = get_env("TARGET_COLLECTION_NAME") self.target_collection = None self.aux_collection_name = get_env("AUX_COLLECTION_NAME") self.aux_collection = None self.fs = Fs() self.db = Db(auth) def __enter__(self): self.fs.connect() self.db.connect() def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_val, _exc_tb): if is_panic(): return self.db.disconnect() self.fs.disconnect() def get_session(self): return self.db.client.start_session() def get_database(self, session): return session.client[self.db.auth["db_name"]] def get_target_collection(self, session, db): return DbOperation(session, db).get_collection(self.target_collection_name, "GET TARGET COLLECTION") def get_aux_collection(self, session, db): return DbOperation(session, db).get_collection(self.aux_collection_name, "GET AUX COLLECTION") def get_state(self): @db_session def _get_state(session, db): target_collection_exists = DbOperation( session, db).check_collection_exists(self.target_collection_name, "GET TARGET COLLECTION") aux_collection_exists = DbOperation(session, db).check_collection_exists( self.aux_collection_name, "GET AUX COLLECTION") if aux_collection_exists: return "interrupted" else: if target_collection_exists: return "finished" else: return "clear" return _get_state(self) def drop_target(self): @db_session def _drop_target(session, db): DbOperation(session, db).drop_collection( self.get_target_collection(session, db), "DROP TARGET COLLECTION") return _drop_target(self) def drop_aux(self): @db_session def _drop_aux(session, db): DbOperation(session, db).drop_collection( self.get_aux_collection(session, db), "DROP AUX COLLECTION") return _drop_aux(self) def start(self): @db_session def _get_entries(session, db): target_collection = self.get_target_collection(session, db) dummy = target_collection.find_one({"dummy": 0}) if dummy is None: DbOperation(session, db).insert_data(target_collection, [{ "dummy": 0 }], "INSERT TARGET DUMMY", use_session=False) aux_collection = self.get_aux_collection(session, db) return aux_collection.find().sort("tr_id", pymongo.DESCENDING) entries = _get_entries(self) if entries.count() == 0: @db_session def _delete_dummy(session, db): target_collection = self.get_target_collection(session, db) dummy = target_collection.find_one({"dummy": 0}) if dummy is not None: DbOperation(session, db).delete_data(target_collection, dummy, "INSERT TARGET DUMMY") _delete_dummy(self) self.drop_aux() return True entry = entries[0] entry_id, file_name, year, file_seek, header_text, tr_id = \ entry["_id"], entry["file_name"], entry["year"], entry["file_seek"], entry["header"], entry["tr_id"] file_size = get_file_size(file_name) print_flush(f"Populating from file '{file_name}' ({year}): ", end='') with open(file_name, "r", encoding=get_file_encoding(file_name)) as file: if file_seek == 0: entry["header"] = header_text = file.readline().strip() entry["file_seek"] = file.tell() @db_session def _set_header_text(session, db): aux_collection = self.get_aux_collection(session, db) DbOperation(session, db).update_data(aux_collection, entry, "SAVE AUX HEADER") _set_header_text(self) else: header = strip_arr(header_text.split(';')) header = [h.upper() for h in header] batch_size = 1000 while True: print_flush( f"\rPopulating from file '{file_name}' ({year}): " f"{format_file_size(entry['file_seek'])} / {format_file_size(file_size)} " f"({entry['file_seek'] / file_size:.2%})", end="") end = False rows = [] for i in range(batch_size): line = [] prev_line_text = "" while True: line_text = prev_line_text + file.readline().strip() if not line_text: end = True break line = [ strip(l) for l in line_text.rstrip().split(';') ] if len(line) == len(header): break prev_line_text = line_text if end: break row = {} for h, v in zip(header, line): row[h] = v row["year"] = year rows.append(row) @db_session def _insert_rows(session, db): aux_collection = self.get_aux_collection(session, db) target_collection = self.get_target_collection(session, db) DbOperation(session, db).insert_data(target_collection, rows, "INSERT ROWS") if end: print_flush( f"\r\x1b[1K\rPopulating from file '{file_name}' ({year}): {' ' * 35}", end="") print_flush( f"\r\x1b[1K\rPopulating from file '{file_name}' ({year}): done!" ) DbOperation(session, db).delete_data(aux_collection, entry, "DROP AUX COLLECTION") else: entry["file_seek"] = file.tell() entry["tr_id"] = entry["tr_id"] + 1 DbOperation(session, db).insert_data( aux_collection, [{ "file_name": file_name, "year": year, "file_seek": file.tell(), "header": header_text, "tr_id": entry["tr_id"] }], "UPDATE FILE SEEK") _insert_rows(self) @db_session def _remove_old_aux(session, db): aux_collection = self.get_aux_collection(session, db) for old_entry in aux_collection.find( ({ "file_name": file_name } if end else { "file_name": file_name, "tr_id": { "$ne": entry["tr_id"] } })): DbOperation(session, db).delete_data(aux_collection, old_entry) _remove_old_aux(self) if end: return self.start() def prepare(self): df_changed = False for file, year in self.fs.data_files: if get_file_encoding(file) == "": print_flush(f"Determining encoding of file '{file}': ", end="") read_file(file) print_flush("done!") df_changed = True if df_changed: self.fs.disconnect() self.fs.connect() @db_session def _prepare(session, db): aux_collection = self.get_aux_collection(session, db) if len(self.fs.data_files) == 0: return DbOperation(session, db).insert_data(aux_collection, [{ "file_name": file, "year": year, "file_seek": 0, "header": "", "tr_id": 0 } for file, year in self.fs.data_files], "FILL AUX COLLECTION", use_session=False) return False return _prepare(self) def do_query(self): print_flush("Executing query...", end="") @db_session def _do_query(session, db): target_collection = self.get_target_collection(session, db) result = target_collection.aggregate([{ "$match": { "$or": [{ "year": 2019 }, { "year": 2020 }], "PHYSTESTSTATUS": "Зараховано" } }, { "$group": { "_id": { "year": "$year", "REGNAME": "$REGNAME", }, "max_ball": { "$max": "$PHYSBALL100" } } }]) stats = dict() for r in result: if r["_id"]["REGNAME"] not in stats: stats[r["_id"]["REGNAME"]] = dict() stats[r["_id"]["REGNAME"]][r["_id"]["year"]] = float( r["max_ball"].replace(",", ".")) return stats stats = _do_query(self) with open(os.path.join(self.fs.query_folder, "query_result.csv"), "w") as f: f.write("Region,MaxPhysBall100_2019,MaxPhysBall100_2020\n") for s in stats.items(): f.write(f"{s[0]},{s[1].get(2019)},{s[1].get(2020)}\n") print_flush(" done!")