Exemplo n.º 1
def test_FEATImage_fit_firstLevel():

    featdir = op.join(datadir, '1stlevel_realdata.feat')
    fi = featimage.FEATImage(featdir)
    expect = np.array([
        10625.35273455, 10625.35263602, 10625.35248499, 10625.35272602,
        10625.35286707, 10625.35237145, 10625.35244999, 10625.35270435,
        10625.35272762, 10629.03397661, 10685.36428581, 10658.64633521,
        10524.89226543, 10415.61794156, 10373.6671577, 10437.10001383,
        10403.88611746, 10226.98548936, 10080.14323091, 10012.89132265,
        9936.530395, 9957.92598556, 10090.51140821, 10199.6446317,
        10246.67689405, 10261.45133255, 10265.36943466, 10266.22514043,
        10266.32736048, 10264.92716455, 10243.05011597, 10245.62798475,
        10287.91883737, 10325.38456267, 10341.92299781, 10347.17916861,
        10348.58339616, 10348.89634025, 10348.93522057, 10345.25397481,
        10288.9236822, 10315.64160242, 10449.39567496, 10558.66999883,

    # bad contrast
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        fi.fit([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], (2, 2, 2))

    # bad voxel
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        fi.fit([1, 0, 0, 0], (6, 7, 7))

    result = fi.fit([1, 1, 1, 1], (2, 2, 2))
    assert np.all(np.isclose(result, expect))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_FEATImage_imageAccessors():

    for featdir in TEST_ANALYSES.keys():

        shape = TEST_ANALYSES[featdir]['shape']
        xform = TEST_ANALYSES[featdir]['xform']

        with tests.testdir() as testdir:

            if 'realdata' not in featdir:
                featdir = tests.make_mock_feat_analysis(
                    op.join(datadir, featdir), testdir, shape, xform)
                featdir = op.join(datadir, featdir)

            shape4D = shape
            shape = shape4D[:3]

            fi = featimage.FEATImage(featdir)
            nevs = fi.numEVs()
            ncons = fi.numContrasts()

            # Testing the FEATImage intenral cache
            for i in range(2):
                assert fi.getResiduals().shape == shape4D

                for ev in range(nevs):
                    assert fi.getPE(ev).shape == shape
                for con in range(ncons):
                    assert fi.getCOPE(con).shape == shape
                    assert fi.getZStats(con).shape == shape
                    assert fi.getClusterMask(con).shape == shape
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_FEATImage_fit_higherLevel():

    featdir = op.join(datadir, '2ndlevel_realdata.gfeat/cope1.feat')
    fi = featimage.FEATImage(featdir)
    expect = np.array([86.37929535, 86.37929535, 86.37929535])
    result = fi.fit([1], (5, 5, 5))

    assert np.all(np.isclose(result, expect))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_FEATImage_nostats():

    featdir = op.join(datadir, '1stlevel_nostats.feat')
    shape = (4, 4, 5, 45)

    with tests.testdir() as testdir:

        featdir = tests.make_mock_feat_analysis(featdir, testdir, shape)
        fi = featimage.FEATImage(featdir)

        assert fi.getDesign() is None
        assert fi.numPoints() == 0
        assert fi.numEVs() == 0
        assert fi.evNames() == []

        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            fi.fit([1, 2, 3], (2, 2, 2))

        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            fi.partialFit([1, 2, 3], (2, 2, 2))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_FEATImage_partialFit():

    featdir = op.join(datadir, '1stlevel_realdata.feat')
    fi = featimage.FEATImage(featdir)
    expect = np.array([
        10476.23185443, 10825.13542716, 10781.15297632, 11032.96902851,
        11019.47536463, 10856.61537194, 10463.38391362, 10664.79227954,
        10948.11850521, 10712.01568132, 10882.88149773, 10745.65913733,
        10590.78057109, 10524.89948148, 10744.82941967, 10422.96359453,
        10156.39446402, 10219.8339014, 10115.32145738, 10494.28109315,
        10121.89555309, 10165.92560409, 10556.70058668, 10198.67478569,
        10045.04934583, 9906.60233353, 10015.75569565, 9864.38786016,
        10241.91219554, 10099.08538293, 10444.7826294, 10152.72622847,
        10077.09075815, 10128.63320464, 10087.93203101, 10450.29667654,
        10207.89144059, 10137.98334586, 10387.09965691, 10194.79436483,
        10203.21032619, 10136.1942605, 10128.23728873, 10416.78984136,
    result = fi.partialFit([1, 1, 1, 1], (2, 2, 2))

    assert np.all(np.isclose(result, expect))
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_FEATImage_attributes():

    # TEst bad input
    with pytest.raises(Exception):

    for featdir in TEST_ANALYSES.keys():

        shape = TEST_ANALYSES[featdir]['shape']
        xform = TEST_ANALYSES[featdir]['xform']
        with tests.testdir() as testdir:

            if 'realdata' not in featdir:
                featdir = tests.make_mock_feat_analysis(op.join(
                    datadir, featdir),
                featdir = op.join(datadir, featdir)

            # Now create a FEATImage. We validate its
            # attributes against the values returned by
            # the functions in featdesign/featanalysis.
            fi = featimage.FEATImage(featdir)
            settings = featanalysis.loadSettings(featdir)
            design = featdesign.FEATFSFDesign(featdir, settings)
            desmat = design.getDesign()
            evnames = [ev.title for ev in design.getEVs()]
            contrastnames, contrasts = featanalysis.loadContrasts(featdir)

            assert np.all(np.isclose(fi.shape, shape))
            assert np.all(np.isclose(fi.voxToWorldMat, xform))

            assert fi.getFEATDir() == featdir
            assert fi.getAnalysisName() == op.splitext(op.basename(featdir))[0]
            assert fi.isFirstLevelAnalysis(
            ) == featanalysis.isFirstLevelAnalysis(settings)
            assert fi.getTopLevelAnalysisDir(
            ) == featanalysis.getTopLevelAnalysisDir(featdir)
            assert fi.getReportFile() == featanalysis.getReportFile(featdir)
            assert fi.hasStats() == featanalysis.hasStats(featdir)
            assert fi.numPoints() == desmat.shape[0]
            assert fi.numEVs() == desmat.shape[1]
            assert fi.evNames() == evnames
            assert fi.numContrasts() == len(contrasts)
            assert fi.contrastNames() == contrastnames
            assert fi.contrasts() == contrasts
            assert np.all(np.isclose(fi.getDesign(), desmat))

            assert fi.thresholds() == featanalysis.getThresholds(settings)

            for ci in range(len(contrasts)):
                result = fi.clusterResults(ci)
                expect = featanalysis.loadClusterResults(featdir, settings, ci)
                assert len(result) == len(expect)
                assert all([
                    rc.nvoxels == ec.nvoxels for rc, ec in zip(result, expect)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __selectedOverlayChanged(self, *a):
        """Called when the :attr:`.DisplayContext.selectedOverlay` changes,
        and by the :meth:`__overlayListChanged` method.

        If the newly selected overlay is a :class:`.FEATImage` (or is otherwise
        associated with a FEAT analysis) which has cluster results, they are
        loaded in, and displayed on a :class:`.WidgetGrid`.

        prevOverlay = self.__selectedOverlay
        self.__selectedOverlay = None

        # No overlays are loaded
        if len(self.overlayList) == 0:
            self.__disable(strings.messages[self, 'noOverlays'])

        overlay = self.displayCtx.getSelectedOverlay()

        # Overlay is in-memory
        if overlay.dataSource is None:
            self.__disable(strings.messages[self, 'notFEAT'])

        featDir = featanalysis.getAnalysisDir(overlay.dataSource)

        # No FEAT analysis, or not an Image,
        # can't do anything with that
        if featDir is None or not isinstance(overlay, fslimage.Nifti):
            log.debug('Overlay {} is not part of a feat '
                      'analysis, or is not Nifti'.format(overlay))
            self.__disable(strings.messages[self, 'notFEAT'])

        # Selected overlay is either the
        # same one (maybe the overlay list,
        # rather than the selected overlay,
        # changed) or the newly selected
        # overlay is from the same FEAT
        # analysis. No need to do anything.
        if prevOverlay is not None:

            prevFeatImage = self.__featImages.get(prevOverlay)

            if prevOverlay is overlay or \
               (prevFeatImage is not None and
                    featDir == prevFeatImage.getFEATDir()):

                log.debug('Overlay {} is already selected.'.format(overlay))

                # Make sure the overlay -> FEATImage
                # mapping is present, and (re-)cache
                # a reference to the selected overlay.
                self.__featImages[overlay] = prevFeatImage
                self.__selectedOverlay = overlay


        # We're in business. The newly selected
        # overlay is a part of a FEAT analysis
        # which is not currently being displayed.
        self.__selectedOverlay = overlay

        # Clear the stat selection combo box.

        # Get the FEATImage associated with
        # this overlay, so we can get
        # information about the FEAT analysis
        featImage = self.__featImages.get(overlay)
        if featImage is None:

            # If the overlay itself is a FEATImage,
            # then we have nothing to do.
            if isinstance(overlay, featimage.FEATImage):
                featImage = overlay
                # The FEATImage might already
                # be in the overlay list -
                # let's search for it.
                for ovl in self.overlayList:
                    if isinstance(ovl, featimage.FEATImage) and \
                       ovl.getFEATDir() == featDir:
                        featImage = ovl

            # As a last resort, if the FEATImage is not
            # in the overlay list, we'll create one.
            if featImage is None:
                featImage = featimage.FEATImage(featDir,

            self.__featImages[overlay] = featImage

        log.debug('Identified FEAT analysis associated with overlay '
                  '{}: {}'.format(overlay, featImage.getFEATDir()))

        # Get the contrast and cluster
        # information for the FEAT analysis.
        display = self.displayCtx.getDisplay(overlay)
        numCons = featImage.numContrasts()
        conNames = featImage.contrastNames()

            # clusts is a list of (contrast, clusterList) tuples
            clusts = [(c, featImage.clusterResults(c)) for c in range(numCons)]
            clusts = [c for c in clusts if c[1] is not None]

        # Error parsing the cluster data
        except Exception as e:
            log.warning('Error parsing cluster data for '
                        '{}: {}'.format(featImage.name, str(e)),
            self.__disable(strings.messages[self, 'badData'])

        # No cluster results exist
        # for any contrast
        if len(clusts) == 0:
            self.__disable(strings.messages[self, 'noClusters'])

        # Populate the stat selection combo box
        for contrast, clusterList in clusts:
            name = conNames[contrast]
            name = strings.labels[self, 'clustName'].format(contrast + 1, name)

            self.__statSelect.Append(name, clusterList)


        # Refresh the widget grid
