Exemplo n.º 1
def test_normalise(seed):

    vectors = -100 + 200 * np.random.random((200, 3))

    def parallel(v1, v2):
        v1 = v1 / affine.veclength(v1)
        v2 = v2 / affine.veclength(v2)

        return np.isclose(np.dot(v1, v2), 1)

    for v in vectors:

        vtype = random.choice((list, tuple, np.array))
        v = vtype(v)
        vn = affine.normalise(v)
        vl = affine.veclength(vn)

        assert np.isclose(vl, 1.0)
        assert parallel(v, vn)

    # normalise should also be able
    # to do multiple vectors at once
    results = affine.normalise(vectors)
    lengths = affine.veclength(results)
    pars = np.zeros(200)
    for i in range(200):

        v = vectors[i]
        r = results[i]

        pars[i] = parallel(v, r)

    assert np.all(np.isclose(lengths, 1))
    assert np.all(pars)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _pickModeLeftMouseDrag(self, ev, canvas, mousePos, canvasPos):
        """Handles left mouse drag events in ``pick`` mode. If the currently
        selected overlay is a :class:`.Mesh`, identifies the mesh vertex which
        is nearest to the mouse click, and updates the
        :attr:`.DisplayContext.location`. Otherwise, returns ``False``.

        import fsl.data.mesh as fslmesh

        overlay = self.displayCtx.getSelectedOverlay()

        if not isinstance(overlay, fslmesh.Mesh):
            return False

        opts = self.displayCtx.getOpts(overlay)
        loc = opts.transformCoords(canvasPos, 'display', 'mesh')

        # The GLMesh caches the most
        # recently drawn cross section
        # vertices, and corresponding
        # mesh triangle indices, in
        # the mesh coordinate system.
        xsect = self.overlayList.getData(
            overlay, 'crosssection_{}'.format(canvas.opts.zax), None)

        # No cross-section calculated,
        # can't pick the nearest vertex.
        if xsect is None or len(xsect[0]) == 0:
            return False

        lines, faces = xsect
        lines = lines.reshape(-1, 3)

        # Find the location on the cross section
        # that was nearest to the mouse click
        ldists = affine.veclength(loc - lines)
        lidx = np.argsort(ldists)[0]
        lvert = lines[lidx]
        fidx = faces[int(np.floor(lidx / 2))]

        # Get the triangle on the mesh
        # corresponding to this location
        face = overlay.indices[fidx]
        faceVerts = overlay.vertices[face]

        # Calculate the nearest vertex on
        # this triangle
        fdists = affine.veclength(faceVerts - lvert)
        vidx = np.argsort(fdists)[0]
        vidx = face[vidx]
        loc = overlay.vertices[vidx, :]
        loc = opts.transformCoords(loc, 'mesh', 'display')

        self.displayCtx.location.xyz = loc
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_veclength(seed):
    def l(v):
        v = np.array(v, copy=False).reshape((-1, 3))
        x = v[:, 0]
        y = v[:, 1]
        z = v[:, 2]
        l = x * x + y * y + z * z
        return np.sqrt(l)

    vectors = -100 + 200 * np.random.random((200, 3))

    for v in vectors:

        vtype = random.choice((list, tuple, np.array))
        v = vtype(v)

        assert np.isclose(affine.veclength(v), l(v))

    # Multiple vectors in parallel
    result = affine.veclength(vectors)
    expected = l(vectors)
    assert np.all(np.isclose(result, expected))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def parallel(v1, v2):
        v1 = v1 / affine.veclength(v1)
        v2 = v2 / affine.veclength(v2)

        return np.isclose(np.dot(v1, v2), 1)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _pickModeLeftMouseDown(self, ev, canvas, mousePos, canvasPos):
        """Called on mouse down events in ``pick`` mode.

        Updates the :attr:`DisplayContext.location` property.

        from fsl.data.mesh import Mesh

        displayCtx = self.displayCtx
        ovl = displayCtx.getSelectedOverlay()

        if ovl is None:

        # The canvasPos is located on the near clipping
        # plane (see Scene3DCanvas.canvasToWorld).
        # We also need the corresponding point on the
        # far clipping plane.
        farPos = canvas.canvasToWorld(mousePos[0], mousePos[1], near=False)

        # For non-mesh overlays, we select a point which
        # is in between the near/far clipping planes.
        if not isinstance(ovl, Mesh):

            posDir = farPos - canvasPos
            dist = affine.veclength(posDir)
            posDir = affine.normalise(posDir)
            midPos = canvasPos + 0.5 * dist * posDir

            self.displayCtx.location.xyz = midPos

            opts = self.displayCtx.getOpts(ovl)
            rayOrigin = canvasPos
            rayDir = affine.normalise(farPos - canvasPos)

            # transform location from display into model space
            rayOrigin = opts.transformCoords(rayOrigin, 'display', 'mesh')
            rayDir = opts.transformCoords(rayDir,
            loc, tri = ovl.rayIntersection([rayOrigin], [rayDir],

            if len(loc) == 0:

            loc = loc[0]
            tri = ovl.indices[int(tri[0]), :]

            # The rayIntersection method gives us a
            # point on one of the mesh triangles -
            # we want the vertex on that triangle
            # which is nearest to the intersection.
            triVerts = ovl.vertices[tri, :]
            triDists = affine.veclength(loc - triVerts)
            vertIdx = np.argsort(triDists)[0]

            loc = ovl.vertices[tri[vertIdx], :]
            loc = opts.transformCoords(loc, 'mesh', 'display')

            self.displayCtx.location.xyz = loc