Exemplo n.º 1
def test_file_ops(tmpdir):
    tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
    fs = LocalFileSystem()
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        fs.info(tmpdir + '/nofile')
    fs.touch(tmpdir + '/afile')
    i1 = fs.ukey(tmpdir + '/afile')

    assert tmpdir + '/afile' in fs.ls(tmpdir)

    with fs.open(tmpdir + '/afile', 'wb') as f:
    i2 = fs.ukey(tmpdir + '/afile')
    assert i1 != i2  # because file changed

    fs.copy(tmpdir + '/afile', tmpdir + '/afile2')
    assert tmpdir + '/afile2' in fs.ls(tmpdir)

    fs.move(tmpdir + '/afile', tmpdir + '/afile3')
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir + '/afile')

    fs.rm(tmpdir + '/afile3', recursive=True)
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir + '/afile3')

    fs.rm(tmpdir, recursive=True)
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_file_ops(tmpdir):
    tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
    fs = LocalFileSystem()
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        fs.info(tmpdir + "/nofile")
    fs.touch(tmpdir + "/afile")
    i1 = fs.ukey(tmpdir + "/afile")

    assert tmpdir + "/afile" in fs.ls(tmpdir)

    with fs.open(tmpdir + "/afile", "wb") as f:
    i2 = fs.ukey(tmpdir + "/afile")
    assert i1 != i2  # because file changed

    fs.copy(tmpdir + "/afile", tmpdir + "/afile2")
    assert tmpdir + "/afile2" in fs.ls(tmpdir)

    fs.move(tmpdir + "/afile", tmpdir + "/afile3")
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir + "/afile")

    fs.rm(tmpdir + "/afile3", recursive=True)
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir + "/afile3")

    fs.rm(tmpdir, recursive=True)
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_file_ops(tmpdir):
    tmpdir = make_path_posix(str(tmpdir))
    fs = LocalFileSystem(auto_mkdir=True)
    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        fs.info(tmpdir + "/nofile")
    fs.touch(tmpdir + "/afile")
    i1 = fs.ukey(tmpdir + "/afile")

    assert tmpdir + "/afile" in fs.ls(tmpdir)

    with fs.open(tmpdir + "/afile", "wb") as f:
    i2 = fs.ukey(tmpdir + "/afile")
    assert i1 != i2  # because file changed

    fs.copy(tmpdir + "/afile", tmpdir + "/afile2")
    assert tmpdir + "/afile2" in fs.ls(tmpdir)

    fs.move(tmpdir + "/afile", tmpdir + "/afile3")
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir + "/afile")

    fs.cp(tmpdir + "/afile3", tmpdir + "/deeply/nested/file")
    assert fs.exists(tmpdir + "/deeply/nested/file")

    fs.rm(tmpdir + "/afile3", recursive=True)
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir + "/afile3")

    files = [tmpdir + "/afile4", tmpdir + "/afile5"]
    [fs.touch(f) for f in files]

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    assert all(not fs.exists(f) for f in files)

    fs.touch(tmpdir + "/afile6")
    fs.rm_file(tmpdir + "/afile6")
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir + "/afile6")

    # IsADirectoryError raised on Linux, PermissionError on Windows
    with pytest.raises((IsADirectoryError, PermissionError)):

    fs.rm(tmpdir, recursive=True)
    assert not fs.exists(tmpdir)