Exemplo n.º 1
 def w32CreateFile(name,
                   access=GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
     return FTD2XX(
         _ft.FT_W32_CreateFile(_ft.STRING(name), _ft.DWORD(access),
                               _ft.DWORD(0), None, _ft.DWORD(OPEN_EXISTING),
                               _ft.DWORD(flags), _ft.HANDLE(0)))
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getStatus(self):
     """Return a 3-tuple of rx queue bytes, tx queue bytes and event
     rxQAmount = _ft.DWORD()
     txQAmount = _ft.DWORD()
     evtStatus = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_GetStatus, self.handle, c.byref(rxQAmount),
             c.byref(txQAmount), c.byref(evtStatus))
     return (rxQAmount.value, txQAmount.value, evtStatus.value)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getDeviceInfo(self):
        """Returns a dictionary describing the device. """
        deviceType = _ft.DWORD()
        deviceId = _ft.DWORD()
        desc = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)
        serial = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)

        call_ft(_ft.FT_GetDeviceInfo, self.handle, c.byref(deviceType),
                c.byref(deviceId), serial, desc, None)
        return {
            'type': deviceType.value,
            'id': deviceId.value,
            'description': desc.value,
            'serial': serial.value
Exemplo n.º 4
 def read(self, nchars, raw=True):
     """Read up to nchars bytes of data from the device. Can return fewer if
     timedout. Use getQueueStatus to find how many bytes are available"""
     b_read = _ft.DWORD()
     b = c.c_buffer(nchars)
     call_ft(_ft.FT_Read, self.handle, b, nchars, c.byref(b_read))
     return b.raw[:b_read.value] if raw else b.value[:b_read.value]
Exemplo n.º 5
def openEx(id_str, flags=OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER):
    """Open a handle to a usb device by serial number(default), description or
    location(Windows only) depending on value of flags and return an FTD2XX
    instance for it"""
    h = _ft.FT_HANDLE()
    call_ft(_ft.FT_OpenEx, id_str, _ft.DWORD(flags), c.byref(h))
    return FTD2XX(h)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def eeUARead(self, b_to_read):
     """Read b_to_read bytes from the EEPROM user area"""
     b_read = _ft.DWORD()
     buf = c.c_buffer(b_to_read)
     call_ft(_ft.FT_EE_UARead, self.handle, c.cast(buf, _ft.PUCHAR),
             b_to_read, c.byref(b_read))
     return buf.value[:b_read.value]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def eeProgram(self, progdata=None, *args, **kwds):
        """Program the EEPROM with custom data. If SerialNumber is null, a new
        serial number is generated from ManufacturerId"""
        if progdata is None:
            progdata = _ft.ft_program_data(**kwds)

##        if self.devInfo['type'] == 4:
##            version = 1
##        elif self.devInfo['type'] == 5:
##            version = 2
##        else:
##            version = 0
        progdata.Signature1 = _ft.DWORD(0)
        progdata.Signature2 = _ft.DWORD(0xffffffff)
        progdata.Version = _ft.DWORD(2)
        call_ft(_ft.FT_EE_Program, self.handle, progdata)
        return None
Exemplo n.º 8
def listDevices(flags=0):
    """Return a list of serial numbers(default), descriptions or
    locations (Windows only) of the connected FTDI devices depending on value
    of flags"""
    n = _ft.DWORD()
    call_ft(_ft.FT_ListDevices, c.byref(n), None, _ft.DWORD(LIST_NUMBER_ONLY))
    devcount = n.value
    if devcount:
        # since ctypes has no pointer arithmetic.
        bd = [c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) for i in range(devcount)] +\
        # array of pointers to those strings, initially all NULL
        ba = (c.c_char_p * (devcount + 1))()
        for i in range(devcount):
            ba[i] = c.cast(bd[i], c.c_char_p)
        call_ft(_ft.FT_ListDevices, ba, c.byref(n),
                _ft.DWORD(LIST_ALL | flags))
        return [res for res in ba[:devcount]]
        return None
Exemplo n.º 9
def getDeviceInfoDetail(devnum=0, update=True):
    """Get an entry from the internal device info list. Set update to
    False to avoid a slow call to createDeviceInfoList."""
    f = _ft.DWORD()
    t = _ft.DWORD()
    i = _ft.DWORD()
    l = _ft.DWORD()
    h = _ft.FT_HANDLE()
    n = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)
    d = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)
    # createDeviceInfoList is slow, only run if update is True
    if update: createDeviceInfoList()
    call_ft(_ft.FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail, _ft.DWORD(devnum), c.byref(f),
            c.byref(t), c.byref(i), c.byref(l), n, d, c.byref(h))
    return {
        'index': devnum,
        'flags': f.value,
        'type': t.value,
        'id': i.value,
        'location': l.value,
        'serial': n.value,
        'description': d.value,
        'handle': h
Exemplo n.º 10
 def setWaitMask(self, mask):
     call_ft(_ft.FT_SetWaitMask, self.handle, _ft.DWORD(mask))
     return None
Exemplo n.º 11
 def getModemStatus(self):
     m = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_GetModemStatus, self.handle, c.byref(m))
     return m.value
Exemplo n.º 12
 def eeUASize(self):
     """Get the EEPROM user area size"""
     uasize = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_EE_UASize, self.handle, c.byref(uasize))
     return uasize.value
Exemplo n.º 13
 def setRestPipeRetryCount(self, count):
     call_ft(_ft.FT_SetResetPipeRetryCount, self.handle, _ft.DWORD(count))
     return None
Exemplo n.º 14
 def getDriverVersion(self):
     drvver = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_GetDriverVersion, self.handle, c.byref(drvver))
     return drvver.value
Exemplo n.º 15
 def setBaudRate(self, baud):
     """Set the baud rate"""
     call_ft(_ft.FT_SetBaudRate, self.handle, _ft.DWORD(baud))
     return None
Exemplo n.º 16
 def getVIDPID():
     """Linux only. Get the VID and PID of the device"""
     vid = _ft.DWORD()
     pid = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_GetVIDPID, c.byref(vid), c.byref(pid))
     return (vid.value, pid.value)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def purge(self, mask=0):
     if not mask:
         mask = PURGE_RX | PURGE_TX
     call_ft(_ft.FT_Purge, self.handle, _ft.DWORD(mask))
     return None
Exemplo n.º 18
def createDeviceInfoList():
    """Create the internal device info list and return number of entries"""
    m = _ft.DWORD()
    call_ft(_ft.FT_CreateDeviceInfoList, c.byref(m))
    return m.value
Exemplo n.º 19
 def setVIDPID(vid, pid):
     """Linux only. Set the VID and PID of the device"""
     call_ft(_ft.FT_SetVIDPID, _ft.DWORD(vid), _ft.DWORD(pid))
     return None
Exemplo n.º 20
 def setEventNotification(self, evtmask, evthandle):
     call_ft(_ft.FT_SetEventNotification, self.handle, _ft.DWORD(evtmask),
     return None
Exemplo n.º 21
 def getQueueStatus(self):
     """Get number of bytes in receive queue."""
     rxQAmount = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_GetQueueStatus, self.handle, c.byref(rxQAmount))
     return rxQAmount.value
Exemplo n.º 22
 def setDeadmanTimeout(self, timeout):
     call_ft(_ft.FT_SetDeadmanTimeout, self.handle, _ft.DWORD(timeout))
     return None
Exemplo n.º 23
 def setTimeouts(self, read, write):
     call_ft(_ft.FT_SetTimeouts, self.handle, _ft.DWORD(read),
     return None
Exemplo n.º 24
def getLibraryVersion():
    """Return a long representing library version"""
    m = _ft.DWORD()
    call_ft(_ft.FT_GetLibraryVersion, c.byref(m))
    return m.value
Exemplo n.º 25
 def waitOnMask(self):
     mask = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_WaitOnMask, self.handle, c.byref(mask))
     return mask.value
Exemplo n.º 26
 def getEventStatus(self):
     evtStatus = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_GetEventStatus, self.handle, c.byref(evtStatus))
     return evtStatus.value
Exemplo n.º 27
 def write(self, data):
     """Send the data to the device. Data must be a string representing the
     bytes to be sent"""
     w = _ft.DWORD()
     call_ft(_ft.FT_Write, self.handle, data, len(data), c.byref(w))
     return w.value