Exemplo n.º 1
def searchPubmed(searchFields, sortby='relevance', num="10", resultsFormat='json'):
    Searches PubMed database for MeSH terms and other additional fields ('searchFields'), sorts them by relevance and \
    returns the top 'num'.

    :param list searchFields: list of search fields to query for.
    :param str sortby: parameter to use for sorting.
    :param str num: number of PubMed identifiers to return.
    :param str resultsFormat: format of the PubMed result.
    :return: Dictionary with total number of PubMed ids, and top 'num' ids.
    pubmedQueryUrl = 'http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&term=TERM&retmode=json&retmax=NUM'
    if len(searchFields) > 1:
        query = " [MeSH Terms] AND ".join(searchFields)
        query = searchFields[0] + " [MeSH Terms] AND"
        url = pubmedQueryUrl.replace('TERMS', query).replace('NUM', num)
        http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where())
        response = http.request("GET", urllib.parse.quote(url))
        jsonResponse = response.read()
        resultDict = json.loads(jsonResponse)
    except urllib3.exceptions.InvalidHeader:
        raise urllib3.exceptions.InvalidHeader("Invalid HTTP header provided. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError:
        raise urllib3.exceptions.ConnectTimeoutError("Connection timeout requesting URL. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except urllib3.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        raise urllib3.exceptions.ConnectionError("Protocol error when downloading. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except urllib3.exceptions.DecodeError:
        raise urllib3.exceptions.DecodeError("Decoder error when downloading. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except urllib3.exceptions.SecurityWarning:
        raise urllib3.exceptions.SecurityWarning("Security warning when downloading. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError:
        raise urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError("Protocol error when downloading. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except ftplib.error_reply as err:
        raise ftplib.error_reply("Exception raised when an unexpected reply is received from the server. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except ftplib.error_temp as err:
        raise ftplib.error_temp("Exception raised when an error code signifying a temporary error. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except ftplib.error_perm as err:
        raise ftplib.error_perm("Exception raised when an error code signifying a permanent error. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except ftplib.error_proto:
        raise ftplib.error_proto("Exception raised when a reply is received from the server that does not fit the response specifications of the File Transfer Protocol. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))
    except Exception as err:
        raise Exception("Something went wrong. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,url))

    result = []
    if 'esearchresult' in resultDict:
        result = resultDict['esearchresult']

    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getresp(self):
     resp = self.getmultiline()
     if self.debugging:
         print('*resp*', self.sanitize(resp))
     self.lastresp = resp[:3]
     c = resp[:1]
     if c in {'1', '2', '3'}:
         return resp
     if c == '4':
         raise ftplib.error_temp(resp)
     if c == '5':
         if self.lastresp == '553' and self.use_xdupe:
             with self.lock:
         raise ftplib.error_perm(resp)
     raise ftplib.error_proto(resp)
Exemplo n.º 3
def download_from_ftp(ftp_url, user, password, to, file_name):
        domain = ftp_url.split('/')[2]
        ftp_file = '/'.join(ftp_url.split('/')[3:])
        with ftplib.FTP(domain) as ftp:
            ftp.login(user=user, passwd=password)
            with open(os.path.join(to, file_name), 'wb') as fp:
                ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + ftp_file,  fp.write)
    except ftplib.error_reply as err:
        raise ftplib.error_reply("Exception raised when an unexpected reply is received from the server. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,ftp_url))
    except ftplib.error_temp as err:
        raise ftplib.error_temp("Exception raised when an error code signifying a temporary error. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,ftp_url))
    except ftplib.error_perm as err:
        raise ftplib.error_perm("Exception raised when an error code signifying a permanent error. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,ftp_url))
    except ftplib.error_proto:
        raise ftplib.error_proto("Exception raised when a reply is received from the server that does not fit the response specifications of the File Transfer Protocol. {}.\nURL:{}".format(err,ftp_url))
Exemplo n.º 4
 def getresp(self):
     ftplib.getresp :
     parse JOBNAME in 250/125 z/OS FTP response 
     resp = self.getmultiline()
     if self.debugging:
         print('*resp*', self.sanitize(resp))
     self.lastresp = resp[:3]
     c = resp[:1]
     if c in ('1', '2', '3'):
         if resp[:3] in('250','125'):                   #|Zftp spec
             sx0 = re.search(r"\s+(JOB\d{5})\s+", resp) #| 
             if sx0:                                    #| 
                 self.__jobid = sx0.group(1)            #|
         return resp
     if c == '4':
         raise ftplib.error_temp(resp)
     if c == '5':
         raise ftplib.error_perm(resp)
     raise ftplib.error_proto(resp)
Exemplo n.º 5
def downloadDB(databaseURL,
    This function downloads the raw files from a biomedical database server when a link is provided.

    :param str databaseURL: link to access biomedical database server.
    :param directory:
    :type directory: str or None
    :param file_name: name of the file to dowload. If None, 'databaseURL' must contain \
                        filename after the last '/'.
    :type file_name: str or None
    :param str user: username to access biomedical database server if required.
    :param str password: password to access biomedical database server if required.
    dbconfig = setup_config()
    if directory is None:
        directory = dbconfig["databasesDir"]
    if file_name is None:
        file_name = databaseURL.split('/')[-1].replace('?',
                                                       '_').replace('=', '_')
    header = {
        'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36'
        mode = 'wb'
        if databaseURL.startswith('ftp:'):
            domain = databaseURL.split('/')[2]
            ftp_file = '/'.join(databaseURL.split('/')[3:])
            with ftplib.FTP(domain) as ftp:
                ftp.login(user=user, passwd=password)
                    "RETR " + ftp_file,
                    open(os.path.join(directory, file_name), mode).write)
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, file_name)):
                os.remove(os.path.join(directory, file_name))
                wget.download(databaseURL, os.path.join(directory, file_name))
            except Exception:
                r = requests.get(databaseURL, headers=header)
                with open(os.path.join(directory, file_name), 'wb') as out:
            #os.system("wget -O {0} {1}".format(os.path.join(directory, file_name), databaseURL))
    except ftplib.error_reply as err:
        raise ftplib.error_reply(
            "Exception raised when an unexpected reply is received from the server. {}.\nURL:{}"
            .format(err, databaseURL))
    except ftplib.error_temp as err:
        raise ftplib.error_temp(
            "Exception raised when an error code signifying a temporary error. {}.\nURL:{}"
            .format(err, databaseURL))
    except ftplib.error_perm as err:
        raise ftplib.error_perm(
            "Exception raised when an error code signifying a permanent error. {}.\nURL:{}"
            .format(err, databaseURL))
    except ftplib.error_proto:
        raise ftplib.error_proto(
            "Exception raised when a reply is received from the server that does not fit the response specifications of the File Transfer Protocol. {}.\nURL:{}"
            .format(err, databaseURL))
    except Exception as err:
        raise Exception("Something went wrong. {}.\nURL:{}".format(
            err, databaseURL))