Exemplo n.º 1
def func_dijkstraPP(mymap, mu, edge_index):
    edge_start = np.where(mymap.M[:, edge_index] == 1)[0].item()
    edge_end = np.where(mymap.M[:, edge_index] == -1)[0].item()

    path_1 = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, mymap.r_0, edge_start, mu)[2]
    path_2 = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, edge_end, mymap.r_s, mu)[2]

    path_dijkstraPP = (path_1 + path_2).reshape(-1)
    path_dijkstraPP[edge_index] = 1

    return path_dijkstraPP
Exemplo n.º 2
def func_max_flow(mymap, x_t, thres=0.01):
    path_element_set = []
    mu_prime = mymap.mu.copy()

    while np.max(
    ) > thres:  # if there is remaining x_rsp_quadprog left, continue;
        print("rsp", np.sum(x_t))
        # dynamic_x_rsp_quadprog = x_rsp_quadprog.copy()
        mask = x_t <= thres
        x_t[mask] = 0
        mu_prime[mask] = 100000

        _, path, path_onehot = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, mymap.r_0, mymap.r_s,

        if np.min(x_t[path]) == 0:

        x_t[path] -= np.min(x_t[path])

        # dynamic_x_rsp_quadprog[mask] = 100

        # edge_value = np.min(dynamic_x_rsp_quadprog)
        # edge_index = np.argmin(dynamic_x_rsp_quadprog) # find the edge list with the smallest value of x_rsp_quadprog

        # path_dijkstraPP = func_dijkstraPP(mymap, dynamic_mu, edge_index) # 找到最短路径
        # path_element_set.append(path_dijkstraPP)
        # x_rsp_quadprog -= edge_value * path_dijkstraPP # update x_rsp_quadprog

        # mask = x_rsp_quadprog < 0.01
        # x_rsp_quadprog[mask] = 0

    return path_element_set
Exemplo n.º 3
def biGP4(mymap, T, N, S):
    print('current node: {}'.format(mymap.r_0 + 1))
    value_max = 0
    map_temp = Map(mymap.model, mymap.decom)

    for _, next_node, d in mymap.G.out_edges(mymap.r_0, data=True):
        if func.dijkstra(mymap.G, next_node, mymap.r_s)[0] == -1:

        link = d['index']
        print('current link: {}'.format(link + 1))

        if next_node == mymap.r_s:
            value1 = norm.cdf(T, mymap.mu[link].item(),
                              np.sqrt(mymap.cov[link, link]))
            value2 = norm.cdf(T, mymap.mu2[link].item(),
                              np.sqrt(mymap.cov2[link, link]))
            value = func.calc_bi_gauss(mymap.phi_bi, value1, value2)
            if value >= value_max:
                value_max = value
                selected_link = link

            v_hat = 0
            G_temp = func.remove_graph_edge(mymap.G, link)
            mu1_sub, cov1_sub, cov1_con = func.update_param(
                mymap.mu, mymap.cov, link)
            mu2_sub, cov2_sub, cov2_con = func.update_param(
                mymap.mu2, mymap.cov2, link)

            for i in range(N):
                sample = func.generate_biGP_samples(mymap.phi_bi, mu1_sub[2],
                                                    mu2_sub[2], cov1_sub[22],
                                                    cov2_sub[22], 1).item()
                T_temp = T - sample
                if T_temp > 0:
                    mu1_con = func.update_mu(mu1_sub, cov1_sub, sample)
                    mu2_con = func.update_mu(mu2_sub, cov2_sub, sample)
                                             OD_true=[next_node, mymap.r_s],
                    v_hat += PLM(mymap=map_temp, T=T_temp, S=S, model="bi")[0]

            value = v_hat / N

            if value >= value_max:
                value_max = value
                selected_link = link

    return selected_link, value_max
Exemplo n.º 4
def logGP4(mymap, T, N, S):
    print('current node: {}'.format(mymap.r_0 + 1))
    value_max = 0
    map_temp = Map(mymap.model, mymap.decom)

    for _, next_node, d in mymap.G.out_edges(mymap.r_0, data=True):
        if func.dijkstra(mymap.G, next_node, mymap.r_s)[0] == -1:

        link = d['index']
        print('current link: {}'.format(link + 1))

        if next_node == mymap.r_s:
            value = norm.cdf(np.log(T), mymap.mu[link].item(),
                             np.sqrt(mymap.cov[link, link]))
            if value >= value_max:
                value_max = value
                selected_link = link

            v_hat = 0
            G_temp = func.remove_graph_edge(mymap.G, link)
            mu_sub, cov_sub, cov_con = func.update_param(
                mymap.mu, mymap.cov, link)

            for i in range(N):
                sample = np.random.normal(mu_sub[2], np.sqrt(cov_sub[22]))
                T_temp = T - np.exp(sample)
                if T_temp > 0:
                    mu_con = func.update_mu(mu_sub, cov_sub, sample)
                        OD_true=[next_node, mymap.r_s],
                    v_hat += PLM(mymap=map_temp, T=T_temp, S=S)[0]

            value = v_hat / N

            if value >= value_max:
                value_max = value
                selected_link = link

    return selected_link, value_max
Exemplo n.º 5
def GP3(mymap, zeta, gap):
    ## calculate t_min and t_max (lower bound and upper bound)
    # step 1: calculate the LET path: x_let;
    x_let = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, mymap.r_0, mymap.r_s)[2]

    # step 2: calculate the smallest variance path: x_var, and the variance
    # value (var_min)
    x_var = func_simplepathleastvar(mymap, x_let)[1]

    # step 3: calculate t_min and t_max
    t_min = np.dot(
        mymap.mu.T, x_let) + zeta * np.sqrt(x_var.T.dot(
            mymap.cov).dot(x_var))  # t_min is the sum of the two min values
    t_max = np.dot(mymap.mu.T, x_let) + zeta * np.sqrt(
    )  # t_max is one of the feasible path's value which the LET path

    gap_GP3 = abs(t_max - t_min) / t_max

    ## initialize t=(t_min+t_max)/2, and calculate matrix H, lambda_min and convert to Q and l;
    ## initialize x_rsp as x_let

    H = zeta**2 * mymap.cov - np.dot(mymap.mu, mymap.mu.T)

    lmd = np.linalg.eig(H)[0]
    lmd_min = np.min(lmd)
    Q = H - (lmd_min - 1) * np.eye(mymap.n_link)
    #l = 2 * t * mymap.mu + (lmd_min-1) * np.ones((mymap.n_link, 1)) %no need to initialize l
    #here, because we will re-initialize l in the while loop

    path_rsp_GP3 = x_let
    iter_GP3 = 1

    ## loop and update t until convergence. if no feasible path, set t_min = t; if feasible path, set t_max = t;
    while gap_GP3 > gap:
        print("gp3", gap_GP3)
        t = (t_min + t_max) / 2

        # update l,
        l = 2 * t * mymap.mu + (lmd_min - 1) * np.ones((mymap.n_link, 1))
        # find the optimal path for the constrained quadratic program
        x_rsp_propose = func_rsp_path(mymap, Q, l, t, path_rsp_GP3)[1]
        rsp_min = np.dot(mymap.mu.T, x_rsp_propose) + zeta * np.sqrt(

        if rsp_min < t_max:
            t_max = rsp_min
            path_rsp_GP3 = x_rsp_propose

        if rsp_min < t_min:
            t_min = rsp_min
        elif rsp_min < t:
            t_max = rsp_min
            path_rsp_GP3 = x_rsp_propose
            t_min = t

        gap_GP3 = abs(t_max - t_min) / t_max

        iter_GP3 += 1

    return path_rsp_GP3, iter_GP3, gap_GP3.item()
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    stations = get_stations('wiki.txt', 9, 'mck.txt', 8)
    table = create_table(stations)
    br_names = {
        '1': 'Сокольническая (красная)',
        '2': 'Замоскворецкая (зеленая)',
        '3': 'Арбатско-Покровская (синяя)',
        '4': 'Филёвская (голубая)',
        '5': 'Кольцевая (коричневая)',
        '6': 'Калужско-Рижская (оранжевая)',
        '7': 'Таганско-Краснопресненская (фиолетовая)',
        '8': 'Калининская (желтая)',
        '9': 'Серпуховско-Тимирязевская (серая)',
        '10': 'Люблинско-Дмитровская (салатовая)',
        '11А': 'Каховская (бирюзовая)',
        '12': 'Бутовская (серо-голубая)',
        '14': 'МЦК',
        '15': 'Некрасовская (розовая)',
    br_colors = {
        '1': '\"#CD0506\"',
        '2': '\"#0A6F20\"',
        '3': '\"#072889\"',
        '4': '\"#069CD3\"',
        '5': '\"#7F0000\"',
        '6': '\"#FF7F00\"',
        '7': '\"#92007B\"',
        '8': '\"#FFDD03\"',
        '9': '\"#A2A5B4\"',
        '10': '\"#8CCE3A\"',
        '11А': '\"#C9EBE9\"',
        '12': '\"#B2DAE7\"',
        '14': '\"#F76093\"',
        '15': '\"#D765A3\"',

    write_gv('metro_graph.gv', table, stations, br_colors)
    render('dot', 'png', 'metro_graph.gv')

    while True:
        while True:
            options = []

            st_1_name = input('Станция отправления: ')

            for st in stations:
                if st.name.lower() == st_1_name.lower():

            if len(options) == 0:
                print('Станция с таким названием не найдена.')
            elif len(options) == 1:
                st_1 = options[0]
                print('Есть несколько станций с таким названием: ')
                for i in range(len(options)):
                        str(i + 1) + '. ' + options[i].name + ' - ' +

                while True:
                    ch = input('Выберите номер нужной станции: ')
                        ch = int(ch)
                        if 1 <= ch <= len(options):
                            st_1 = options[ch - 1]
                            print('Неверный выбор, пожалуйста повторите ввод.')
                    except ValueError:
                        print('Неверный выбор, пожалуйста повторите ввод.')

        while True:
            options = []

            st_1_name = input('Станция прибытия: ')

            for st in stations:
                if st.name.lower() == st_1_name.lower():

            if len(options) == 0:
                print('Станция с таким названием не найдена.')
            elif len(options) == 1:
                if options[0] == st_1:
                        'Станция совпадает со станцией отправления. Выберите другую.'
                    st_2 = options[0]
                print('Есть несколько станций с таким названием: ')
                for i in range(len(options)):
                        str(i + 1) + '. ' + options[i].name + ' - ' +

                while True:
                    ch = input('Выберите номер нужной станции: ')
                        ch = int(ch)
                        if 1 <= ch <= len(options):
                            if options[ch - 1] == st_1:
                                    'Станция совпадает со станцией отправления. Выберите другую.'
                                st_2 = options[ch - 1]
                            print('Неверный выбор, пожалуйста повторите ввод.')
                    except ValueError:
                        print('Неверный выбор, пожалуйста повторите ввод.')

        distance, paths = dijkstra(table, stations.index(st_1))

        print_path(st_1, st_2, distance, paths, stations, table)
Exemplo n.º 7
def zeng2015(mymap, zeta, MaxIter, gap):
    ## extract information a map, and perform cholesky decomposition over Sigma

    L_low_triangular = np.linalg.cholesky(
        mymap.sigma)  # cholesky decomposition; get the lower triangular matrix

    ## initialization, calculate lowerbound and upperbound of the problem
    lmd = np.random.rand(
        1)  #randomly generate the initial values for lamda,v (0,1)
    nu = np.random.rand()
    iter_LR = 1  # initialize iteration number
    x_let = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, mymap.r_0, mymap.r_s)[2]

    y_pri = np.dot(
        np.dot(L_low_triangular.T, x_let).T,
               x_let))  #the travel time variance of the shortest path
    # y' is the travel time variance of the shortest distance path

    upperbound = np.dot(mymap.mu.T, x_let) + zeta * np.sqrt(
        x_let.T.dot(mymap.sigma).dot(x_let))  #calculate UB using Eq.40
    lowerbound = -100
    gap_LR = (upperbound - lowerbound) / upperbound
    L_high_triangular = L_low_triangular.T

    ## step2 slove the decomposed dual problems
    while iter_LR < MaxIter and abs(gap_LR) > gap:
        ## solve a transformed shortest path problem

        lmd_L = np.dot(lmd.T, L_high_triangular).reshape(-1)
        nan_position = np.isnan(lmd_L)
        for i in range(mymap.n_link):
            if nan_position[i] == 1:
                lmd_L[i] = 0
                lmd[i] = 0

        for i in range(mymap.n_link):
            if lmd_L[i] < 0:
                lmd_L[i] = -lmd_L[i]

        dynamic_mu = mymap.mu + lmd_L.reshape(-1, 1)

        path_rsp_LR = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, mymap.r_0, mymap.r_s,

        ## calculate Lx,Ly,Lw

        Lx = np.dot(dynamic_mu.T, path_rsp_LR)

        omega = lmd / (
            2 * nu)  # calculate omega ,the second subfunction using  Eq.36
        Lw = 0

        for i in range(mymap.n_link):
            Lw = Lw + nu * omega[i]**2 - lmd[i] * omega[i]

        y = np.dot(
            np.dot(L_low_triangular.T, path_rsp_LR).T,
            np.dot(L_low_triangular.T, path_rsp_LR))

        Ly = 0  # caculate Ly using Eq.34 with Min{0,zeta*sqrt(y')-nu*y'}

        ## updata LB,UB,and epsilon using Eqs.39-41
        lowbound_optimal = Lx
        upperbound_optimal = np.dot(mymap.mu.T, path_rsp_LR) + zeta * np.sqrt(

        lowerbound = lowbound_optimal
        upperbound = upperbound_optimal

        gap_LR = (upperbound - lowerbound) / upperbound

        ##  step 3 update the Lagrangian multipliers (lambda,nu)
        delta = 0.9  #delta is a scalar chosen between 0 and 2

        L_x_let_dynamic = np.dot(L_low_triangular.T, path_rsp_LR)

        theta_numerator = np.zeros(mymap.n_link)
        theta_denominator = np.zeros(mymap.n_link)
        theta = np.zeros(mymap.n_link)
        for i in range(mymap.n_link):
            theta_numerator[i] = delta * (upperbound - lowerbound)
            theta_denominator[i] = 0

            for z in range(mymap.n_link):
                theta_denominator[i] = theta_denominator[i] + (
                    L_x_let_dynamic[z] - omega[i])**2

            theta[i] = theta_numerator[i] / theta_denominator[i]
            # using heuristic algorithm calculate the step size of each iteration k

        value_omega = np.dot(omega.T, omega)

        theta_nu = delta * (upperbound - lowerbound) / ((value_omega - y)**2)
        nu = nu + theta_nu * value_omega  # updata nu
        value_L_x_let = np.dot(L_low_triangular.T, path_rsp_LR)

        for i in range(mymap.n_link):
            lmd[i] = lmd[i] + theta[i] * (value_L_x_let[i] - omega[i]
                                          )  #updata lambda

        iter_LR += 1

    return path_rsp_LR, iter_LR, gap_LR
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: SG.py Projeto: houxuejie/GP3
def zhang2019(mymap, zeta, MaxIter, gap):
    #relative duality gap threshold epsilon, MaxIter is maximum number of iteration

    ## step 1,variance-covariance maxtrix decomposition
    eig_value, eig_vector = np.linalg.eig(mymap.cov)

    ## step2 initialization
    iter_SG = 0
    lower_bound_Z = -1000
    lmd = np.ones(mymap.n_link).reshape(-1, 1)
    x_let = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, mymap.r_0, mymap.r_s)[2]

    upper_bound_Z = np.dot(mymap.mu.T, x_let) + zeta * np.sqrt(
        x_let.T.dot(mymap.cov).dot(x_let))  #compute Z as the upper bound
    gap_SG = (upper_bound_Z - lower_bound_Z) / upper_bound_Z

    ## step 3 solve lagtangian telaxation problems
    while iter_SG < MaxIter and gap_SG > gap:
        dynamic_mu = mymap.mu + np.dot(eig_vector, lmd)
        dynamic_mu = np.abs(dynamic_mu)
        x_let = func.dijkstra(mymap.G, mymap.r_0, mymap.r_s, dynamic_mu)[2]

        optimal_upper_bound_Z = np.dot(mymap.mu.T, x_let) + zeta * np.sqrt(
            x_let.T.dot(mymap.cov).dot(x_let))  #update upper bound of Z
        lagrangian_optimal = np.dot((mymap.mu + np.dot(eig_vector, lmd)).T,

        ## update upper_bound_Z and save x_let
        if upper_bound_Z >= optimal_upper_bound_Z:
            upper_bound_Z = optimal_upper_bound_Z
            x_SG = x_let
            x_SG_last = x_SG
            if iter_SG == 0:
                x_SG = x_let
                x_SG_last = x_SG
                x_SG = x_SG_last

        lagrangian_value = lagrangian_optimal

        ## update low_bound_Z
        if lagrangian_value >= lower_bound_Z:
            lower_bound_Z = lagrangian_value

        # update lagrangian multiplier
        partial_coefficient = np.dot(eig_vector.T, x_let)
        coefficient = np.abs(upper_bound_Z - lower_bound_Z) / np.dot(
            partial_coefficient.T, partial_coefficient)
        beta = 0.1
        lmd_new = lmd + beta * coefficient * partial_coefficient
        for i in range(mymap.n_link):
            if lmd_new[i] > np.abs(zeta * np.sqrt(eig_value[i])):
                lmd_new[i] = lmd[i]

        lmd = lmd_new
        iter_SG += 1
        gap_SG = (upper_bound_Z - lower_bound_Z) / upper_bound_Z

    return x_SG, iter_SG, gap_SG.item()