Exemplo n.º 1
def loglike_func(hyper,local, dat_fixm, dat_varm):
	sigma_like_R0, sigma_like_R1 = split_group(hyper, local)

	# fix mass
	Rob0 = dat_fixm[:,2]
	Rerr0 = dat_fixm[:,3]
	fM0 = piece_linear(hyper, M0, 0.5*np.ones_like(M0), n_pop)

	L0 = 0. - 0.5* np.sum( (Rob0-fM0)**2./(Rerr0**2.+sigma_like_R0**2.) ) \
			- 0.5* np.sum( np.log(Rerr0**2.+sigma_like_R0**2.) )

	# variable mass
	Mob1 = dat_varm[:,0]
	Merr1 = dat_varm[:,1]
	Rob1 = dat_varm[:,2]
	Rerr1 = dat_varm[:,3]
	Mth1 = local + 0.
	fM1 = piece_linear(hyper, Mth1, 0.5*np.ones_like(Mth1), n_pop)

	L1 = 0. - 0.5* np.sum( (Mob1-Mth1)**2./Merr1**2. ) \
			- 0.5* np.sum( (Rob1-fM1)**2./(Rerr1**2.+sigma_like_R1**2.) ) \
			- 0.5* np.sum( np.log(Rerr1**2.+sigma_like_R1**2.) )	

	L = L0 + L1
	return L
Exemplo n.º 2
def inverse_local(local_prob, hyper):
	# R(0,i) for fix mass
	prob_R0 = local_prob[0:n_fixm]
	R0 = piece_linear(hyper, M0, prob_R0)

	# M(1,i) for variable mass
	prob_M1 = local_prob[n_fixm:n_fixm+n_varm]
	M1 = uniform.ppf(prob_M1, -4., 10.)

	# R(1,i) for varibable mass
	prob_R1 = local_prob[n_fixm+n_varm:]
	R1 = piece_linear(hyper, M1, prob_R1)

	local = np.hstack((R0, M1, R1))

	return local
Exemplo n.º 3
def Mpost2R(mass, unit='Earth', classify='No'):
	Forecast the Radius distribution given the mass distribution.

	mass: one dimensional array
		The mass distribution.
	unit: string (optional)
		Unit of the mass.
		Options are 'Earth' and 'Jupiter'. Default is 'Earth'.
	classify: string (optional)
		If you want the object to be classifed.
		Options are 'Yes' and 'No'. Default is 'No'.
		Result will be printed, not returned.

	radius: one dimensional array
		Predicted radius distribution in the input unit.

    # mass input
    mass = np.array(mass)
    assert len(mass.shape) == 1, "Input mass must be 1-D."

    # unit input
    if unit == 'Earth':
    elif unit == 'Jupiter':
        mass = mass * mearth2mjup
            "Input unit must be 'Earth' or 'Jupiter'. Using 'Earth' as default."

    # mass range
    if np.min(mass) < 3e-4 or np.max(mass) > 3e5:
        print('Mass range out of model expectation. Returning None.')
        return None

    ## convert to radius
    sample_size = len(mass)
    logm = np.log10(mass)
    prob = np.random.random(sample_size)
    logr = np.ones_like(logm)

    hyper_ind = np.random.randint(low=0,
    hyper = all_hyper[hyper_ind, :]

    if classify == 'Yes':
        classification(logm, hyper[:, -3:])

    for i in range(sample_size):
        logr[i] = piece_linear(hyper[i], logm[i], prob[i])

    radius_sample = 10.**logr

    ## convert to right unit
    if unit == 'Jupiter':
        radius = radius_sample / rearth2rjup
        radius = radius_sample

    return radius
Exemplo n.º 4
# find_best.py with spatial_median.txt and find trans_1up/down
trans_1up = trans_best + np.array([0.1245372 , 0.0534476 ,  0.04035559])
trans_1down = trans_best - np.array([0.14317994, 0.06079727,  0.03514506 ])

# convert trans best
mearth2mjup = 317.828
mearth2msun = 333060.4

m_trans = 10.**trans_best
m1 = m_trans[0]
m2 = m_trans[1] / mearth2mjup
m3 = m_trans[2] / mearth2msun

# find the corresponding R at transition points
rad_trans = 10.** piece_linear( best_hyper, trans_best, prob_R = 0.5*np.ones(3) )
print 'radius at transition (RE)/(RJ)', rad_trans, rad_trans/11.21

### plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4*figscale,3*figscale))
ax = plt.gca()

# fit line
m_max = np.log10(np.max(star[:,0]))
m_min = np.log10(np.min(dwarfplanet[:,0]))
m_sample = np.linspace( m_min, m_max, 1000 )
r_sample = piece_linear(best_hyper, m_sample, prob_R = 0.5*np.ones_like(m_sample))
Exemplo n.º 5
def Mpost2R(mass, unit='Earth', classify='No'):
    Forecast the Radius distribution given the mass distribution.

    mass: one dimensional array
        The mass distribution.
    unit: string (optional)
        Unit of the mass. 
        Options are 'Earth' and 'Jupiter'. Default is 'Earth'.
    classify: string (optional)
        If you want the object to be classifed. 
        Options are 'Yes' and 'No'. Default is 'No'.
        Result will be printed, not returned.

    radius: one dimensional array
        Predicted radius distribution in the input unit.

    # mass input
    mass = np.array(mass)
    assert len(mass.shape) == 1, "Input mass must be 1-D."

    # unit input
    if unit == 'Earth':
    elif unit == 'Jupiter':
        mass = mass * mearth2mjup
        print("Input unit must be 'Earth' or 'Jupiter'. "
              "Using 'Earth' as default.")

    # mass range
    if np.min(mass) < 3e-4 or np.max(mass) > 3e5:
        print('Mass range out of model expectation. Returning None.')
        return None

    ## convert to radius
    sample_size = len(mass)
    logm = np.log10(mass)
    prob = np.random.random(sample_size)
    logr = np.ones_like(logm)

    hyper_ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.shape(all_hyper)[0],
    hyper = all_hyper[hyper_ind,:]

    if classify == 'Yes':
        classification(logm, hyper[:,-3:])

    for i in range(sample_size):
        logr[i] = piece_linear(hyper[i], logm[i], prob[i])

    radius_sample = 10.** logr

    ## convert to right unit
    if unit == 'Jupiter':
        radius = radius_sample / rearth2rjup
        radius = radius_sample 

    return radius
Exemplo n.º 6
def plt_linear(infile, outfile, datadir=""):

    pp = PdfPages(outfile)

    ### data
    hyper = np.loadtxt(infile + "hyper.out")
    loglike = np.loadtxt(infile + "loglike.out")
    repeat = np.loadtxt(infile + "repeat.out")

    ### split data
    c0 = hyper[:, 0]
    slope = hyper[:, 1:5]
    sigma = hyper[:, 5:9]
    trans = hyper[:, 9:12]

    ### plot

    row = 2
    col = 4

    f, ((a00, a01, a02, a03), (a10, a11, a12, a13)) = plt.subplots(row, col, figsize=(col * 5, row * 5))
    ax = ((a00, a01, a02, a03), (a10, a11, a12, a13))

    # repeat

    # loglike

    # loglike
    ax[0][2].plot(range(len(loglike) / 2, len(loglike)), loglike[len(loglike) / 2 :])

    # over plot
    dat = convert_data(np.loadtxt(datadir + "PlanetGroup.txt"))
    ax[0][3].errorbar(dat[:, 0], dat[:, 2], xerr=dat[:, 1], yerr=dat[:, 3], fmt=".")

    best_ind = np.argmax(loglike)
    hyper_best = hyper[best_ind, :]
    trans_best = hyper_best[-3:]
    print 10.0 ** trans_best
    m_sample = np.linspace(np.min(dat[:, 0]), np.max(dat[:, 0]), 1000)
    r_sample = piece_linear(hyper_best, m_sample, prob_R=0.5 * np.ones_like(m_sample))
    # r_upper = piece_linear(hyper_best, m_sample, prob_R = 0.84 * np.ones_like(m_sample))
    # r_lower = piece_linear(hyper_best, m_sample, prob_R = 0.16 * np.ones_like(m_sample))
    r_upper = piece_linear_complex(hyper_best, m_sample, prob_R=0.84 * np.ones_like(m_sample))
    r_lower = piece_linear_complex(hyper_best, m_sample, prob_R=0.16 * np.ones_like(m_sample))

    ax[0][3].plot(m_sample, r_sample, "r-")
    ax[0][3].fill_between(m_sample, r_lower, r_upper, color="grey", alpha=0.2)

    r_trans = piece_linear(hyper_best, trans_best, prob_R=0.5 * np.ones_like(trans_best))
    ax[0][3].plot(trans_best, r_trans, "rx")

    ax[0][3].set_xlabel(r"log10(M [M$_\oplus$])")
    ax[0][3].set_ylabel(r"log10(R [R$_\oplus$])")

    # C
    ax[1][0].set_ylim([-1, 1])

    # slope
    for i in range(4):
        ax[1][1].plot(slope[:, i])

    # sigma
    for i in range(4):
        ax[1][2].plot(sigma[:, i])
    ax[1][2].set_ylim([1e-3, 1e0])

    # transition
    for i in range(3):
        ax[1][3].plot(trans[:, i])
    ax[1][3].set_ylim([-4, 6])


    return None
Exemplo n.º 7
r2m_m = np.log10(Rpost2M(10.**r2m_r))
r2m_r2 = np.log10(Mpost2R(10.**r2m_m))

### mass histogram
ax1.hist(m2r_m2, fc='r', ec='r', alpha=0.3, bins=nbin)
ax1.hist(m2r_m,fc='b', bins=nbin, label=['M -> R -> M'])
ax1.hist(r2m_m,fc='g', bins=nbin, label=['R -> M'])
ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)

### model
from func import piece_linear, piece_linear_complex
best_hyper = np.loadtxt('spatial_median.txt', delimiter=',')

m_sample = np.linspace( -3.9, 5.5, 1000 )
r_sample = piece_linear(best_hyper, m_sample, prob_R = 0.5*np.ones_like(m_sample))
r_upper = piece_linear_complex(best_hyper, m_sample, prob_R = 0.84 * np.ones_like(m_sample))
r_lower = piece_linear_complex(best_hyper, m_sample, prob_R = 0.16 * np.ones_like(m_sample))
r_2upper = piece_linear_complex(best_hyper, m_sample, prob_R = 0.975 * np.ones_like(m_sample))
r_2lower = piece_linear_complex(best_hyper, m_sample, prob_R = 0.025 * np.ones_like(m_sample))

ax2.plot(m_sample, r_sample, 'r-')
ax2.fill_between(m_sample, r_lower, r_upper, color='grey', alpha=0.6)
ax2.fill_between(m_sample, r_2lower, r_2upper, color='grey', alpha=0.4)

ax2.set_xlabel(r'$\rm log_{10}\ M/M_\oplus$')
ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\rm log_{10}\ R/R_\oplus$')

### radius histogram
ax3.hist(m2r_r,fc='b', orientation='horizontal', bins=nbin)
ax3.hist(r2m_r,fc='g', orientation='horizontal', bins=nbin)