def post(self,userid): try: envs = {} for k, _ in self.request.body_arguments.items(): envs[k] = self.get_body_argument(k) req = pusher() log = '' now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime()) tmp = req.cus_pusher_send(envs ,u'推送测试', now) if ('True' == tmp): if (envs['btn'] == 'regbtn'): self.db.user.mod(userid, diypusher=json.dumps(envs)) else: raise Exception(tmp) log = u'运行成功,请检查是否收到推送' except Exception as e: if (str(e).find('get user need id or email') > -1): e = u'请输入用户名/密码' traceback.print_exc() self.render('utils_run_result.html', log=str(e), title=u'设置失败', flg='danger') return self.render('utils_run_result.html', log=log, title=u'设置成功', flg='success') return
def do(self, task): task['note'] = self.db.task.get(task['id'], fields=('note'))['note'] user = self.db.user.get(task['userid'], fields=('id', 'email', 'email_verified', 'nickname', 'logtime')) tpl = self.db.tpl.get(task['tplid'], fields=('id', 'userid', 'sitename', 'siteurl', 'tpl', 'interval', 'last_success')) ontime = self.db.task.get(task['id'], fields=('ontime', 'ontimeflg', 'pushsw', 'newontime', 'next')) newontime = json.loads(ontime["newontime"]) pushtool = pusher() caltool = cal() logtime = json.loads(user['logtime']) pushsw = json.loads(ontime['pushsw']) if 'ErrTolerateCnt' not in logtime: logtime['ErrTolerateCnt'] = 0 if task['disabled']: self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='task disabled.') self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1) raise gen.Return(False) if not user: self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='no such user, disabled.') self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1) raise gen.Return(False) if not tpl: self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='tpl missing, task disabled.') self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1) raise gen.Return(False) if tpl['userid'] and tpl['userid'] != user['id']: self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], False, msg='no permission error, task disabled.') self.db.task.mod(task['id'], next=None, disabled=1) raise gen.Return(False) start = time.time() try: fetch_tpl = self.db.user.decrypt( 0 if not tpl['userid'] else task['userid'], tpl['tpl']) env = dict( variables=self.db.user.decrypt(task['userid'], task['init_env']), session=[], ) url = utils.parse_url(env['variables'].get('_proxy')) if not url: new_env = yield self.fetcher.do_fetch(fetch_tpl, env) else: proxy = { 'host': url['host'], 'port': url['port'], } new_env = yield self.fetcher.do_fetch(fetch_tpl, env, [proxy]) variables = self.db.user.encrypt(task['userid'], new_env['variables']) session = self.db.user.encrypt( task['userid'], new_env['session'].to_json() if hasattr( new_env['session'], 'to_json') else new_env['session']) # todo next not mid night if (newontime['sw']): if ('mode' not in newontime): newontime['mode'] = 'ontime' if (newontime['mode'] == 'ontime'): newontime['date'] = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") next = caltool.calNextTs(newontime)['ts'] else: next = time.time() + max( (tpl['interval'] if tpl['interval'] else 24 * 60 * 60), 1 * 60) if tpl['interval'] is None: next = self.fix_next_time(next) # success feedback self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], success=True, msg=new_env['variables'].get('__log__')) self.db.task.mod(task['id'], last_success=time.time(), last_failed_count=0, success_count=task['success_count'] + 1, env=variables, session=session, mtime=time.time(), next=next) self.db.tpl.incr_success(tpl['id']) t ='%m-%d %H:%M:%S') title = u"签到任务 {0}-{1} 成功".format(tpl['sitename'], task['note']) logtemp = new_env['variables'].get('__log__') logtemp = u"{0} 日志:{1}".format(t, logtemp) pushtool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x2, title, logtemp)'taskid:%d tplid:%d successed! %.4fs', task['id'], task['tplid'], time.time() - start) # delete log self.ClearLog(task['id']) except Exception as e: # failed feedback next_time_delta = self.failed_count_to_time( task['last_failed_count'], tpl['interval']) t ='%m-%d %H:%M:%S') title = u"签到任务 {0}-{1} 失败".format(tpl['sitename'], task['note']) content = u"日志:{log}".format(log=e) disabled = False if next_time_delta: next = time.time() + next_time_delta content = content + u"下次运行时间:{0}".format( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(next))) if (logtime['ErrTolerateCnt'] <= task['last_failed_count']): pushtool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x1, title, content) else: disabled = True next = None content = u"任务已禁用" pushtool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x1, title, content) self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], success=False, msg=unicode(e)) self.db.task.mod(task['id'], last_failed=time.time(), failed_count=task['failed_count'] + 1, last_failed_count=task['last_failed_count'] + 1, disabled=disabled, mtime=time.time(), next=next) self.db.tpl.incr_failed(tpl['id']) logger.error('taskid:%d tplid:%d failed! %r %.4fs', task['id'], task['tplid'], e, time.time() - start) raise gen.Return(False) raise gen.Return(True)
def post(self, taskid): self.evil(+2) start_ts = int(time.time()) user = self.current_user task = self.check_permission( self.db.task.get(taskid, fields=('id', 'tplid', 'userid', 'init_env', 'env', 'session', 'last_success', 'last_failed', 'success_count', 'note', 'failed_count', 'last_failed_count', 'next', 'disabled', 'ontime', 'ontimeflg', 'pushsw', 'newontime')), 'w') tpl = self.check_permission( self.db.tpl.get(task['tplid'], fields=('id', 'userid', 'sitename', 'siteurl', 'tpl', 'interval', 'last_success'))) t = 0 if not tpl['userid'] else task['userid'], tpl['tpl'] fetch_tpl = self.db.user.decrypt( 0 if not tpl['userid'] else task['userid'], tpl['tpl']) env = dict( variables=self.db.user.decrypt(task['userid'], task['init_env']), session=[], ) pushsw = json.loads(task['pushsw']) newontime = json.loads(task['newontime']) pushertool = pusher() caltool = cal() try: new_env = yield self.fetcher.do_fetch(fetch_tpl, env) except Exception as e: t ='%m-%d %H:%M:%S') title = u"签到任务 {0}-{1} 失败".format(tpl['sitename'], task['note']) logtmp = u"{0} 日志:{1}".format(t, e) pushertool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x4, title, logtmp) self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], success=False, msg=unicode(e)) self.finish( '<h1 class="alert alert-danger text-center">签到失败</h1><div class="showbut well autowrap" id="errmsg">%s<button class="btn hljs-button" data-clipboard-target="#errmsg" >复制</button></div>' % e) return self.db.tasklog.add(task['id'], success=True, msg=new_env['variables'].get('__log__')) if (newontime["sw"]): if ('mode' not in newontime): newontime['mode'] = 'ontime' if (newontime['mode'] == 'ontime'): newontime['date'] = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") nextTime = caltool.calNextTs(newontime)['ts'] else: nextTime = time.time() + (tpl['interval'] if tpl['interval'] else 24 * 60 * 60) self.db.task.mod(task['id'], disabled=False, last_success=time.time(), last_failed_count=0, success_count=task['success_count'] + 1, mtime=time.time(), next=nextTime) t ='%m-%d %H:%M:%S') title = u"签到任务 {0}-{1} 成功".format(tpl['sitename'], task['note']) logtmp = new_env['variables'].get('__log__') logtmp = u"{0} 日志:{1}".format(title, logtmp) pushertool.pusher(user['id'], pushsw, 0x8, title, logtmp) self.db.tpl.incr_success(tpl['id']) self.finish( '<h1 class="alert alert-success text-center">签到成功</h1><div class="showbut well autowrap" id="errmsg"><pre>%s</pre><button class="btn hljs-button" data-clipboard-target="#errmsg" >复制</button></div>' % logtmp) logDay = int(, fields=('logDay'))['logDay']) for log in self.db.tasklog.list(taskid=taskid, fields=('id', 'ctime')): if (time.time() - log['ctime']) > (logDay * 24 * 60 * 60): self.db.tasklog.delete(log['id']) return
def post(self, userid): envs = {} for key in self.request.body_arguments: envs[key] = self.get_body_arguments(key) env = json.loads(envs['env'][0]) token = env["wxpusher_token"] uid = env["wxpusher_uid"] skey = env["skey"] barkurl = env["barkurl"] qywx_token = env["qywx_token"] log = "" if ("reg" == self.get_body_argument('func')): try: if (token != "") and (uid != ""): temp = token + ";" + uid self.db.user.mod(userid, wxpusher = temp) if (self.db.user.get(userid, fields=("wxpusher"))["wxpusher"] == temp): log = u"注册 wxpusher 成功\r\n" else: log = u"注册 wxpusher 失败\r\n" else: log = u"wxpusher 未填写完整\r\n" if (skey != ""): self.db.user.mod(userid, skey = skey) if (self.db.user.get(userid, fields=("skey"))["skey"] == skey): log = log+u"注册 S酱 成功\r\n" else: log = log+u"注册 S酱 失败\r\n" else: log = log+u"skey 未填写完整\r\n" if (barkurl != ""): if (barkurl[-1] != '/'): barkurl=barkurl+'/' self.db.user.mod(userid, barkurl = barkurl) if (self.db.user.get(userid, fields=("barkurl"))["barkurl"] == barkurl): log = log+u"注册 Bark 成功\r\n" else: log = log+u"注册 Bark 失败\r\n" else: log = log+u"Bark 未填写完整\r\n" if (qywx_token != ""): self.db.user.mod(userid, qywx_token = qywx_token) if (self.db.user.get(userid, fields=("qywx_token"))["qywx_token"] == qywx_token): log = log+u"注册 企业微信 成功\r\n" else: log = log+u"注册 企业微信 失败\r\n" else: log = log+u"企业微信 未填写完整\r\n" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.render('tpl_run_failed.html', log=str(e)) return self.render('utils_run_result.html', log=log, title=u'设置成功', flg='success') return else: try: f = pusher() t ='%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if (token != "") and (uid != ""): f.send2wxpusher("{0};{1}".format(token, uid),u"{t} 发送测试".format(t=t)) log = u"wxpusher 已推送,请检查是否收到\r\n" else: log = u"wxpusher 未填写完整\r\n" if (skey != ""): f.send2s(skey, u"正在测试S酱", u"{t} 发送测试".format(t=t)) log = log+u"S酱 已推送,请检查是否收到\r\n" else: log = log+u"skey 未填写完整\r\n" if (barkurl != ""): f.send2bark(barkurl, u"正在测试Bark", u"{t} 发送测试".format(t=t)) log = log+u"Bark 已推送,请检查是否收到\r\n" else: log = log+u"Bark 未填写完整\r\n" if (qywx_token != ""): f.qywx_pusher_send(qywx_token, "正在测试企业微信", u"{t} 发送测试".format(t=t)) log = log+u"企业微信 已推送,请检查是否收到\r\n" else: log = log+u"企业微信 未填写完整\r\n" except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() self.render('tpl_run_failed.html', log=str(e)) return self.render('utils_run_result.html', log=log, title=u'设置成功', flg='success') return