def makePDU(self, segMac, scMac, registerAddr, TH, TL): header = struct.pack("!B", 0xCC)#帧头 scmac = struct.pack("!Q", convertmac(scMac))#采控器地址 cmd = struct.pack("!B", 0x06)#下发控制命令 register = struct.pack("<H", registerAddr)#寄存器地址 try: data = TH << 8 | TL print data data = struct.pack("<H", data)#数据 except: data = struct.pack("<H", 0x00) tail = struct.pack("!B", 0xDD)#帧尾 pdu = scmac + cmd + register + data# 要送去做CRC的字段 format = "!" + "B" * len(pdu) crc = struct.pack("!H", getCRC(list(struct.unpack(format, pdu))))#unpack之后是元组,转成列表 pdu = header + pdu + crc + tail pdu = self.makeMBAPHeader(segMac, pdu) + pdu return pdu
def makePDU(self, segMac, scMac, registerAddr, TH, TL): header = struct.pack("!B", 0xCC) #帧头 scmac = struct.pack("!Q", convertmac(scMac)) #采控器地址 cmd = struct.pack("!B", 0x06) #下发控制命令 register = struct.pack("<H", registerAddr) #寄存器地址 try: data = TH << 8 | TL print data data = struct.pack("<H", data) #数据 except: data = struct.pack("<H", 0x00) tail = struct.pack("!B", 0xDD) #帧尾 pdu = scmac + cmd + register + data # 要送去做CRC的字段 format = "!" + "B" * len(pdu) crc = struct.pack("!H", getCRC(list(struct.unpack(format, pdu)))) #unpack之后是元组,转成列表 pdu = header + pdu + crc + tail pdu = self.makeMBAPHeader(segMac, pdu) + pdu return pdu
def regularReport(self, mbapHeader, data): gathertime = dataInfoList = [] forcrc = data[:-3] forcrc = forcrc[1:] format = "!" + "B" * len(forcrc) calculate_crc = getCRC(list(struct.unpack(format, forcrc))) recv_crc = struct.unpack("!H", data[-3:-1])[0] if calculate_crc == recv_crc: #边缘网关标识符Mac segmac = mbapHeader[6:10] segmac = struct.unpack("!I", segmac)[0] segmac = convertmac(hex(segmac), 4) #采控器地址 Mac scmac = data[1:9] scmac = struct.unpack("!Q", scmac)[0] scmac = convertmac(hex(scmac), 8) #起始寄存器地址Address reg = data[10:12] reg = struct.unpack("<H", reg)[0] #数据长度 datalength = data[12:14] #N * 4 datalength = struct.unpack("<H", datalength)[0] datalength = datalength / 4 # N #每个数据值以及其所包含的信息 for n in range(0, datalength): reg = reg + n * 4 getConfigInfo = ConfigManager(XMLFILEPATH) try: eachDataInfoDict, configFile = getConfigInfo.get(segmac,scmac,reg) except: continue value = data[(14 + n * 4) : (18 + n * 4)] value = struct.unpack("<I", value)[0] TH = float((value >> 16) >> 8) TL = float((value >> 16) & 0x00FF) try: realvalue = eval(eachDataInfoDict['Rule']) #算映射值 del eachDataInfoDict['Rule'] except Exception, e: #如果原始数据转换规则出错则默认原始数据为0 realvalue = 0"未找到原始数据转换规则或者规则错误,原因%s" % str(e)) try: SValue = self.getSValue(realvalue, eachDataInfoDict['SRule']) del eachDataInfoDict['SRule'] except Exception, e: #如果查询显示转换规则出错则默认显示数据与原始数据一致 SValue = realvalue"未找到显示转换规则或者规则错误,原因%s" % str(e)) eachDataInfoDict['Value'] = realvalue eachDataInfoDict['SValue'] = SValue #以收到上报数据的时间作为采集时间 eachDataInfoDict['GatherTime'] = gathertime #处理是否告警 rangeRequester = GetDevInsRangeList(eachDataInfoDict['InsID']) high, low = entityName = eachDataInfoDict['MonitorName'].encode("UTF-8") deviceName = eachDataInfoDict['Name'].encode("UTF-8") insid = eachDataInfoDict["InsID"] #本地内存中没有该设备的记录,则新建一个,默认告警状态为正常 if insid not in globals.deviceMap.keys(): eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 0 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = "正常" globals.deviceMap[insid] = eachDataInfoDict #有记录则当前应沿用之前的告警状态 else: eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertType'] eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertDesc'] if high != -1 and float(SValue) > float(high): #若已经处于告警状态,不再重复告警 if globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertType'] != 2: msg = "%s%s(%s)在%s超过阈值(%d,%d)" % (entityName, deviceName, SValue,, low, high) eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 2 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = msg alertRequester = AlertToApp() alertRequester.insid = eachDataInfoDict['InsID'] alertRequester.workstatus = eachDataInfoDict['WorkStatus'] alertRequester.alertType = 1 alertRequester.contents = msg elif low != -1 and float(SValue) < float(low): #若已经处于告警状态,不再重复告警 if globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertType'] != 1: msg = "%s%s(%s)在%s超过阈值(%d,%d)" % (entityName, deviceName, SValue,, low, high) eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 1 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = msg alertRequester = AlertToApp() alertRequester.insid = eachDataInfoDict['InsID'] alertRequester.workstatus = eachDataInfoDict['WorkStatus'] alertRequester.alertType = 1 alertRequester.contents = msg else: #若处于告警状态,发出恢复正常告警指令,若已为正常状态,不再发出告警 eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 0 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = "正常" if globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertType'] != 0: msg = "%s%s(%s)在%s恢复正常(%d,%d)" % (entityName, deviceName, SValue,, low, high) alertRequester = AlertToApp() alertRequester.insid = eachDataInfoDict['InsID'] alertRequester.workstatus = eachDataInfoDict['WorkStatus'] alertRequester.alertType = 0 alertRequester.contents = msg #更新内存中设备状态表信息 globals.deviceMap[eachDataInfoDict["InsID"]] = eachDataInfoDict dataInfoList.append(eachDataInfoDict) storeip(self.ip, segmac, configFile, self.segIP)
def regularReport(self, mbapHeader, data): gathertime = dataInfoList = [] forcrc = data[:-3] forcrc = forcrc[1:] format = "!" + "B" * len(forcrc) calculate_crc = getCRC(list(struct.unpack(format, forcrc))) recv_crc = struct.unpack("!H", data[-3:-1])[0] if calculate_crc == recv_crc: #边缘网关标识符Mac segmac = mbapHeader[6:10] segmac = struct.unpack("!I", segmac)[0] segmac = convertmac(hex(segmac), 4) #采控器地址 Mac scmac = data[1:9] scmac = struct.unpack("!Q", scmac)[0] scmac = convertmac(hex(scmac), 8) #起始寄存器地址Address reg = data[10:12] reg = struct.unpack("<H", reg)[0] #数据长度 datalength = data[12:14] #N * 4 datalength = struct.unpack("<H", datalength)[0] datalength = datalength / 4 # N #每个数据值以及其所包含的信息 for n in range(0, datalength): reg = reg + n * 4 getConfigInfo = ConfigManager(XMLFILEPATH) try: eachDataInfoDict, configFile = getConfigInfo.get( segmac, scmac, reg) except: continue value = data[(14 + n * 4):(18 + n * 4)] value = struct.unpack("<I", value)[0] TH = float((value >> 16) >> 8) TL = float((value >> 16) & 0x00FF) try: realvalue = eval(eachDataInfoDict['Rule']) #算映射值 del eachDataInfoDict['Rule'] except Exception, e: #如果原始数据转换规则出错则默认原始数据为0 realvalue = 0"未找到原始数据转换规则或者规则错误,原因%s" % str(e)) try: SValue = self.getSValue(realvalue, eachDataInfoDict['SRule']) del eachDataInfoDict['SRule'] except Exception, e: #如果查询显示转换规则出错则默认显示数据与原始数据一致 SValue = realvalue"未找到显示转换规则或者规则错误,原因%s" % str(e)) eachDataInfoDict['Value'] = realvalue eachDataInfoDict['SValue'] = SValue #以收到上报数据的时间作为采集时间 eachDataInfoDict['GatherTime'] = gathertime #处理是否告警 rangeRequester = GetDevInsRangeList(eachDataInfoDict['InsID']) high, low = entityName = eachDataInfoDict['MonitorName'].encode("UTF-8") deviceName = eachDataInfoDict['Name'].encode("UTF-8") insid = eachDataInfoDict["InsID"] #本地内存中没有该设备的记录,则新建一个,默认告警状态为正常 if insid not in globals.deviceMap.keys(): eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 0 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = "正常" globals.deviceMap[insid] = eachDataInfoDict #有记录则当前应沿用之前的告警状态 else: eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = globals.deviceMap[insid][ 'AlertType'] eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = globals.deviceMap[insid][ 'AlertDesc'] if high != -1 and float(SValue) > float(high): #若已经处于告警状态,不再重复告警 if globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertType'] != 2: msg = "%s%s(%s)在%s超过阈值(%d,%d)" % ( entityName, deviceName, SValue,, low, high) eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 2 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = msg alertRequester = AlertToApp() alertRequester.insid = eachDataInfoDict['InsID'] alertRequester.workstatus = eachDataInfoDict[ 'WorkStatus'] alertRequester.alertType = 1 alertRequester.contents = msg elif low != -1 and float(SValue) < float(low): #若已经处于告警状态,不再重复告警 if globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertType'] != 1: msg = "%s%s(%s)在%s超过阈值(%d,%d)" % ( entityName, deviceName, SValue,, low, high) eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 1 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = msg alertRequester = AlertToApp() alertRequester.insid = eachDataInfoDict['InsID'] alertRequester.workstatus = eachDataInfoDict[ 'WorkStatus'] alertRequester.alertType = 1 alertRequester.contents = msg else: #若处于告警状态,发出恢复正常告警指令,若已为正常状态,不再发出告警 eachDataInfoDict['AlertType'] = 0 eachDataInfoDict['AlertDesc'] = "正常" if globals.deviceMap[insid]['AlertType'] != 0: msg = "%s%s(%s)在%s恢复正常(%d,%d)" % ( entityName, deviceName, SValue,, low, high) alertRequester = AlertToApp() alertRequester.insid = eachDataInfoDict['InsID'] alertRequester.workstatus = eachDataInfoDict[ 'WorkStatus'] alertRequester.alertType = 0 alertRequester.contents = msg #更新内存中设备状态表信息 globals.deviceMap[eachDataInfoDict["InsID"]] = eachDataInfoDict dataInfoList.append(eachDataInfoDict) storeip(self.ip, segmac, configFile, self.segIP)