def newton(x):

    alpha = backtrack_line_search(x)

    step = 0

    alphas = []

    xk_s = []

    while (f(x) > 0.1e-18):




        x = (x - np.multiply(alpha, inv(hessiyan(x)).dot(gradient(x))))

        alpha = backtrack_line_search(x)

        step += 1

        if (f(x) == 0):


    return xk_s, alphas, step
def incrementalSearch(start, step, stop):
    decimals = 4
    return_list = []
    evaluated = f(start)
        'iter': 0,
        'x': start,
        'f(x)': evaluated,
        'root': 'NA',
        'f(a)*f(b)': 'NA',
        'range': 'NA'
    points = np.arange(start + step, stop + step, step)
    count = 1
    for point in points:
        mult = float(evaluated * f(point))
        root = True if mult < 0 else False

        row = {
            'iter': count,
            'x': point,
            'f(x)': round(f(point), decimals),
            'root': root,
            'f(a)*f(b)': round(mult, decimals),
            'range': [round(point - step, decimals),
                      round(point, decimals)]
        count = count + 1
        evaluated = f(point)

    return {"iters": return_list}
def trust_region_cauchy(xk):

    trust_radius = 1.0

    iteration = 0

    xk_s = []

    Ru_s = []

    while True:


        gk = gradient(xk)

        Bk = hessiyan(xk)

        pk = find_cauchy_point(gk, Bk, trust_radius)


        xk, trust_radius, Ru = trust_region_find_delta(xk, pk, gk, Bk,


        if f(xk) < 0.0012310:

        iteration = iteration + 1

    showResult(xk_s, Ru_s, iteration)

    return xk
def backtrack_line_search(x0):

    alpha = 1

    while (f(x0) - (f(x0 - alpha * gradient(x0)) +
                    alpha * C *, gradient(x0)))) < 0:
        alpha *= Ru

    return alpha
Exemplo n.º 5
def functionline(function_str: str, x: float) -> float:
    :param function_str:
    :param x: argumento da função.
    :return: valor propriamente dito da derivada da função gravada em -> function()

    h = Decimal(0.0000000000000000000000001)
    return Decimal(
        Decimal((function.f(Decimal(x) + h) - Decimal(function.f(x))) / h))
Exemplo n.º 6
def newton(x0, tolerance, max_iterations):
    res = {}
    return_list = []
    f_x = float(f(x0))
    df_x = float(df(x0))
    count = 0
    error = tolerance + 1
        "count": count,
        "xSub0": x0,
        "f_x": f_x,
        "df_x": df_x,
        "error": 0

    while error > tolerance and count < max_iterations and f_x != 0 and df_x != 0:
        next_x = x0 - (f_x / df_x)
        f_x = f(next_x)
        df_x = df(next_x)
        error = abs(next_x - x0)
        x0 = next_x
        count += 1
            "count": count,
            "xSub0": x0,
            "f_x": f_x,
            "df_x": df_x,
            "error": error

    if f_x == 0:
        res["iters"] = return_list
        res["status"] = 'Root found! ;)'
        res["error"] = False
        return res
    elif error <= tolerance:
        res["iters"] = return_list
        res["status"] = 'Err lower than tolerance! :)'
        res["error"] = False
        return res
    elif df_x == 0:
        res["iters"] = return_list
        res["status"] = 'Possible multiple root! :0'
        res["error"] = True
        return res
    elif (count >= max_iterations):
        res["iters"] = return_list
        res["status"] = 'Overpassed max iteration! :('
        res["error"] = True
        return res

    return res
Exemplo n.º 7
def falseRule(xi, xs, tol, max_iter):
    res = {}
    xr = evaluateFunction(xi, xs)
    f_xr = f(xr)
    return_list = []
        'iter': 1,
        'xi': xi,
        'xs': xs,
        'xr': xr,
        'f(xr)': f_xr,
        'error': 'NA'
    count = 2
    error = tol + 1
    while error > tol and count <= max_iter:
        xi = xr if (f_xr < 0) else xi
        xs = xr if (f_xr > 0) else xs
        tempXr = xr
        xr = evaluateFunction(xi, xs)
        error = abs(xr - tempXr)
        f_xr = f(xr)

        row = {
            'iter': count,
            'xi': xi,
            'xs': xs,
            'xr': xr,
            'f(xr)': f_xr,
            'error': error
        if f_xr == 0:
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Root found! ;)'
            res["error"] = False

            return res
        elif error < tol:
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Err lower than tolerance! :)'
            res["error"] = True

            return res
        elif count >= max_iter:
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Overpass max iteration! :('
            res["error"] = True
            return res
        count = count + 1
    return res
Exemplo n.º 8
def falseposition_aux(a: float, b: float, E: float):
    if function.f(a) * function.f(b) > 0:
        return "Intervalo inválido!"
    if abs(function.f(b)) > E:
        avg = ((a * function.f(b) - b * function.f(a)) /
               (function.f(b) - function.f(a)))
        if function.f(avg) * function.f(a) < 0:
            return falseposition_aux(a, avg, E)
            return falseposition_aux(b, avg, E)

    return b
Exemplo n.º 9
def newton_raphson(function_str: str, avg: float, E: float) -> float:
    :param function_str: string da função
    :param avg: chute inicial
    :param E: margem de erro
    :return: valor em que a função atinge a imagem = 0


    if abs(function.f(avg)) > E:
        aux = Decimal(avg) - Decimal(function.f(avg)) / functionline(
            function_str, avg)
        return newton_raphson(function_str, aux, E)
    return avg
Exemplo n.º 10
def midpoint(xi, f, F=[]):
    Use midpoint quadrature based on the subdivision xi

    xi: location of nodes, defining the subdivision of the interval
    (including the endpoints)
    f:  function to integrate
    F:  antiderivative (for computing errors)


    I = the numerical approximation to the integral on each subinterval
    E = error (absolute value) on each subinterval (only if F is known)
    m = len(xi) - 1
    E = zeros(m)
    I = zeros(m)
    for i in range(m):
        hi = xi[i + 1] - xi[i]
        ci = (xi[i + 1] + xi[i]) / 2
        Ii_midpoint = hi * f(ci)
        if F:
            Ii_exact = F(xi[i + 1]) - F(
                xi[i])  # in reality we of course do not know this
            E[i] = abs(Ii_midpoint - Ii_exact)
        I[i] = Ii_midpoint
    return I, E
def bfgs_method(x0):

    gfk = gradient(x0)
    I = np.eye(len(x0), dtype=int)
    Hk = I
    xk = x0
    xs = []
    alphas = []
    steps = 0

    while (f(xk) > 0.1e-18):

        steps += 1
        pk =, gfk)
        alpha_k = backtrack_line_search(x0)
        xk1 = xk + alpha_k * pk
        sk = xk1 - xk
        xk = xk1

        gfk1 = gradient(xk)
        yk = gfk1 - gfk
        gfk = gfk1

        term = 1.0 / (, sk))
        term1 = I - term * sk[:, np.newaxis] * yk[np.newaxis, :]
        term2 = I - term * yk[:, np.newaxis] * sk[np.newaxis, :]
        Hk =,
            Hk, term2)) + (term * sk[:, np.newaxis] * sk[np.newaxis, :])

    return xs, alphas, steps
def trust_region_dogleg(xk):

    trust_radius = 1.0

    iteration = 0

    xk_s = []

    Ru_s = []

    while True:


        gk = gradient(xk)

        Bk = hessiyan(xk)

        Hk = np.linalg.inv(Bk)

        pk = dogleg_method(Hk, gk, Bk, trust_radius)

        xk, trust_radius, Ru = trust_region_find_delta(xk, pk, gk, Bk,


        if f(xk) < 0.1e-18:

        iteration = iteration + 1

    showResult(xk_s, Ru_s, iteration)

    return xk
Exemplo n.º 13
def fixedPoint (xi,tol,max_iter):
    res = {}
    f_xi = f(xi)
    g_xi = g(xi)
    return_list = []
            'xi': xi,
            'f(xi)': f_xi,
    count = 1
    error = tol + 1
    while error > tol and count <= max_iter:
        xn = g_xi
        g_xi = g(xn)
        f_xi = f(xn)
        error = abs(xn-xi)
        xi = xn
        row = {
            'iter' : count,
            'xi': xi,
            'f(xi)': f_xi,
            'error': error
        if(f_xi == 0):
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Root found! ;)'
            res["error"] = False
            return res
        elif(error < tol):
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Err lower than tolerance! :)'
            res["error"] = False
            return res
        elif(count >= max_iter):
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Overpassed max iteration! :('
            res["error"] = True
            return res
        count = count + 1

    return {"iters" : return_list}
Exemplo n.º 14
def runge_kutta(h, left, right):
    x, y = 0, 1
    result = []
    x_axis = []
    while right >= left:
        left += h
        k1 = h * f(x, y)
        k2 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k1)
        k3 = h * f(x + 0.5 * h, y + 0.5 * k2)
        k4 = h * f(x + h, y + k3)
        y += (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6
        x = left
    return x_axis, result
Exemplo n.º 15
def multipleRoots(xi, tol, max_iter):
    res = {}
    f_xi = f(xi)
    df_xi = df(xi)
    ddf_xi = ddf(xi)
    return_list = []
        'iter': 0,
        'xi': xi,
        'f(xi)': f_xi,
        "f'(xi)": df_xi,
        "f''(xi)": ddf_xi,
        'error': 'NA'
    count = 1
    error = tol + 1
    while error > tol and count <= max_iter:
        xiTemp = xi
        xi = x_next(xi)
        f_xi = f(xi)
        df_xi = df(xi)
        ddf_xi = ddf(xi)
        error = abs(xi - xiTemp)
        row = {
            'iter': count,
            'xi': xi,
            'f(xi)': f_xi,
            "f'(xi)": df_xi,
            "f''(xi)": ddf_xi,
            'error': error
        if error <= tol:
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Err lower than tolerance! :)'
            res["error"] = False
            return res
        elif (count >= max_iter):
            res["iters"] = return_list
            res["status"] = 'Overpassed max iteration! :('
            res["error"] = True
            return res
        count = count + 1

    return res
Exemplo n.º 16
def method_secant(x0: float, x1: float, error: float):
    while True:
        f_x0 = function.f(x0)
        f_x0 = auxiliary.rounding(f_x0, error)
        f_x1 = function.f(x1)
        f_x1 = auxiliary.rounding(f_x1, error)
        x = (x0 * f_x1 - x1 * f_x0) / (f_x1 - f_x0)
        x = auxiliary.rounding(x, error)
        f_x = function.f(x)
        f_x = auxiliary.rounding(f_x, error)
        if (math.fabs(f_x0) <= error):
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', x0)
        elif (math.fabs(f_x1) <= error):
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', x1)
        elif (math.fabs(f_x) <= error):
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', x)
        x0 = x1
        x1 = x
Exemplo n.º 17
def secant(function_str: str, xnmenos: float, xn: float, E: float) -> float:
    :param function_str: string da função
    :param xnmenos: valor do xi - 1
    :param xn: valor do xi
    :param E: margem de erro
    :return: valor em que a função atinge a imagem = 0


    xnmais = ((xnmenos * function.f(xn) - xn * function.f(xnmenos)) /
              (function.f(xn) - function.f(xnmenos)))
    if abs(function.f(xn)) > E:
        return secant(function_str, xn, xnmais, E)
        return xn
Exemplo n.º 18
def method_false_position(a: float, b: float, error: float):
    while True:
        f_a = function.f(a)
        f_b = function.f(b)

        if math.fabs(f_a) <= error:
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', a)
        elif math.fabs(f_b) <= error:
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', b)
        elif f_a * f_b < 0:
            x = (a * f_b - b * f_a) / (f_b - f_a)
            f_x = function.f(x)
            if f_a * f_x < 0:
                b = x
                a = x
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', 'Inválido')
Exemplo n.º 19
def method_newton_raphson(x: float, error: float):
    while True:
        f_x = function.f(x)
        f_x = auxiliary.rounding(f_x, error)
        if math.fabs(f_x) <= error:
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', x)
        f_dx = derivative.f(x)
        f_dx = auxiliary.rounding(f_dx, error)
        x = x - f_x / f_dx
        x = auxiliary.rounding(x, error)
Exemplo n.º 20
def trapezoid(xi, f, F=[]):
    Use trapezoid quadrature based on the subdivision xi
    xi: location of nodes, defining the subdivision of the interval
    (including the endpoints)
    f:  function to integrate


    I = the numerical approximation to the integral on each subinterval

    m = len(xi)-1
    I = np.zeros(m)
    for i in range(m):
        hi = xi[i+1]-xi[i]
        I[i] = hi/2*(f(xi[i])+f(xi[i+1]))
    return I
Exemplo n.º 21
def midpoint(xi, f):
    Use midpoint quadrature based on the subdivision xi

    xi: location of nodes, defining the subdivision of the interval
    (including the endpoints)
    f:  function to integrate


    I = the numerical approximation to the integral on each subinterval
    m = len(xi) - 1
    I = zeros(m)
    for i in range(m):
        hi = xi[i + 1] - xi[i]
        ci = (xi[i + 1] + xi[i]) / 2
        I[i] = (hi / 6) * (f(x[i]) + 4 * f(ci) + f(x[i + 1]))
    return sum(I)
Exemplo n.º 22
def get_trajectory(x_0, y_0, n, flag):
    counter = 1
    vector_x = [x_0]
    vector_y = [y_0]
    if flag == 0:
        alpha = 0.001
    while counter <= n:
        v_x = f.f(vector_x[counter - 1], vector_y[counter - 1])[0]
        v_y = f.f(vector_x[counter - 1], vector_y[counter - 1])[1]
        normalized_vector_of_speed_x = v_x / math.sqrt(v_x**2 + v_y**2)
        normalized_vector_of_speed_y = v_y / math.sqrt(v_x**2 + v_y**2)
        if flag == 1:
            alpha = abs(alphafind.alpha_1(counter))
        elif flag == 2:
            alpha = abs(alphafind.alpha_2(counter + 1, n))
        vector_x.append(vector_x[counter - 1] +
                        alpha * normalized_vector_of_speed_x)
        vector_y.append(vector_y[counter - 1] +
                        alpha * normalized_vector_of_speed_y)
        counter += 1
    return vector_x, vector_y
Exemplo n.º 23
def method_bisection(a: float, b: float, error: float):
    while True:
        f_a = function.f(a)
        f_a = auxiliary.rounding(f_a, error)
        f_b = function.f(b)
        f_b = auxiliary.rounding(f_b, error)

        if math.fabs(f_a) <= error:
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', a)
        elif math.fabs(f_b) <= error:
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', b)
        elif f_a * f_b < 0:
            x = (a + b) / 2
            f_x = function.f(x)
            f_x = auxiliary.rounding(f_x, error)
            if f_a * f_x < 0:
                b = x
                a = x
            return auxiliary.convert_json('x', 'Inválido')
def inexact_newton(w, i):
    execute the inexact newton method using the conjugate gradient
    returns the number of steps necessary to achieve the requiered precision
    k = 0
    while(func.f(w) >= epsilon):
        # This is the heart of the inexact newton
        # We follow the formula wk+1 = wk - alphak * gradient(wk) / hessian(wk)
        # But we use the conjugate gradient method that gives use " - gradient(wk) / hessian(wk) "
        w = w + alpha * cg.conjugate_gradient(w, func.hessian(w), -func.gradient(w), i)
        k = k+1
    return k
Exemplo n.º 25
def bisection(function_str: str, a: float, b: float, E: float) -> float:
    :param function_str: string da função.
    :param a: chute numero 1
    :param b: chute numero 2
    :param E: margem de erro
    :return: valor em que a função atinge a imagem = 0


    if function.f(a) * function.f(b) > 0:
        return "Intervalo inválido!"

    if abs(function.f(b)) > E:
        avg = (a + b) / 2
        if function.f(avg) * function.f(a) < 0:
            return bisection(function_str, a, avg, E)
            return bisection(function_str, b, avg, E)

    return b
def trust_region_find_delta(xk, pk, gk, Bk, trust_radius):

    max_trust_radius = 100.0

    eta = 0.15

    func_red = f(xk) - f(xk + pk)

    model_red = -(, pk) + 0.5 *,, pk)))

    if model_red == 0.0:
        Ru = 1e99

        Ru = func_red / model_red

    norm_pk = sqrt(, pk))

    if Ru < 0.25:
        trust_radius = 0.25 * trust_radius


        if Ru > 0.75 and norm_pk == trust_radius:
            trust_radius = min(2.0 * trust_radius, max_trust_radius)


            trust_radius = trust_radius

    if Ru > eta:
        xk = xk + pk

        xk = xk

    return xk, trust_radius, Ru
def steepestDescent(x):

    alpha = backtrack_line_search(x)

    xk_s = []

    alphas = []

    step = 0

    while (f(x) > 0.1e-18):

        step += 1



        x = (x - np.multiply(alpha, gradient(x)))

        alpha = backtrack_line_search(x)

    return xk_s, alphas, step
Exemplo n.º 28
    for j in w_range:
        x = unit * j + first[0]
        if (y == 0):
            if (x == 0):
                graph[i].append("+ ")
                graph[i].append("- ")
        elif (x == 0):
            graph[i].append("| ")
            graph[i].append(". ")

#	Write over graph given y=f(x)
jay = 0
x = first[0]
while (jay + 0.5 * unit < width):
    j = toint(jay)
    y = f(x)
    i = toint((first[1] - y) / unit)
    if (i >= 0 and i < height):
        graph[i][j] = "O "
    jay = jay + prec
    x = jay * unit + first[0]

#	Display graph
for i in range(0, len(graph)):
    strand = str(first[1] - unit * i) + "\t"
    for j in range(0, len(graph[i])):
        strand = strand + graph[i][j]
    print strand
Exemplo n.º 29
def x_next(xn):
    return xn - ((f(xn) * df(xn)) / ((df(xn)**2) - f(xn) * ddf(xn)))
Exemplo n.º 30
def bisection(a, b, tolerance, max_iterators):
    res = {}
    return_list = []
    a_evaluated_f = float(f(a))
    b_evaluated_f = float(f(b))
    if a_evaluated_f == 0:
        return {"status": "root on A"}
    elif b_evaluated_f == 0:
        return {"status": "root on B"}
    elif a_evaluated_f * b_evaluated_f < 0:
        count = 1
        x_middle = float((a + b) / 2)
        y_middle = float(f(x_middle))
        error = tolerance + 1
        row = {
            'x': count,
            'a': a,
            'b': b,
            'x_middle': x_middle,
            'y_middle': y_middle,
            'error': 0
        count += 1
        while error > tolerance and y_middle != 0 and count <= max_iterators:
            if a_evaluated_f * y_middle < 0:

                b = x_middle
                b_evaluated_f = y_middle
                a = x_middle
                a_evaluated_f = y_middle
            aux_middle = x_middle
            x_middle = (a + b) / 2
            y_middle = f(x_middle)
            error = abs(x_middle - aux_middle)

            row = {
                'x': count,
                'a': a,
                'b': b,
                'x_middle': x_middle,
                'y_middle': y_middle,
                'error': error
            count += 1
            if (y_middle == 0):
                res["iters"] = return_list
                res["status"] = 'Root found! ;)'
                res["error"] = False

                return res
            elif (error < tolerance):
                res["iters"] = return_list
                res["status"] = 'Err lower than tolerance! :)'
                res["error"] = True

                return res
            elif (count >= max_iterators):
                res["iters"] = return_list
                res["status"] = 'Overpass max iteration! :('
                res["error"] = True
                return res

    return res