Exemplo n.º 1
def dirichlet_ex2(n=16,
                  diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ Dirichlet bc in 2D
    - P1 conv rate: ~2
    - P2 conv rate: ~8
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nDirichlet ex2 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    f = lambda x: -6 * x[0] * x[1] * (1. - x[1]) + 2 * pow(x[0], 3)
    g = lambda x: x[1] * (1. - x[1])
    u_ex = lambda x: x[1] * (1. - x[1]) * pow(x[0], 3)

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    bc1 = Dirichlet(fs, 0, 'bottom', 'top', 'left')
    bc2 = Dirichlet(fs, g, 'right')

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, [bc1, bc2])

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 2
def mixed_ex1(n=16,
              diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ mixed bc in 1D
    seems to work for P1, P2 and P3, but
    not correct conv rates due to very small errors """

    print "\nMixed bc example in 1D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitIntMesh(n)
    d = 1
    c = 1
    u_ex = lambda x: 1. - x[0]**2 + d + c * (x[0] - 1.)
    f = 2

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)
    rhs[0] -= c  # Neuman on left boundary
    right_bc = Dirichlet(fs, d, 'right')  # Dirichlet on right boundary

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, right_bc)

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 3
def dirichlet_ex1(n=16,
                  diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ homogenous Dirichlet bc in 2D
    - P1 conv rate: ~2
    - P2 conv rate: ~8
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nDirichlet ex1 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    f = lambda x: 32. * (x[1] * (1. - x[1]) + x[0] * (1. - x[0]))
    u_ex = lambda x: 16. * x[0] * (1. - x[0]) * x[1] * (1. - x[1])

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    # solve w/ homogenous Dirichlet bc
    bc = Dirichlet(fs)
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, bc)

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 4
def dirichlet_ex5(n=16,
                  diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ Dirichlet bc in 1D
    seems to work for P1, P2 and P3, but
    not correct conv rates due to very small errors """

    print "\nDirichlet ex5 in 1D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitIntMesh(n)
    f = 8.
    u_ex = lambda x: 4. * x[0] * (1. - x[0])

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    # solve
    bc = Dirichlet(fs)
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, bc)

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 5
def neuman_ex1(n=16, deg=1, plot=True, gauss=4, diag='right'):
    """ Poisson w/ Neuman bc in 2D
    ill conditioned -> use CG
    - P1 conv rate: ~2
    - P2 conv rate: ~6
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working)"""

    print "\nNeuman ex1 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    c = 2 * math.pi
    f = lambda x: 2 * pow(c, 2) * math.sin(c * (x[0] + x[1]))
    u_ex = lambda x: math.sin(c * (x[0] + x[1]))

    g_bottom = lambda x: -c * math.cos(c * x[0])
    g_right = lambda x: c * math.cos(c * (1. + x[1]))
    g_top = lambda x: c * math.cos(c * (1. + x[0]))
    g_left = lambda x: -c * math.cos(c * x[1])

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    bottom = fs.assemble_boundary(g_bottom, 'bottom')
    right = fs.assemble_boundary(g_right, 'right')
    top = fs.assemble_boundary(g_top, 'top')
    left = fs.assemble_boundary(g_left, 'left')

    rhs += bottom + right + top + left

    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, CG=True)
    # u, info = cg(A, rhs)
    # if info == 0:
    #     print "CG convergence OK"
    # else:
    #     print "failed to converge"

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 6
def dirichlet_ex4(n=16,
                  diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ Dirichlet bc in 2D
    - P1 conv rate: ~2
    - P2 conv rate: ~8
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nDirichlet ex4 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = RegularMesh(box=[[0, math.pi], [0, math.pi]], res=[n, n], diag=diag)
    f = 0
    u_ex = lambda x: math.cosh(x[0]) * math.sin(x[1])
    g_left = lambda x: math.sin(x[1])
    g_right = lambda x: math.cosh(math.pi) * math.sin(x[1])
    g_bottom = 0
    g_top = 0

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    bc_left = Dirichlet(fs, g_left, 'left')
    bc_right = Dirichlet(fs, g_right, 'right')
    bc_bottom = Dirichlet(fs, g_bottom, 'bottom')
    bc_top = Dirichlet(fs, g_top, 'top')

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, [bc_left, bc_right, bc_bottom, bc_top])

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 7
def neuman_ex3(n=16,
               diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ homogenous Neuman bc in 2D
    ill conditioned -> use CG
    - P1 conv rate: ~2.3
    - P2 conv rate: ~6
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working)"""

    print "\nNeuman ex3 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    pi = math.pi
    f = lambda x: pi * (math.cos(pi * x[0]) + math.cos(pi * x[1]))
    u_ex = lambda x: (math.cos(pi * x[0]) + math.cos(pi * x[1])) / pi

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, CG=True)
    # u, info = cg(A,rhs)
    # if info == 0:
    #     print "CG convergence OK"
    # else:
    #     print "failed to converge"

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]

    # return error and mesh size
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 8
def mixed_ex2(n=16,
              diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ mixed bc in 2D
    P1 conv rate: ~2.1
    P2 conv rate: ~6
    P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nMixed bc example in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(n, n, diag=diag)
    f = lambda x: 2 * (2 * pow(x[1], 3) - 3 * pow(x[1], 2) + 1.) - 6 * (
        1. - pow(x[0], 2)) * (2 * x[1] - 1.)
    g = lambda x: 2 * pow(x[1], 3) - 3 * pow(x[1], 2) + 1.
    u_ex = lambda x: (1. - pow(x[0], 2)) * (2 * pow(x[1], 3) - 3 * pow(
        x[1], 2) + 1.)

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    bc1 = Dirichlet(fs, 0, 'right')
    bc2 = Dirichlet(fs, g, 'left')

    # solve (homogenous Neuman on top, bottom)
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, [bc1, bc2])

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]

    # return error and mesh size
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 9
def neuman_ex2(n=16,
               diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ homogenous Neuman bc in 1D
    ill conditioned -> use CG
    - P1 conv rate: ~1.5
    - P2 conv rate: ~1.5
    - P3 conv rate: ~1.5 """

    print "\nNeuman ex2 in 1D"
    # data
    mesh = UnitIntMesh(n)
    f = lambda x: pow(2 * math.pi, 2) * math.cos(2 * math.pi * x[0])
    u_ex = lambda x: math.cos(2 * math.pi * x[0])

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, CG=True)
    # u, info = cg(A, rhs)
    # if info == 0:
    #     print "CG convergence OK"
    # else:
    #     print "failed to converge"

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()
Exemplo n.º 10
def neuman_ex4(n=16,
               diag='right'):  # <---------------------------- works
    """ Poisson w/ Neuman bc in 2D
    ill conditioned -> use CG
    - P1 conv rate: ~1.5
    - P2 conv rate: ~1.1
    - P3 conv rate: ~.5 (not working) """

    print "\nNeuman ex4 in 2D"
    # data
    mesh = RegularMesh(box=[[0, math.pi], [0, math.pi]], res=[n, n], diag=diag)
    f = 0
    u_ex = lambda x: math.cos(2 * x[0]) * math.cosh(2 * x[1]) / 200
    g_top = lambda x: 2 * math.cos(2 * x[0]) * math.sinh(2 * math.pi) / 200

    # assemble
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, FiniteElement('lagrange', deg), gauss)
    A = fs.stiffness()
    rhs = fs.rhs(f)

    top = fs.assemble_boundary(g_top, 'top')
    rhs += top

    # solve
    u = fem_solver(fs, A, rhs, CG=True)
    #u = spsolve(A, rhs)
    # u, info = cg(A,rhs)
    # if info == 0:
    #     print "CG convergence OK"
    # else:
    #     print "failed to converge"

    nodes = fs.node_to_coords()
    if plot:
        plot_sol(u, nodes, u_ex)

    # return error and mesh size
    U_ex = [u_ex(node) for node in nodes]
    return norm(U_ex - u), mesh.mesh_size()