Exemplo n.º 1
 def constrain_creatures(self, x_min: int = 0, y_min: int = 0, x_max: int = SIMULATION_WIDTH,
                         y_max: int = SIMULATION_HEIGHT) -> None:
     Makes sure all creatures stay within given borders (default is screen size).
     for creature_info in self.population.values():
         creature_info.x = clamp(creature_info.x, x_min, x_max)
         creature_info.y = clamp(creature_info.y, y_min, y_max)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _anneal_embedding(self, step):
     warm_up = self.hyperparams["embedding_hyperparams"]["warm_up"]
     annealing_type = self.hyperparams["embedding_hyperparams"]["annealing_type"]
     if annealing_type == "linear":
         return min(step / warm_up, 1.)
     elif annealing_type == "piecewise_linear":
         return clamp(torch.sigmoid(torch.tensor(step-warm_up).float()).item() * ((step-warm_up)/warm_up), 0., 1.)
     elif annealing_type == "sigmoid":
         slope = self.hyperparams["embedding_hyperparams"]["sigmoid_slope"]
         return torch.sigmoid(torch.tensor(slope * (step-warm_up))).item()
Exemplo n.º 3
def restrictAngles(targetAngles):
    # Restrict movement
    targetAngles[1] = functions.clamp(targetAngles[1], -180, 180)
    targetAngles[2] = functions.clamp(targetAngles[2], -180, 180)
    targetAngles[3] = functions.clamp(targetAngles[3], -100, 100)
    targetAngles[4] = functions.clamp(targetAngles[4], -100, 100)
    targetAngles[5] = functions.clamp(targetAngles[5], -100, 100)
    targetAngles[6] = functions.clamp(targetAngles[6], -100, 100)
    return targetAngles
Exemplo n.º 4
    def update(self):

        # -- Position Management --

        self.pos.x += self.vel.x
        self.rect.x = self.pos.x
        self.super_jump = False

        self.collided = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, public.blocks, False)
        for block in self.collided:

            if block.color != public.bg_type:

                if self.vel.x > 0 and functions.block_check(block, 4):
                    self.rect.right = block.rect.left

                elif self.vel.x < 0 and functions.block_check(block, 4):
                    self.rect.left = block.rect.right

                if functions.block_check(block, 2):
                    self.accelerating = False

                self.pos.x = self.rect.x

                if block.type in ['Pit', 'KillBlock'] and not self.died:
                    self.died = True
                    self.anim_ticks = 0
                    self.anim_index = 0

                elif block.type == 'Exit' and not self.died:
                    public.level += 1

                    if public.level == public.level_max:

                    elif public.level != public.level_max:


                elif block.type == 'Breakable':
                    if not block.dead and not block.recovering:
                        block.broken = True

                elif block.type == 'Jumpad' and not (self.died
                                                     and self.super_jump):

                    if not self.super_jump:
                        self.super_jump = True

                    self.vel.y = -4.5
                    self.on_ground = False

                elif block.type == 'RGBSphere':
                    block.rect.y -= 10
                    self.won = True

        self.pos.y += self.vel.y
        self.rect.y = self.pos.y
        self.super_jump = False

        self.collided = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, public.blocks, False)
        for block in self.collided:

            if block.color != public.bg_type:

                if self.vel.y > 0 and functions.block_check(block, 4):
                    self.rect.bottom = block.rect.top
                    self.on_ground = True
                    self.vel.y = 0

                elif self.vel.y < 0 and functions.block_check(block, 4):
                    self.rect.top = block.rect.bottom
                    self.on_ground = True
                    self.vel.y = 0

                if functions.block_check(block, 2):
                    self.super_jump = False
                    self.jumping = False

                self.pos.y = self.rect.y

                if block.type in ['Pit', 'KillBlock'] and not self.died:
                    self.died = True
                    self.anim_ticks = 0
                    self.anim_index = 0

                elif block.type == 'Pit' and not self.died:
                    self.died = True
                    self.anim_ticks = 0
                    self.anim_index = 0

                elif block.type == 'Breakable':
                    if not block.dead and not block.recovering:
                        block.broken = True

        if public.wrapping:
            if self.rect.right >= public.SWIDTH + 10:
                self.rect.left = 1
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

            elif self.rect.right <= 0:
                self.rect.right = public.SWIDTH - 1
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

        elif not public.wrapping:
            if self.rect.right >= public.SWIDTH:
                self.rect.right = public.SWIDTH
                self.accelerating = False
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

            elif self.rect.left <= 0:
                self.rect.left = 0
                self.accelerating = False
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

        if self.rect.top >= public.SHEIGHT and not self.died:
            self.died = True
            self.anim_ticks = 0
            self.anim_index = 0

        self.vel.y += public.GRAVITY

        if self.vel.y < -0.5 or self.vel.y > 0.5 and not self.jumping:
            self.on_ground = False

        if public.level == 0:
            public.player.vel.x = functions.clamp(public.player.vel.x, -5.0,

            public.player.vel.x = functions.clamp(public.player.vel.x, -10.0,

        public.player.pos.x += public.player.vel.x
        public.player.vel.x *= 0.925

        # -- Animation --

        self.anim_ticks += 1

        if self.anim_ticks == self.anim_caps[self.anim_type]:
            self.anim_index = (self.anim_index + 1) % 4
            self.anim_ticks = 0

            if self.anim_ticks > self.anim_caps[self.anim_type]:
                self.anim_ticks = 0

        self.anim_type = functions.anim_check(self)

        if self.died and self.anim_index == 3:
            if public.level == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    '@!^& // Sometimes its better to let secrets be secrets. // %$#&'

        self.image = dictionaries.IMAGES[self.anim_type]
        self.invert = dictionaries.I_IMAGES[self.anim_type]

        if self.flip_cooldown > 0:
            self.flip_cooldown -= public.dt
Exemplo n.º 5
def clampMotorSpeeds(motorSpeeds):
    minSpeed = -100.0
    maxSpeed = 100.0
    for i in range(len(motorSpeeds)):
        motorSpeeds[i] = functions.clamp(motorSpeeds[i], minSpeed, maxSpeed)
    return motorSpeeds
Exemplo n.º 6
    def update(self):

        # -- Position Management --

        self.pos.x += self.vel.x
        self.rect.x = self.pos.x
        self.super_jump = False

        self.collided = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, public.blocks, False)
        for block in self.collided:

            if block.color != public.bg_type:

                if self.vel.x > 0 and functions.block_check(block, 3):
                    self.rect.right = block.rect.left

                elif self.vel.x < 0 and functions.block_check(block, 3):
                    self.rect.left = block.rect.right

                if functions.block_check(block, 2):
                    self.accelerating = False

                self.pos.x = self.rect.x

                if block.type == 'Pit' and not self.died:
                    self.died = True
                    self.anim_ticks = 0
                    self.anim_index = 0

                elif block.type == 'Exit' and not self.died:
                    public.level += 1

                    if public.level == 21:


                elif block.type == 'Breakable':
                    block.broken = True

                elif block.type == 'Jumpad' and not (self.died
                                                     and self.super_jump):
                    if self.flipped and block.direction == 'D':
                        self.vel.y = 4.5

                    elif not self.flipped and block.direction == 'U':
                        self.vel.y = -4.5

                    self.on_ground = False
                    self.super_jump = True

                elif block.type == 'Flipad' and not self.died:
                    if block.direction == 'D' and self.flipped:
                        self.flipped = False
                        self.vel.y = 2

                    elif block.direction == 'U' and not self.flipped:
                        self.flipped = True
                        self.vel.y = -2

                elif block.type == 'RGBSphere':
                    block.rect.y -= 10
                    self.won = True

        self.pos.y += self.vel.y
        self.rect.y = self.pos.y
        self.super_jump = False

        self.collided = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, public.blocks, False)
        for block in self.collided:

            if block.color != public.bg_type:

                if self.vel.y > 0 and functions.block_check(block, 3):
                    self.rect.bottom = block.rect.top
                    self.on_ground = True
                    self.vel.y = 0

                elif self.vel.y < 0 and functions.block_check(block, 3):
                    self.rect.top = block.rect.bottom
                    self.on_ground = True
                    self.vel.y = 0

                if functions.block_check(block, 2):
                    self.super_jump = False
                    self.jumping = False

                self.pos.y = self.rect.y

                if block.type == 'Pit' and not self.died:
                    self.died = True
                    self.anim_ticks = 0
                    self.anim_index = 0

                elif block.type == 'Breakable':
                    block.broken = True

                elif block.type == 'Jumpad' and not (self.died
                                                     and self.super_jump):
                    if self.flipped and block.direction == 'D':
                        self.vel.y = 4.5

                    elif not self.flipped and block.direction == 'U':
                        self.vel.y = -4.5

                    self.on_ground = False
                    self.super_jump = True

                elif block.type == 'Flipad' and not self.died:
                    if block.direction == 'D' and self.flipped:
                        self.flipped = False
                        self.vel.y = 2

                    elif block.direction == 'U' and not self.flipped:
                        self.flipped = True
                        self.vel.y = -2

                elif block.type == 'RGBSphere':
                    block.rect.y -= 10
                    self.won = True

        if public.wrapping:
            if self.rect.right >= public.SWIDTH + 10:
                self.rect.left = 1
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

            elif self.rect.right <= 0:
                self.rect.right = public.SWIDTH - 1
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

        elif not public.wrapping:
            if self.rect.right >= public.SWIDTH:
                self.rect.right = public.SWIDTH
                self.accelerating = False
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

            elif self.rect.left <= 0:
                self.rect.left = 0
                self.accelerating = False
                self.pos.x = self.rect.left

        if self.rect.top <= -10 and not self.died:
            self.died = True

        if self.flipped:
            self.vel.y -= public.GRAVITY

        elif not self.flipped:
            self.vel.y += public.GRAVITY

        if self.vel.y < -0.5 or self.vel.y > 0.5 and not self.jumping:
            self.on_ground = False

        public.player.vel.x = functions.clamp(public.player.vel.x, -10.0, 10.0)
        public.player.pos.x += public.player.vel.x
        public.player.vel.x *= 0.925

        # -- Animation --

        self.anim_ticks += 1

        if self.anim_ticks == self.anim_caps[self.anim_type]:
            self.anim_index = (self.anim_index + 1) % 4
            self.anim_ticks = 0

            if self.anim_ticks > self.anim_caps[self.anim_type]:
                self.anim_ticks = 0

        self.anim_type = functions.anim_check(self)

        if self.died and self.anim_index == 3:

        self.image = dictionaries.IMAGES[self.anim_type]
        self.invert = dictionaries.I_IMAGES[self.anim_type]

        if self.flip_cooldown > 0:
            self.flip_cooldown -= public.dt
Exemplo n.º 7
# Libraries
import functions as fun
import numpy as np
from constants import earth_radius, irradiance, mie_coeff, num_wavelengths, ozone_coeff, rayleigh_coeff, rayleigh_scale, mie_scale
from math import ceil, cos, exp, pi, radians, sin, sqrt, dist
from properties import air_density, altitude, dust_density, ozone_density, steps, steps_light, sun_lat

# Definitions
cam_altitude = 1000 * fun.clamp(altitude, 0.001, 59.999)
cam_pos = np.array([0, 0, earth_radius + cam_altitude])
sun_dir = fun.geographical_to_direction(radians(sun_lat), 0)
coefficients = np.array([rayleigh_coeff, 1.11 * mie_coeff, ozone_coeff],
density_multipliers = np.array([air_density, dust_density, ozone_density])

def ray_optical_depth(ray_origin, ray_dir):
    # optical depth along a ray through the atmosphere
    ray_origin = np.array(ray_origin)
    ray_dir = np.array(ray_dir)
    ray_end = fun.atmosphere_intersection(ray_origin, ray_dir)
    ray = ray_origin - ray_end
    ray_length = np.sqrt(ray.dot(ray))
    # step along the ray in segments and accumulate the optical depth along each segment
    segment_length = ray_length / steps_light
    segment = ray_dir * segment_length
    # the density of each segment is evaluated at its middle
    P = ray_origin + 0.5 * segment

    # list of all P values in steps
    Ps = np.outer(np.arange(steps_light), segment) + P
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    # Flush output for file logging

    # Init motor angle sensors via I2C
    magneticSensors = sensors.AMS()

    # Init motors via USB
    motors = [0.0] * 9  # Motor outputs 1 to 8, ignore 0

    # Motor speeds
    speed_left = 0.0
    speed_right = 0.0

    # Remote control
    old_remote_x = 0.0
    old_remote_y = 0.0

    # Wait on other threads to start up

    # Send OSC commands
    #	ip = ""
    #	port = 2222
    #	client = udp_client.SimpleUDPClient(ip, port)

    # Loop
    while not keys or not keys.esc_key_pressed:

        # Read current accelerometer value to see how far forward we're leaning
        pitch = motorsModule.readIMU('ax')

        # Read battery level
        voltage = 0  #motorsModule.readBatteryVoltage()

        # Read current angles of motors
        currentAngles = functions.readCurrentAngles(magneticSensors)

        # Calculate difference in mouse x position
            diff_x = remote.x - old_remote_x
            diff_y = remote.y - old_remote_y
            old_remote_x = remote.x
            old_remote_y = remote.y
        except NameError:

        FORWARD_SPEED = 2.0
        BACKWARD_SPEED = 2.0
        TURNING_SPEED = 4.0
        MOVEMENT_SPEED = 4.0

        # Remote
            # Change motor speeds for turning left right
            speed_left -= diff_x * TURNING_SPEED / 100.0
            speed_right += diff_x * TURNING_SPEED / 100.0

            # Remote keyboard commands
            if remote.up:
                speed_left = speed_left - FORWARD_SPEED
                speed_right = speed_right - FORWARD_SPEED
            if remote.down:
                speed_left = speed_left + BACKWARD_SPEED
                speed_right = speed_right + BACKWARD_SPEED
            if remote.left:
                speed_left += 20.0
                speed_right -= 20.0
            if remote.right:
                speed_left -= 20.0
                speed_right += 20.0

            # Go forward backward on mouse y
            speed_left += diff_y * MOVEMENT_SPEED / 100.0
            speed_right += diff_y * MOVEMENT_SPEED / 100.0

            # Go foward backward on clicks
            if remote.left_mouse_down:
                speed_left = speed_left - FORWARD_SPEED
                speed_right = speed_right - FORWARD_SPEED
            if remote.right_mouse_down:
                speed_left = speed_left + BACKWARD_SPEED
                speed_right = speed_right + BACKWARD_SPEED

        except NameError:

        # Let's Robot controller
            if letsrobot_controller.forward:
                speed_left = speed_left - FORWARD_SPEED
                speed_right = speed_right - FORWARD_SPEED
            if letsrobot_controller.backward:
                speed_left = speed_left + BACKWARD_SPEED
                speed_right = speed_right + BACKWARD_SPEED
            if letsrobot_controller.left:
                speed_left += 1.0 * TURNING_SPEED / 5.0
                speed_right -= 1.0 * TURNING_SPEED / 5.0
            if letsrobot_controller.right:
                speed_left -= 1.0 * TURNING_SPEED / 5.0
                speed_right += 1.0 * TURNING_SPEED / 5.0
        except NameError:

        # Clamp
        speed_left = functions.clamp(speed_left, -100, 100)
        speed_right = functions.clamp(speed_right, -100, 100)

        # Send to BROBOT
        #		client.send_message("/1/fader1", 0.5 + speed_left/400.0 + speed_right/400.0)
        #		client.send_message("/1/fader2", 0.5 + speed_left/500.0 - speed_right/500.0)

        # Balance
        targetAngles = [None, 0, 0]
        targetAngles[1] = -pitch - 22 - speed_left / 2
        targetAngles[2] = -pitch - 22 - speed_right / 2

        # Run movement controller to see how fast we should set our motor speeds
        movement = walk.calculateMovement(currentAngles, targetAngles)

        # Send motor commands
        motors[1] = 0  #movement[1] 	 # Right motor
        motors[2] = 0  #movement[2] 	 # Left motor
        motors[1] = speed_right / 5  # Right motor
        motors[2] = speed_left / 5  # Left motor
        motorsModule.sendMotorCommands(motors, simulator, False, True)

        # Display balance, angles, target angles and speeds
        #		functions.display( "Pitch: %3d. Right, Left: Hips: %3d, %3d, Targets: %3d, %3d, Speeds: %3d, %3d.  %3d %3d"
        #		        % (pitch, currentAngles[1], currentAngles[2], targetAngles[1], targetAngles[2], motors[1], motors[2], speed_left, speed_right ) )
        #functions.display( "Pitch: %3d. Right, Left: Knees: %3d, %3d, Targets: %3d, %3d, Speeds: %3d, %3d"
        #        % (pitch, 0, 0, targetAngles[3], targetAngles[4], motors[3], motors[4] ) )
        #		functions.display( "Pitch: %3d. Right, Left: Feet: %3d, %3d, Targets: %3d, %3d, Speeds: %3d, %3d"
        #		        % (pitch, 0, 0, targetAngles[5], targetAngles[6], motors[5], motors[6] ) )

        # Slow down
        speed_left = speed_left * 0.94
        speed_right = speed_right * 0.94

    # Stop motors