Exemplo n.º 1
    def gas_metal_dust_mass(self, sn_rate):
        Calculates the gas, metal and dust mass from stars
        note mass is only ejected after stars die ie when
        t - taum (where taum is lifetime of star) > 0
        # initialize
        mg = self.gasmass_init
        mstars = 0
        md = 0
        md_all = 0
        md_stars = 0
        md_gg = 0
        metals = 0
        prev_t = 1e-3
        metals_pre = 0
        mstars_list = []
        z = []
        z_lookup = []
        sfr_list = []
        sfr_lookup = []
        all_results = []
        # Limit time to less than tend
        time = self.sfh[:, 0]
        time = time[time < self.tend]
        now = datetime.now()

        #Planet formation
        planets = (self.f_disc * (self.f_wind + self.f_debris) - 1.) * (-1.)
        if planets < 0:
            planets = -1. * planets

        # TIME integral
        for item, t in enumerate(time):
            r_sn = sn_rate[item]
            metallicity = metals / mg

            # start appending arrays for needing later
            z.append([t, metallicity])
            z_lookup = array(z)
            sfr_list.append([t, self.sfr(t)])
            sfr_lookup = array(sfr_list)
            GAS: dMg = (-sfr(t) + e(t) + inflows(t) - outflows(t)) * dt
            set up astration, inflow, outflow components
            gas_ast = self.sfr(t)
            gas_inf = inflows(self.sfr(t), self.inflows['xSFR'])
            gas_out = outflows(self.sfr(t), self.outflows['xSFR'])
            METALS: dMz = (-Z*sfr(t) + ez(t) + Z*inflows(t) - Z*outflows(t)) * dt
            set up astration, inflow and outflow components
            metals_ast = astration(metals, mg, self.sfr(t)) * planets
            if self.outflows['metals']:
                metals_out = metallicity * outflows(self.sfr(t),
                metals_out = 0.
            metals_inf = self.inflows['metals'] * inflows(
                self.sfr(t), self.inflows['xSFR'])
            DUST: dMd = (-Md/Mg*sfr(t) + ed(t) + Md/Mg*inflows(t) - Md/Mg*outflows(t)
                         - (1-f)*Md/t_destroy + f(1-Md/Mg)*Md/t_graingrowth) * dt
            set up astration, inflows, outflows, destruction, grain growth components
            if self.outflows['dust']:
                mdust_out = (md / mg) * outflows(self.sfr(t),
                mdust_out = 0.
            mdust_inf = self.inflows['dust'] * inflows(self.sfr(t),
            mdust_ast = astration(md, mg, self.sfr(t)) * planets

            mdust_gg, t_gg = graingrowth(self.choice_dust['gg'], self.epsilon,
                                         mg, self.sfr(t), metallicity, md,
            mdust_des, t_des = destroy_dust(self.choice_des, self.destroy_ism,
                                            mg, r_sn, md, self.coldfraction)
            Get ejected masses from stars when they die
            gas_ej = e(t): ejected gas mass from stars of mass m at t = taum
            metals_stars = ez(t): ejected metal mass from stars of mass m at t = taum (fresh + recycled)
            mdust_stars = ed(t): ejected dust mass from stars of mass m at t = taum (fresh + recycled)
            gas_ej, metals_stars, mdust_stars = \
                    mass_integral(self.choice_dust, self.reduce_sn, t, metallicity, sfr_lookup, z_lookup, self.imf)
            STARS: dM_stars = (sfr(t) - e(t)) * dt
            dmstars = self.sfr(t) - gas_ej
            integrate over time for gas, metals and stars (mg, metals, md)
            dmg = -gas_ast + gas_ej + gas_inf - gas_out
            dmetals = -metals_ast + metals_stars + metals_pre + metals_inf - metals_out
            ddust = -mdust_ast + mdust_stars + mdust_inf - mdust_out + mdust_gg - mdust_des
            # dust_source_all separates out the dust sources (Md vs t) wihtout including sinks (Astration etc)
            # and grain growth separately (this is the Md vs time contributed by dust sources)
            dust_source_all = mdust_stars + mdust_gg
            dt = t - prev_t  # calculate  next time step
            prev_t = t
            mstars += dmstars * dt
            mg += dmg * dt  # gas mass integral
            if mg <= 0:
                # exit program if all ISM removed
                print('Oops you have no interstellar medium left')
            metals += dmetals * dt  # metal mass integral
            md += ddust * dt  # dust mass integral
            md_all += dust_source_all * dt  # dust mass sources integral
            md_gg += mdust_gg * dt  # dust source from grain growth only
            md_stars += mdust_stars * dt  # dust source from stars only
            Z = zip(*z_lookup)  # write metallicity to an array
            s_f_r = zip(*sfr_lookup)  # write SFR lookup array
            if mg <= 0. or metals <= 0:  # write dust/metals ratio
                dust_to_metals = 0.
                dust_to_metals = md / metals
            all_results.append((t, mg, mstars, metals, metallicity, \
                                md, dust_to_metals, self.sfr(t)*1e-9, \
                                md_all, md_stars, md_gg, t_des, t_gg))
            # to test code kinks
        print("Gas, metal and dust mass exterior loop %s" %
              str(datetime.now() - now))
        return np.array(all_results)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_inflow_func(Self):
    gas_inflow = inflows(1.0,1.5)
    assert gas_inflow == 1.5
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_inflow_func(Self):
    gas_inflow = inflows(1.0,1.5)
    assert gas_inflow == 1.5
Exemplo n.º 4
    def gas_metal_dust_mass(self, sn_rate):
        Calculates the gas, metal and dust mass from stars
        mass is only ejected after stars die ie when
        t - taum (lifetime of star) > 0
        # initialize
        mg = self.gasmass_init
        mstars = 0
        md = 0
        md_all = 0
        md_stars = 0
        md_gg = 0
        metals = 0
        prev_t = 1e-3
        metals_pre = 0
        dust_sources = []
        timescales = []
        mstars_list = []
        z = []
        z_lookup = []
        sfr_list = []
        sfr_lookup = []
        all_results = []
        # Limit time to less than tend
        time = self.sfh[:, 0]
        time = time[time < self.tend]
        now = datetime.now()
        # TIME integral
        for item, t in enumerate(time):
            r_sn = sn_rate[item]
            metallicity = metals / mg
            metals_ast = f.astration(metals, mg, self.sfr(t))
            mdust_ast = f.astration(md, mg, self.sfr(t))
            if self.outflows["metals"]:
                metals_out = metallicity * f.outflows(self.sfr(t), self.outflows["xSFR"])
                metals_out = 0.0
            if self.outflows["dust"]:
                mdust_out = (md / mg) * f.outflows(self.sfr(t), self.outflows["xSFR"])
                mdust_out = 0.0

            z.append([t, metallicity])
            z_lookup = np.array(z)
            sfr_list.append([t, self.sfr(t)])
            sfr_lookup = np.array(sfr_list)

            # STARS
            dmstars = self.sfr(t)

            # GAS
            # astration, inflows, outflows
            gas_ast = self.sfr(t)
            gas_inf = f.inflows(self.sfr(t), self.inflows["xSFR"])
            gas_out = f.outflows(self.sfr(t), self.outflows["xSFR"])

            # METALS
            # inflows, outflows
            metals_inf = self.inflows["metals"] * f.inflows(self.sfr(t), self.inflows["xSFR"])

            # DUST
            # astration, inflows, outflows, grain growth, destruction
            mdust_inf = self.inflows["dust"] * f.inflows(self.sfr(t), self.inflows["xSFR"])
            mdust_gg, t_gg = f.graingrowth(
                self.choice_dust[2], self.epsilon, mg, self.sfr(t), metallicity, md, self.coldfraction
            mdust_des, t_des = f.destroy_dust(self.choice_des, self.destroy_ism, mg, r_sn, md, self.coldfraction)

            # do the mass integral to get ejected masses for gas, metals, dust
            gas_ej, metals_stars, mdust_stars = f.mass_integral(
                self.choice_dust, self.reduce_sn, t, metallicity, sfr_lookup, z_lookup, self.imf

            # gas mass integral dmg/dt =
            dmg = -gas_ast + gas_ej + gas_inf - gas_out

            # metal mass integral dMz/dt =

            dmetals = -metals_ast + metals_stars + metals_pre + metals_inf - metals_out

            # dust mass integral dMd/dt
            ddust = -mdust_ast + mdust_stars + mdust_inf - mdust_out + mdust_gg - mdust_des

            dust_source_all = mdust_stars + mdust_gg  # dust sources stars + grain growth
            dt = t - prev_t  # calculate  next time step
            prev_t = t
            mstars += dmstars * dt
            mg += dmg * dt  # gas mass integral
            if mg <= 0:
                # exit program if all ISM removed
                print("Oops you have no interstellar medium left")
            metals += dmetals * dt
            md += ddust * dt  # dust mass integral
            md_all += dust_source_all * dt  # dust mass sources integral
            md_gg += mdust_gg * dt  # dust source from grain growth only
            md_stars += mdust_stars * dt  # dust source from stars only
            Z = zip(*z_lookup)  # write metallicity to an array
            s_f_r = zip(*sfr_lookup)  # write SFR lookup array
            dust_sources.append((md_all, md_stars, md_gg))  # write array of dust sources
            timescales.append((t_des, t_gg))  # write array for grain growth & destruction timescales
            if mg <= 0.0 or metals <= 0:  # write dust/metals ratio
                dust_to_metals = 0.0
                dust_to_metals = md / metals
            all_results.append((t, mg, mstars, metals, metallicity, md, dust_to_metals, self.sfr(t) * 1e-9))
        print("Gas, metal and dust mass exterior loop %s" % str(datetime.now() - now))
        return np.array(dust_sources), np.array(timescales), np.array(all_results)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def gas_metal_dust_mass(self, sn_rate):
        Calculates the gas, metal and dust mass from stars
        note mass is only ejected after stars die ie when
        t - taum (where taum is lifetime of star) > 0
        # initialize
        mg = self.gasmass_init
        mstars = 0
        md = 0
        md_all = 0
        md_stars = 0
        md_gg = 0
        metals = 0
        prev_t = 1e-3
        metals_pre = 0
        mstars_list = []
        z = []
        z_lookup = []
        sfr_list = []
        sfr_lookup = []
        all_results = []
        # Limit time to less than tend
        time = self.sfh[:,0]
        time = time[time < self.tend]
        now = datetime.now()
        # TIME integral
        for item, t in enumerate(time):
            r_sn = sn_rate [item]
            metallicity = metals/mg

            # start appending arrays for needing later
            z_lookup = array(z)
            sfr_lookup = array(sfr_list)

            STARS: dM_stars = sfr(t) * dt
            dmstars = self.sfr(t)

            GAS: dMg = (-sfr(t) + e(t) + inflows(t) - outflows(t)) * dt
            set up astration, inflow, outflow components
            gas_ast = self.sfr(t)
            gas_inf = inflows(self.sfr(t), self.inflows['xSFR'])
            gas_out = outflows(self.sfr(t), self.outflows['xSFR'])

            METALS: dMz = (-Z*sfr(t) + ez(t) + Z*inflows(t) - Z*outflows(t)) * dt
            set up astration, inflow and outflow components
            metals_ast = astration(metals,mg,self.sfr(t))
            if self.outflows['metals']:
                metals_out = metallicity*outflows(self.sfr(t), self.outflows['xSFR'])
                metals_out = 0.
            metals_inf = self.inflows['metals']*inflows(self.sfr(t), self.inflows['xSFR'])

            DUST: dMd = (-Md/Mg*sfr(t) + ed(t) + Md/Mg*inflows(t) - Md/Mg*outflows(t)
                         - (1-f)*Md/t_destroy + f(1-Md/Mg)*Md/t_graingrowth) * dt
            set up astration, inflows, outflows, destruction, grain growth components
            if self.outflows['dust']:
                mdust_out = (md/mg)*outflows(self.sfr(t), self.outflows['xSFR'])
                mdust_out = 0.
            mdust_inf = self.inflows['dust']*inflows(self.sfr(t), self.inflows['xSFR'])
            mdust_ast = astration(md,mg,self.sfr(t))

            mdust_gg, t_gg = graingrowth(self.choice_dust['gg'], self.epsilon,mg, self.sfr(t), metallicity, md, self.coldfraction)
            mdust_des, t_des = destroy_dust(self.choice_des, self.destroy_ism, mg, r_sn, md, self.coldfraction)

            Get ejected masses from stars when they die
            gas_ej = e(t): ejected gas mass from stars of mass m at t = taum
            metals_stars = ez(t): ejected metal mass from stars of mass m at t = taum (fresh + recycled)
            mdust_stars = ed(t): ejected dust mass from stars of mass m at t = taum (fresh + recycled)
            gas_ej, metals_stars, mdust_stars = \
                    mass_integral(self.choice_dust, self.reduce_sn, t, metallicity, sfr_lookup, z_lookup, self.imf)

            integrate over time for gas, metals and stars (mg, metals, md)
            dmg = -gas_ast + gas_ej + gas_inf - gas_out
            dmetals = -metals_ast + metals_stars + metals_pre + metals_inf - metals_out
            ddust = -mdust_ast + mdust_stars + mdust_inf - mdust_out + mdust_gg - mdust_des
            # dust_source_all separates out the dust sources (Md vs t) wihtout including sinks (Astration etc)
            # and grain growth separately (this is the Md vs time contributed by dust sources)
            dust_source_all = mdust_stars + mdust_gg
            dt = t - prev_t             # calculate  next time step
            prev_t = t
            mstars += dmstars*dt
            mg += dmg*dt # gas mass integral
            if mg <= 0:
                # exit program if all ISM removed
                print ('Oops you have no interstellar medium left')
            metals += dmetals*dt # metal mass integral
            md += ddust*dt # dust mass integral
            md_all += dust_source_all*dt # dust mass sources integral
            md_gg += mdust_gg*dt # dust source from grain growth only
            md_stars += mdust_stars*dt # dust source from stars only
            Z = zip(*z_lookup) # write metallicity to an array
            s_f_r = zip(*sfr_lookup) # write SFR lookup array
            if mg <= 0. or metals <=0:  # write dust/metals ratio
                dust_to_metals = 0.
                dust_to_metals = md/metals
            all_results.append((t, mg, mstars, metals, metallicity, \
                                md, dust_to_metals, self.sfr(t)*1e-9, \
                                md_all, md_stars, md_gg, t_des, t_gg))
            # to test code kinks
        print("Gas, metal and dust mass exterior loop %s" % str(datetime.now()-now))
        return np.array(all_results)