def plot(self): plotAudio(temp2) self.graphpath = "frequency.png"
tmp = list() for x in libr.keys(): tmp.append(x) ##### # Bird types to choose from 0 to 14 t = tmp[2] # ['azrm rep and soundfiles', 'bagm rep and soundfiles', 'bgmr rep and soundfiles', # 'bgmy partial rep and soundfiles', 'bhmb prelim rep display and soundfiles', # 'bmgw rep and soundfiles', 'bmor display and soundfiles done', # 'bomp rep and soundfiles', 'boom rep and soundfiles', 'caim rep and soundfiles', # 'ccym rep and soundfiles', 'cowm rep and soundfiles', 'cyom rep and soundfiles', # 'ggmr rep and soundfiles', 'ggrm rep and soundfiles'] #Play ond plot bird songs counter # of times counter = 10 for x in libr[t]: if counter == 0: break pth = song + t + "/" + x playAudio(pth) # Play song plotAudio(pth) # Plot song counter -= 1 ''' #To print the dictionary for keys in libr.keys(): print("keys:{}:{} {}\n".format(keys, len(libr[keys]),libr[keys])) '''
pth = song + t + "/" + x paths.append(pth) counter -= 1 # In order to see the visual features # of selected song change "HERE" -> paths["HERE"] until 706 #From here to x, sr = librosa.load(paths[222]) librosa.load(paths[222]) #Set title of graphs title = paths[222].split('/')[len(paths[222].split('/')) - 1] plotAudio(paths[222]) #Here X = librosa.stft(x) Xdb = librosa.amplitude_to_db(abs(X)) plt.figure(figsize=(14, 5)) dsp.specshow(Xdb, sr=sr, x_axis='time', y_axis='hz') plt.title(title) #If to pring log of frequencies dsp.specshow(Xdb, sr=sr, x_axis='time', y_axis='log') plt.colorbar() plt.title(title)