Exemplo n.º 1
            print("\t%s --- already done" % (citeKey))
            counter -= 1

        # WordCloud:
        #   colormap: https://matplotlib.org/3.3.3/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
        #   font_path="./fonts/Baskerville.ttc" (path to where your font is)
        #   Documentation: https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud/index.html
        #input("Check the plot!")

# PROCESS ALL RECORDS: WITH PROMPT ########################

============= GENERATING WORDCLOUDS ===============
   Type "YES", if you want to regenerate new files;
Old files will be deleted and new ones regenerated;
Press `Enter` to continue generating missing files.
response = input()

if response.lower() == "yes":
    print("Deleting existing files...")
    functions.removeFilesOfType(settings["path_to_memex"], "_wCloud.jpg")
    print("Generating new files...")
    print("Getting back to generating missing files...")
Exemplo n.º 2
        #   colormap: https://matplotlib.org/3.3.3/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
        #   font_path="./fonts/Baskerville.ttc" (path to where your font is)
        #   Documentation: https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud/index.html
        #input("Check the plot!")

# PROCESS ALL RECORDS: WITH PROMPT ########################
# tfIdf values will change if you add stuff to memex, asks if I want to update my files
============= GENERATING WORDCLOUDS ===============
   Type "YES", if you want to regenerate new files;
Old files will be deleted and new ones regenerated;
Press `Enter` to continue generating missing files.
response = input()

if response.lower() == "yes":
    print("Deleting existing files...")
        "_wCloud.jpg")  #removes existing fiels and generates new ones
    print("Generating new files...")
    )  #function checks if it already exists, thats why it has to be removed first
    print("Getting back to generating missing files...")
Exemplo n.º 3
        # WordCloud:
        #   colormap: https://matplotlib.org/3.3.3/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
        #   font_path="./fonts/Baskerville.ttc" (path to where your font is)
        #   Documentation: https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud/index.html
        #input("Check the plot!")

# PROCESS ALL RECORDS: WITH PROMPT ########################

============= GENERATING WORDCLOUDS ===============

   Type "YES", if you want to regenerate new files;
Old files will be deleted and new ones regenerated;
Press `Enter` to continue generating missing files.

response = input()

if response.lower() == "yes":
    print("Deleting existing files...")
    functions.removeFilesOfType(memexPath, "wordcloud.jpg", "silent")
    print("Generating new files...")
    print("Getting back to generating missing files...")
Exemplo n.º 4
            print("\t%s --- already done" % (citeKey)) #print that a jpg-file with the wordcloud has already been saved
            counter -= 1 #subtract the already existing file 

        # WordCloud:
        #   colormap: https://matplotlib.org/3.3.3/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
        #   font_path="./fonts/Baskerville.ttc" (path to where your font is)
        #   Documentation: https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud/index.html
        #input("Check the plot!")

# PROCESS ALL RECORDS: WITH PROMPT ########################

============= GENERATING WORDCLOUDS ===============
   Type "YES", if you want to regenerate new files;
Old files will be deleted and new ones regenerated;
Press `Enter` to continue generating missing files.
""") #print a statement so that the user can decide whether they want to regenerate existing files as well
response = input()

if response.lower() == "yes": #if they want to regenerate existing files as well
    print("Deleting existing files...") #print a statement that informs about this process
    functions.removeFilesOfType(settings["path_to_memex"], "_wCloud.jpg") #remove these old files
    print("Generating new files...") #print a statement that keeps the user updated
    generateTfIdfWordClouds(settings["path_to_memex"]) #create the new jpg-files with the wordclouds
else: #if they only want to generate missing files
    print("Getting back to generating missing files...") #print a statement that keeps the user updated
    generateTfIdfWordClouds(settings["path_to_memex"]) #create the missing jpg-files with the wordclouds
Exemplo n.º 5
            print("\t%s --- already done" % (citeKey)) #prints that a jpg-file with the wordcloud has already been saved
            counter -= 1 #minus one for every file

        # WordCloud:
        #   colormap: https://matplotlib.org/3.3.3/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
        #   font_path="./fonts/Baskerville.ttc" (path to where your font is)
        #   Documentation: https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud/index.html
        #input("Check the plot!")

# PROCESS ALL RECORDS: WITH PROMPT ########################

============= GENERATING WORDCLOUDS ===============
   Type "YES", if you want to regenerate new files;
Old files will be deleted and new ones regenerated;
Press `Enter` to continue generating missing files.
""") #prints the statement
response = input() #asks you to type yes

if response.lower() == "yes": #if yes
    print("Deleting existing files...") #starts deleting existing files
    functions.removeFilesOfType(settings["path_to_memex"], "_wCloud.jpg") #calls to the function from functionsfile, removes the _wCloud.jpg".
    print("Generating new files...") #prints the line
    generateTfIdfWordClouds(settings["path_to_memex"]) #generates the new files to path_to_memex
    print("Getting back to generating missing files...") #if not, prints this
    generateTfIdfWordClouds(settings["path_to_memex"])#generates the new files to path to memex