Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_title_not_empty(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["title"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'USDA-DM-002: Missing Required Fields')
     errors = ["The 'title' field is present but empty. (1 locations)"]
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_theme_is_array(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["theme"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = ["The field 'theme' must be an array. (1 locations)"]
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_publisher_has_name(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["publisher"] = {}
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Missing Required Fields'
     errors = ["The 'name' field is missing. (1 locations)"]
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_modified_not_empty(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["modified"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Missing Required Fields'
     errors = ["The 'modified' field is present but empty. (1 locations)"]
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_programCode_not_empty(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["programCode"] = []
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Missing Required Fields'
     errors = ["The 'programCode' field is an empty array. (1 locations)"]
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_title_not_too_short(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["title"] = "D"
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get('USDA-DM-002: Invalid Field Value')
     errors = [
         'The \'title\' field is very short (min. 2): "D" (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_issued_is_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["issued"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = ["The field 'issued' is not in a valid format. (1 locations)"]
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_bureu_code_is_string(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["bureauCode"] = [2]
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = ['Each bureauCode must be a string (1 locations)']
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_distribution_required_field_mediaType(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["distribution"] = [{
         "downloadURL": "",
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014 distribution 1: Missing Required Fields'
     errors = ["The 'mediaType' field is missing. (1 locations)"]
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_dataQuality_is_bool(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["dataQuality"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = [
         'The field \'dataQuality\' must be true or false, as a JSON boolean literal (not the string "true" or "false"). (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_email_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["contactPoint"]["hasEmail"] = "mailto:@example.com"
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         'The email address "@example.com" is not a valid email address. (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_describedByType_is_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["describedByType"] = "l"
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value'
     errors = [
         'The describedByType "l" is invalid. It must be in IANA MIME format. (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_programCode_format(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["programCode"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         "The 'programCode' field must be a array but it has a different datatype (string). (1 locations)"
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_modified_format(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["modified"] = "dfsfsdf"
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         'The field "modified" is not in valid format: "dfsfsdf" (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_keyword_is_array(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["keyword"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Update Your File!'
     errors = [
         'The keyword field used to be a string but now it must be an array. (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_accrualPeriodicity_is_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["accrualPeriodicity"] = "R/P10"
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = [
         "The field 'accrualPeriodicity' had an invalid value. (1 locations)"
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_programCode_item_format(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["programCode"] = ["005:9"]
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = [
         'One of programCodes is not in valid format (ex. 018:001): "005:9" (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_isPartOf_is_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["isPartOf"] = 2
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         "The 'isPartOf' field must be a string but it has a different datatype (<class 'int'>). (1 locations)"
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_publisher_is_dictionary(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["publisher"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         "The 'publisher' field must be a <class 'dict'> but it has a different datatype (string). (1 locations)"
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_temporal_is_string(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["temporal"] = []
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = [
         "The field 'temporal' must be a string value if specified. (1 locations)"
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_bureu_code_known(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["bureauCode"] = ['005:48']
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         'The bureau code "005:48" was not found in our list https://project-open-data.cio.gov/data/omb_bureau_codes.csv (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_theme_items_are_strings(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["theme"] = [2]
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = [
         'Each value in the theme array must be a string (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_bureu_code_not_empty(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["bureauCode"] = [""]
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         'The bureau code "" is invalid. Start with the agency code, then a colon, then the bureau code. (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_access_level_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["accessLevel"] = "super-public"
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         'The field \'accessLevel\' had an invalid value: "super-public" (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_PrimaryITInvestmentUII_is_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["PrimaryITInvestmentUII"] = ""
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = [
         "The field 'PrimaryITInvestmentUII' must be a string in 023-000000001 format, if present. (1 locations)"
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_language_is_valid(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["language"] = ["a"]
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Field Value (Optional Fields)'
     errors = [
         'The field \'language\' had an invalid language: "a" (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_keywords_are_strings(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["keyword"] = ["", 2]
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Invalid Required Field Value'
     errors = [
         'A keyword in the keyword array was an empty string. (1 locations)',
         'Each keyword in the keyword array must be a string (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_contact_point_not_empty(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["contactPoint"] = {}
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014: Missing Required Fields'
     errors = [
         "The 'fn' field is missing. (1 locations)",
         "The 'hasEmail' field is missing. (1 locations)"
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 29
 def test_distribution_mediaType(self):
     dataset = self.get_dataset()
     dataset["distribution"] = [{
         "downloadURL": "",
         "mediaType": "s",
     errors = validate_data_json(dataset)
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(
         'Department of Agriculture Congressional Logs for Fiscal Year 2014 distribution 1: Invalid Field Value'
     errors = [
         'The distribution mediaType "s" is invalid. It must be in IANA MIME format. (1 locations)'
     self.assertEqual(errors, get_errors_with_key)
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_fields_missing(self):
     errors = validate_data_json({})
     get_errors_with_key = errors[0].get(': Missing Required Fields')
     self.assertIn("The 'accessLevel' field is missing.",
     self.assertIn("The 'bureauCode' field is missing.",
     self.assertIn("The 'contactPoint' field is missing.",
     self.assertIn("The 'description' field is missing.",
     self.assertIn("The 'identifier' field is missing.",
     self.assertIn("The 'keyword' field is missing.", get_errors_with_key)
     self.assertIn("The 'modified' field is missing.", get_errors_with_key)
     self.assertIn("The 'programCode' field is missing.",
     self.assertIn("The 'publisher' field is missing.", get_errors_with_key)
     self.assertIn("The 'title' field is missing.", get_errors_with_key)